gman freeman..

Bloody nasenforms and Wangercocks. Good photoshop comparison though. :LOL:

I'd laugh if the G-man turned out to be Gordon Freeman... from the past!

"Don't you remember, Dr. Freeman? You used to travel forwards into the future to bother your's how you got a distinction in your Phd. Don't tell me you have suffered amnesia, Dr. Freeman?"

Not going to happen though.
There is only one flaw in that theory...the G-Man doesn't wear glasses. Contacts maybe?
CommunistPenguin said:
There is only one flaw in that theory...the G-Man doesn't wear glasses. Contacts maybe?

OF COURSE! That's why his eyes are so reflecting :D
i have an idea

well.. maybe The Gman Came from the future to like guide him you see this could be gordons future self an older version. the reason he came back is to make sure he didnt make the same mistake TWICE!! what an idea!
I still hold true to my belief that Gordon is the Gman.. to me it's almost 100% obvious
Valve themselves confirmed that false.. Plus the G-man-Gordon thing makes Gordan Freeman looks cooler :D :afro:
no way

yeah, g-man is definatley not freeman. i don't see a slight resemblance between the two. there's just too many problems with that theory. ;)
I think Valve would be more classy than that, but if "G-Man is t3h gordon from the future" then I am going to kick Marc Laidlaw in the gut.
Its the most awful thing I have ever heard. Worst. Speculation. Ever. I mean talk about cheese.

another thing i just thought of: if g-man was freeman, at the end of hl1, why would g-man give freeman the choice to work for him or die, when freeman dying would mean g-man would cease to exist? one of the many reasons why g-man can't be gordon from the future.
cleveland said:
well.. maybe The Gman Came from the future to like guide him you see this could be gordons future self an older version. the reason he came back is to make sure he didnt make the same mistake TWICE!! what an idea!
What same mistake? Blowing up Black Mesa and creating a temporal fold to let the Xen beasties and Combine into our dimension? Looks like Gman's f**ked it up again! Maybe in HL3 we'll meet a slightly older Gman from further in the future who buggers it all up even further!
Maybe they just got tired of making models from scratch ;)
It could be the same person. Personally I think the grand finally of half-life is going to be Freeman waking up. Hehe to go even further, the Gman is just his other personality. Then Valve releases Half-Baked.
if g-man was gordons other personality, that would be the most cliche thing ever. lets all pray valve wouldnt do something like that
kirovman said:
Bloody nasenforms and Wangercocks. Good photoshop comparison though. :LOL:

I'd laugh if the G-man turned out to be Gordon Freeman... from the past!

"Don't you remember, Dr. Freeman? You used to travel forwards into the future to bother your's how you got a distinction in your Phd. Don't tell me you have suffered amnesia, Dr. Freeman?"

LMAO.... :LOL: I can't stop laughing at that. Makes me sorry I avoided this thread for so long.