girlfriend problems

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How old are you? If its under 18 chances are your relationships are gonna suck anyways. My longest so far has been 1 month, I can't stand relationships yet.

If you have a hard time staying exclusive then the relationship isn't going to work out. Self control will only delay the inevitable and by then it will bring more pain since the relationship means more.

Oh...BTW I have a question.

If your a lesbian, why post on a predominately male dominated video game forum asking about relationship advice?
What's the first thing that comes to most guys minds when they read something on the internet about lesbians..


They can hope.
lol. i agree. since there's no other point to this thread but to broadcast that you're a lesbian. there are obviously only two routes out of your situation - stay with your girlfriend or don't. no one can make the decision for you, or really even advise you, since we're on the internet and we don't know you.

ROFL. Nice. I agree here 100%

Gee... I wonder what cheery is gonna post tomorrow! lolz.
you should start a fan club

(I'm depressed that there are not many people here these days that get that joke anymore :()
hmm...a bit of sexual tension brewing between Ennui and cherry eh? How can you resist the monkey?!
yeah all these girlfriend issue threads are just getting old now, post em on some other forums

And then we can get flooded with threads about how incredibly poofy it is to take care of your skin.


i think it's more a case of not being funny

I don't think he was trying to be funny.
i think it's more a case of not being funny
Well, you wouldn't find it funny, since there's no way you could actually have a clue what exactly it's referring to.

Unless you've been here longer than we diguise, perhaps!
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