Judge rules Air Freshener probable cause for Police Search for drugs

A scale with cocaine = intention to distribute, making it far more serious.

That's not necessarily true. You don't think some users want to make sure they get what they pay for?

All drugs should be legal, anyway. 25 years?! :eek: More drug "war" insanity (TPTB sure love their wars, don't they?)
I should put 20 fresheners on my mirror, and when they pull me over and search me, I'll just sit back and think "Well, I bet there is a rapist running out of a house RIGHT now."
I should put 20 fresheners on my mirror, and when they pull me over and search me, I'll just sit back and think "Well, I bet there is a rapist running out of a house RIGHT now."

I wouldnt invite a search

"oh what do we have here? <drops baggy into back seat>"
Hell, legalize drugs. Fastest way to get rid of the idiots in the world when they OD and kill themselves with Meth and the likes...*hides in underground nuclear war bunker*
All drugs should be legal, anyway. 25 years?! :eek: More drug "war" insanity (TPTB sure love their wars, don't they?)

I agree completely. Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people every year than crack, coke and heroin COMBINED. The "war on drugs" costs billions of dollars, restricts peoples freedoms and is a bad idea in general. After alcohol prohibition you think politicians would realize
sticking your fingers in your ears going "lalallalallala" doesn't make a problem go away.

Plus, if drugs were legal, they would also be affordable, which means there wouldn't be so many people stealing to pay for they're addictions. And they would be safer. And I wouldn't have to pay taxes to pay for something I find reprehensible.

Millions of people worldwide smoke marijuana, a drug less harmful than alcohol. Yet some self-righteous asshole thinks he has the right to tell people what to do.

Arguing about why drugs should be legal is about as useless as arguing about why religion is retarded.
I agree completely. Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people every year than crack, coke and heroin COMBINED. The "war on drugs" costs billions of dollars, restricts peoples freedoms and is a bad idea in general. After alcohol prohibition you think politicians would realize
sticking your fingers in your ears going "lalallalallala" doesn't make a problem go away.

Plus, if drugs were legal, they would also be affordable, which means there wouldn't be so many people stealing to pay for they're addictions. And they would be safer. And I wouldn't have to pay taxes to pay for something I find reprehensible.

Millions of people worldwide smoke marijuana, a drug less harmful than alcohol. Yet some self-righteous asshole thinks he has the right to tell people what to do.

These are some good points. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it, as long as it's still illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence.

Certainly, being under the influence in public should be illegal as well, but I don't have a problem with people using drugs in their own homes.
what? being under the influence in public should be illegal? quite a few lawyers/businessmen would be in jail ..but seriously it's not illegal to be under the influence of alcohol I dont see why drugs would be any different ..i mean the majority of drug users smoke pot so being nder the influence means they'd be eating doritos and giggling uncontrollably ..not exactly a public nuisance or danger
Hmm, in the US, it's illegal to be drunk in public. I should know, I was arrested for it, if I remember correctly. There were some other offenses, I don't remember if I was actually charged with it.

I was mostly referring to people cranked up on mescaline or some shit in a store or something. Like a bull in a china store.
the fact that less people die of illegal drugs every year could be construed as the war on drugs is progressing well for the feds, as less drug use could equal less drug related deaths, right?
VirusType2 said:
Hmm, in the US, it's illegal to be drunk in public. I should know, I was arrested for it, if I remember correctly. There were some other offenses, I don't remember if I was actually charged with it.

I was mostly referring to people cranked up on mescaline or some shit in a store or something. Like a bull in a china store.

ya same for canada but there's a world of difference between being drunk and stoned in a public place ..I can just imagine the cops walking up to somone and saying "you smell like an air freshener, obviously you're stoned ..also you're eating a box of twinkies" ..besides the bloodshot eyes (easily fixed with visine) most people would have a hard time figuring out if someone is stoned or not ..not everyone falls over things/giggles like a school girl
Fixed. Oceania, here we come!

funny that say that considering that they beat people in India till they confess.

edit:stern I think most of the time you would still be able to smell it be it grass or alcohol.
Also I like how your article doesn't mention any priors the guys has etc.
wonder what happens to the drugs that are confiscated. Sometimes they confiscate an entire room full of drugs. I'll bet they re-sell it somewhere.
they burn it.....I hope you are just trying to be funny.
"a little bit for the evidence room, and a whole shit load for me"

if it's anything like confiscated alcohol, itgoes right into the trunk of the squad car ..to be distrubuted to cops at a later time

they burn it.....I hope you are just trying to be funny.

they burn it alright

"a little bit for the evidence room, and a whole shit load for me"

if it's anything like confiscated alcohol, itgoes right into the trunk of the squad car ..to be distrubuted to cops at a later time

you got any sources,Im sure this has happened before but not on a regualr basis.....
you got any sources,Im sure this has happened before but not on a regualr basis.....

yes, personal experiences and those of friends of mine who are in law enforcement ..you want me to provide a badge number and what precinct they're in?

now I'm not saying every cop does this but to suggest they're incapable of being human is just being isilly

and you're a cop hag ...kind of like a fag hag but with cops instead of fags
cops are all dudley dorights, completely incapable of doing wrong ..Police Officer Pureheart would never ever ever smoke the evil weed, that's what satan would want him to do
Wait, you can get high on air freshener?


/Tollbooth Willie:

Hail Satan

Willie is in skhool, but I'm sure he wouldn't miss the chance.
Have you actually known anybody who has used air freshners or dryer sheet to cover up the smell of drugs? It doesn't smell "febreeze fresh", it smells like a box of bounce dryer sheets blew up in their car.

No I havent ever known someone who used an air freshener to cover up the smell. Which supports my point that this puts perfectly innocent people at risk.
no it shouldn't

Wow. I like how you have provided no reason why coke should remain illegal. Did you ignore my post completely? You know, the stuff about how I should be able to choose what I do to MY body? The stuff about it costing everyone billions of whatever currency in taxes?

I should point out that coke was legal for the late 19th/early 20th century, and there were no problems. This goes for marijuana (even more so) and the vast majority of all other drugs.
Wow. I like how you have provided no reason why coke should remain illegal. Did you ignore my post completely? You know, the stuff about how I should be able to choose what I do to MY body? The stuff about it costing everyone billions of whatever currency in taxes?

I should point out that coke was legal for the late 19th/early 20th century, and there were no problems. This goes for marijuana (even more so) and the vast majority of all other drugs.

"In the same way as other narcotics like opium and heroin during this time, cocaine also began to be used as an active ingredient in a variety of "cure all" tonics and beverages. In many of the tonics that drug companies were producing at this time, cocaine would be mixed with opiates and administered freely to old and young alike. It wasn't until some years later that the dangers of these drugs became apparent.

In fact, it was the negative side effects of habitual cocaine use that was responsible for coining the phrase, "dope fiend". This terminology came about because of the behavior of a person abusing cocaine for prolonged periods of time. Because cocaine is such a powerful stimulant, prolonged daily use of the drug creates severe sleep deprivation and loss of appetite. A person might go days or sometimes weeks without sleeping or eating properly. The user often experiences psychotic behavior. They hallucinate and become delusionary. Coming down from the drug causes a severe state of depression for the person in withdrawal. This person can then become so desperate for more of the drug that they will do just about anything to get more of it, including murder. If the drug is not readily available, the depression one experiences in withdrawal can become so great the user will sometimes become suicidal. It is because of this heinous effect on the user that the word "fiend" became associated with cocaine addiction. "

communist propaganda but it the point is that China was a nation full of junkies.


"Before Mao's revolution won, in 1949, the people of China were miserably poor, ruled by a handful of rich landowners, warlords and foreign capitalists.

Under that old society, many people were strung out on the pipe. There were 70 million junkies in China -- addicted to opium, morphine and heroin. Half-starving laborers used the sweet opium dreams to cover the pain of hunger and hopelessness. And the lazy rich used drugs to fill up their empty hours. In some areas everyone even children, smoked opium. In the cities, tiny bottles of drugs were sold on the streetcorners like ice cream. People got high on the job.

The people of old China suffered terribly from this drug addiction. Many poor people used their pennies on the pipe instead of food. Addicts often abandoned their children or even SOLD their children to buy more drugs. Addicted women were often forced to become prostitutes and many died of diseases. "

Not to mention the 10000's of cases where one person kills another while completely stoned/drunk (weed excluded)

Your first sentence already makes you look like a jackass.

**** yeah let people do all the dope they want,It doesn't matter if the mom gets stoned while baby starves to death or the dad clubs his wife to death because he's on angel dust.
**** it's their body if they want to commit suicide that cool too wohooo
free society for free thinkers yay.
I could probably cite a hundred cases where a husband kills his wife with a gun ...therefore according to your logic guns should be banned

this is pretty much your argument in a nutshell
Guns should be banned. And I agree, drugs should stay illegal. Marijuana should be legalized though.
Might as well ban fatty foods too then unozero. Do you know how many people die every year of health related problems due to it?

Most of the problems were because of a lack of understanding of the drugs.

You are grouping every drug together including heroine, opium, and cocaine:

"In the same way as other narcotics like opium and heroin during this time, cocaine also began to be used as an active ingredient in a variety of "cure all" tonics and beverages. In many of the tonics that drug companies were producing at this time, cocaine would be mixed with opiates and administered freely to old and young alike. It wasn't until some years later that the dangers of these drugs became apparent.
There were 70 million junkies in China -- addicted to opium, morphine and heroin. Half-starving laborers used the sweet opium dreams to cover the pain of hunger and hopelessness. And the lazy rich used drugs to fill up their empty hours. In some areas everyone even children, smoked opium.

Everything in moderation. Many of these drugs are fantastic pain relievers.
simply having an opinion does not mean it's the right opinion
the status quo supports my opinion.

oh virus I saw your edit.Are trying to accuse me of saying that all drugs should never ever be used?
Morphine is a pain killer if someone had surgery or whatever of course it's ok to take.
same with cocaine it's used to treat burn victims,Im obviously talking about abuse, not how it's used in the medical field.
the status quo once thought the world is flat ..you're not siding with the common denominator are you? because they often side with stupid