getting home on novemeber 16th

I will go to work, come home, start the unlocking process, and maybe play a bit after I've eaten.

I'm sorry, but I just can't get so freakin'excited about a computer game FFS.
I'm taking the week off work. I've been waiting not so patiently for the confirmed release date, so I can take the whole week off.

It'll be great cos I'll have GTA:SA, Halo 2 and HL2 to play the entire week.

Then a few weeks later I'll be off for two weeks for christmas. :cheers:
It will be far more rewarding to control yourself until you get home. Why not savour these moments? You won't get them again till another 6/7 years.
Nov.16th will be a normall day for me, get up at 7am, go to work, get back 4pm (If its an early day) then if hl2 is out I will play it, most likely wont unlock on steam till late at night though for gmt+0 peeps.
hunter-killer25 said:
... reset my own bowns. stay home for a month

Hrmm.. maybe you should rethink spending time away from school to play HL2 and go to English class more often ;)
Yeah Right

Im at school... until about 13 oclock... after that Im going to
grab my bike and ride like never before to
the nearest Game shop, which should be dixons for me...
then theyll tell me that it hasnt arrived yet (like DX2 on that afternoon) and I will wait there until I have it ;)
ferdelancebz said:
It's gotta suck to be in highschool still...and not have a car, and listen to your parents, a general teenager.

To all my college 'homies' out there on the hl2 forums...isn't it great to be us? :D

And I just want to give a big shout out to us nearly 30 year old IT professionals who have the biggest disposable incomes and are able to play games whenever we want and not have to worry about a bloody thing :) (except for wife and kids - but they can just f***ing wait)
sounds like theres gonna be alot of under age gaming going on! looks like 18 rating according to box art!
Think of Manhunt when it was blamed for a stabbing in the UK!
We dont want u kids running around with guns shooting people cause this game will warp your minds and turn u into killers!!
hehe only kidding. play play play its up2 the parents :smoking:

Personally ive got a week off that week and i shall sleep all monday and wake upat 0:00 on west cost time about 8am uk time and just wait for steam. if its too busy my collector ed box should come as well!!

Just want to say enjoy the game everyone! :sniper:
Im taking like all week off. Not getting up from my chair.
My class ends at 15.40, and then all the games will be out, but I'll buy in a brake.
Spugmaster said:
And I just want to give a big shout out to us nearly 30 year old IT professionals who have the biggest disposable incomes and are able to play games whenever we want and not have to worry about a bloody thing :) (except for wife and kids - but they can just f***ing wait)

Here, here! I got the wife, but no kids. Also, my wife is in school for her PhD in Pharmacology so she'll be studying or reading, and I can play HL2 all I want!!
Yea, that day will be cool. I'll cram to get all of my homework done in study hall, get home, and stay up all night gaming! It'll rock...
of course, i'll be dead for school, but that's what caffeine is for!

Actually, i'll probably get to sleep early on Monday. Then, I'll wake up at like 3:00 at night (12:00 valve time). Hopefully they'll do a "midnight release" on steam, and i'll be able to get it then! That would be cool too....
Conviently I have no classes or work on Tuesdays :naughty:

And the next week I dont have class from the 23-26 due to Thanksgiving Break. Just have to Request of of Work those days too. I still have 52 hours of Paid Leave. So I can get paid for playing HL2! :P