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...But at least its not our fault.
Well, according to that show that was recently aired on channel 4. I've been trying to find some internet articles that go over the points they made but essentially they go something like this (summed in easy to eat bullet points mmm):
-The troposphere isn't heating up as would be expected if global warming is being caused by CO2 emissions, as this is were the greenhouse gases become trapped and so should be heating up faster than the surface. It isn't.
-The amount of emissions produced by humans is still tiny compared to a lot of natural sources, and the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is tiny anyway. (0.032% of the earths atmosphere is CO2, and most of this is produced by volcanos, animals and the ocean.)
-The graphs which show temperature and CO2 levels going up with eachother are being read wrong, if you compare peaks you see that actually CO2 is peaking 800 years after the temperature. It is believed this is due to the oceans heating up and slowly over time releasing the extra CO2 dissolved in them. Meaning CO2 levels must be a by product of plantary temperature increase.
-If you look at recent graphs of temperature increase, you see that the increase begins far before the 1940's when human emissions were relatively low. Then in the vastly larger industrial production times of the 1940's to the 1970's it drops, and at the time an ice age was believed to occur. From the 1970's upwards it is increasing again, when our actually industrial emissions has decreased (this I found dubious in the show, but I'll try and find a citation). (I'll also look for the graphs if I can).
-They have found that planetary temperature actually is far more in line with periods of high solar activity (lots of sun spots), and thus a higher solar wind. When there is lots of sun spots the earths temperature increases, and when theres few, the earths temperature decreases. They have associated this to the fact that cosmic rays, which help in the formation of clouds, are blown away from the earth during these periods of high solar activity meaning there is less moisture in the air (moisture is a very strong greenhouse gas, unlike CO2). (Also I'm not sure on the formation of clouds, can anyone clarify that?)
-Also the recent research by the IPCC that says global warming is occuring, and is backed by 2500 of the worlds top scientists is bogus. In fact if you look at the participants, many are government and non-government officals, and many of the scientists that were originally taking part dropped out due to the IPCC wanting to prove man caused global warming and thus sticking in there own 'cosmological constant' sort of thing. So many of the scientists left, but found out that the IPCC had left there names on the records making them one of the worlds top 2500 scientists, when they really did nothing.
-Also the political conspiracy bit is that global warming is now a massive industry, taking up huge amounts of jobs world wide, and large cuts into government spending. Simply it would cost to much to not have global warming occur due to humans.
Sorry for lack of links, I'll update as I find them. This was all said on the channel four show last night, and had plenty of quite respected scientist folks on there.
So in summary: Global warming is happening, its just not our fault, and we can't do anything about it. WOO! :bounce:
Well, according to that show that was recently aired on channel 4. I've been trying to find some internet articles that go over the points they made but essentially they go something like this (summed in easy to eat bullet points mmm):
-The troposphere isn't heating up as would be expected if global warming is being caused by CO2 emissions, as this is were the greenhouse gases become trapped and so should be heating up faster than the surface. It isn't.
-The amount of emissions produced by humans is still tiny compared to a lot of natural sources, and the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is tiny anyway. (0.032% of the earths atmosphere is CO2, and most of this is produced by volcanos, animals and the ocean.)
-The graphs which show temperature and CO2 levels going up with eachother are being read wrong, if you compare peaks you see that actually CO2 is peaking 800 years after the temperature. It is believed this is due to the oceans heating up and slowly over time releasing the extra CO2 dissolved in them. Meaning CO2 levels must be a by product of plantary temperature increase.
-If you look at recent graphs of temperature increase, you see that the increase begins far before the 1940's when human emissions were relatively low. Then in the vastly larger industrial production times of the 1940's to the 1970's it drops, and at the time an ice age was believed to occur. From the 1970's upwards it is increasing again, when our actually industrial emissions has decreased (this I found dubious in the show, but I'll try and find a citation). (I'll also look for the graphs if I can).
-They have found that planetary temperature actually is far more in line with periods of high solar activity (lots of sun spots), and thus a higher solar wind. When there is lots of sun spots the earths temperature increases, and when theres few, the earths temperature decreases. They have associated this to the fact that cosmic rays, which help in the formation of clouds, are blown away from the earth during these periods of high solar activity meaning there is less moisture in the air (moisture is a very strong greenhouse gas, unlike CO2). (Also I'm not sure on the formation of clouds, can anyone clarify that?)
-Also the recent research by the IPCC that says global warming is occuring, and is backed by 2500 of the worlds top scientists is bogus. In fact if you look at the participants, many are government and non-government officals, and many of the scientists that were originally taking part dropped out due to the IPCC wanting to prove man caused global warming and thus sticking in there own 'cosmological constant' sort of thing. So many of the scientists left, but found out that the IPCC had left there names on the records making them one of the worlds top 2500 scientists, when they really did nothing.
-Also the political conspiracy bit is that global warming is now a massive industry, taking up huge amounts of jobs world wide, and large cuts into government spending. Simply it would cost to much to not have global warming occur due to humans.
Sorry for lack of links, I'll update as I find them. This was all said on the channel four show last night, and had plenty of quite respected scientist folks on there.
So in summary: Global warming is happening, its just not our fault, and we can't do anything about it. WOO! :bounce: