Go away 56kers you bastards!

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My friend has 56k, and his internet is more than likely better than half the people who dont have 56k...
No, look- high pingers only affect themselves and anyone unfortunate enough to try and hit them as they jerk across the map, not the actual server as a whole. Let's say that you and I have DSL, and we're fighting happily- now Lagman walks behind us, but has no effect on us (despite the fact that he is horribly laggy and jumping from one place to the next). Now, you kill me without difficulty because as far as the servers concerned we're different entities to Lagman, but the problems start if you try and fight him.

It takes practise, but considering that laggers have huge difficulties themselves, believe me, you'll soon splatter half of them with ease.

I agree with you on the technology front... at least everyone is smart enough to realise that dialuppers don't remain on 56k modems out of spite :LOL: I just hate stupid blanket statements like "all 56kers= gay".
Bottom line is people pay $30 for AOL dialup, when they can have SBC Yahoo DSL for $19.99 for 1 year, earthlink has similar deal with $29.99 for 6 months for 3/386 which is alot better then SBCs 1/256 or something.
ComradeBadger said:
$30 a month is a lot of money in some households. Specially if you have kids to support.

If someone can't afford $30 a month to get a tool REQUIRED for a REAL gamer then they should not even get into this hobby. Broke people should do something else because gaming isn't cheap.

If they have kids to support they should take that kid out in the yard and throw a ball around or something. If you neglect him now he will rob my ass in ten years.
DrunkPanda said:
yes, you ruin the server for everyone with your stubbornness to pay a game that does not handle 56k well at all and WE'RE the idiots........... like i said, when i had 56k, i didn't play games that were meant for broadband cuz it's dumb, you just ruin other people's fun. and it doesn't make it harder to kill the 56ker, it makes it impossible. but that's not the only problem. it slows down the server A TON.

Impossible? Really?

Hmmm. Must've been imagining myself getting killed thirteen times in a row while playing that game of HL2DM the other night...

Edge said:
If someone can't afford $30 a month to get a tool REQUIRED for a REAL gamer then they should not even get into this hobby. Broke people should do something else because gaming isn't cheap.

If they have kids to support they should take that kid out in the yard and throw a ball around or something. If you neglect him now he will rob my ass in ten years.

Wow. That was elitist. And exclusionary. So casual gamers shouldn't play online games, eh? How about that...
Edge said:
If someone can't afford $30 a month to get a tool REQUIRED for a REAL gamer then they should not even get into this hobby. Broke people should do something else because gaming isn't cheap.

If they have kids to support they should take that kid out in the yard and throw a ball around or something. If you neglect him now he will rob my ass in ten years.

It is far more than 30 dollars a month anywhere here (and my parents pay the broadband bill for me here. They're great.) Also, budgetting to pay for 56k rather than expensive broadband isn't "poorness and child neglect," it's actually common sense. If they can't afford food and have internet, that's one thing. If they have everything and just can afford 56k as an extra, that's fine and quite smart of them financially.

No, it's not a tool required for a real gamer. In fact.. those who play regularly with 200-300 pings, and then get broadband... tend to be exceptionally good right away, as they've had to hone their skills to that extra point.

And once again- their lag does nothing to the server, it does nothing to your ping.

56kers "skipping, sliding" is also rare now. It mainly happens in older games. Check it out when someone is having a bad ping, they'll most likely stay still in game and drop from the server (and many games have them take damage)
RakuraiTenjin said:
It is far more than 30 dollars a month anywhere here (and my parents pay the broadband bill for me here. They're great.) Also, budgetting to pay for 56k rather than expensive broadband isn't "poorness and child neglect," it's actually common sense. If they can't afford food and have internet, that's one thing. If they have everything and just can afford 56k as an extra, that's fine and quite smart of them financially.

I agree with you 100%.
I'm on my last days of 56k (actually it has never been close to that - the phone line never goes above 28.8k). I ordered DSL today.

The price increase is fairly substantial for me: going from a $10 a month dial-up plan (provided you also have a mid-range phone plan with them), to $43 a month DSL plan (256k down, 128k up).

The comment I wanted to make is that I have not even tried playing online the games I've bought in the past 3 years or so. Last one I tried was Star Trek: Elite Force, and my lag was horrendous. I would like to play them online but I know it would basically be no fun for me. So instead of playing them online, I've ended up LANing them any chance I get. That's fun, but the opportunities don't come up that often.

It hasn't always been that way, of course. I used to play online all the time with Jedi Knight and others in '97-98 and only rarely had a problem with lagging. Games then by neccessity were designed to work well with the smaller bandwidth. (of course they were simpler, too ).

I don't mind so much upgrading my connection for multiplayer gaming that truly is more complex and immersive, but I wonder how much of the bandwidth requirement is due to programmers not making the netcode as tight as possible because they are going to say people need broadband to play the game anyway.

I hope that kind of bloat doesn't make 512k too slow in a few years.

BTW - MP gaming didn't drive me to upgrade (although that certainly sweetens the deal) - it was downloading Linux ISOs and other F/OSS (Free / open source software).
What an... interesting... thing to say.

Well, I'll bet the feeling's mutual.

So much hate around here... I reckon everyone needs to listen to more Beetles songs.
Maybe Panda is forgetting that not EVERY SINGLE SPOT IN THE WORLD OFFERS BROADBAND!!!!

While I was living in Germany, for example, I was forced to use 56k the entire time I was there. It was truly terrible, yes, and the cost per minute was absolutely insane. Something like 10 cents or something. The bill was huge at the end. And this was without playing ONE online game the entire time.

The reason for all this mayhem was because, they did not HAVE broadband where I was living! There were some parts of the city that had it, and some parts of the city that didn't. I was in the unfortunate part of the city where they didn't.

And to top it off, the people that did have it often reported very bad feedback; the internet would cut out all the, the price per minute was ridiculious (no flat rate here), and even the broadband all around sucked.

My GF lives there and even she doesn't have decent internet (56k, which doesn't even work half the time), even though her family is more than well enough off to pay for broadband.

So before you start flaming 56kers for being a nuisance, stop and think about the circumstances they might be in. There is something called a paycheck as well, and not everyon can afford an extra $40-50 a month.

Now here's your cookie.
spencerjrus said:
Wow I hate poor people.

I don't hate all poor people but I hate poor gamers.

Brian Damage said:
So much hate around here... I reckon everyone needs to listen to more Beetles songs.

Perhaps you meant The Beatles? With your spelling abilities it makes me wonder if your name is supposed to be Brain Damage but you can't spell it or if it is just a silly play on words. Anyway I am going to go out on a limb here and say the Beatles are shit. But I get the reference nonetheless... in your world I guess all we need is love.
Although its their right to buy and play a game online..why would any self respecting gamer deal with dial up or choose to play on such an advanced game with dial up. Dont know about you guys but i find it exteamly annoying to play with lag and last time i had a ping of 250-500 it was unbarible...so why, why put yourself through that. most ppl with dial up have computers that reflect it (used to have dial up, and a craptastic comp to go with it)..so im also kinda interested on why you would buy a game like hl2, must really suck to play with the min graphics on.

To all you ppl out there that say that a persons lag doesnt effect anything...im kinda interested on why when a person with a bad connection shows up, everyones ping either doubles or triples. I suppose that is just a coinsedence right.

edit: whoa..sry about the bump guys, forgot i was looking back at stuff..thought this was up to date, sry (probubly shouldnt write stuff and 2am :sleep: )
DrunkPanda said:
yes, you ruin the server for everyone with your stubbornness to pay a game that does not handle 56k well at all and WE'RE the idiots........... like i said, when i had 56k, i didn't play games that were meant for broadband cuz it's dumb, you just ruin other people's fun. and it doesn't make it harder to kill the 56ker, it makes it impossible. but that's not the only problem. it slows down the server A TON.

No it does not. I will check the requirements for HL2...

"2.4GHz Processor * 512MB Ram * DirectX 9 level graphics card * Windows 2000/XP/ME98 * 4.5 GB of avalibile Hard Drive Space * Mouse * Keyboard * Internet Connection

Find the broadband internet and win my pot of gold.

Unless the 56ker is flooding the server by stacking up every physics object and making them move, you will have no lag. Sometimes servers can only handle a certian ammount of people.

Edit: For the person above me, realise that not everyone in the world has acess to Cable. Jeebus, we just got Cable a few years ago. And yes, there is a world outside of your town.
Edge said:
I don't hate all poor people but I hate poor gamers ... in your world I guess all we need is love.
Why the **** do you even exist?
Edge said:
Perhaps you meant The Beatles? With your spelling abilities it makes me wonder if your name is supposed to be Brain Damage but you can't spell it or if it is just a silly play on words. Anyway I am going to go out on a limb here and say the Beatles are shit. But I get the reference nonetheless... in your world I guess all we need is love.

Yup, the Beatles. That's them. I always get the spelling wrong.

Man, I must have done well if a spelling mix-up was all you had there to jump on. Yes, it is supposed to be Brian. And I've kinda gotten sick of explaining why.

Oh, and the reference... it was a bit of a joke. You made the necessary reference to the joke's origin itself, in your post, but I guess you just didn't find it funny... ho hum...

Careful... that limb looks rather creaky. And rotten.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
56kers should be permenatly banned, we are almost in 2005 god damn it, either get broadband or get lost, simple as that.
Its getting really pathetic seeing that one moronic 56ker whos skipping like a queer and zooming allover the place.

Smart bunch here aren't we. perhaps you could tell this to my uni, who 2 years ago had only 10% of halls hooked up to anythign faster than a dial-up. Or tell that to my home in Cornwall. Sure - "everyone should have broadband or else be cut off from the internet and excluded" Dont be such a shallow minded pri(k. I lived on a 56k up until this summer when i discovered my home in cornwall england could actually GET it, and my temporary home at Uni underwent a line upgrade. Not to mention the costs fell... "oh he's a moron because he has a modem." Think about financial and geographic considerations before you act like a spoilt stuck up momma's boy.

Sorry, issues like this really rub me up the wrong way - some people have no thought about their own heritage. :flame:
SkylineGT-R34 said:
I agree with you 100%.

Apoologies skyline. I missed this. My comments stand for all the other posts about "poor people shouldnt play games" by the hordes of ppl here. Kudos to those who have earned the right to have a life of luxury, worked hard and honestly... but if those kind of ppl are on this board, they wouldnt be so negative and stuck up about other "poor" ppl.

These things annoy me, along with ppl at uni who get full loan and all fees paid becuase "daddy took early retirement and so has no income" because he's minted beyond belief. I'm stuck paying the full whack because my dad HAD to retire as he was a fireman, and now has a new job to pay the mortgage. On paper he's getting a pension and a 2nd income, leaving me looking like I am able to pay my own way.
The system sucks
Yeah, same here.

We've only become eligible for a broadband connection very recently, and even with the newfound capability, we're still going to have to scrimp to get one (they tend to be expensive here, or at least they are for a family like ours). Hopefully my sister's job will help pay, as well as mine, if I can get one around here. Dunno what'll happen when I have to go back to uni.

And then there's the matter of convincing my mum, who's somehow got it into her head that it'll triple the electrical bill...

Speaking as someone who has run servers for various games for the best part of 10 years, and who has worked on several mods and games...

People on 56k do not cause the server to lag, slowdown, die, explode, rape your cat or any other negative effect

A person on 56k may cause the following:

1) Being gratuitously unable to hit anyone else because they're lagging so badly.
2) Being gratuitously hard to hit because they're lagging so badly.

2) usually follows 1), so they don't actually have much impact on your game at all.
I found HL2DM was still fun, though, even if it did look and feel like something out of Star Trek...

I actually managed to get to third place on a server at one point. Though I was usually around the bottom, with my death count floating somewhere above ten...
Brian - even with a 1mb connection at offpeak hours, on a busy server with all the physics going on it was "like star trek" :LOL: . I guess we all need dual processor and gfx cards with 2 gig memory to be classed as a "true PC gamer". :borg:
I wish I had a set up like that.

Well, at least I've got enough to buy a RAM expansion to 1 gig now. Or maybe slightly less than one month's worth of broadband, not counting the installation fees...

Y'know, I sometimes wonder about how to define the "Hardcore", or even "True", gamers... I wonder if there aren't different sorts.

I mean, okay, upgrading your PC to maximum and paying whatever it takes to get a good connection is pretty dedicated, but if you ask me, so is doing your best to enjoy the original HL on a computer with no graphics accelerator and a crappy CPU that can barely run it, and sticking with it because you want to finish the game... which one is the truer gamer? I don't think either is.
From what I know, the modems do make the server to do more work than broadband. It's not the speed, it's the LINE! Modems are very often down, disconnect, why? The line sucks! It takes the phone line and uses it (Dsl has it's own). So what does that mean? HUGE packet losses, and what does the game do when it notices that a packet has been lost? It sends another.

But still I think we don't need to ban them (well we can't, most of the server owners are just pussys "buhuu everyone has to have fun"), we just need it to be optimized for broadband. And there are places where you just can't get a Dsl (or it is too expensive). But im lucky, end of this month my connection speed will be doubled to 2mb and also the price will be propped to like 48€ \o/

Secondly, aren't Hl2 physics calculated by the server? Think about it, one computer calculating everyones physics. So there is another thing they need to work on (and not release these patches that only effect the minority!!!)

Edit: but then again we must be happy with Valve. Name one game that releases this much patches in a month (well when you think of it, you could say "name one game that has this much bugs") :D?
i'm not gonna pay £25 for a 512k internet connection. i'll spend that on what i relly need i.e alcohol which is the cause of and answer to all of lifes problems
Well, does it use something like TCP to send data? Or does it use something more like UDP?
Bakurei said:
From what I know, the modems do make the server to do more work than broadband. It's not the speed, it's the LINE! Modems are very often down, disconnect, why? The line sucks! It takes the phone line and uses it (Dsl has it's own). So what does that mean? HUGE packet losses, and what does the game do when it notices that a packet has been lost? It sends another.

Even a 56ker suffering the worst packetloss in the world won't use as much bandwidth as a broadband player. Dropped/resent packets are negligible.
Laggy players do lag the server. This one guy had like 999 ping and it was so laggy then when he got kicked it was a LOT less laggy.
Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything. Unless you can explain exactly how and why a 56k user causes lag for the other users, don't bother. There's far too many other factors.
what the hell?!
only affects himself?!
maybe in css and other games but in hl2dm, someone with bloody 900 ping hops in the whole games goes to shit. Even everyone elses pings jumps up a bit, how can you say it doesn't affect others, im skipping all over the place and objects stop in midair.

As soon as hes good and kicked everything is back to normal.
:S !?
There's far too many other factors.

i.e. - if the server isn't on a fast connection, the server isn't on powerful enough box etc etc
Brian Damage said:
Y'know, I sometimes wonder about how to define the "Hardcore", or even "True", gamers... I wonder if there aren't different sorts.

Hardcore gamers are people who are damn good at whatever they're playing, and play it a lot, but are apt to get really annoyed and say "omfg" or "nub" or "lucker" after every death and don't play for the fun as much as for the idea of being superior.

True gamers ( like me :D ) play games a lot, but play for the fun and for the experience. They usually get along with the other true gamers on the server as well as the casual gamers, but they usually get into fights with hardcore gamers. Note that they can be as good as or usually better than said harcore gamers.
DrunkPanda said:
seriously, stay away from deathmatch you bitches! :flame:. i was in a nice server with decent lag (a little skipping but still alright) then this idiot with 500 ping comes in and wont' leave! ruined the server. go play cs:s or something. or get broadband. just show some courtesy to people that want to play the game with little to no lag.
i know what it's like to have 56k (i've had it till about 2 years ago). but i didn't act like a little prick and try to play multiplayer games in which anything below broadband makes it unplayable. i just wish the other 56kers would act the same. :flame:.
sorry for ranting, i just think it's dumb that 56kers try to play deathmatch with 400+ ping. it's as laggy for them as it is for everyone else so i dunno why they think it's fun to go play deathmatch like that.

100% right
Now you guys know why allot of us ask for bots all the time! So dont whine and say "dont use bots n00b go play on a server". We wants bots so we can play without any lag, just like you people with broadband. I live in california which is prety high tech and there is no broadband in my town at all.
If a 56k connection takes LONGER to send it's information packets to the server, then the server takes LONGER to send them to EVERYONE else. That........is...........lag. =)

Not bashing 56k. And since this seems to be a internet connection spec thread, I have 1500K down / 400K up ADSL.
Which runs HL2: DM superbly even with 32 players, as long as the rest are pinging 150-ish or below.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
And who you calling youth ?? I bet Im older then you are son.
Maybe chronologically - not necessarily mentally.
56k folks shouldn't be discriminated against, that's just silly. Strange.
A message from a former 56k user:
STFU and leave the 56k'ers alone! Got it, jerks?

|SaD|Kuji said:
If a 56k connection takes LONGER to send it's information packets to the server, then the server takes LONGER to send them to EVERYONE else. That........is...........lag. =)

Not bashing 56k. And since this seems to be a internet connection spec thread, I have 1500K down / 400K up ADSL.
Which runs HL2: DM superbly even with 32 players, as long as the rest are pinging 150-ish or below.

Yes, but that would only cause the 56k player's physical appearance and shots to lag, as only the 56k player's packets are being sent that slowly. Everyone else's packets are zipping all over the place, or should be.
Brian Damage said:
Yes, but that would only cause the 56k player's physical appearance and shots to lag, as only the 56k player's packets are being sent that slowly. Everyone else's packets are zipping all over the place, or should be.

But if 56ker's physical appearance says that they're in one place, then thats where a broadband user is going to shoot......even though they're missing the 56ker entirely.....
either way, lagging appearance/shots is still lag.
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