God arrested for dealing drugs


May 5, 2004
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TAMPA, Fla. - Police say a man named God was arrested near a Tampa church for selling cocaine. Authorities began investigating God Lucky Howard in April, and he was arrested on Saturday. Police say he sold the cocaine to undercover detectives in his neighborhood. When officers searched his home, they reported finding another 22 grams of cocaine and a scale.

Jail records show Howard was charged with several counts drug possession and distribution, which include increased charges for being within 1,000 feet of a church, a school and public housing.

yo, god always has the best shit

God Lucky? Damn that's an awesome name. Godly Luck would've been better, though.
I guess you have God on your side now in drug debate threads, HL2.net.
Rofl what a name.

almost as good as this one:

City of Poughkeepsie man was arrested Thursday after leading police on a high-speed chase through the city, which came to an end on the lawns of two Washington Street homes.

Officer Garth Mason was on Market Street at 6:37 p.m. when he saw a car, operated by Landocalrissan Butler, 27, of Winnikee Avenue, speeding and moving into the officer?s lane, almost striking his car, said Deputy Chief Tom Ghee.

^ I don't get it (the second story).

here let me hilight the relevent part:

City of Poughkeepsie man was arrested Thursday after leading police on a high-speed chase through the city, which came to an end on the lawns of two Washington Street homes.

Officer Garth Mason was on Market Street at 6:37 p.m. when he saw a car, operated by Landocalrissan Butler, 27, of Winnikee Avenue, speeding and moving into the officer?s lane, almost striking his car, said Deputy Chief Tom Ghee.

Lando Calrissian ..you know, the black dude from star wars that drinks Colt 45?