Geforce 7800 demos now out

On Starcraft
Starcraft? Starcraft is a 2D game! The FPS you get is entirley based on how many sprites there are for each animation.
Gorgon said:
FX57 ain't worth upgrade, waiting for FX62 or FX58.

and my old cards sold for £350 (both) on :cheers:

What a geek you are :) I guess your previous card(s!) would serve you well for still quite a long time.
stinger.aim92 said:
What a geek you are :) I guess your previous card(s!) would serve you well for still quite a long time.

yeah I know. I like updating my pc every 6 months ;)
Minerel said:
Starcraft? Starcraft is a 2D game! The FPS you get is entirley based on how many sprites there are for each animation.
doesn't stop fraps from eating your resources.
I'ma try this out on my 6600GT... which can barely run the 6800 demos *cough*

My 'puters gonna'splode.

As an aside, I can run the majority of the ATi graphics demos on my 6600... Pipedream FTW.