Judge rules Air Freshener probable cause for Police Search for drugs

unzero, your an idiot. Everyone knows the only reason why recreational drugs are illegal is because the government can't tax it. If you really think ANY government really cares about the physical well being of it's citizens, then your in for a rude awakening one day. They care to the point of whether or not profit is lost.

BTW, I don't do drugs or weed myself personally either.

Got high once from weed and I didn't much care for the feeling. Plus I got a major headache a few hours later.
I think it would be great fun baiting police by hanging like 2 dozen air fresheners from the back window and observing their expressions as they don't find anything.

I need better things to do with my time...
You should be good, as long as you're not black or a drunk redneck.
what I ment by comparing weed and meth/heroin/coke is that weed/alcohol is MUCH less harmful then the meth or whatever.
I can smoke a joint/have a glass of beer once in a while and still live a normal life ,have a job etc....BUT when you wanna shoot heroin it's very much differnt imho (emphasis in imho) there is no such thing as a repsoneble meth or heroin user...Thats the point I was trying to make.Cocain is another story but it also alters the person after a while I'm convinced of this because I know 2-3 people that do coke and they're lives are ****ed.

When it comes to the drug war hard drugs aren't even taken into consideration. Almost all busts deal with marijuana. I don't think anyone has a problem with police busting hard drugs, it's the fact that the drug war targets marijuana that makes it a problem. You seem to classify marijuana and alcohol together when in reality alcohol is rated at #5 for the most harmful drugs. Tobacco even ranks higher than marijuana. In your opinion do you believe marijuana should be legal? It's hippocritical to think marijuana should remain illegal when alcohol and tobacco remain legal. Alcohol and tobacco are worse than marijuana in every way. From health issues, to addiction, to the number of deaths, to the families that have been ruined.

Also to stay on topic I don't think any logical person can justify a ruling such as this over a rather harmless drug. This ruling has once again shown our government is over extending their power and we are getting closer and closer to a police state. This is one step down a slippery slope that we shouldn't be taking.
Ugh, I don't care for this argument, but unozero, you need to learn to argue on the internet. Stuff like that post Jintor quoted only works in real life.
I'm morally opposed to illegal drugs on no real grounds whatsoever.

There, I said it!
Its sad that we cant have a intelligent discussion on this. We keep getting to the verge of a useful conversation, but then the insults come back out and bring us down again.

I'll just say one more thing. Its not that I am wholly against the legalization of drugs. I truly do believe that people should be allowed to do what they want with their own bodies and minds, and that it is a basic right that shouldnt be taken from anyone. However, I dont think that our society is capable of giving people that choice, with or without legal drugs. The only way people can actually fulfill the right to choose for themselves is if they're given all the knowledge available about any specific drug. If drugs were legalized, I have no faith in society to provide such a service. They will remain the "evil" things that make people "feel good" and thats it. A lot of people will start taking them (or avoiding them) while being misinformed about how the substance actually affects their bodies. I almost feel that its better to not have a choice, than to be allowed to make an uninformed choice on something so potentially dangerous.

Yeah right. :dozey:

Expecting others to treat me the same way they treat you isn't the best nor most accurate of ideas. :3
Wow, this thread deteriorated quickly. Time to spark it again.

I took heroin once!
6000 posts means you are satan!

Also why would you think I was being sarcastic, Dragonshorts?
6000 posts means you are satan!
