getting home on novemeber 16th


well since tuesday is my 1 class day 12:00-1:15 ill probably get up early say around 7am - play for about3 hrs , get ready for school, be home by 1:45 play from 1:45 - 10:pm : :naughty:
I have a half day on the tuesday at college and wednesday is my day off ;D
so a good looooooooooooooong play time
November 16th:
12:01am - 7:00am Sleep
7:01am - 8:59am Play Half-Life 2
9:00am - 11:00am Class
11:01am - 12:59pm Eat, and Play Half-Life 2
1:00pm - 1:59pm Class
2:00pm - ?? Play Half-Life 2 all must be like...15 or 16. to be that young :D

Glad I'm over 20, and can not go to 'school' if I choose to, but, since I am paying 52,000 for a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Animation, I suppose I can suffer a 2 hour class and be home at 1, give or take.... :D
No lectures on that day until 2pm - what do I do then? Shove it on laptop and off I go! I'm sure my lecturer would notice if I left the sound on tho!

Man, a mobile GFFX5200 does *not* kick ass!
Atomi said:
Yeah, but you can't sleep for more than 4 hours during daytime. Just impossible. Maybe if you were ultra tired.

Wow, you have no idea what some of us college students go through. Hell, if I wanted to, I could crash right now and not be up until 11pm...and it's barely 4pm right now..
ferdelancebz said:
Wow, you have no idea what some of us college students go through. Hell, if I wanted to, I could crash right now and not be up until 11pm...and it's barely 4pm right now..

True dat! :E
Hah, yeah. Ill be taking a "Sick day." the 16th

Oh but do you know what would be cool? Record low attendence for schools on the 16th. :cheers:
I have class at 4:30 on the 16th. I'm going to go to the store I work at before it opens, get my copy, and go home and play it. Of course, I may be able to convince my boss to let me bring home a copy a day before and pay for it later....
I see it like this:

7:00 to 8:30 - Play HL2.

9:00 to 1:00 - Think of HL2 all the time at work

1:30 to 2:00 - Play HL2

Maybe I should schedule meals in there...
I am so freakin excited, I want to click into every thread and do a quick post with the word GOLD in it!!!!!!
I have school till around 3 PM and then at 4 I will be home playing HL2, screw dinner and family I will be locked in my room all night exploring all the Orwellian Wonders of City 17.
I'll switch my day off durring the week for the 16th. Easy as that.
Play all day.
My damn birthday is 16.novermber. lol Its a sign from god himself!
Well who knows, i might have off, my schools calander is odd, (IE. We had school on columbus day, yet we have off thsi thrursday for some strange reason)
Skeeze said:
So im sittin there in math class, impatiently watching the clock when I pull this crowbar outta my back-pack...

Teacher: "Mr. Bush...what are you doing..."
Teacher:"Calm down...who's Gordon Freeman?"
Me: "What the F*ck did you just say...that's blasphemy..."
Teacher: "Watch your mouth or your going straight to the administrator..."
Sweat starts to drip down from my brow...

Me: "The Administrator....Breen...he's here??!"
Teacher: "...?"
Me: " Take me to him..."
At this point all the kids in the room are either laughing or sitting there not knowing whats going on...

Teacher: "Well...if you really want to, i'll take you the to office..."

We arrive at the office...I wait patiently in the Administrator's office for him to show himself...
He walks in... taller than I thought.

Me: "So this is the administrator eh..."
Principle: "You could say that...yes"
Me: "Look like a pussy to could you rule our government...?"
Principle: "...?"

I rise from the chair..brandishing my crowbar...

Principle: " SRO (Student Resource Officer) get in here!, this kid has a weapon!"

The SRO walks in...he goes for his gun, but isn't quick enough, I come at him with a flurry of swings...screaming " WHERE'S THAT BEER YOU OWE ME!?!?!?!" The entire time...he is screaming something...but all I hear is " Don't tick me off Gordon!"...

He's I take his gun...kill the princip....Dr. Breen...then quickly rush through halls towards the parking lot...shooting whoever crosses my path....they're all just scientists anyway...I make it to my car...speed home...start up Steam...and not leave my room for another few weeks...thats pretty much how Nov. 16 is gonna go for me...

Great, CNN is gonna get ahold of this...
well, I have a calc class on tuesdays around 8 am, so I can get 7 hours or so of play in after midnight. Then I have a literature class around 2, so I get 3 hours after calc and befor lit... then I have about 8 hours till its technically the next day. That gives me 18 hours to play the day its out if I dont have a exam to study for, so I bet I can beat it the day its out.
i'm gonna take vacations from work to play for a week, straight, and get it first, i'll go to the shop at like 6 am. before it opens.
haha i have ati voucher so i dont have to go to store...but i have not dled any of the preorders yet, gonna do that in couple of weeks but before nov 17
I think skeeze needs a lesson on what jokes can get you in serious trouble.
hunter-killer25 said:
how do you think you can see yourself getting home on the 16th. I wouldn't be surprised for me if the second the bell rings 9th period english i grab my backpack and plow through all the desks to the door. I'll pull out a giant 2x4 and hold it in front of me, mowing down everyone in my path.
I'll run down the one mile hill, most likely still holding the 2x4 swatting the people walking in front of me away into the road. then i'll toss the deformed peice of wood away and it will hit some car causing a massive pileup and diverting the police's attention from me as i run as fast as i can to my house.
Haha, and if someone did this without having it purchased on steam, they'd realize they forgot to buy the game at a shop.
S**T!! It's on a Tuesday! ;( I will be sitting in GAY school... :angry: Well I will be in a good mood that day at least. :) That's all I will be thinking of. Screw homework!! :)
Ownzed said:
S**T!! It's on a Tuesday! ;( I will be sitting in GAY school... :angry: Well I will be in a good mood that day at least. :) That's all I will be thinking of. Screw homework!! :)

Hey, pay attention in school. You dont want to wind up poor and working 80 hours a week when halflife 3 comes out.
Well lets see, I've got one hour of class at 10am, one hour at 2pm. So... if I can stand sitting 2 hours in college... I think I should be alright on Tuesday. Getting home wont be a problem.. my car can fly when I want it to. :P
i have exam study break during that period so ill be home already :)
im pissed, i want to cancle my pre-order at eb games but i cant find my receipt and confirmation paper. i want to switch to either silver or gold steam edition, but i want to cancle my other order first. does anyone know if i can present my i.d. to get my refund or will i need my receipt? pm me if you know. i cant check at the store because im at college now and wont be able to drive home; this is also another reason for the cancleation. i wont be able to drive an hour to go pick up my copy. i know ill get into a wreck as i drive back like a madman.
Just log into using your email and pw...Cancel your order; it's really quite simple.

I cancelled my Hl2 CE order so i could snag the Gold for $70 :D (slight bit o' parental help..."im an animator, i need this, hook me up")
I have a class at 11:00 that day... then not again until 2:00... to play for that agonizing short time in between... or to wait for the big binge... :P
i will probably go to one class on tuesday just b/c attendance is required and its for points... which means I will lose out on one hour - which will be a good break anyway... assuming it will be released 12:01am Nov 16, I will get home from school monday round 3:30... and sleep till 11:30pm... then prepare for the crowbar bashing fun... 8hrs straight gameplay... 1hr school... and the next 5 days are all cleared out for HL2 (unless i go to my g/fs parents home for thnxgivin for a day and a half... which still leaves 3.5 days to play HL2 before school!)
Two skips for me is an in school suspention. So are 6 lates (of 1 minute or more). Christian schools suck. :angry:

Oh well, I'll just be doing a little less homework than usual. Trigonometric functions can't be that hard, right? I'll stick to:
f(t) = a(1/2)^(t/x) <---- Screwy Half-Life notiation. :rolling:
It's gotta suck to be in highschool still...and not have a car, and listen to your parents, a general teenager.

To all my college 'homies' out there on the hl2 forums...isn't it great to be us? :D
Hah! Well luckily for me, my timetable allows me to go home at 12pm, so what I'll do is set off to the city centre, go into work, buy the game at a 15% discount price, put it in my bag so it's nice and safe and no1 can steal it, get home, read the back of the box, open box, install as i read the manual, game install completes, the "Play HL2" button is displayed...

So at about 12:45pm-4:45pm on Tuesday I will get to play HL2 completely UNINTERRUPTED by parents, sisters, brothers, friends... people! It will be just me, the rattling of my pc, and HL2! And then on the following Wednesday, 9am-1:30pm, another 4hrs or so of uninterrupted Hl2. and then on the following thursday....!!


Am trying to learn my A-levels in advanced now so that Hl2 doesnt affect my grades and so that when hL2 comes i wont feel guilty or worried that ive suddenly stopped revising.
Dunno....might play it after the kids are in bed and the wife stops moaning