Getting a girlfriend.


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
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I have come to realize that being nice these days get you no where with women. To get a woman you have to be a complete ass, rude, obnoxious, pretty much downright mean to them. I am a nice guy, and I have noticed this happen to me numerous times. I can't contemplate the times my friend has repeatedly hit girls, made fun of them, etc. and got them to like him over myself. I am not one of the "hot guys" nor am I one of the "ugly guys", I am good looking so I heard from some girls (can't tell if they are being truthful or just trying to not hurt my feelings), but everytime I try to go for a woman, her interest always fades away and goes towards the mean guy, the ass. I have found this horrible and can't stand it anymore. Life should be more like the 50's, where being nice actually got you somewhere.

This is my 2 cents.

I would like to hear your comments on this. Cheers. :cheers:
I've heard good things about the eunuch lifestyle. Sure it stings at first, but you'll be free of all such problem as these in no time.
ask tr0n for some "favors"

And are we talking about just one girl?
Neutrino said:
I've heard good things about the eunuch lifestyle. Sure it stings at first, but you'll be free of all such problem as these in no time.
Dude, ow.
If a girl is interested in assholes then shes not worth being interested in.

You don't really have to be mean, obnoxious etc.

Just tease them in a friendly way. I've gotten girls off guys who are 'assholes' and who girls generaly go towards.
Ritz said:
If a girl is interested in assholes then shes not worth being interested in.


My thoughts exactly.

Maybe you are looking for girls in the wrong place.
Ritz said:
If a girl is interested in assholes then shes not worth being interested in.


I agree with Ritz here. No point in changing who you are to be with a girl initially. If she doesn't like your type, she doesn't like your type. Some day along the line, when she's in an abused women's shelter, i'm sure she'll regret having wanted to go for the abusive bad boys.

I'd rather go for a woman who likes me for who I am, who appreciates being treated like a queen.
Shamrock said:
To get a woman you have to be a complete ass, rude, obnoxious, pretty much downright mean to them.

I don't know about the girls you know, but if someone was like that with me, they'd get a knee in the crotch.

Like ritz said, if a girl only goes for that type of guy, then she isnt worth your attention.
You should watch the 5th episode of "You are a f*cking moron". They have some tips for picking up chicks.
You can watch it here.
Don't take it too serious though, I just like it because of the satir. :p
Whoah, whoah, whoah... Not worth his time?

Heh. I don't know about you people, but I'd have no problem with acting a bit more like an asshole if it results in a little action. No relationship. No strings attached. Just a quick roll in the hay and you're on your way. You can ditch her ass afterwards.

And if you're seen as an even bigger asshole because of that, then you win even more!
Absinthe said:
Whoah, whoah, whoah... Not worth his time?

Heh. I don't know about you people, but I'd have no problem with acting a bit more like an asshole if it results in a little action. No relationship. No strings attached. Just a quick roll in the hay and you're on your way. You can ditch her ass afterwards.

And if you're seen as an even bigger asshole because of that, then you win even more!

Heh, if all you want is sex, and don't care about self respect. Sure, go for it. I don't enter relationships for sex.
Shamrock said:
I have come to realize that being nice these days get you no where with women. To get a woman you have to be a complete ass, rude, obnoxious, pretty much downright mean to them. I am a nice guy, and I have noticed this happen to me numerous times. I can't contemplate the times my friend has repeatedly hit girls, made fun of them, etc. and got them to like him over myself. I am not one of the "hot guys" nor am I one of the "ugly guys", I am good looking so I heard from some girls (can't tell if they are being truthful or just trying to not hurt my feelings), but everytime I try to go for a woman, her interest always fades away and goes towards the mean guy, the ass. I have found this horrible and can't stand it anymore. Life should be more like the 50's, where being nice actually got you somewhere.

This is my 2 cents.

I would like to hear your comments on this. Cheers. :cheers:
I've said this before: do you actually express an interest, or just hang around being 'nice' ?
Raziaar said:
Heh, if all you want is sex, and don't care about self respect. Sure, go for it. I don't enter relationships for sex.

Who says I'm looking for a relationship? Just a little play, that's all.

Not sure if I should be worrying about my self-respect. I think that should be the chick, seeing as how she's the one that apparently wants to marry a wife-beater later in life.
Absinthe said:
Who says I'm looking for a relationship? Just a little play, that's all.

Not sure if I should be worrying about my self-respect. I think that should be the chick, seeing as how she's the one that apparently wants to marry a wife-beater later in life.

Alright... but the original poster wants a relationship I think. Not just a sexual partner. The two are not one and the same, not always.

As for self respect, I was only talking about the idea of lying about who you are, trying to appear as some mean badass when you know you're not, and that you wouldn't like to be one.
Raziaar said:
As for self respect, I was only talking about the idea of lying about who you are, trying to appear as some mean badass when you know you're not, and that you wouldn't like to be one.

I'm very malleable. :E
Eventually they learn that going for the badass isn't exactly the best choice of a person to date....
Any girl that likes that kind of asshole...well she's not worth your attention.
She'll get everything she deserves.
And if you're nice, you'll get what you want too eventually.
Worked for me, after 4+ years of searching finally found the one right for me.
if u want a gf, all u have to do is show that u like her. Try to court her. Its not a big deal if she says she dont like you. if she does, go find another girl to hit on. Just dont get too serious with them girls at early stages of the relationship.
destrukt said:
You don't really have to be mean, obnoxious etc.

Just tease them in a friendly way. I've gotten girls off guys who are 'assholes' and who girls generaly go towards.

ComradeBadger said:
I've said this before: do you actually express an interest, or just hang around being 'nice' ?

dj_flameskull said:
if u want a gf, all u have to do is show that u like her. Try to court her. Its not a big deal if she says she dont like you. if she does, go find another girl to hit on. Just dont get too serious with them girls at early stages of the relationship.

I think these are some of the main points to touch on. Girls generally don't really want a jerk, but at the same time they don't want a wuss either. Try to strike a nice balance.
pr0nking said:
best way to get a girlfriend is to buy one ^_^
I can already tell you're gonna die...

lol. Most probably. But seriously best way isn't to hang around them being nice, otherwise you become friends. Go out with them with a group of friends, flirt get there mobile(cell phone, if you're american :p) number and send them not over the top, but nice subtle sms messages. Just avoid making a friendship first, you'll only crash and burn. But gain a nice friend who you masturbate and dream over.
u guys got it all wrong.....u dont gotta be a hard ass or a nice guy to get a girl.......u gotta be funny and witty....chances are if your nice...the chick may or may not have a good time with you...but if your funny..then shes gonna have fun...hence shes gonna want to bang ur brains for me
Being funny is nice, but I wouldn't push it too hard. If you come off as a goofball, then that might steer away some of the ladies. And in the case where you do get somebody to date you, then it's probably as a lark.
I am a nice person and I find it hard to find females I actually like, but I don't plan on been an ass hole just to get a girl. I will just wait until someone likes me and may be I will feel the same. Its actually quite pathetic how you would change your life just to get a girl.
some good points here....funny is good though and you just got to have confidence after that...
Since I got back to the dating scene not too long ago let me comment. It's not about being an asshole or being nice. Girls don't like guys that will do everything they want as they will only take advantage of that guy. Girls aren't stupid and they always know what you are after. The important thing is to be clear about what you are after and make sure you are confident. When you meet a girl keep the conversation about her; you will be amazed at how long a girl can talk about herself. She will then try to find out everything she can about you. Make sure you don't go in to details because if you don't it will keep her interested. As long as you can keep a girl interested you will have her. Being nice or being an asshole doesn't have much to do with it.

Oh, and one more thing; girls are just as horny as you are.

There, my love advice for today.
IchI said:
I am a nice person and I find it hard to find females I actually like, but I don't plan on been an ass hole just to get a girl. I will just wait until someone likes me and may be I will feel the same. Its actually quite pathetic how you would change your life just to get a girl.
If you change your life you will not be successful. I hate to sound like Dr. Phil here but you are an interesting person. There are many people out there that are more interesting than you, this is true and every person in this world has that same problem. The important thing is to keep the girl interested with what you have. However, if you try to change yourself you will only end up looking phony and uninteresting. Remember, girls can smell this a mile away. This is not to say that you shouldn't go out with more people and go to the gym when you can; but if you change your attitude it won't work out.
bliink said:
I don't know about the girls you know, but if someone was like that with me, they'd get a knee in the crotch.

Like ritz said, if a girl only goes for that type of guy, then she isnt worth your attention.


You've just got to find a girl who appreciates you for who you are.. don't go changing yourself
SHIPPI said:

You've just got to find a girl who appreciates you for who you are.. don't go changing yourself

So there really is someone out there for a paedophilic necrophile?

/me tosses out "Personality changes for dummies"

Murray_H said:
So there really is someone out there for a paedophilic necrophile?

/me tosses out "Personality changes for dummies"

Yeah, that person just happened to be dead, that's all.

Don't feel bad Murray

SHIPPI said:

You've just got to find a girl who appreciates you for who you are.. don't go changing yourself
Cheesy but true as hell.
I'm extremely lucky to have found my girlfriedn. I'd consider myself like you: not extremely good looking, but definitely not bad looking either and I managed to bag a beautiful girl (actually, both our pictures are on the site in my sig, she's the pink haired girl, I'm the guy in the obviously photoshopped image) whom I had a crush on for about a year before we started seeing each other, and now we live together.
It's definitely not about being an ass, just don't go for the kind of girls who dig that stuff.
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah, that person just happened to be dead, that's all.

Don't feel bad Murray


It's alright, gives me some peace