Good News....Delay Appears False!!

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Rememer what happened last time Vivendi said there was a delay?

I damn hope they are right and Valve release a statement soon.
thank allah.. i hope it is out for the holidays :) Will definetely be worth watiting if it will be out for the holidays and I doubt AS MANY will get a pirated version now if they know it will be out soon.. just gotta hang in
Ya. Valve really needs to get their act together. They are lying to us about everything and being disrespectful of the community.
Remember the time when the Inquirer was a reliable site...
Anyways i hope this is true.
its delayed...and guess what its already delayed....double delayed
If its delayed until April i will shit myself.

Then download HL2.

The Inquirer reliable? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA sorry, just had to say it. BTW hope you and the inquirer are right. The delay would really turn me off and I might not even care bout HL2 then. (yea right!) Another thing....DOOM III will be close by if HL2 comes out April Next year. Sales would suffer.
rofl sorry but I wouldnt trust the "enquirer" over ANY informative website.
Apparently Valve is close to issuing a statement about all of this – and our sources maintain that it's still going to ship in the "holiday" period

PLEASE let 'close' mean today :)
If Half Life 2 is released next april

- Many people will lose interest
- Many people will resort to the pre-release version.. 6 more months just isnt worth thinkin about for ppl more interested in this game
- There's going to be spoilers about the game within the next few weeks, which unless u are careful about where you go, would be hard to avoid finding these spoilers.. meaning valve would have to change significant amounts of the game.. far more than 6 months could do.. so

I really do think it will be released for holidays.. its not that far away and most people can hold out till then and buy it. And certainly less people would be inclined to download the pre-release if they know it will be out this year
This gives me a small bit of hope, but given the crushing disappointment I experienced the last time I dared to hope a delay rumor wasn't true, I'm not nearly as confident this time around.
guess what.
valve also said it was on course for sept 30th up until what? a week prior to the date?
ill believe it when its in my hands
Yuletide? Never ever heard of it as an american/english word. Besides the stupid spelling, the pronounciation is exactly like the swedish word (it looks as someone has taken swedish words and written letters to fit it).

Always something new to learn :)
Yeah april is too far. I'd be pissed but I'd still get it. Half life is always innovative :D
Release for the holidays valve!!
It would be a stupid mistake to delay it in the effort to stop cheats and hacks, they're always going to appear swiftly anyways, why deny people the ability to play the game for christmas, its not worth it.
I sent an email to the editor of that article saying it was all unconfimed, he must of got it :D

dawdler: I know that it is an expression commonly used in the US, but I have no idea as to its whereabouts.
And stuff like THIS is why I'm going to wait a reasonable amount of time for a statement out of Valve.
Originally posted by -AnthraX-
I sent an email to the editor of that article saying it was all unconfimed, he must of got it :D


Uh oh, no offense but I hope YOU'RE not their only source.
I'll tell you one thing - I am SICK AND TIRED of Vivendi and Valve pulling, twisting and turning us HL2 fans in 800 different directions.

For Christ's sake, would someone tell VIVENDI AND VALVE TO GET THEIR F-CKING STORIES STRAIGHT? They got major new media sites like CNN posting information from the Publisher and then the Developer supposedly contradicts it? For Christ's sake, Vivendi are complete AS-Holes if it turns out there is no delay, because they are hurting their own stockholders, and ATI stockholders by releasing potentially damaging information like this!

WTF is going on anymore?!?!?!?

MAN! I need a Aspirin!

:sniper: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vivendi & Valve
At this point I tend to believe in the new delay. After all VU announced the first delay months ahead and Valve continued to deny it up until 6 days before their origional release date.

So on grounds of track record I believe VU, plus it's also in the non-gaming press I spotted it earlier on the BBC website.

Sorry to say I think the first game out using the source engine looks like it will be Bloodlines, (not that I'm not looking forward to Bloodlines).

Yuletide? Never ever heard of it as an american/english word

I've heard of it. Sorry dawdler but just because you've haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist :D
....Yultide Carol,

Fa la la la laaaa, la la - la - la.

'Tis the season to be jolly,

Fa la la la laaaa, la la - la - la.

Valve better deck my halls with Half Life 2 this Christmas, or I'll stick a Holly Bush up ALL their asses!
Originally posted by Paradox
Sorry to say I think the first game out using the source engine looks like it will be Bloodlines, (not that I'm not looking forward to Bloodlines).
Wouldn't that be ironic if the first game to showcase Valve's new engine isn't a Valve game.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Wouldn't that be ironic if the first game to showcase Valve's new engine isn't a Valve game.

It would indeed, and since Bloodlines is slatted for a Feb 2004 release it could well happen.

Valve sadly can no longer be considered a reliable source when it comes to their own release date sine the September 30th farce, I find that pretty amusing to.
Valve should just throw what they have of the game on the net and burn down their offices.

Yuletide = Looks like German for Christmas time.


Juletid = Norwegian/Danish
Jultid = Swedish

Y: Okay, everyone follow me, we're heading into the snow.

u: But I don't want to go!

t: I'm tired of this Ytatorship. Down with Y! Down with Y!

e: Yes, Viva la Revolucion! Let's end the tyranny! Hey, tyranny has TWO Ys in it!

Y: What are you all talking about? I'm always the leader!

i: Oppression! Oppression! Destroy the Oppressors!

d: You know, my father D was taken away in the middle of the night, and now they have him locked in a jailcell somewhere.

Y: That's not true! He's leading Deck The Halls, just a few miles away!

u: Listen... if I'm going to join the Revolution, I want something in return. Right now I'm second in command, and if anything happens to Y, I'm in charge. So what do I get if I join?

l: We won't pinch you and turn you into a V. How would you like that?

u: Well, I wouldn't... but can't you offer me something else? A position in leadership?

t: There are no leaders in the Revolutionary Letters Government! We will all rule together! Everyday, we'll share the responsibility of leading the word.

u: Well, okay, but I want to lead on Christmas Day...

Y: You're selling me out for that? You traitor!

e: No favoritism! If we make one deal, we're as guilty as Y, picking the kings and making the queens.

d: Kings? Queens? We're not a deck of cards here, we're letters, dammit, and we better start acting like it. Destroy the Y!

All the other letters attack the Y.

Y: Stop! Stop! You're pulling off my base... AAAAGHHHHH! You've pulled off my base!

u: Now look who's a V...

v: Are you happy? You've disfigured me... I'm not a handsome Y anymore... I'm a lower case v!!!! Oh, the shame....

l: Better be quiet, or we'll rub you out altogether.

u: Better late than never... Viva la Revolucion!

half-life 2 isn't that innovative that it will sell so well in 2004... Look at far cry, that game has everything that HL2 will have! Havok physics are in both max payne 2 and far cry, both due out this and next month...

i dont know, half life2 seems to be going down the drain, too much hype with too little delivery.... sound like a Matrix sequel to anyone?
I thought the matrix sequel was good.

Anywho, how the f*ck can you say all hyoe and no delivery when you haven't even played the game. I belive it will be brilliant and much better than Max Payne, far cry, and Doom 3. Put together!
Originally posted by Tlaloc
half life2 seems to be going down the drain, too much hype with too little delivery.... sound like a Matrix sequel to anyone?
Yuletide = Looks like German for Christmas time.


Juletid = Norwegian/Danish
Jultid = Swedish

Y: Okay, everyone follow me, we're heading into the snow.

u: But I don't want to go!

t: I'm tired of this Ytatorship. Down with Y! Down with Y!

e: Yes, Viva la Revolucion! Let's end the tyranny! Hey, tyranny has TWO Ys in it!

Y: What are you all talking about? I'm always the leader!

i: Oppression! Oppression! Destroy the Oppressors!

d: You know, my father D was taken away in the middle of the night, and now they have him locked in a jailcell somewhere.

Y: That's not true! He's leading Deck The Halls, just a few miles away!

u: Listen... if I'm going to join the Revolution, I want something in return. Right now I'm second in command, and if anything happens to Y, I'm in charge. So what do I get if I join?

l: We won't pinch you and turn you into a V. How would you like that?

u: Well, I wouldn't... but can't you offer me something else? A position in leadership?

t: There are no leaders in the Revolutionary Letters Government! We will all rule together! Everyday, we'll share the responsibility of leading the word.

u: Well, okay, but I want to lead on Christmas Day...

Y: You're selling me out for that? You traitor!

e: No favoritism! If we make one deal, we're as guilty as Y, picking the kings and making the queens.

d: Kings? Queens? We're not a deck of cards here, we're letters, dammit, and we better start acting like it. Destroy the Y!

All the other letters attack the Y.

Y: Stop! Stop! You're pulling off my base... AAAAGHHHHH! You've pulled off my base!

u: Now look who's a V...

v: Are you happy? You've disfigured me... I'm not a handsome Y anymore... I'm a lower case v!!!! Oh, the shame....

l: Better be quiet, or we'll rub you out altogether.

u: Better late than never... Viva la Revolucion!

They are a 100% right, Half-Life isn't delayed, Half-Life 2 though may be delayed :P
Originally posted by manny_c44
I thought the matrix sequel was good.

Anywho, how the f*ck can you say all hyoe and no delivery when you haven't even played the game. I belive it will be brilliant and much better than Max Payne, far cry, and Doom 3. Put together!

Um, i can say all hype and no delivery because they haven't released the game.

I'm interested in why you say that it will be better than every of those games put together... HL2 has nothing that jumps out when put next to those 3 games (and DeusEx 2)

oh and Matrix1 > Matrix2... by a long shot