Gone Gold

brianchristopher said:
*hangs head in shame....then remembers gold announcement*
*pisses self again*

hmm. thought i was already empty...
hehe...same here...
Great, my semester finals are going to go to shit now...
that's why I think I'm going to ask my family to hide the computer away from me until I have my last exam in late november...
16th november :E

Excellent news....now all I need is for valve to say; "Well you've already got it on your computer, so you might aswell be able to play it right now"

/crosses fingers and expects them to fall off before the 16th :0
Eh max, if they unlock the steam content you can be sure no retailer will ever sell a valve game again.
Good news!

Let's bet how many pages this thread will have. I guess 20 pages.
This Cant Be True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow... i'm so caught up in this thread that I must contribute, lest be known as the only loser who didn't post...

Of course I have nothing new to add to this discussion, except for a woohoo, yay and maybe a rock-on!....

no... that's already been said... nevermind this post... on to the next one with some real insight.... :dozey:
Holy shite!

(yes, yes, I should have actually had an avatar to goldify, but at least I helped someone else do theirs :))
YAY! My overwhelming happieness has left me somewhat speechless :D
smsKONG said:
16th november :E

Excellent news....now all I need is for valve to say; "Well you've already got it on your computer, so you might aswell be able to play it right now"

/crosses fingers and expects them to fall off before the 16th :0

That would be nice, but somehow I think Vin would shoot them all..
YES!!! they made it omfg its so close i can almost smell the box of it.

Cheers you all :cheers:
from the press release...
The global anticipation for Half-Life 2 has reached unprecedented heights, as consumers around the world mark their calendars to buy the game at retail on November 16th.

sounds like a subliminal message to me!

In Soviet Russia, calendar marks YOU!
I've been waiting since the day I registered to post this:

*loads up hl2 videos*

This is called for some hl2 footage then flavoring of CS:S if I do say so myself.
To commemorate the occasion.. I have included my HL2 gold avatar (which took me 2.1 seconds in mspaint)!
killahsin-[CE] said:
Eh max, if they unlock the steam content you can be sure no retailer will ever sell a valve game again.

You say that like it's a problem. We don't need BestBuy to buy games. I'd rather give all my money to Valve than to a middleman. Steam is how game purchasing should be done.
So happy. I may go kiss a hobo.

Right....now thats over and done with, when's Half-life 3 out then??

Come on Valve.
Now arises the question, how long until some faceless pirating coward gets his hands on it and leaks it?
/me is contributing to massive spam!!!

Anyhow, W00T!

When do we get to hear about TF2?
Wait, isn't that the day World of Warcraft might be released too?! Oh, the pain...