Gordon Freeman is the G-Man

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What the hell is wrong with you? Why would the G-Man be Gordon's dad? The G-Man feels no emotions towards Gordon, if he was his father he would still have some sort of emotional connection - he could even be passionate about killing him, but the G-Man has no connection at all. That theory is probably even worse then the G-Man is Gordon from the future theory. This isn't a campy sci-fi flick, Half-Life takes it's story, not to mention characters, very seriously, and would never do anything like that.
I dont know who the Gman is and I never, ever want to know.

If at the end of HL3 I'm told absolutly everything, I'm going to be devistated.

This franchise is thriving of speculation. If it didnt there would be a forum dedicated to it.
Speculation is good, but I would like to know more about the G-Man. They probably will leave things for you to think about after the third, but not nearly as much as there is now.
G-man is Garry Coleman

If you spawn a G-man and keep hitting E he says
"What you talking bout Gordon. No I seriously can't hear you."
Pegcrab said:
What the hell is wrong with you? Why would the G-Man be Gordon's dad? The G-Man feels no emotions towards Gordon, if he was his father he would still have some sort of emotional connection - he could even be passionate about killing him, but the G-Man has no connection at all. That theory is probably even worse then the G-Man is Gordon from the future theory. This isn't a campy sci-fi flick, Half-Life takes it's story, not to mention characters, very seriously, and would never do anything like that.

Im telling you he is. Gordans dad once to whoop his son into shape for the REAL, invasion of the combine. Gordan is currently in a VR simulation. SEMPI FI! WHO DARES WINS!
Zelnaga said:

Im telling you he is. Gordans dad once to whoop his son into shape for the REAL, invasion of the combine. Gordan is currently in a VR simulation. SEMPI FI! WHO DARES WINS!

So you're telling me that Freeman's dad invented a time machine to go forward in time, saw the Combine invasion, came back in time, built the most amazing VR simulator ever, just to toughen his son up for the actual invasion?

Not only that, he put at least three other people into the same VR machine, and created a different simulation for each one? If he could time travel and program an AI so complex it could adapt to enviroments and think independently, but he couldn't use all these skills to help battle the invasion? At least that way he wouldn't create any confusing time paradoxs.

Sempi fi. Who dares wins, bitch.
when you come to balck mesa in hl1 ( in the train ), you see barney standing and waiting for the door to open... in blue shift when you stand outside that door you wont see gordon freeman.. instead you will see the Gman... now why is that?
Because those are two different games, Barney could be looking at a different tram.

I doubt that they would actually look exactly the same even if the G-Man=Gordon theory was true (and if it is, I swear I will kill HL's writer with my bare hands).
While we cannot automatically rule out any theories on the G-Man, I do find the G-Man=Gordon Freeman theories to have several opposing factors. First of all, the G-Man is not his real name. It was a codename given to him as a model for HLDM (if my memory serves me correct). The fact that his eyes are green and Gordon's eyes are green may be a simple coincidence. The facts that we CAN determine about the "G-Man" all point towards a theory that he represents an alien government, looking for the most suitable species. You can read my thread titled "My G-Man Theory" on this forum...
another thing... it doesnt have anything with Gman to do but... in opposing force when you enter the huge room where gordon freeman runs in the teleport he will do that.. but if you use the noclip code and go around the room and come in the other side.. you can see that it isnt gordon freeman running in the teleport but someone else......
olopower said:
another thing... it doesnt have anything with Gman to do but... in opposing force when you enter the huge room where gordon freeman runs in the teleport he will do that.. but if you use the noclip code and go around the room and come in the other side.. you can see that it isnt gordon freeman running in the teleport but someone else......
then who does? :smoking:
It is gordon. They just probably didn't bother modleing Gordon's face cause you were'nt going to see it. It's like the half Breen giving the speach in the first level.
Pegcrab said:
So you're telling me that Freeman's dad invented a time machine to go forward in time, saw the Combine invasion, came back in time, built the most amazing VR simulator ever, just to toughen his son up for the actual invasion?

Not only that, he put at least three other people into the same VR machine, and created a different simulation for each one? If he could time travel and program an AI so complex it could adapt to enviroments and think independently, but he couldn't use all these skills to help battle the invasion? At least that way he wouldn't create any confusing time paradoxs.

Sempi fi. Who dares wins, bitch.

lol gulible :p
Gordon does not teleport anywhere by HIMSELF. The g-man teleports him to where the g-man sees needed. It does not seem too out of reach, and it is possible that the G-Man is Gordon. But we have very little evidence to support it. The G-Man and Gordon both have green eyes. Gordon does not talk and the G-Man's voice is incredibly screwed up. Other physical characteristics might suggest a relation. Other than that, there is no solid evidence.
Gman's eys are green, so's Gordon's. Imagine Gordon w/o moustache, glasses and all, add a little wrinkles and skin sagging n hair decoloration...wad do u see? gman! =)
what if the g-man road around on a camel? or a invisible pink elephant that went mooo hey, it's just speculation folks
Gman probably doesnt have a problem talking.. he talks when he needs to say something to gordon.. that doesnt mean he has a problem with talking.. does it?
id say Kleiner also looks like an older, balder version of Gordon. Does that make him Gordon from the future come back to help? (just a little sarcasm, folks).

Just coz they look a little like each other doesn't mean they're the same person. Doesn't even mean they're blood-related. All of the other stuff (G-Man's conversations with Gordon, his powers, etc.) is circumstantial. There are many possible explanations for the G-Man's existence and his relationship with Freeman.

(I personally prefer the Alien mercenary theory) :borg:
ch4m3l30n said:
Gman's eys are green, so's Gordon's. Imagine Gordon w/o moustache, glasses and all, add a little wrinkles and skin sagging n hair decoloration...wad do u see? gman! =)
But the question still remains... if he is really freeman from teh future. Then why does he want to kill himself? :rolleyes:
cmon guys. why would the writer of this game make up somthing like that? i mean it is very clear that our hero, Gordon is not Gman! Here are my points that tell Gman is not Gordon.

-Remember in part one, GMAN tried to kill gordon with all the armies and grunts? This is bcoz Gordon was one of the scientists that developed that teleportation thinggy and in order to prevent disasters GMan was there to stop these geeks (maybe it was his last resort to kill them all). Gordon survived and Gman was impressed so offered him a choice of becoming his employee. If you dont accept his ofer u get teleported right into the middle of hungry batalion of wild aliens. If you accept his offer, your life is spared, leading the story to HL part 2... NOW, if Gman was Gordon from the future, then why would he try to kill him in the first place? that sounds dumb doesnt it? :bonce:

- Why would he hire himself from the past when he can just guide him to fullfil his mission to save the earth?

- Gordon is fighting to save earth from those inavders. if GMAn was actually Gordon himself, then that means he survived and was able to save the earth. IF so, why would he bother coming back to guide his past self? If he failed there would have been no GMAN. :borg:

- Gordon carries crowbar... Gman carries a case :E :bounce:

are you guys getting this?

therefore, Gman is not GOrdon!
reading the Strat Guide and Raising the Bar makes me think that the Gman is Alien and is in no way eh.. realtives with Gordon dont know how to say but u know what I mean
My eyes are the same colour as Alyx's which means I must be Alyx from the future.
dj_flameskull said:
cmon guys. why would the writer of this game make up somthing like that? i mean it is very clear that our hero, Gordon is not Gman! Here are my points that tell Gman is not Gordon.

-Remember in part one, GMAN tried to kill gordon with all the armies and grunts? This is bcoz Gordon was one of the scientists that developed that teleportation thinggy and in order to prevent disasters GMan was there to stop these geeks (maybe it was his last resort to kill them all). Gordon survived and Gman was impressed so offered him a choice of becoming his employee. If you dont accept his ofer u get teleported right into the middle of hungry batalion of wild aliens. If you accept his offer, your life is spared, leading the story to HL part 2... NOW, if Gman was Gordon from the future, then why would he try to kill him in the first place? that sounds dumb doesnt it? :bonce:

- Why would he hire himself from the past when he can just guide him to fullfil his mission to save the earth?

- Gordon is fighting to save earth from those inavders. if GMAn was actually Gordon himself, then that means he survived and was able to save the earth. IF so, why would he bother coming back to guide his past self? If he failed there would have been no GMAN. :borg:

- Gordon carries crowbar... Gman carries a case :E :bounce:

are you guys getting this?

therefore, Gman is not GOrdon!
I don't think g-man tried to kill the scientists, that was part of a standard military covert, the black ops may be the g-man's men, or breen's.
Gordon is fighting to save earth from those inavders. if GMAn was actually Gordon himself, then that means he survived and was able to save the earth. IF so, why would he bother coming back to guide his past self? If he failed there would have been no GMAN.

maybe he failed but survived himself
Ok lets say the G-Man is Gordon for arguments sake......How would gordon have survived to be old enough to help himself if he didnt get help himself?
no its completly impossible.....But the G-man could be from a different dimension/ Universe.
Thats what they hinted at in the first half life to quote the G-man " I work for a higher being"
if gman can control time, why cant he freeze it and destroy the combine?
like i said in another thread
What if the G-Man Made a bet with his other ,freinds/colleauges/fellow government officials, on 2 different species and G-Man picked the Humans and Gordon is just his secret weapon in a series of battles and scenarios leaving one victor each different time,If so, I wonder what the circumstances and rules were?
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