Gman, is he an angel?

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Aug 31, 2005
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:imu: if we say he's an employer who wants gordon to work for him and the entire resonance cascade scenario was a "pre-employment test" for Freeman, then why him? what does he see in freeman? it certainly can't be because of the hazard suit... or to be more specific, him being a scientist and having enough gut to get himself into danger, cause he watches shepherd and barney too. he's watching all of them...

not trying to say he's god, but we all know that there is a god who cares about us... could he be an agent, from god, to protect... lets say... the one?

to give reasons why i think he is what we might call "the one", this is what The All-Knowing vortigaunt says to freeman in HL2, i got this from:

"For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds."

"Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread."
"Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity. No matter the consequences of this struggle."

"That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day. For once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time." (which i think is the combine)

"With you beside us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh."

"Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it."
(now who or what could that be?)

we know there are some other cities left, besides city17, after the seven hour war, but why do you go to city17, where the combine's citadel, where it governs the Earth from is?

think about g-man being able to control the time...

"...After an uphill battle in the cloud-penetrating Citadel skyscraper, Gordon causes critical damage to the building's dark energy reactor, resulting in what may have been his death — if the G-Man had not seemingly stopped time in order to extract Gordon to safety to await further "employment offers."..."

i can't say anything more, but the funny thing is what brought this idea to my mind. it was g-man having three pencils in his suitcase, not one. if i would want to discuss what it has to do with it, i would go off-track and samon would close my thread :E , but this much is true that the meaning of some numbers had always been mystery to us.... if any of you would like to know more, send me pm.

so.. think and talk about it.... i think g-man could be some sort of an angel, protecting us humans... .
"stopping the time" thing makes me think, kinda reminds me of constantine, exept it was the devil there...
jerkasaur said:
not trying to say he's god, but we all know that there is a god who cares about us...

...We do?

No. I'd say that this idea is a worse than the "G-Man = Freeman" and "G-Man is Gordon's father" theories (no offense). Quite simply, angels do not fit into HL2's theme. Nothing suggests "magic" or any kind of religious reference. It all rings of physics, alternate dimensions, conspiracies, and a lot of science mumbo-jumbo.

G-Man himself is far from what I'd consider an angelic figure. He's eerie, secretive, and even downright menacing at times. He has no beauty to him. And failure to comply with him results in your suffering. If he was meant to save "the one", then it begs the question as to why you're capable of dying at all, or why there would be any interest invested in you when you're constantly relying on some spiritual figure to save your ass. Besides, G-Man doesn't seem to be concerned about all the deaths that are associated with you. That doesn't strike me as very godly (although there's a lot of that dark and vengeful shite going down in practically every religion).
well, about the fact that you can die, it's because it's you who's playing the game, you dicide, free will. it doesn't stop gman from trying to help you...
So he decides to save your life at the citadel, but not when you jump off a cliff... based on a whim? It's inconsistent. It doesn't make sense. And it doesn't fit for the aforementioned reasons.

Why a godly figure would require Gordon, a mere mortal human, at all doesn't make sense either. Of course a lot of this would eventually stretch into a theological/logical debate and lose its relevance to HL2, so I won't press on that any further.

I personally believe that the G-Man is an alien entity (though perhaps not in the typical sense). Gordon's continued involvement is based purely on the the worth he proves of himself.
G-Man is obviously part of a white\latino gang that think there black. If you catch G-Man sometimes you can see him trying to rap, or wearing a ton of rings n shit.

And you are just on shrooms, and your really fighting in a gang war. When your on the airboat your running from the cops, and while on the buggy your doing drive by's.
When zombies are coming after you, you are on the streets with a machine gun. Father is just a guy who tagged along the killing spree with you(on shrooms to). When antlions are coming at you...well your really playing with Ken Dolls and Ant's attacking him.

Now Alyx is a shemale.
Breen is a teddy bear that you found to play with your ken dolls.

As you can see, HL2 is pretty much
High-Latino 2:Super Shrooms
I once had this theory that the G in his nickname actually stood for God or the Archangel Gabriel. His motives seem unclear and villainous but remember he did save both Freeman and Shepard even if it was in a way neither of them liked. Noah, Moses and Jesus didn't excactly agree with God's plans either and the powers that be basically screwed them over but it was done for the good of humanity.
An angel? That's a laugh.

Half-Life is not the place for romatnic notions of mythology.
I find this quite amusing. :LOL: The prophecy has been fulfilled.

"For a brief time you joined with us. You are one. Between the worlds."

There is no full stop there. "You are one....(pause)...between the worlds." It's one sentence broken up by the silly-speaking vorts.
No, no he isn't.

jerkasaur said:
"stopping the time" thing makes me think, kinda reminds me of constantine, exept it was the devil there...

Gman stopped time? You sure? I don't think so, to be honest. I believe he merely altered Gordons perception of time.
Samon said:
No, no he isn't.

Gman stopped time? You sure? I don't think so, to be honest. I believe he merely altered Gordons perception of time.
Either way that's a pretty impressive party trick.
AJ Rimmer said:
Either way that's a pretty impressive party trick.
I think turning himself into a TV is a better one
"So...where do you put the cable?"
well, not god but something like the dark angel, gabriel, or... you know.
If the whole story of Half-Life revolves around god and all that mumbo jumbo, I'm just going to kill myself.
half-life might not have to do anything with god, but the seven-hour-war kinda reminds me of armageddon...
jerkasaur said:
well, not god but something like the dark angel, gabriel, or... you know.
Wasn't gabriel the angel that told Mary she'd be having Jesus? Doesn't seem very dark to me.
jerkasaur said:
half-life might not have to do anything with god, but the seven-hour-war kinda reminds me of armageddon...

Really? I thought it just showed how humanity got its ass handed to it.
"...He is sometimes regarded as the angel of death"
riomhair, don't you watch movies?
absinthe, yeah that's an intresting theory...
jerkasaur said:
absinthe, yeah that's an intresting theory...

What theory? Earth was invaded. They ate us and crapped victory.
jerkasaur said:
ok, that's some kind of an armageddon, right?

Actually, its the saving of humanity by the prophet Breen.....
jerkasaur said:
"...He is sometimes regarded as the angel of death"
riomhair, don't you watch movies?
[SARCASM]Sorry, I'll make sure from now on that I get all my information on the Christian dogma from films.[/SARCASM]
jerkasaur said:
ok, that's some kind of an armageddon, right?

Any major catastrophic event can be seen in such a way. Doesn't mean it has any biblical ties.

By the way, armageddon is supposed to take at the end of the world. Such is not the case in HL2.
yeah, you're right, what i meant was not the actual armageddon itself, you know, in islam we belive that the reason why the end of world actually happens, is that the whole world would suffer from cruelty, i think it's the same in the bilble too, not sure though, the seven-hour-war might have been a start for armageddon, that's what i meant, but anyway, it's not a really good theory, i admit.

EDIT: samon, yeah but almost everyone knows that gabriel is the dark angel... almost.
G-Man is just an ordinary worker at Black Mesa but after the accident he wasn't normal anymore.. And later on he even changed briefcase! The new one doesn't have Black Mesa logo on it because he doesn't work there anymore. now he is working for some unknown overlord guys and using a good old scientist from Black Mesa...Gordon Freelanc... Freeman
Sulkdodds said:
I find this quite amusing. :LOL: The prophecy has been fulfilled.

There is no full stop there. "You are one....(pause)...between the worlds." It's one sentence broken up by the silly-speaking vorts.

that sentence as give me a crazy teory

what if gman is like the representant of the earth in some big war in the universe?and freeman is a very important chess piece?
Don't know if it's been said already, but an angel wouldn't leave their pawn's contract "open to the highest bidder".
Bman said:
Don't know if it's been said already, but an angel wouldn't leave their pawn's contract "open to the highest bidder".

Satan does and he was one of the highest angels.
No... I don't think God has much to do with HL2. You know, to be honest. I don't get why everyone sees the G-Man as a powerful being. All he ever does is talk about his employers. I doubt he himself actually has any power of his own. Just the power given to him by his employers. He's probably just as much a pawn/slave as Freeman is. He's just privy to a little more information. I think that he's a go-between for some other civilization resisting the Combine and other races under siege by them.
In Half Life 1, G-man says something about liking Gordon because Gordon reminds him of himself "ability to survive against all odds."

BTW G-man does save Gordon if you fall off a cliff. He rewinds time for you, although I think he calls it "loading a save game".
NJspeed said:
In Half Life 1, G-man says something about liking Gordon because Gordon reminds him of himself "ability to survive against all odds."

BTW G-man does save Gordon if you fall off a cliff. He rewinds time for you, although I think he calls it "loading a save game".
That's in OP4*curses Gearbox*.
"I admit that I have a fascination with those who adapt and survive against all odds: they rather remind me of myself."
and u have to remember, we TRUELY have no idea the full story line behind the half-life game. For all we know.. everything could be a dream.

IE) gordon wakes up and finds himself strapped to a cold metal table.

DARK figures surround him: well u excelled in all tests mr.freeman... i think we will have good use for u in the field.

I know this sounds dumb... and should be in the WHAT IF section... But the g-man... seems to mechanical in his manerisms... to be a angel. But like other people said... Who knows..


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