Gone Gold

niiiiiiiice.....hmmm too bad the two is on a different line, i'll try changing it to see hwat happens.
:bounce: :thumbs: Congratulations Valve!!! :thumbs: :bounce:

This really is a very special day. I feel like a weight is off my shoulders, can't even begin to imagine how all the Valve team feels right now!!

I CAN'T WAIT!! Bring it ON!! :cheers:
You Have all worked Tirelesly and with courage even in the most shitty times, to you I say GOOD JOB and I hope there is a holiday around the corner soon.​

Oh and god damn I cant wait to play this game :cheers:
w00t. Why is there still nothing on steampowered.com or half-life2.com ? Are they partying ?
heres my 2 cents

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Why the hell is this not on the official Valve sites yet?? They are unbelievably lazy. I'm surprised they didn't farm out the entire development of the game to the community. Come on guys, put down the cake and spend 5 seconds on your website. The cake will still be there. Unless you leave Gabe alone in the room... OK, take the cake with you, but please update the site. It's so unprofessional.
Gossoon said:
Why the hell is this not on the official Valve sites yet?? They are unbelievably lazy. I'm surprised they didn't farm out the entire development of the game to the community. Come on guys, put down the cake and spend 5 seconds on your website. The cake will still be there. Unless you leave Gabe alone in the room... OK, take the cake with you, but please update the site. It's so unprofessional.
Chill, man. It's gold. Website updates will come, but they're not going to get you the game any sooner. Drink and be merry :cheers:
Do people actually go to the valve website? I just look here and ign for all my info.

If you want to complain about a company that doesn't update their site. Go to silicon knights. :|
W000000000000000000T!!! Now somebody send me a new computer. I think I can last another month. Please God, so close.
November 16​
Thanks to the HL2 team, you guys rock!
NJD2003: Believe you will last another month. You must. Mind over body. You can do this!
FINALLY!! This is why I spent so much on a new computer..

Anyone else planning on taking off work for 2 weeks after nov. 16th?
Darg said:
Anyone else planning on taking off work for 2 weeks after nov. 16th?

I only got 1 week, but i'm taking it just the same :thumbs:

Also ordered a case of bawls, looks like i'm gonna need it :laugh:
My god i've never seen a thread grow this fast in my intire life
I'm taking leave for a month, and I'm not kidding. (Actually, it's the end of my contract with the army, so there.)
i'm sorry, have i missed something? i've been asleep