Get bant


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Summer's coming, but first there is the traditional coming-of-age ritual to endure: the end of year exam. Preparation for the ritual requires intense and labourious contemplation. You can hardly blame a lot of students for just opting out wholesale, and allowing themselves to be distracted.

Are you one of those students? Addicted to Find it impossible to do the work you need to do? Spending your time procrastinating instead of producing? Post here, and I'll be happy to ban you for as long as you like, as long as is necessary for you to do the things you need to do out there in the real world.

Really, I'll be very happy to help.
I'd like a banner.

Ban me on May 31st k, for 28 days. Don't forget..

Sulkdodds, doing what he does best.
I'd like a banner.

Ban me on May 31st k, for 28 days. Don't forget..

Sulkdodds, doing what he does best.

Haha, you forgot to specify the year. Prepare to be banned on May 31, 2030.
Summer's coming, but first there is the traditional coming-of-age ritual to endure: the end of year exam. Preparation for the ritual requires intense and labourious contemplation. You can hardly blame a lot of students for just opting out wholesale, and allowing themselves to be distracted.

Are you one of those students? Addicted to Find it impossible to do the work you need to do? Spending your time procrastinating instead of producing? Post here, and I'll be happy to ban you for as long as you like, as long as is necessary for you to do the things you need to do out there in the real world.

Really, I'll be very happy to help.

What a copy.

If I was a mod, I would have made this thread... Hours ago!


My exams finish Friday, then I can finally play GTA4 :D
You can ban me for a week this coming July. (I'll let you know when) It would be much obliged Sulkdodds. I simply must pass my exams as they cost too much money for me to take and fail.

Plus, spending spare time posting here when I could be gaming pisses me off too. is definately a compulsive habit I can't afford to continue before the end-of-quarter finals.
can still browse can't you? -_-
I'm not really an internet junkie tbh besides a few sites including I just bring up my school work and check the forum pages from time to time.

Never got into social networking sites like MySpace either.

Also, I don't know what it feels like to get banned. Does the physical being of those who are banned get placed in some sort of "Eternal Space" prison? :p
your too late, my exams ended last week. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT I ONLY GOT A 3.0 GPA!
We should all have a week long banning session. Just for the luls
This thread reminds me of the thread Moot held in /b/; stating that any poster that posted in that particular thread would get perma-bant.

Many anon were culled.
This treatment worked well for me, I advise people to use the option. It is worth it.
Eh? Sounds like people need to get a little more self-control rather than a ban. To each their own I suppose.
I'm 22, I care not for your exams nor do I have any of my own.

My advise is just get off and revise, you only have exams once, will still be here after and for a long time to come, putting off revision can only serve to hurt your results.

Also don't flip out, the worst happens is you have to re-evaluate your plans, resit an exam or change your future job/uni plans, whatever, you could easily change your mind what you want to do anyway, so just relax, revise, and do your best, and make the best of your results.
What happens when you ban Munro? Is that something like dividing by zero?
It should be imagined so, or maybe he will kill off all the mods with his pointy stick and break his bant
You can ban me on 31st May 2008. Then you can unban me on 1st June 2008.
You can ban me on the 1st June 2008. Then you can unban me on the 31st May 2008.
You can ban me on the 2008th June 2008. Then you can unban me on 1st May 31.
You can unban me on 31st May 2008. Then you can ban me on 1st June 2008.

Oh shi-
To TheDude, that's an incubus song, and they are an Not emo!

We're going to be seeing alot of people banned here. June Especially. No activity at all..
You can ban me on 31st May 2008. Then you can unban me on 1st June 2008.

But please dont ban me.
Hey, listen, I'm not going to trawl through this thread later and ban people by future arrangement. When you want to get banned, post here, otherwise I don't want to hear from you.

That's right. Your contribution to the site is worthless, unless it is to effect your swift removal.
Just make threads insulting moot, anon and /b/ repetitively.
My banhammer is hungry... surely some of you want to feed it!
:o I wuv you sulkdobs, i aren't no mean to get it angry
This is still a maybe, but it is possible that I'll need a banning on May 22-24 to work on a research paper for John Browning. Remember the key word: MAYBE.

I'll report back at a latter date