george bush assassinated


Dec 10, 2005
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^^this is an article about a documentary depicting the assassination of george bush made by london's brilliant channel 'More4', a channel created by the same company that bring us channel four.

the article is short, there are probably better ones but the general gist from reading about this in newspapers is that the US is 'absoultely outraged' by it. newspapers also stated in numerous different ways that the general consensus in london is that it's a shame it's fictional.

the drama uses computer enhanced black and white imagery to reinact the attempted killing of ronald reagan in Hackney, only with george bush.

it will air on the first anniversary of More4 on october 9th. don't miss it, it's sure to be brilliant.
Damn you getting my hopes up with your thread titles.
Yes, because Dick Cheney taking over is GREAT NEWS!
i can't tell you how happy the opening posts in this thread have made me.

if only it was true...
there's gonna be a world wide party when he finally cops it.
I was going to say something, and it was going to be hillarious.

So assume I did.
Oh yeah, Stewart + Colbert for Prez!
sorry sol, i was only joking but now i feel mean. if anyone's destined to have a thread about people wanting me dead it's me. people pretty much hate me here.
lol. assassinating bush isn't going to bring home US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

edit: although I'm sure a lot of people would like to see him killed.... *shrug*
"george bush assassinated "


Yes, because Dick Cheney taking over is GREAT NEWS!

what makes you think he hasnt already taken over?

bush is a figurehead take him out and nothing changes except now every american would back an invasion of syria or whomever they suspected of being behind the plot ..regardless if it were justfied or not
Not many people would care. This is a pretty apathetic nation.

Then again, so is most of the world.
the president could get caught with his pants down in a school bus full of children and if a week later he was assasinated by a foreign national (syrian, Iranian, etc) all memory of his dalliances with children would go "poof". He'd be a national hero and all of america would galvanize together in supporting the US bringing those responsible to justice.
I know the people here Stern. Many of them either don't think much of Bush or just don't care for politics and politicians. Not to say you wouldn't want the men responsible brought to justice, he was the president after all, but it wouldn't be on the level that say, Lincoln had when he was assassinated. He made many of the same decisions Bush made and yet people still loved him. Bush's approval rating is quite low compared to when Lincoln was shot.
This is a shameful thread, and the majority of the reactions to it have made me utterly regretful that I call myself a member of this community. What makes you people better than Bush, if secretly(or not so) you hope for the murder of the man? Even if you don't value the human life which the name represents, it is still the office of the leader of the most powerful and free nation on Earth. What nation has done more to bring humanity together? To illuminate the path of liberty and justice? Yes America has made mistakes in the past, and personally I disagree with Bush and the war, but this doesn't justify the despicable loathing for the mans life.

To wish for someone's murder(or to be hypothetically greatful for it) only makes you a hateful person and nothing more. Not a superior, or greater, or smarter person. Only hateful to the core, and hate is the very thing which we must fight against in all of this.
I know the people here Stern. Many of them either don't think much of Bush or just don't care for politics and politicians. Not to say you wouldn't want the men responsible brought to justice, he was the president after all, but it wouldn't be on the level that say, Lincoln had when he was assassinated. He made many of the same decisions Bush made and yet people still loved him. Bush's approval rating is quite low compared to when Lincoln was shot.

yes but he's still the president of the US ..even I would feel some sympathy for him (a tiny teenie weenie bit)
Not many people would care. This is a pretty apathetic nation.

Then again, so is most of the world.

Its not that we are apethetic... its just nothing to get emotional over.

George Bush dies... it would be some "meh" with a possible side of "horray!".

Neil Armstrong dies... everyone cries.
Michael Collins, nobody cares.

Wait, who is Michael Collins?
This is a shameful thread, and the majority of the reactions to it have made me utterly regretful that I call myself a member of this community. What makes you people better than Bush, if secretly(or not so) you hope for the murder of the man? Even if you don't value the human life which the name represents, it is still the office of the leader of the most powerful and free nation on Earth. What nation has done more to bring humanity together? To illuminate the path of liberty and justice? Yes America has made mistakes in the past, and personally I disagree with Bush and the war, but this doesn't justify the despicable loathing for the mans life.

To wish for someone's murder(or to be hypothetically greatful for it) only makes you a hateful person and nothing more. Not a superior, or greater, or smarter person. Only hateful to the core, and hate is the very thing which we must fight against in all of this.

He'd deserve it. Who says so? Me. damnit, now **** you.


Bush dead = automatic state of emergency.

Which can mean no elections for 20 years! Dick Cheney rules for 2 decades with martial law! MWHAHAHAHAH..ha..

Am I the only one who hates him but not enough for him to be dead? D:
Am I the only one who hates him but not enough for him to be dead? D:

Well, I don't hate him, nor even dislike him, but would still like to see him dead. D:

:p j/k
Numbers, you kidster : P Anyway, I do NOT agree with the general consencus here, I don't want bush dead, sure removed perhaps or impeached but not dead, why not try to get him into Guantanamo Bay 4 life ya'll?:LOL:
Bush dead = automatic state of emergency.

Which can mean no elections for 20 years! Dick Cheney rules for 2 decades with martial law! MWHAHAHAHAH..ha..


You may be on the right track there actually... I can see that happening. It would be the perfect excuse for a political coup by bush's puppetmasters.
I do hate Bush, but not so much as to kill him because I only dont like him for being a war mongerer. If anyone needs to be killed, its Blair. Why? Because he commited treason when he lied to the country about Saddam containing weapons of mass destruction, just so he could join the US (when they really didn't our help) and get lot of young soldiers killed (quarter by friendly fire, thank you very much US Army). He lied to his country and betrayed it, he commited treason, he sent a lot of men to their deaths AND is still doing it! If anyone needs to be shot, its that twat of a prime minister!

Even if you don't value the human life which the name represents, it is still the office of the leader of the most powerful and free nation on Earth. What nation has done more to bring humanity together? To illuminate the path of liberty and justice? Yes America has made mistakes in the past, and personally I disagree with Bush and the war, but this doesn't justify the despicable loathing for the mans life.
For god sake, leave the american patriotic shit out of here please!
Because he commited treason when he lied to the country about Saddam containing weapons of mass destruction, just so he could join the US (when they really didn't our help) and get lot of young soldiers killed (quarter by friendly fire, thank you very much US Army). He lied to his country and betrayed it, he commited treason, he sent a lot of men to their deaths AND is still doing it! If anyone needs to be shot, its that twat of a prime minister!

You sir, have a very weird idea of what treason is.
Mother of all misleading thread titles...
ÞIcarus said:
this doesn't justify the despicable loathing for the mans life.
Does the fact that he's probably directly responsible for quite a lot of deaths?

I don't want him dead, by the way.
Raped by shit-crazed barbary apes on speed, but not dead.
hundreds of thousands of innocent lives have been lost because of him.

'ang 'im.