Going to the gym


Nov 16, 2003
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I'm seriously considering going to the local gym, to not only try to get fit but to also see if i can build some of my muscles up and bulk myself up.

Does anyone here know of any routines or techniques, what sort of equipment i need to use, how often i need to go and for how long, etc? I am wanting to go 5 times a week, for at least 90minutes a day. At the moment, i weigh 210lbs/15stone and am 6' 6" and naturally quite strong, but i do have a bit of a podgy belly coming which i want to replace with a nice muscley stomach. I don't want a career in body building, but i do want a lot of upper body strength, etc.

I am just hoping some of you do at least work out at the gym and know what they're doing when it comes to building muscle.
Well, when you start you CANNOT go more than 3 times a week, and 90 minutes? jesus h christ, if you don't work out or do any kind/ small exercise now you'll be so tired that you won't be able to do anything else. And you'll need to talk to a trainer/someone who knows how the machines work. Also a program made by a trainer is cool to have too.

Oh yeah, and why you only can go like 3 times a week when you start is because the places where youre muscles are attatched to the bone aren't strong yet, so if you over work the muscles the fastners might tare.
MaxiKana said:
Well, when you start you CANNOT go more than 3 times a week, and 90 minutes? jesus h christ, if you don't work out or do any kind/ small exercise now you'll be so tired that you won't be able to do anything else. And you'll need to talk to a trainer/someone who knows how the machines work. Also a program made by a trainer is cool to have too.

Oh yeah, and why you only can go like 3 times a week when you start is because the places where youre muscles are attatched to the bone aren't strong yet, so if you over work the muscles the fastners might tare.

Ok, thankyou :). The local gym seems to be very well equipped, but i'll need to talk to the trainers, see if they can advise anything.

What about all of these supplements that people take, protein shakes, etc?
if you are a beginner your training shouldn't last more than 60 min 2-3 times a week!! consulting you trainer is necessary, but when you get more experienced you can do it by yourself! 90 percent of people don't know how to train the right way and they blindly listen to trainers, so we have people training 7 times a week for 120 min!! STUPID!!!!

belive me the right way is the way you make it!! example, if you overwork you lose muscels, if you don't work enough you don't gain anything! you have to work out enough, so that you can do other tasks (school,...) also well! belive me muscels are in a way like the brain, they improve if treated right!

i'm a little more skiny guy than others, so my training is like 3 times a week for 60-90 min! but if you say you are a little fatter but not too much, you have the best base to start with! fat is energy remember! and about proteins and such, drop that shit! just eat normaly, but reduce the junkfood (burgers, chips,...)

getting to know how your body works is the key for anything!
hope it helps!
jverne said:
if you are a beginner your training shouldn't last more than 60 min 2-3 times a week!! consulting you trainer is necessary, but when you get more experienced you can do it by yourself! 90 percent of people don't know how to train the right way and they blindly listen to trainers, so we have people training 7 times a week for 120 min!! STUPID!!!!

belive me the right way is the way you make it!! example, if you overwork you lose muscels, if you don't work enough you don't gain anything! you have to work out enough, so that you can do other tasks (school,...) also well! belive me muscels are in a way like the brain, they improve if treated right!

i'm a little more skiny guy than others, so my training is like 3 times a week for 60-90 min! but if you say you are a little fatter but not too much, you have the best base to start with! fat is energy remember! and about proteins and such, drop that shit! just eat normaly, but reduce the junkfood (burgers, chips,...)

getting to know how your body works is the key for anything!
hope it helps!

In every post you end your sentences with "!", why? Is your "." key broken?
jverne said:
i'm a little more skiny guy than others, so my training is like 3 times a week for 60-90 min! but if you say you are a little fatter but not too much, you have the best base to start with! fat is energy remember! and about proteins and such, drop that shit! just eat normaly, but reduce the junkfood (burgers, chips,...)

getting to know how your body works is the key for anything!
hope it helps!

I have been reading up a few guides on the internet and they advise doubling my calorie intake and consuming 200grams of protein per day, etc, to build muscle. I've emailed a few of the local gyms, see what sort of thing they offer in the way of personal trainers and expert advice.

I am also wanting to do Martial Arts, the only ones in the local area are Karate, Tae Kwon do and Kick Boxing. So, i might do Karate and Kick Boxing as well, but not until i've been going to the gym for a little while.
If the gyms any good, there will be people there who will tell you whatever you need to know, why ask here?
Heheh, tip on the martial art thing.

Well, I recomend doing kickboxing because it will increase fitness, strength etc and also give you alot of experience in sparing (not alot of karate/tae kwon do clubs seem to do enough actualy sparing anymore.

Erm, karate is good, but alot of clases today are there to earn money and probably wont teach you a whole lot of usefull stuff.

Tae kwon do is mostly all kicks and is excelent for co-ordination and flexibility... but at the places i have been to they simply dont teach you how to defend you'reself....

I suggest going and watching each one. In fact most places give a free lesson these days. Just go have a look and see what you think. :)

And as for training, I suggest doing lots of small exercise because that will give you very tonned fast muscle instead of large bulky stuff which isnt half as good. :)

I would just do pressups every night, and situps as well. :)

You should notice a difference fairly soon if you havent done nethin like it before. :)
i go about 4-5 times a week about 60-120 minutes each time. i'm really still getting a routine, but it's usually chest, back, and shoulders (2x each week) and bicep/tricep (2x each week). I run long at least once a week. I don't do leg exercises right now since i run often. I usually run a mile before each workout. I am trying to do stomach exercises 3x a week. i can't run right now because i have plantar faciatis - sucks. there are different camps who say you shouldn't/allow working out opposing muscle groups like bicep/tricep, but it's up to you. i had a friend show me certain exercises before i got comfortable doing it all by myself. Get exercising. It's fun and i feel better after a hard workout.
Ritz said:
If the gyms any good, there will be people there who will tell you whatever you need to know, why ask here?

It is because there are a lot of different people from a lot of different walks of life in here, some members might be just getting into getting fit and building strength like me and will be able to give me some advice before i go to see the trainers at the gym, and then there might actually be a few personal trainers in here that could also help with information and advice.

I have also read that Marksman, a lot of people do seem to say now that most of the Martial Arts aren't very good when it comes to fighting and defending yourself due to the fact that you don't spar with anyone, whereas, Kick Boxing, it is full body contact sparring where you will learn how to fight. But Karate and Tae Kwon Do does help focus the mind and the spirit far better then Kick Boxing ever could, so that is why i am wanting to do a mixture.

Like i said, i'm not going to start doing the Martial Arts until i have been to the gym for a couple of months and started toning myself. I do want a body that is toned and nice bulky arms, etc, but i don't want to be Mr Universe, as i also want speed and dexterity.
2* 5*12 sets of bicep on at least 2 different machines
2* 5*12 " " tricep " "
2* 5*10 " " pecs " "
5*10 " " shoulders and back
5*20 " " of Abdominal workout (situps or cradle, usually cradle)
5 min jog
5 min wieghts (which ever weights make you have muscle fail after about 12/13)
no more than 3* a week

try jogging at other times too, dont forget less fatty products like pringles and more protein like ham or eggs, not too many eggs though as they are quite fatty :afro:
oh and dont bother with martial arts clubs unless its in korea cuz its usually childs play. stick to gyming jogging and if you feel tough enough; boxing
TheGGMan said:
oh and dont bother with martial arts clubs unless its in korea cuz its usually childs play. stick to gyming jogging and if you feel tough enough; boxing

lol... so many people think all martial arts are shite.

It isnt true you know. You should go try muay thai boxing. Its like kick boxing but much much more brutal.

They basically give you the same workout as any boxing club and then teach you how to punch/kick/elbo/knee and basically use whatever else to beat the apponent into submision.

Hell the fact that it is a knockout sport in competition should be proof enough :p

Also, allmost any martial art that is tought well is far more effective than boxing (Not that boxing is bad... its just somewhat limited lol.)

Problem is finding a decent club. :)
I go to my gym about 3 times a week.

If your just trying to lose weight i would mostly use the running machines, treadmills, stair climbers what ever they got..

i usually go to the gym with a lifting partner, its usally pretty boring goin by urself, i aslo play alot of basketball which makes it fun and not seem like a chore going to the gym. the easiest ways on putting on muscle i think is to bench, curl and do some leg reps with some of the leg machines.. my calfs are pretty soar right now after doing lifts on them
I go to the gym about 2-3 times a week, I dont necessarily think u have to run in order to loose ur belly coz doing weights is still gonna be losing u fat as its strenuous exercise. I my self concentrate on Bench Press for my chest and shoulders; bicep curls and tricep exercises. Id say bench press is one of the best exercies u can do, because it works a lot of muscles and gives u serious upper body strength.
johnnypoopoopant said:
good luck and dont give up b/c i did after 2 months

I'll keep that in mind, i think it would be a lot easier with a partner but i really don't know anyone who would be willing to go. I'll have to talk one of my friends into going.

The forum on this site is a good source of info. Full of assholes though.

And by the way, dont try to lose fat and gain muscle all at once. You should probably bulk for a few months then swich to cutting. You can not do both at the same time.

Oh, and do not use machines. Free weights will give you much better results.
if you need info about martial arts ask me! :upstare:

been training kick boxing for 3 years and boxing for 1 year!

tae-kwon-do is the martial art, kick boxing is the competition style of takwondo. there are 3 types of kick boxing: semi, light, full contact! i've done semi and light! the easyest is full contact, it may sound strange but is true! all you need is brut force!
Homer said:

The forum on this site is a good source of info. Full of assholes though.

And by the way, dont try to lose fat and gain muscle all at once. You should probably bulk for a few months then swich to cutting. You can not do both at the same time.

Oh, and do not use machines. Free weights will give you much better results.

yes free weights are much better, but more complicated to master!
jverne said:
if you need info about martial arts ask me! :upstare:

been training kick boxing for 3 years and boxing for 1 year!

tae-kwon-do is the martial art, kick boxing is the competition style of takwondo. there are 3 types of kick boxing: semi, light, full contact! i've done semi and light! the easyest is full contact, it may sound strange but is true! all you need is brut force!

I've emailed a local guy who teaches both Lau Gar Kung Fu and Kick Boxing, so hopefully, he'll email me back with some info and i can go along to a couple of classes to check them out.

The same guy does Karate, Lau Gar Kung Fu, Judo and Kick Boxing, so i'm a little worried that this guy hasn't really mastered all of them and only does it to earn an extra something on the side.
Razor said:
I've emailed a local guy who teaches both Lau Gar Kung Fu and Kick Boxing, so hopefully, he'll email me back with some info and i can go along to a couple of classes to check them out.

The same guy does Karate, Lau Gar Kung Fu, Judo and Kick Boxing, so i'm a little worried that this guy hasn't really mastered all of them and only does it to earn an extra something on the side.

yep that is true! if youre a more aggresive type then go with kick boxing/taekwondo or boxing! anything else is dance lessons!
jverne said:
yep that is true! if youre a more aggresive type then go with kick boxing/taekwondo or boxing! anything else is dance lessons!

Well, i was hoping that the Kung Fu would help focus my mind and spirit and then Kicking Boxing would be the pure fight training.
If your primary goal is to lose that gut, you should probably focus on running/swimming etc., lifting weights doesn't really lose you any fat, you just build muscle.
Even though lots of muscle does make you burn more fat, a good weight lifting session will never loose you as much weight as running/swimming or something else that makes your pulse go fast and keep it that way for extended periods of time.

I've been running this summer, but now winter's coming up, and I don't want to run in the cold (or snow :p), so now i swim instead!
jverne said:
yep that is true! if youre a more aggresive type then go with kick boxing/taekwondo or boxing! anything else is dance lessons!

*Cough*, I'm sure you're an excelent kick boxer/boxer and whatever but thats bs.... lol

Another thing, there are several types of kick boxing. For example:

One type is derived from karate and western boxing.

Another is a kind of westernised Muay Thai art....

And some are based upon taekwondo. :)

And I am sure there are more.

Also.... you shouldnt comment on all other martial arts as being "dance lessons" when you only have experience of a few. I've been doin martial arts in various forms for years and you come to find that every single one of them has its applications...

Oh and I dont mean in competitions, I mean on the street where it actually counts. :p
jverne said:
if you are a beginner your training shouldn't last more than 60 min 2-3 times a week!! consulting you trainer is necessary, but when you get more experienced you can do it by yourself! 90 percent of people don't know how to train the right way and they blindly listen to trainers, so we have people training 7 times a week for 120 min!! STUPID!!!!

belive me the right way is the way you make it!! example, if you overwork you lose muscels, if you don't work enough you don't gain anything! you have to work out enough, so that you can do other tasks (school,...) also well! belive me muscels are in a way like the brain, they improve if treated right!

i'm a little more skiny guy than others, so my training is like 3 times a week for 60-90 min! but if you say you are a little fatter but not too much, you have the best base to start with! fat is energy remember! and about proteins and such, drop that shit! just eat normaly, but reduce the junkfood (burgers, chips,...)

getting to know how your body works is the key for anything!
hope it helps!

I work out 5 times a week for 2 hours straight. I am very knowledgable when it comes to weight training, and I know my limits. I've increased my strength immensely without bulking up very much. I have a lean, but very strong body. How you ask? I know what I'm doing and I do it right.

The best bet for anyone wanting to learn how to train is to find a friend who knows how to weight train well, and pick up from them. Learning the basics is fine, but that won't get people anywhere. Personally, I've never had a fitness trainer, nor do I want to. Alot of my workouts conflict with their ideas of "recommended" weight training.

Anyways, before you get bigger and stronger, you got to know what it is you are doing. Being smart is a huge part of weight training.

Oh, by the way, saying that protein is shit is pretty funny. That whole knowledge thing comes into play there too.
Razor said:
I'm seriously considering going to the local gym, to not only try to get fit but to also see if i can build some of my muscles up and bulk myself up.

Does anyone here know of any routines or techniques, what sort of equipment i need to use, how often i need to go and for how long, etc? I am wanting to go 5 times a week, for at least 90minutes a day. At the moment, i weigh 210lbs/15stone and am 6' 6" and naturally quite strong, but i do have a bit of a podgy belly coming which i want to replace with a nice muscley stomach. I don't want a career in body building, but i do want a lot of upper body strength, etc.

I am just hoping some of you do at least work out at the gym and know what they're doing when it comes to building muscle.

no way you are 6'6" 210 and pudgy....
unless he has NO muscle mass. eh i've seen weirder. a 5'9" guy about 140 lbs, and flabby. no joke. but he was an idiot anyways and i didn't like him.
Icarus said:
no way you are 6'6" 210 and pudgy....

I'm a little podgy around the belly, i want to do two things, bulk up so that i've got muscles, but not Arnold Schwarzenegger type of thing, if you've seen Bruce Lee without a shirt on, that is the sort of thing i'm aiming for.

I don't mind about gaining weight, infact i would like to gain weight, as long as it is muscle.

Bait, what sort of thing do you eat on the average day and what do you do for the 2 hours each day, i presume you work out different areas?
Bisept curles
wrist curles
bench press
sholder press

pretty much what i do when i go to the gym
Dont just go and benchpress like so many people think is a good idea. Probably the best all around thing you could do I would say is squats(which suck hardcore).

People just love bench because its easy.
work out 6 days a week (take sundays off, or whatever day you prefer) however you should do whatever feels more comfortable to you
(you will be doing weight exercises 3 times a week, and cardio the other three)

I recommend a weight routine that alternates between cardio, lower body, and upper body workouts between days.

for instance what I do is

day1: Upper body
day2: Cardio (running, biking, swimming, anything that gets your heartrate up and keeps it there for at least 30 minutes)
day3: Lower Body
day4: Cardio
day5: Upper body
day6: Cardio

rinse and repeat

when doing weights, your best bet is free weights not machines.. all you need is a set of barbels and dumbells and some weights. (for most Exercises)

also I find that the increasing weight per set is the best routine for me.
in other words you have your set workout pattern and each set you increase the weight slightly.

also drink plenty of water, I drink two cups before, during and after a workout.

you should take a minute break between each set, however I usually take that minute and cycle (that is your choice though)

for instance:

1 set of 12 reps at 180lbs

Cycle for 1 minute at lvl 8

1 set of 10 reps at 190lbs

Cycle for 1 minute at lvl 9

1 set of 8 reps at 190lbs

Cycle for 1 minute at lvl 10

1 set of 6 reps at 200lbs

Cycle for 1 minute at lvl 11

<1 set of 12 reps at 160lbs
<1 set of 12 reps at 170lbs (both sets are done without a break)

Cycle for 2 minutes at lvl 12 then move onto next muscle group (I usually do Biceps after chest)

good luck with your weight routine, and if you have any questions feel free to ask, remember start off slowly, and easily don't push yourself too hard to start, you only defeat yourself if you hurt yourself.

also this is simply what works for me, it may not work for you.
Thankyou for all the advice, i think the only problem i foresee is the fact that all my meals are cooked by my mum and tea usually consists of Lasagne and chips, so changing my diet would cause huge problems for her. I am also not and never was someone who read the side of the pack and looked at calories and protein content, etc.
Monday: chest and biceps forearms and abs
3 sets flat bench
3 sets dips
3 sets standing curls
3 sets preacher curls
3 sets leg raises
4 sets forarm(those.. things where you curl kinda? you know what I mean)

wensday: legs and shoulders
3 sets Squats
3 sets Front squats(gah)
5 sets calf raises
3 sets extensions
3 sets shoulder press
3 sets thosedamnshoulderthingsIcantrememberthenameof
3 sets thosethingsjustlikethem
3 sets andagainthosethingsfromadifferentposition

Friday: back, triceps, abs, and grip
3 sets pullups(cant do enough chinups yet)
3 sets dead lift
4 sets shrugs
3 sets clean(skip sometimes)
3 sets close grip bench
3 sets skull crushers(fun)
3 sets leg raises
and pinchgrip or just plain grip.

Sets vary, but for most stuff its 8,7,6 with increasing weight.

I'm not really doing any cardio atm. I will start it up again when I start cutting.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
*Cough*, I'm sure you're an excelent kick boxer/boxer and whatever but thats bs.... lol

Another thing, there are several types of kick boxing. For example:

One type is derived from karate and western boxing.

Another is a kind of westernised Muay Thai art....

And some are based upon taekwondo. :)

And I am sure there are more.

Also.... you shouldnt comment on all other martial arts as being "dance lessons" when you only have experience of a few. I've been doin martial arts in various forms for years and you come to find that every single one of them has its applications...

Oh and I dont mean in competitions, I mean on the street where it actually counts. :p

belive me even kickboxing or box isn't worth much on the streets! a Baileys bottle si better! of course evry martial art has its applications but nowdays where life is more demanding and fast paced martial arts have to cope with it! we had two trainers an older mor traditional and a young energetic one, try to guess where did we acchive better results!

taekwond was primarily used to kick opponents off a horse in the medieval Korea! so i belive if taekwond wouldn't advace it would be pretty usless!?
i'm happy to see that some of you put something on your health and looks! heck, learned a thing or two today! thanks

evryone should work out, no matter how big of a nerd are you! have you noticed that theres no sport section in "The lounge"!!?? but we have art, music!! not fair

why should be sport confined only to dumbass athletes!?
jverne said:
belive me even kickboxing or box isn't worth much on the streets! a Baileys bottle si better! of course evry martial art has its applications but nowdays where life is more demanding and fast paced martial arts have to cope with it! we had two trainers an older mor traditional and a young energetic one, try to guess where did we acchive better results!

taekwond was primarily used to kick opponents off a horse in the medieval Korea! so i belive if taekwond wouldn't advace it would be pretty usless!?

Heheh, I havnt actually commited myself to a kickboxing class. I was just commenting on what the other guy said. :)

Neway yes. I totally and utterly agree. :)
I have allways believed that a good offence is an excelent defence. :p (Why I like Muay Thai - it finishes a conflict quickly and effectively without the need for risky stuff)

And yeah, taekwondo is seen to many as useless until you get to a high level (I also believe this is true generally speaking)

But if you find a good club for any martial art, you can learn alot.

I find the teacher is far more important than the art itself. :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Heheh, I havnt actually commited myself to a kickboxing class. I was just commenting on what the other guy said. :)

Neway yes. I totally and utterly agree. :)
I have allways believed that a good offence is an excelent defence. :p (Why I like Muay Thai - it finishes a conflict quickly and effectively without the need for risky stuff)

And yeah, taekwondo is seen to many as useless until you get to a high level (I also believe this is true generally speaking)

But if you find a good club for any martial art, you can learn alot.

I find the teacher is far more important than the art itself. :)

Isn't Muay Thai just a guy trying to kick, punch, elbow the crap out of you as quickly as he possibly can? :).