girlfriend problems

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uhmmm yes! duh! ..dont forget cologne/after shave/competitive sports/bodybuilding etc
well maybe i do like the excitement fusion, but is that a bad thing? maybe it is addictive, i hadn't thought about it. but i want to not feel like that when i go out, but it's hard not to. i spent years going out and only feeling like it was a good night if i went home with someone, otherwise the night would feel wasted.
Nothing wrong with it...except when you're supposedly devoted to another girl. Nobody wants to be betrayed. I'm sure if she found out she'd feel absolutely crushed. Not just because it was a fling...but because you seem to do it everytime.

And that was one eery picture!!
lol :laugh:

I wonder what the punishment for women is ............ anyone have a pic?
Wear a shock collar, have a friend shock you anytime you go near another cute girl.
Actually that would be hell.

You'd end up with the most beautifull women you've ever laid your eyes upon, that are not only beautifull but awesome as people. And they're all lesbians. All of them.

And you're the only guy.

I gave everyone nightmares :Shh:
Actually that would be hell.

You'd end up with the most beautifull women you've ever laid your eyes upon, that are not only beautifull but awesome as people. And they're all lesbians. All of them.

And you're the only guy.

I gave everyone nightmares :Shh:

I direct you to my first post in this topic.
heh the el chi blonde in that pic is one of the hottest from that show ..btw for those who dont know those women are from the hbo tv show the "L word" ...very ...errrr ..entertaining tv show :naughty:
the thing is , the majority of lesbians i have met have all been quite ugly, with short/ shaved hair and look quite grungy/punky.
i don't think there's anything wrong with moisturising, not everyone can be as manly as you shift, all smelly with cracked skin. mmm..
i don't think there's anything wrong with moisturising, not everyone can be as manly as you shift, all smelly with cracked skin. mmm..
And we all work at the docks, lifting containers with our penises. D:

What? We're exaggerating anyway.

"If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems, but a bitch aint' one".

/canned response
i don't think there's anything wrong with moisturising, not everyone can be as manly as you shift, all smelly with cracked skin. mmm..

yeah cause you would know if i smell and have cracked skin...

you know it is actually possible to have perfectly normal skin and not have to moisturise. Anyway just end this moisturising thing now, im sorry i said anything. I hate typing moist now, ewwww moist *shudder*, hate that word :S
i agree with Stern. a lesbian having issues sleeping around? nope, not on this forum.
yeah all these girlfriend issue threads are just getting old now, post em on some other forums
Perfect solution...

Tell them you have feelings for them but have feelings for other people. Ask them if you 2 can still be close but not exclusive. Now you get to sleep around with anyone you want. That is if your not a nub and have game, only nubs get some while in relationships.
yeah but i don't like that idea, i hate the idea of 'open relationships' i think i just need to have some self control, i think that's what i'm gonna try and do.

by the way the second two replies on this page are genius.
What? Pointing out that you have a girlfriend again?

Anyway, If you feel bad, stop. If you enjoy it, ask your partner if she would consider other options between you two, IE threesomes, sharing, etc* You shouldn't leave her out in the dark, that's mean, and might hurt her more than you telling her what's going on.

Be sure to let her know about the fact that you do Love her though, granted, if she freaks...there is no saving it. D:
Why yes. The more babies, the better. Then with my children and I could take over the world.
What? Pointing out that you have a girlfriend again?
lol. i agree. since there's no other point to this thread but to broadcast that you're a lesbian. there are obviously only two routes out of your situation - stay with your girlfriend or don't. no one can make the decision for you, or really even advise you, since we're on the internet and we don't know you.
umm...while ur talkin bout that picture this(yes it'll ruin the moment) GAY ANAL SEX
yeah but i don't like that idea, i hate the idea of 'open relationships' i think i just need to have some self control, i think that's what i'm gonna try and do.

by the way the second two replies on this page are genius.

How old are you? If its under 18 chances are your relationships are gonna suck anyways. My longest so far has been 1 month, I can't stand relationships yet.

If you have a hard time staying exclusive then the relationship isn't going to work out. Self control will only delay the inevitable and by then it will bring more pain since the relationship means more.

Oh...BTW I have a question.

If your a lesbian, why post on a predominately male dominated video game forum asking about relationship advice?
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