Judge rules Air Freshener probable cause for Police Search for drugs

are you some kind of troll?
What exactly are trying to say?
Do you want to legalize all drugs or what?
I presented my opinion I said why I don't think it should be legalized and you as you been doing ever since I joined, presented a "non argument"
you basically repeated yourself twice now it's very tiresome.
the status quo supports my opinion.

oh virus I saw your edit.Are trying to accuse me of saying that all drugs should never ever be used?
Morphine is a pain killer if someone had surgery or whatever of course it's ok to take.
same with cocaine it's used to treat burn victims,Im obviously talking about abuse, not how it's used in the medical field.

Not accusing you of anything. I just wanted to address your point. You lumped everything together.

Then I made another point that painkillers are fantastic and should never be completely outlawed.

When people are in incredible pain, it's only humane to give them painkillers.

These are drugs that come from a plant that comes from this very Earth.

Abuse of anything is bad, that's why it's called abuse.

I'm just debating. I'm not claiming I'm totally right or anyone is totally wrong.

If I edited it, it was making my post more legible or concise. It doesn't say, "last edited by virus" so you can't say I was ninja editing.
Not accusing you of anything. I just wanted to address your point. You lumped everything together.

Then I made another point that painkillers are fantastic and should never be completely outlawed.

When people are in incredible pain, it's only humane to give them painkillers.

These are drugs that come from a plant that comes from this very Earth.

Abuse of anything is bad, that's why it's called abuse.

I'm just debating. I'm not claiming I'm totally right or anyone is totally wrong.

If I edited it, it was making my post more legible or concise. It doesn't say, "last edited by virus" so you can't say I was ninja editing.

well guess what bra most people that use the mentioned drugs outside of the medical field aren't doing because their in pain.....
Legalize all drugs. It's stupid not to. I can go drink a bottle of Draino without problem, but I can't go do a line of coke? Ridiculous. Why shouldn't they be legalized? Because they ruin lives? No shit they do, that's why I'm not out tweaking. I don't choose not to do drugs because they're illegal, but because they're dangerous. The "war" on drugs helps nobody. Nobody. Education--real education, not the ridiculous DARE program that I learned from--is what people really need.

What do you care if someone wants to pop some Adderall and clean their room like a mother****er? People who would do it while it's legal are the same people who will go find it while it's illegal. All you're doing is forcing them into an unregulated, underground market. Making things legal does nothing to promote its use. But, no, let's live in a nanny state. Old poppa government will look out for us...
Legalize all drugs. It's stupid not to. I can go drink a bottle of Draino without problem, but I can't go do a line of coke? Ridiculous. Why shouldn't they be legalized? Because they ruin lives? No shit they do, that's why I'm not out tweaking. I don't choose not to do drugs because they're illegal, but because they're dangerous. The "war" on drugs helps nobody. Nobody. Education--real education, not the ridiculous DARE program that I learned from--is what people really need.

draino isnt made for consumption -_____-
Your point? It's something I can purchase and put into my body if I choose to.
Why is alcohol legal and drugs are not?
There are more deaths from alcohol each year than from marijuana (0).

I think boots and chairs should be illegal, those ****ing things can kill people you know!?
Also life is very deadly, a lot of people die from it, should be illegal too.
Muffin Man said:
I don't choose not to do drugs because they're illegal, but because they're dangerous.
Agree with Muffin Man, especially this part.

lol Hellrider
Your point? It's something I can purchase and put into my body if I choose to.

Not legally I dont think. Plus a drug's only purpose is consumption. Draino's purpose is to clean drains.

Drug use doesnt just effect the person who consumed it. The law is there to keep people from having immediate and unlimited access to any kind of drug, which seriously limits how many people get addicted and how many lives it ruins. A parent who gets addicted to drugs is going to **** up their entire family's lives, and a kid who gets addicted to drugs at an early age (kids start drinking at like 14 these days, so its not absurd to think they'll get into drugs at this age as well) will **** their entire lives up because of a bad decision they made when they were still a kid.
ya same for canada but there's a world of difference between being drunk and stoned in a public place ..I can just imagine the cops walking up to somone and saying "you smell like an air freshener, obviously you're stoned ..also you're eating a box of twinkies" ..besides the bloodshot eyes (easily fixed with visine) most people would have a hard time figuring out if someone is stoned or not ..not everyone falls over things/giggles like a school girl
Stern is speaking truth. Point of fact you wouldn't be able to tell if I was stoned or not if I met any of you randomly one day. Most of my friends can't even tell unless I'm being obvious and I post here high probably half the time but none of you can delineate which half :p That was mostly all in response to Virus's post about being on intoxicated in public.

communist propaganda but it the point is that China was a nation full of junkies.


"Before Mao's revolution won, in 1949, the people of China were miserably poor, ruled by a handful of rich landowners, warlords and foreign capitalists.

Under that old society, many people were strung out on the pipe. There were 70 million junkies in China -- addicted to opium, morphine and heroin. Half-starving laborers used the sweet opium dreams to cover the pain of hunger and hopelessness. And the lazy rich used drugs to fill up their empty hours. In some areas everyone even children, smoked opium. In the cities, tiny bottles of drugs were sold on the streetcorners like ice cream. People got high on the job.

The people of old China suffered terribly from this drug addiction. Many poor people used their pennies on the pipe instead of food. Addicts often abandoned their children or even SOLD their children to buy more drugs. Addicted women were often forced to become prostitutes and many died of diseases. "

Not to mention the 10000's of cases where one person kills another while completely stoned/drunk (weed excluded)
You're talking out of your ass and I think you know it. You clearly are not very well informed about "drugs" in general and you either seem to think it doesn't show or you just don't care that you're blatantly arguing from an ignorant standpoint.

Nobody is denying the fact that cocaine, opiates, meth, and other hard, addictive drugs can be dangerous if used irresponsibly, and that the addiction can make responsible use exceptionally difficult. I don't even argue myself that hard drugs such as these should be made legal for recreational use. However, if they WERE legalized to some extent and controlled, we would have less of a drug problem now. Why? Because right now, it is EASY to get drugs. More of a hassle than if it were legalized, but still possible for anybody who particularly wishes to do them. So availability is roughly similar. However, legalization would not only promote real education about these drugs and their effects and dangers (unlike rabid anti-drug education now) so people knew what they were getting into, it would also reduce massive amounts of drug related crime, and control the substances resulting in money for the government and a huge decrease in fatalities from drug overdoses because purity would be regulated.
well guess what bra most people that use the mentioned drugs outside of the medical field aren't doing because their in pain.....
What's wrong with recreational use of drugs? Who are you to say what I can and can't do with my own body and mind? After a comment like that I sure hope you support criminalizing alcohol and tobacco, because that's your only route that's free of hypocrisy.
No I agree with what the cops did was right. It could be a signal to other drug buyers that car is a drug dealer. Like say a car with a yellow tree freshener has got the drugs. Some gangs do it with hats too, like in Lowell some schools won't let you wear hats because of that. Your associated with some gangs by the hat or colors you wear. *Also cops don't need a warrant if they have like a VERY good reason that something is sketchy. Like a canuck smoking the good stuff that went to America. Cop doesn't need a warrant to search his car now does he to find more? If the cop has a good reason, then they can search, etc. Best way to avoid this is to not act sketchy and do crazy shit in the first place.
Stern is speaking truth. Point of fact you wouldn't be able to tell if I was stoned or not if I met any of you randomly one day. Most of my friends can't even tell unless I'm being obvious and I post here high probably half the time but none of you can delineate which half :p That was mostly all in response to Virus's post about being on intoxicated in public.

You're talking out of your ass and I think you know it. You clearly are not very well informed about "drugs" in general and you either seem to think it doesn't show or you just don't care that you're blatantly arguing from an ignorant standpoint.

Nobody is denying the fact that cocaine, opiates, meth, and other hard, addictive drugs can be dangerous if used irresponsibly, and that the addiction can make responsible use exceptionally difficult. I don't even argue myself that hard drugs such as these should be made legal for recreational use. However, if they WERE legalized to some extent and controlled, we would have less of a drug problem now. Why? Because right now, it is EASY to get drugs. More of a hassle than if it were legalized, but still possible for anybody who particularly wishes to do them. So availability is roughly similar. However, legalization would not only promote real education about these drugs and their effects and dangers (unlike rabid anti-drug education now) so people knew what they were getting into, it would also reduce massive amounts of drug related crime, and control the substances resulting in money for the government and a huge decrease in fatalities from drug overdoses because purity would be regulated.

What's wrong with recreational use of drugs? Who are you to say what I can and can't do with my own body and mind? After a comment like that I sure hope you support criminalizing alcohol and tobacco, because that's your only route that's free of hypocrisy.

dream on.:thumbs:
Dude, I can smell it on you after you smoked pot. First off:
  1. You got blood hound dog eyes.
  2. Then your all giggly.
  3. You smell like pot.
Now if you don't smoke much, then yes, it won't really show. You will always smell like pot though. Also you can't mistaken it for something else. It just smells like pot.
I smoke cigarettes, I always smell like cigarettes which masks the weed :)

unozero, your loss in this thread is acknowledged
There are some clever people out there, at my school this one kid makes stuff that completely masks the weed scent, makes you smell kind of like deodorant, although it doesn't smell like you bathed in it.

Then again, I may just be used to it, between every class the halls are completely masked in weed smell..
When I used to smoke weed, if I was going out in public, it was before I took a shower and got dressed. Then I brushed my teeth and put on cologne and deodorant, as usual. You're not going to smell it.
I smoke cigarettes, I always smell like cigarettes which masks the weed :)

unozero, your loss in this thread is acknowledged

keep telling that to yourself stoner.

"who are you tell me buhuhu" :dozey: like a 12 year old.
ITT people get infractions for being nob-ends.

By people I mean Unozero.
Weed nubs up in hurr.

Seriously, it is not hard to be normal while high if you've been accustomed to it for an extended time.
dream on.:thumbs:

Yeah, you lost that fight. Why are you such a self-righteous c*nt? Why do you think your opinion is universal law and that just because you don't want to, I shouldn't be able to do what I want with my own body?

Look, I'm gonna spell this out one more time. If you are too retarded to understand, I am going to give up. Lets talk about marijuana. Holland has decriminalized marijuana, and it is sold in special "coffee" shops. After marijuana was decriminalized the following things happened:

  • Drug use as a whole went down.
  • Crime, especially organized crime, was greatly reduced. Not surprising, since marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the world.
  • The prison population was greatly reduced. That means that you and I don't have to pay taxes to keep the prisoners around.

Now, if all drugs were legal, organized crime would almost completely disappear (most crime revolves around drugs); millions of people would be let out of jail worldwide; the country would grow richer from the taxes placed on drugs; and you would be letting people do what they want with they're own bodies on they're own property.

Now, I am going to ask you a question. Do you drink alcohol, or smoke? If you answer yes to either of those, you are a ****ing hypocrite because (people are so quick to forget this) both of those ARE HARD DRUGS. THEY ARE HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, VERY BAD FOR YOU AND CAN CAUSE DEATH OVER BOTH LONG TERM AND SHORT TERM USE. Just like the opiates, cocaine and other drugs you are rambling ignorantly on about.

Oh, and one final bit of advice. When you are in a debate, actually do some research into the subject first, or at least don't pretend that you aren't ignorant of the subject.
Millions of people would be let out of jail? Is that really how it works? I was under the impression that very few people were actually jailed for just using drugs, and the majority inside were dealers. I don't think they're going to just forgive something like that in retrospect because the drug is suddenly legal... or maybe I just don't know my law very well.

... Which I don't. :P

Still, seems kind of... yeah.

Edit - I'm talking about weed in case that wasn't clear, nothing harder.
Millions of people would be let out of jail? Is that really how it works? I was under the impression that very few people were actually jailed for just using drugs, and the majority inside were dealers. I don't think they're going to just forgive something like that in retrospect because the drug is suddenly legal... or maybe I just don't know my law very well.

Not in the EU, its in the European treaty of human rights or some shit that you cannot be jailed if you do something and it becomes a crime later on, or vice versa.
Yeah, you lost that fight. Why are you such a self-righteous c*nt? Why do you think your opinion is universal law and that just because you don't want to, I shouldn't be able to do what I want with my own body?

Look, I'm gonna spell this out one more time. If you are too retarded to understand, I am going to give up. Lets talk about marijuana. Holland has decriminalized marijuana, and it is sold in special "coffee" shops. After marijuana was decriminalized the following things happened:

  • Drug use as a whole went down.
  • Crime, especially organized crime, was greatly reduced. Not surprising, since marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the world.
  • The prison population was greatly reduced. That means that you and I don't have to pay taxes to keep the prisoners around.

Now, if all drugs were legal, organized crime would almost completely disappear (most crime revolves around drugs); millions of people would be let out of jail worldwide; the country would grow richer from the taxes placed on drugs; and you would be letting people do what they want with they're own bodies on they're own property.

Now, I am going to ask you a question. Do you drink alcohol, or smoke? If you answer yes to either of those, you are a ****ing hypocrite because (people are so quick to forget this) both of those ARE HARD DRUGS. THEY ARE HIGHLY ADDICTIVE, VERY BAD FOR YOU AND CAN CAUSE DEATH OVER BOTH LONG TERM AND SHORT TERM USE. Just like the opiates, cocaine and other drugs you are rambling ignorantly on about.

Oh, and one final bit of advice. When you are in a debate, actually do some research into the subject first, or at least don't pretend that you aren't ignorant of the subject.

I don't drink nor do I smoke,you are very naive if you believe that most crime would disappear if we legalized all drugs yes it's your body no you don't have the right to do with ever what you want.with it if you expect to live in a civilized society with a government thatsupports and protects you. so yeah **** you.And I'm talking about hard drugs not weed btw.
I don't drink nor do I smoke,you are very naive if you believe that most crime would disappear if we legalized all drugs

I didn't say most crime would disappear. I said organized crime would decrease an extreme amount. And I am using Holland as any example where it did.

yes it's your body no you don't have the right to do with ever what you want.with it if you expect to live in a civilized society

Why not? If I use drugs in my own home, how the **** am I threatening society? The only answer is, of course, that I am not. Guess what. I smoke/snort/inject the substance, I get the health problems, I die. Not you. Doesn't affect you.

with a government that supports and protects you.

Why should the government protect me? Why does the government owe me anything? The government should be locking up murderers and rapists, not drug users. That would be protection.

And I'm talking about hard drugs not weed btw.

Alcohol and tobacco are hard drugs, yet they are perfectly legal. Why should they get special treatment. And its funny you point out about protecting people, because as I have pointed out, more people die from alcohol and baccy than they do from illegal drugs.

In fact, I'm gonna shut up and let the Hickster talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fntiAF3OSts
It's impossible to die from too much marijuana, yet people die every year from too much alcohol.
well to be fair you could drop a lit doobie on your bed and burn yourself to death ..or you coud fall asleep while driving or hell suck too hard on a joint accidentily lodging it in your throat and choking to death ..but that can apply to pretty much everything ..like death by gardening tools or death by oven mitt

in other words:

if the queen had balls she's be king

speculating what could happen is useless and is always the mark of a weak argument

anyways why is always the people who are most vocal against drug use have never actually tried it

I didn't say most crime would disappear. I said organized crime would decrease an extreme amount. And I am using Holland as any example where it did.

Why not? If I use drugs in my own home, how the **** am I threatening society? The only answer is, of course, that I am not. Guess what. I smoke/snort/inject the substance, I get the health problems, I die. Not you. Doesn't affect you.

Why should the government protect me? Why does the government owe me anything? The government should be locking up murderers and rapists, not drug users. That would be protection.

Alcohol and tobacco are hard drugs, yet they are perfectly legal. Why should they get special treatment. And its funny you point out about protecting people, because as I have pointed out, more people die from alcohol and baccy than they do from illegal drugs.

In fact, I'm gonna shut up and let the Hickster talk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fntiAF3OSts

yo when is ay government protects you,I mean services and stuff it provides to people.

edit:stern I have done drugs not the real hard ones though.
so you've just admitted you can only really comment on non hard drugs
I've never made any statements to either support or dismiss that notion. you on the other hand sounded like a shrill alarm on the the omg-save-the-childrens dangers of drugs bandwagon
Drugs are bad mm'kay?

*makes base assumptions*
Why not? If I use drugs in my own home, how the **** am I threatening society? The only answer is, of course, that I am not. Guess what. I smoke/snort/inject the substance, I get the health problems, I die. Not you. Doesn't affect you.

If you dont think getting health problems and/or dying doesnt affect anyone else, you're an idiot. And I'm not just talking about immediate family. It will affect people at your workplace, all your relationships with family and friends, as well as any girl/boyfriends. All those people will have their lives affected simply from you. If drugs are legalized then I'd wager we'll all know multiple people who will develop problems because of them, and we'll all have an increased amount of stress and heartache because of it.

(In before "krynn thinks drugs will bring about an end to civilization!" comment)
Well... god knows we wouldn't want some bastard to get high in his car. We have to stop these dangers before they impact our lives!

"Is half a century behind bars really necessary?"

SURE IT IS! We don't want these kinds of people roaming the streets!

"But... What about murderers? They don't get as much time as druggies, and druggies never really hurt anybody... they just do drugs..."

oh come on this is not typical drug use, a small percentage of users are addicts or do it on a regular basis where it interferes with their life
If you dont think getting health problems and/or dying doesnt affect anyone else, you're an idiot. And I'm not just talking about immediate family. It will affect people at your workplace, all your relationships with family and friends, as well as any girl/boyfriends. All those people will have their lives affected simply from you. If drugs are legalized then I'd wager we'll all know multiple people who will develop problems because of them, and we'll all have an increased amount of stress and heartache because of it.

(In before "krynn thinks drugs will bring about an end to civilization!" comment)

Let's draw a major distinction between the every day laws of causality and the act of directly affecting another individual.

Quite simply, any stress or heartache experienced by those around you due to your personal drug use, stopping short of bludgeoning them in a crack haze, is something they have to deal with themselves. If you spend the rest of your days smoking pot in your basement, regardless of how responsible that may be, it is something your family, friends, coworkers, or anybody else has to come to terms with on their own.

We hold no direct responsibility for the reactions of others to what we do in our own, private, spare time.
You should take some responsibility for the harmful feelings you cause to others, especially if it's someone who's in your family and shows concern for you (which they obviously do if they're getting worried and stressed when you're doing something detrimental to yourself)