Garg vs. Strider

Garg vs Strider

  • Garg

    Votes: 98 43.0%
  • Strider

    Votes: 130 57.0%

  • Total voters
redpoints said:
I think what would be coolest if a Strider showed up at the A site suddenly just as both teams rush it. That would make CS a hella lot more interesting.

I read that and it came out with the Strider showing up at the A-team.

Go A-team! :D
Nez0nline said:
also to save me the trouble of reading through 8 pages, is the strider a animal/alien or a vehicle? it looks kind of robotic in some pictures
Both. It's biomechanical.
Nez0nline said:
the strider has three legs!! and i remeber reading in pc gamer that the striders could run really fast in open space.

That will probably be the I-wet-my-pants moment in HL2 -- driving a buggy while being chased by a Strider in a full sprint.

(No, I don't KNOW that that happens, so no spoiler here, but the idea is so cool that it BETTER be in there.)
Also, as we seen in the "Strider" Video
It could ram one of its legs into the thing like it did to that one guy
the garg is basically invincible, so he'd kick ass, the only way to kill him in hl1 was with 100000 volts of electricity, and it took a few secs to kill him even then
Btw Garg all the way!!

I remember I could never beat him when I first played HL single player over at my friends when I was like 10 or 11. When I got my hands on it some 5 years later it still took me a while..
ok the garg cant be hurt by machine gun fire. Annnndddd it took a million shots from the charging gun in HL1 to kill it aaannnnnndddd Garg pwns HELL YA
I'll back the tall guys. I think that big energy cannon they've got would fry a Garg before it could bring its flamethrowers to bear. If a Garg got close enough it would bring a Strider down though (think Hyde vs martian tripod in vol. 2 of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).
hmm.. we gotta wait til the game comes out to see how agile the Strider really is and how powerful the cannon really is as well.
and this only speculation on my part but just because we know nothing about the Garg in HL2 does not mean theres no Gargs in HL2 :p
perhaps a Garg is one of the surprises :D
snark^ said:
...(think Hyde vs martian tripod in vol. 2 of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).

The League has to be the worst movie evar!!! The Strider will win, unless it is ambushed... XD
why do they have to fight, it'll probably be more likely that if gargs are included ( i hope so :D ) that you'll end up fighting them both, which could prove troublesome
What's the thin about this gargs? The're like silly ass pigs compared to the striders!...
Feel the striders ownage when he uses hes leg as a huge spear and the machinegun and tha laser thing. The garg will be nothing but an ugly ragdoll in a matter of seconds....

STRIDER POWER! Strider's rock!
Madhotch said:
the garg is basically invincible, so he'd kick ass, the only way to kill him in hl1 was with 100000 volts of electricity, and it took a few secs to kill him even then
No it wasn't! You could kill it with a bunch of 'nades - granted a lot of explosives, but it wasn't invincible.
In any case, we still have no idea how to kill a Strider - just look at how much they took in the end video of the E3 2004 demo...

Dead-Inside said:
I think you're confused, you RAM ass, you don't kick it.
How very witty of you :hmph:
hehe...i drawer.....a drawer!!..if it can resist a drawer it must be I N V I N C I B L E :D
Of course the garg would win! Anyone who doesn't know that needs a life. No, wait...
JackKerouac said:
saddly i dont think the garg will make a showing in half life 2 :(

Well i think there is a possibilty it might, say when your outside of City17 and your ina deserted field or whatever and the garg's are like the main pred's. But i dunno. Do i? Nah. Oh no i might. Nope.

Ps. Strider could dodge the gargs stomp attack thing easily, and his flamethrower wouldnt hurt the strider cos the strider got bone for legs :D.
It all depends on if the Striders main gun can damage the Garg enough .
The strider would just stab a leg through th garg, hold it at bay while it pulverises it with its machine guns.
the strider from what I've seen is pretty slow.
The garg was pretty fast. I was scared to death about it chasing me through the garage.

It could always hug the stider around the legs and tip it over then flame it to death. Or red magic wave it to death.

The strider on the other hand, could spear it with one of its legs.
Garg-kabob anyone?
Annihilator_91 said:
The League has to be the worst movie evar!!! The Strider will win, unless it is ambushed... XD

Peh. What movie? It doesn't exist (denial ain't just a river in Egypt). Meh was talking about the much superior comix, from which one day a decent movie might come -- but it hasn't happened yet...
Madhotch said:
the garg is basically invincible, so he'd kick ass, the only way to kill him in hl1 was with 100000 volts of electricity, and it took a few secs to kill him even then
A few other people have mentioned this, but I'm just going to say it too, because so many people have the wrong idea.

There are at least 3 gargs in the game (as I can recall), the first is in the level Power Up with the generators, the next is -just- before the level Forget About Freeman in the car park, and the last is in Xen where it runs through some caves at you.

All three of these gargs can be killed with explosives - they take 10 grenade-loads of damage, ie, 10 grenades from the MP5, 10 grenades, 10 trip mines or any combination of the above, as long as it takes 100% damage from each shot (so MP5 grenade is the most reliable). Satchel charges seem to do more damage (or at least have a bigger range) than other explosives, so I'm not entirely sure if it would require 10 satchels to kill one, or if you could do it with fewer.

The first garg is supposed to be killed by powering up the generator - the first time I saw it, I just killed it with grenades and MP5 shots.

The second garg is supposed to be killed by calling in the air-strike. It took me 3-4 times before I managed to work this out and execute it in time; first times I just died, and one time I just killed it with my grenades etc, but was badly damaged and then discovered the air-strike targetting system.

As far as I know, the 3rd garg is simply supposed to be evaded, which you can do by hiding inside a small cave. You can kill it if you want, but there's really no point.

Also, in the last battle with the giant baby, if you keep getting teleported by it, eventually you start to spawn in the large room full of water with a garg to keep you company above-ground. Which, like every other garg in the game, can be killed with explosives.