Golden Eye (N64) - Source

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Aug 30, 2004
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I would really like to see a MP mod with that games intense and incredibly fun MP action. Anybody remember it? I just loved to have those 1on1 fights where you both had cover behind a corner and you leaned out, fired off a few shots in your adversaries general direction and then leaned back into cover while your opponent leaned out and fired off a few shots - classic movie shootout! DAMN that was fun!! :)
People would always rave about Goldeney's MP. I always thought it sucked.
Licensce to kill mode was it?
Or whatever mode in which its like 1 hit your dead or so..
ahhh i loved it :)
Yeah Goldeneye was brilliant, especially one shot kills on the facility.
There was a Goldeneye DM mod for Half-Life. It was quite fun and altogether very authentic, right down to the maps and character skins. I'm sure it's long since defunct.
The only reason it was cool was because people have never seen a multiplayer shooter like that.

I was one of them. Heh.
I remember going up to blockbuster week after week renting it over and over... Then we bought it. Good times.
Goldeneye was fun back in 1997. By today's standards, it's pretty terrible though. To do a mod, they'd have to change the levels and action significantly.
Maybe "suck" isn't the right word. I just never really found it appealing to me. Splitscreen (with the exception of Halo) has always turned me off. :\
vegeta897 said:
The only reason it was cool was because people have never seen a multiplayer shooter like that.
I don't agree. I alledge that Golden Eye's MP was pure genious and that no game has since had the same feeling to the fights.
Absinthe said:
Maybe "suck" isn't the right word. I just never really found it appealing to me. Splitscreen (with the exception of Halo) has always turned me off. :\
Yeah... off course split screen isn't too cool, but besides that it was a killer MP experience.
Golden Eye is a classic - and it always will be. Doesn't matter how old it is now, it still rules the roost....
The feeling in the guns were great. Not many games get that right. My favourite weapon was dual pistol (those white/silvery ones), they made such a powerfull sound and was really cool to look at... damn... those were the days ;)
I loved playng Goldeneye as both the N64 versIon and the HL mod...
I liked Perfect Dark more, especially because you are able to stick mines on opponents :E

IMO, Perfect Dark was Goldeneye but MORE.

Damn, I remember paying 80 euro's (back in those days, 170 guilders) for the game. But it was worth it! :D
Best console shooter in my opinion.
golden eye was out before half life... ill probably get flamed, but i think its better then half life aswell, especially for its time. perfect dark was brilliant aswell, the sheer amount of bots and stuff you could put in, and the weapons. rare were at the top of there game back then.

a mod for either on source would be the bees knees. you've goto love temple. i can just imagine how it would look on source
I'd like to see the SP part of Goldeneye brought back. Though MP would be cool too.

(I also thought Goldeneye was better than Halflife.)
Yeah, I only bought an N64 because of that game and "Perfect Dark", both developed by Rareware.
Golden Eye SP was trash. The only reason its so lauded is because the 8 year olds playing it had never seen a FPS before.

It turns out Quake came out way before it, and was just a flat out better game.

Multiplayer-wise though the game was as good as any other, the big upside was that everyone had the game...and everyone knew how to play it, so it had a huge install base and could play a quick game with anyone.

Also, if it was remade with mouse look, it would feel like all other FPS, the struggle with the controller was another thing that made it different. The game won't be the same on PC.
manny_c44 said:
Golden Eye SP was trash. The only reason its so lauded is because the 8 year olds playing it had never seen a FPS before.
Get a clue.
figge said:
4v4 with RCP90 locked down the 64 :P

How 'bout sticking remote mines everywhere around the map in Perfect Dark and detonating? :D
Ohh boy I rmeember goign to my friends house every day to paly golden eye
I loved it :D
PvtRyan said:
How 'bout sticking remote mines everywhere around the map in Perfect Dark and detonating? :D

Neutron bomb pwned.
GoldenEye kicked ass! And no it wasn't just a bunch of 8 year olds who liked it :flame:

The mines were brilliant too..

Perfect Dark was probably better just didnt make the same impact. I still love those rockets you controlled in first person!!
Always funny chasing your mates down a corridor with a high explosive :P
Grenade launcher in goldeneye rocked :) 4player fun :)

Perfect dark made it look so childish though. Me and my mates spend yeaaars playing PD :P

:'( but i've lost my expansion pack and my AV lead dont work on my n64! :(
And finding the secret facility in the first Level... (actually going to it) :D
We used to have all night Goldeneye sessions when we'd get home from the pub, used to always trick this one mate of mine into playing as Oddjob then laugh at his short-arse scampering round the maps lol
you can hardly say it sucks.
try sitting down with somepeeps and wackin it in, trust me endless fun even if u are fussy bout outdated graphics etc
If anyone cares :P, i'm actually Leading a team right now, and we're prepping our modellers and map plans. We're going to re-make GoldenEye 64 for the Source Engine. We still need alot of help, so if you have anything you can contribute with, drop us a word on IRC...
graydon20 said:
If anyone cares :P, i'm actually Leading a team right now, and we're prepping our modellers and map plans. We're going to re-make GoldenEye 64 for the Source Engine. We still need alot of help, so if you have anything you can contribute with, drop us a word on IRC...

You friggin' legend!

One tiny suggestion - if you're porting over all the same maps would it be possible to make them a little bigger? I dont mean changing their layout but just creating more space.
The N64 really couldn't handle large spaces and sometimes it felt a little cramped..
Golden eye 64 was the best mp game ever made... for its time.

I played hours upon hours with my bro's when i was younger.. whew it was good.

Goldeneye source would be amazing.
golden eye 64 rocked my world ... that game changed my gaming life ... soooooooooo fun ... that on source would be sweet :afro:
I'd like a good Goldeneye Source port. I don't think it's about reproducing the maps+etc perfectly so much as figuring out what made the game fun in the first place. You had to play split screen with fuzzy textures on a non-ideal controller, and somehow it still rocked. If you guys figure it out, it'll be ace.
Yellonet said:
The feeling in the guns were great. Not many games get that right. My favourite weapon was dual pistol (those white/silvery ones), they made such a powerfull sound and was really cool to look at... damn... those were the days ;)

DDK's or something? Yeah those ruled!
I know there was a goldeneye CS map. back in the day, around 5.0 time frame. Anyway, I used to play goldeneye a TON. but I cannot play console FPS games anymore. I'm too adjusted to the far superior keyboard/mouse combo.
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