girlfriend problems

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Dec 10, 2005
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ok yeah this is another advise thread, but i have a genuine problem you could help with, not just 'oh my god, i hate how girls only like me for my body!!'

seriously, those poor poor guys....

anyway, i've been with my girlfriend for a couple of years now, and i really love her, and i think she's gorgeous and everything, but every time i go out to a party or clubbing etc with my friends, i always want to get with other people, and i even have a few times. like yesterday, which is what prompted me to write this. i know you can't tell me what to do, but if some of you have had similar feelings, maybe you can tell me how i can work out what i want.

it's not just the fact that she's not there at the time, i see these cute girls and it's just so exciting to be flirting and then it turns into something else. how do you stay with just one person? how do you not just look around and want to be with every pretty girl you see?

Erm.... Threesomes? Problem solved.

Erm.... Threesomes? Problem solved.

Spot on :cheers:

But no, if your having the same feeling for other people than you aint into your current girlfriend as you think you are ;)
Well I'm guessing you're still young. It's natural.
It takes self control to not go around ****ing every girl you see.
Give it a couple years and you'll start to settle down, If I were you though I'd probably come clean with your girl, It's only going to end in major drama if she ever finds out you've been sleeping with other girls.
Anyway, the only advice I can offer you is self control.
I thought Cherry was a guy posing as a girl who was banned but unbanned because she actually may be a girl?

ok yeah this is another advise thread, but i have a genuine problem you could help with, not just 'oh my god, i hate how girls only like me for my body!!'

seriously, those poor poor guys....

anyway, i've been with my girlfriend for a couple of years now, and i really love her, and i think she's gorgeous and everything, but every time i go out to a party or clubbing etc with my friends, i always want to get with other people, and i even have a few times. like yesterday, which is what prompted me to write this. i know you can't tell me what to do, but if some of you have had similar feelings, maybe you can tell me how i can work out what i want.

it's not just the fact that she's not there at the time, i see these cute girls and it's just so exciting to be flirting and then it turns into something else. how do you stay with just one person? how do you not just look around and want to be with every pretty girl you see?
Seems like you don't really want to be in the relationship anymore..

I thought Cherry was a guy posing as a girl who was banned but unbanned because she actually may be a girl?


Was banned for advertising, unbanned when we realised that the user wasn't just an advertising bot.
i do realise that there are basically two solutions, stop or don't. but i really just need to sort my head out and think if i want to be with her, or whatever. it's confusing, because i do, but on the other hand i want to be single and going out.

i'm just wondering if there's anyone here, maybe someone married or older that can help, maybe they went through the same thing.

and despite what you all think about rambler, he's a good guy really, but yeah he does come off a bit of a prat on here, i don't think he means to though.
If you already knew your options, why ask us?
Hmm...I know Stern would probably say "you're young! Sleep around! You can have meaningful relationships and/or get married later! Sleep with everybody you see while you still have the chaaaaaance!"
Basically, I'd agree with Stern -

And in my experience, at this age, seems to be more fun to just sleep around.
i kind of agree, but not as much as i used to. i used to try and sleep with as many people as possible, i had a bit of a crap upbringing and some questionable friends. we all kind of thought we should be as experienced as possible as early as possible. but i'm over that now, i'm just confused as to what i'm feeling. i love her, but maybe the excitements gone now. we have a great time in many ways, and i still think she's gorgeous. i dunno maybe i just need to have a bit of self control.

danimal read my post fully and you'll find your question answered.
I forgot to post this as well!


Which really should have been the first thing posted in the thread.
It sounds like you're a lesbian player whore. It seems like you get your jollies from the anonymity associatied with random lesbianism in bars or clubs. That heartpumping, lubricating thrill of meeting some really hot girl. Instant clicking of body chemisty as you flood eachother with your lesbian pheromones.

Everyone finds that urge irresistable, it is addictive and can end up hurting people you actually love.

I have at times tried to be man-slut for women but i just can't do it. I'm too nice a person. :O
looool i cant believe im reading this off a computer game internet forum, this is great stuff! lmao!
well maybe i do like the excitement fusion, but is that a bad thing? maybe it is addictive, i hadn't thought about it. but i want to not feel like that when i go out, but it's hard not to. i spent years going out and only feeling like it was a good night if i went home with someone, otherwise the night would feel wasted.
Lesbians are fickle. Turn straight before you condemn yourself to Hell.
ha ha ha, i tried being straight, but god! men are such girls!
I googled up Hell and found this.


I'm not sure if was intended to turn me on or not.
ha ha ha, i tried being straight, but god! men are such girls!

I do actually agree, a majority of men nowadays are all like, "must shower 3 times a day! Must moisturise skin! must spend an hour doing hair!" i mean look a Beckham, there is living sodding proof that males can turn into poofs!

Then there is the chav type who act all of hard on the outside, but really are cowards because they have to hang around in packs. Send them off to fight in a proper war somewhere and then you see just how cowardly they are!

Dont get me wrong there are still a lot of decent guys out there, but everyday I just wonder what is happening to the male population of the planet, we have the bunch of people who are decent and have brains, then we have the chavs who are just scum, and then we have the men/poofs.
I do actually agree, a majority of men nowadays are all like, "must shower 3 times a day! Must moisturise skin! must spend an hour doing hair!" i mean look a Beckham, there is living sodding proof that males can turn into poofs!

there's nothing wrong with not smelling shift. i was joking.

and absithe what's the relevance of that picture?
there's nothing wrong with not smelling shift. i was joking.

Yeah but im saying there are a lot of people that go over board, and its not a matter just not smelling, i mean come on, men moisturizing their skin? what **** is that about
I do actually agree, a majority of men nowadays are all like, "must shower 3 times a day! Must moisturise skin! must spend an hour doing hair!" i mean look a Beckham, there is living sodding proof that males can turn into poofs!

Then there is the chav type who act all of hard on the outside, but really are cowards because they have to hang around in packs. Send them off to fight in a proper war somewhere and then you see just how cowardly they are!

Dont get me wrong there are still a lot of decent guys out there, but everyday I just wonder what is happening to the male population of the planet, we have the bunch of people who are decent and have brains, then we have the chavs who are just scum, and then we have the men/poofs.

I wash myself once a month. With bleach.

Yeah but im saying there are a lot of people that go over board, and its not a matter just not smelling, i mean come on, men moisturizing their skin? what **** is that about
It's about keeping their skin moist?

Gawd, el Chi was right about that word. It's horrible. Moist, moist, moist, moist.
Yeah but im saying there are a lot of people that go over board, and its not a matter just not smelling, i mean come on, men moisturizing their skin? what **** is that about

Why the hell do you care?
You got some of kind of appointment to be feeling everyone's skin?
You can't handle the moistness?
Like your men rough, do ya?
lol yeah i hate the word moist also

but im sorry i just dont get why when need to moistorize their skin, girls yes but men? just no...sorry.

Anyhoo end the discussion now because it isn't getting anywhere lol
Hmm...I know Stern would probably say "you're young! Sleep around! You can have meaningful relationships and/or get married later! Sleep with everybody you see while you still have the chaaaaaance!"

well there's no reason for posting in this thread anymore ..but you forgot:

"make videos while you're at it, post on"

....not that I'm entirely convinced she's a female ..too much of a gamers wet dream to be true ..meh just call me skeptical. Let me ask you this cherry ..are you you the butch or the lipstick lesbian in the relationship?

shift fears moisturizer? what's that all about? moisty moist moist!! MOIST!

absinthe: lol at your pciture of Hell ..notice the guy on the far left looks like he has his robe over his mouth ..almost as if he's about to get sick, maybe even puking up a little bit in his mouth :LOL: ...even in hell they find homosexuality disgusting ..oh those crazy christians
Idd, moisturising your skin keeps it in condition, therefore you look more radiant


And where exactly is the hurt in that ? How is it any worse than putting gel in your hair ? Does that make someone a "poof" too ?
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