Gordon Freeman is alive

What about Ahnold? And Jesse isn't our govna anymore.
david bowie for Gman :D!!! .. then again not :P

Yer Edward Norton would be awesome for good ol gordy.

Chris Tucker for Ali ^^

and lopez for alyx

Frank said:
NO! John Candy should be Gordon!

John Candy should play Gabe ;). Even though gabe isnt in Half-life...

And PvtRyan, who is this Otis you speak of ?
Icarus said:
What a horrible movie that would be...I believe you have just described the only movie that could be worse than Blair Witch.

Oh man...Blair witch style Half-Life. I would rather eat myself

Actually, if it were done properly, it might be cool. There was an episode of "Tales From the Crypt" directed by Robert Zemeckis (of "Back to the Future" fame) that was done from 1st person... The character's voice sounded like Humphrey Bogart, and everytime you saw him in a reflection, they digitally inserted his face from an old movie... Very well done. He ends up dying and the rest of the episode shows what happens to his corpse in first person view... It was called "You, Murderer" and John Lithgow was in it too. One of my favourite episodes...

I'd be happy to see a movie like that, especially on my local 25 metre cinema screen... That would be awesome if done right.
Icarus said:
I know he doesn't look like him but maybe Christopher Walken as G-Man...he has that creepy no emotion thing going on.


Christopher Walken.


I know he doesn't look, hell - even sound like the G-Man ...

But I couldn't think of a better actor that could just get .. the part down like he'd be able to.
Sparta said:
John Candy should play Gabe ;). Even though gabe isnt in Half-life...

And PvtRyan, who is this Otis you speak of ?

How many times do I have to spell it out, John Candy is dead, he's been dead for quite some time.
Who be Gordon in HL Movie?

Actually all you guys r wrong, the best Gordon Freeman would be Edward Norton. look at HL2 screens of Gordon Freeman then look at pictures of Edward Norton.
BIG resemblance there! If Edward Norton grew a beard he'd look just like Gordon Freeman. Maybe Morgan Freeman as the black scientist dude, John Travolta as G-Man. Sound good??? :) YOU BETTER THINK ITS GOOD!!! :monkee:

Did Hollywood run out of ideas or something? All they can do is ruin great (and some not so great) video game franchises now? Seriously, when is this shit gonna stop? And when are all of you gonna realize a Half-Life movie, like any movie based on a video game, will suck ass; that the makers, no mater who they are, don't give a **** about making a good movie and only want to capitalize on a hot property; that they WILL NOT get ANY good actor or actress to play the parts, but rather have Ashton Kutcher play Gordon?

Uh... huh... nice first post forgotten...

Well, I think that... ohhh... whatsisname... the dude out of MIB 1+2 and Space Cowboys. Name's gone straight out of my head. Anyway, I think he'd go great as the G-Man.

EDIT: CheapAss, I do believe that certain members of VALVe have stated that they don't want any possible HL movie to wind up crappy. I'm pretty sure they'll be careful. Hell, if they don't like it, they'll probably delay it :E.

And the link doesn't work, BTW.
Brian Damage said:
CheapAss, I do believe that certain members of VALVe have stated that they don't want any possible HL movie to wind up crappy. I'm pretty sure they'll be careful. Hell, if they don't like it, they'll probably delay it :E.

And the link doesn't work, BTW.

Heh, delay it... good one :cheers:. I sure hope Valve has a say in the production, at the moment it doesn't seem any video game-based movies have been decent.

Oh the link was just a joke. The boards made it a hyperlink automatically. Nuke Hollywood... end rant... that's all.

Edit: BTW, the guy you are thinking of is Tommy Lee Jones.
We do know that Hollywood has pretty exceptional concept art to work from, and considering that SOFTIMAGE have had some influence over the development of HL2, it is most likely they will be using SOFTIMAGE to help recreate the BlackMesa facility if the movie is in the making
I never even thought of Robert Picardo, he would fit that part really well. Quirky attitude as well, perfect!

Charlie Sheen would be terrible as Gordon, every time he opens his mouth I think of all the terrible films he has been in and then I have to shut my eyes untill he is gone.

Ed Norton = teh Gordon :smoking:

Lordblackadder said:
I'm thinking Gary Oldman, remember him in AirForce One? Goatee and all?

He looks like him. But I think he's a little too old, don't forget Gordon is only 26 (or in that range) in HL. Norton looks a little more youthful.
Lordblackadder said:
I'm thinking Gary Oldman, remember him in AirForce One? Goatee and all?


hes always evil so hed be great as the G-Man.
PvtRyan said:
He looks like him. But I think he's a little too old, don't forget Gordon is only 26 (or in that range) in HL. Norton looks a little more youthful.

Hmmm... that might work. Norton as Gordon and Oldman as G-man. :bounce:

Now if only I could get in good with LucasFilms. :cool:
Icarus said:
Edward Norton just seems to much of bad guy/a**hole to play gordon.

Edward Burns would work so much better, and since he is nearly unknown then he wouldn't have "movie baggage"

Perhaps, but remember to ask yourself "can this guy act?" :O

We know Norton can, and boy can Oldman act. :thumbs:
Lordblackadder said:
Perhaps, but remember to ask yourself "can this guy act?" :O

We know Norton can, and boy can Oldman act. :thumbs:

I totally agree, IMO these guys would be the best... not sure which one but either's good!
I have seen him act and he's a great actor... besides that his real personality seems like a ringer for I have always thought gordon would act like
Icarus said:
I have seen him act and he's a great actor... besides that his real persona seems like a ringer for gordon

A ringer for Gordon?

You mean this guy is a scientist at a top secret research facility, who does some acting on the side? :laugh: :cheese:
Keeson said:
Here is a little quote from weaselboy AKA Doug Lombardi:

"Heads start to turn and ears start to turn up when they hear that 3 million people bought (the acclaimed 1998 PC game) Half-Life and are totally into it," says Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. "When people in the movie industry start to hear numbers like that, they obviously start to say, 'Hmmm, maybe this is something that would work as a movie.' " (Lombardi says actor Chris O'Donnell already wants to play Half-Life's heroic scientist, Gordon Freeman, if it heads to Hollywood.)​
weasel boy is doug lambardi?
the boy wonder from Batman??.... ughhhh I certainly hope HL would not be that kind of movie. :x

My Lord.. I can already see the McDonald's action figures.. SHIVER..
Chris O'Donnell? No way, he doesn't look like Gordon, he doesn't look like a sorta geeky scientist at all! Earlier I said Gary Oldman was too old, but this guy is way too boyish and young.
Acting, its all about the acting. Even if we do see a movie, they might not look the same as the characters from the game, but with their acting and personalities, you'll definately know which character they are suppose to play.
the title of this topic reminded me of the classic line by Brian Blessed "Gordon is alive?!?!" in Flash Gordon. A classic.
Acting, its all about the acting. Even if we do see a movie, they might not look the same as the characters from the game, but with their acting and personalities, you'll definately know which character they are suppose to play.

Problem: Gordon doesn't have a personality, and so he should look exactly like him.
In other words so we dont need him to look axactly like Gordon we just need good actors ?
Here are my choices then..

Gordon Freeman: Eric Roberts
Gman: Christopher Walken
How many times do I have to spell it out, John Candy is dead, he's been dead for quite some time.

I knew John Candy was dead, i was just saying he'd be perfect for the Gabe. And who is Otis?
Dark Angel said:
In other words so we dont need him to look axactly like Gordon we just need good actors ?
Here are my choices then..

Gordon Freeman: Eric Roberts
Gman: Christopher Walken

Man... I hate Eric Roberts... As soon as I see him I turn off the television. All he's in nowadays is EXTREMELY crap made-for-TV movies... and that's for a reason. He's unlikable.
You don't actors who look like Gordon , you just need good actors.

It's not a problem to look like Gordon. The Make-up will just do fine.

Look at Monster , at first I didn't know that Theron was the actress.

The only problem is to choose a good actor , who can act like Gordon and "feel" like him.