Girl loses feet

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sorry, I have nothing against this thread, but I just have to take a step back a moment -

I was practically butt raped for my animal cruelty thread, (a thread about how when I was little I put elmers glue on my cat) people were so mad infact in had to be closed.

Yet at the same time we have an entire thread about making jokes about a girl that got her legs torn off.

This place reeks with hypocrisy.

(keep in mind this is not directed to the poster, I am just saying in general)
Animal Cruelty Adentures? That sounds like a gag-porno flick of animal porn tbh :p

If you had just named it Animal Cruelty it probably would have come over more objectively.

As for this thread: I also do not condoen this, but I'm rather sure that everyoen who posted here felt sorry for her and her relatives. But unless you're calling her to tell her all these jokes and you don't hurt her personally, making puns of this doesn't seem too horrible to me.
God damn I hate hearing about rides and roller coasters that go wrong. I have dreams about that kind of thing happening.

How terrible. You go for a day of fun and you end up having your life take a horrible turn.
I don't quite understand why this topic remains open and the animal cruelty one got closed. If anything, this one should have been locked since it's simply brimming with jokes at a girl's crippling misfortune, whereas at least in the other one the creator admitted that what he did was regretful and shitty.

Not that I am morally against either of them.
(joke about the people other than her AT the theme park)
Does everyone there talk like a southerner?
They all seem to have bad grammar.
ooh... kentucky.. no wonder.
You done and broketed my daisy's leg. You best be renting her movies at da lieberry so she can done and get that comfort.

I am new here, but I don't care, my dad lost both of his ****ing legs in the war.

Do you know how depressing it is to watch him struggle with simple daily tasks???

It breaks my heart to hear so many people laugh at someone who is disabled like my dad. I've been on a few sites like this before, but never have I read a thread this terrible.
Nice job seagull.

Anyway, Youll find a lot of these threads. don't take peoples jokes seriously.
Anyone notice the double negative?

"When I got up there, the lady she was just sitting there, and she didn't have no legs. ... And she was just there, calm, probably in shock from everything."
does anyone notice the massive word DICK written on Seagull's forhead? Oh wait, thats just his ego
Welcome to the internet.

uh, yeah, I know a dick when I see one, trust me, and your guys' dicks don't impress me much.

I am offended because my dad lost both his legs, I'd expect a moderator to have some sympathy, guess your all immature

I am new here, but I don't care, my dad lost both of his ****ing legs in the war.

Do you know how depressing it is to watch him struggle with simple daily tasks???

It breaks my heart to hear so many people laugh at someone who is disabled like my dad. I've been on a few sites like this before, but never have I read a thread this terrible.

oh man you should have been herw when what his was talking about rape.

That was really bad,"it's just penetration"
I'm sorry to say, no one's here to impress you, first off. And second, in case you mistook my comment, the fact is that here on the internet you're going to run into people whose opinions and sense of humor may run counter to yours. Empathy isn't universal, and this is especially true on the internet. People have laughed at more than just lost of limbs, believe me.

It's somewhat hard to be completely empathetic with people you don't know in situations you don't really care about. You add in anonymity and an open forum and you get jokes about people getting their legs chopped off. That's just the way it is.

I will say condolences to you, though.
rape is pretty bad I have a few friend who were raped, but I love the word penetration
how dare you insult me by saying penetration, I was raped via penetration by my schoolteacher on our bimonthly trip to the niagara falls casinos in high school, do you have any idea how hard it is to walk, and every time i see the word penetration i cry a little, then i cry a lot because my tears come out my ass
how dare you insult me by saying penetration, I was raped via penetration by my schoolteacher on our bimonthly trip to the niagara falls casinos in high school, do you have any idea how hard it is to walk, and every time i see the word penetration i cry a little, then i cry a lot because my tears come out my ass

stop whining baby. It doesn't hurt nearly as much as when you rid me last night ;)
Huh.. And to think this thread would have died off had Squid not come in here.
I'm sure all of you guys wanted to put your feet in your mouths knowing that poor squid here was offended.
The last time a girl talked to me was the last day of school.
After that, ive been in my room for 3 days straight.
Why accuse us of being immature and insensitive when you are the one doing it now?
The only people who'd be happy a woman joined a forum are the pathetic. I don't want to pull the thread off the walked path here (hurr, see what I did?), but nobody really cares if a woman is posting. It's equally pathetic when a woman has to announce, "HAY GUYS I'M A GIRL POSTING ON INTERNETS!" as if it confers some kind of measure of uniqueness or special benefit or insight. Who cares? Most of us believe there are no women on the internet anyway.

And your insults aren't funny, btw. They're just kinda...sad. Sorry kid, looks like you don't have a leg to stand on here.
Ooooh... Okay, that was just not right. Can someone tell me how to report someone?
I concur with Dark wholeheartedly, your so called jokes are just not funny. You need a reality check man because that just ain't right. (Referring to post above Ace's).
Reported. You should have just gone in a different forum. Does it have to end like this?
*man voice* hey hey guys, looks like I'll be walking with my feet today.... get it, feet.... ya know.... I walk with them.... because they are mah feet....
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