Gordon Freeman is alive

Ummm...no... He looks like one of my teachers. :D :D :D I still say Charlie Sheen.
sorry to be the first one to say this, but the obvious johnny depp/charlie sheen would be a better freeman.
PC accelerator(I think) did an article on this. I can't remember many of the names but the person who played cat woman was an asassin, David Spade was a head crab...and thats all I can remember.
Johnny Depp, No. Charlie Sheen, most likely. Was he in another Sci-Fi along time ago, I forgot the name, and I only saw the last five minutes of it. How about the assassin suits that were used in Blade2, they rocked, and they have some resemblance to the ones in HL
Right, because Johnny Depp is someone that I would look at and think, "nerdy scientist". Same goes for Charlie Sheen, I wouldn't be able to even half-way believe any of his acting....

But then agian I think that Tim Curry's voice might be out of place...but then agian we have never heard Gordon talk.

I'm not sure if I can think of an actor that would look like gordon....hmmmm
Icarus said:
But then agian I think that Tim Curry's voice might be out of place...but then agian we have never heard Gordon talk.

He should have a squeaky Scottish accent, considering he has a Scottish Name
Here is a little quote from weaselboy AKA Doug Lombardi:

"Heads start to turn and ears start to turn up when they hear that 3 million people bought (the acclaimed 1998 PC game) Half-Life and are totally into it," says Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. "When people in the movie industry start to hear numbers like that, they obviously start to say, 'Hmmm, maybe this is something that would work as a movie.' " (Lombardi says actor Chris O'Donnell already wants to play Half-Life's heroic scientist, Gordon Freeman, if it heads to Hollywood.)​
If there was a Half-Life movie it should all be done through the eyes of Gordon Freeman, and he never talks.
Sales figures now top 8 million copies sold, not sure if that means add-on packs excluded
Foxtrot said:
If there was a Half-Life movie it should all be done through the eyes of Gordon Freeman, and he never talks.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! We don't get to see the larger story
Foxtrot said:
If there was a Half-Life movie it should all be done through the eyes of Gordon Freeman, and he never talks.

What a horrible movie that would be...I believe you have just described the only movie that could be worse than Blair Witch.

Oh man...Blair witch style Half-Life. I would rather eat myself
Icarus said:
What a horrible movie that would be...I believe you have just described the only movie that could be worse than Blair Witch.

Praise Icarus, Amen
Sales figures now top 8 million copies sold, not sure if that means add-on packs excluded

Well the Lombardi quote is not recent but from a couple of years ago, but Valve have definately been looking to bring Halflife to a wider mainstream audience ala Tombraider. Hollywood, CNN and sensationalistic hype - its all part of Valve's well orchestrated plan for taking HL2 to the mainstream cause that's where the big money is.

The game "Enter the Matrix" sold 1 million copies in its first week capitalizing on the Hollywood hype of the movie "Matrix Reloaded" and that game sucked. Valve understands that getting mainstream attention means big HL2 sales even if the game is mediocre.

Here is a more recent article from Summer 2003

According to a story in today's Variety, Valve has been actively talking with Hollywood studios about a Half-Life feature movie project. The new movie talks are timed to follow up on all the attention Half-Life 2 received at E3 2003, and Valve's Doug Lombardi is quoted as saying that Valve is looking to for a project that would extend the elements of the game and broaden the franchise's audience. The talks are at an early stage and no details are available. We'll have more on this story as it develops.

- gamespot.com

Icarus you don't get to comment on my idea, you live in California you fruit cake.
Edward Norton!


  • ed_norton.jpg
    9.6 KB · Views: 366
I forgot, is that the guy from American History X or something, I don't remember. We've got to get these pictures in Photoshop Pro, and get specks on these ginger scientist, thats up to you, I don't have it installed on my computer
I forgot, is that the guy from American History X or something, I don't remember. We've got to get these pictures in Photoshop Pro, and get specks on these ginger scientist, thats up to you, I don't have it installed on my computer
Ya, that's him. Also in Fight Club. :)
All I want to say is this;
Since when has being Californian mean your opiion doesn't matter
Northern California doesn't mean San Francisco, although I live in the East Bay
If you live in California you are not automaticlly gay or anything
I'm not gay

And lastly... Where are you from that is so beyond making fun of

Since I don't want DEATH eVADER's topic going off topic, how about instead of replying to my post just start a new thread in OT called Flame War: Foxtrot v. Californians
Its all coming back to me.

We've just been discussing and looking at picture of possible Gordon Freeman's, are there any other possible characters out there, Eli, Alyx, Barney, Gman, Kliener
Letters said:
Ya, that's him. Also in Fight Club. :)

Fight Club is one of the best movies ever!
And yeah, I would love Edward Norton as Gordon Freeman, but then again Gordon doesn't speak... It'll ruin the picture if he did, and it'd be weird if he didn't...

EDIT: NO! John Candy should be Gordon!
I know he doesn't look like him but maybe Christopher Walken as G-Man...he has that creepy no emotion thing going on.
Frank said:
EDIT: NO! John Candy should be Gordon!

John Candy is Dead, he died several years ago. Plus I don't think John Candy wasn't the type to play Gordon Freeman (more like your Uncle Buck)
I agree Icarus, Christopher Walken would make a good G-Man. Originally I was going to say Kevin Spacey.

Morgan Freeman as Eli.

Can't think of any others at the moment.
Morgan Freeman would suit the part, he can act as a shifty character as well, have you seen CHAIN REACTION, thats what I mean
I am from Minnesota, you know so little about this state there is nothing you can make fun of :)
I am from Preston, good ol' Lancashire, good to meet ya, but should this be in a general conversation forum
Foxtrot, how easy do you have to make it.
All I have to say is Jesse Ventura
Hey, let's compile a list of all characters we know of, search the best actors for the roles, and ask Valve about their opinion :)

Gordon Freeman:
The G-Man:
Dr. Kleiner:
Eli Vance:
Shepard: (altough I have no idea what he looks like)
Any additions?

My list would be:
Gordon Freeman: Edward Norton
The G-Man: Christopher Walken
Dr. Kleiner:
Barney: Matthew Broderick has the expression of Barney :p
Alyx: I dunno, Halle Berry?
Eli Vance: Morgan Freeman
Otis: Wayne Knight
Shepard: (altough I have no idea what he looks like)
Johnny Depp, No. Charlie Sheen, most likely. Was he in another Sci-Fi along time ago, I forgot the name, and I only saw the last five minutes of it. How about the assassin suits that were used in Blade2, they rocked, and they have some resemblance to the ones in HL
the second i saw those assassins i knew they ripped them off of HL. just like everything else in that garbage sequel. just go watch Vampire hunter d: bloodlust, and look at the characters compaired to the ones in blade.