Gordon Freeman Needs You!

Isn't that what HL2.net is?

What am I doing here?
I voted for Link on my laptop and Freeman on my desktop. It will be an interested showdown between the two, link isnt beating freeman THAT much, not as much as Link destroyed everyone else
Its alot closer than i expected...

Gordon Freeman 48.1%

Link 51.9%
I voted for snake. See where that got me.

I don't really care. These forums stoped being about hl2 for me along time ago. I löve you guys.
I put in two votes for Freeman, one from my work computer, one from my mobile...
I never voted for snake...

I never voted at all.
Damn that's close.... we must not let him lose.
Freeman is down by 729 votes....I didnt know so many people were Half Life fans? Another vote for freeman on my mobile Apple device
Freeman is down by 729 votes....I didnt know so many people were Half Life fans? Another vote for freeman on my mobile Apple device

This is how Freeman will win - and it'll be a hollow victory!
He won't make it. Robbed by the vote for Freeman spam bots and multiple voters :sniper:

//walks off grumbling something bout Zelda ...
Gordon is.......WINNING? hOW??

Next round: Gordon Freeman gangbanged by pissed off Snake fans/Nintendo fans.

Assuming that he wins this round, of course.
I'm incredibly surprised that Gordon actually made it this far and is leading against Link.

I mean Gordon just beat Bomberman (the game I loved most in my childhood), Snake, Ryu and is up 800+ votes against link.

At this stage, Gordon will become the second greatest video game hero of all time, just behind Mario. Unfortunately, Gordon is 5000 votes behind Mario, so beating him will be a huge challenge.
When Gordon went up against Bomberman, I thought he could win easily. So he did. Then he went up against Yoshi, who I thought would crush him. To my surprise Gordon crushed him. Then Snake, I just knew he had to lose there because Snake's incredibly popular. But no. Then Ryu, who he ate alive. Now Link, one of THE most popular video game characters of all time and he's barely beating him. Amazing that Half-Life has such a great fanbase.

We trust in The Freeman.
This is a farce TBH. The Nintentards will put a stop to this.

The fact is, Freeman is you - and you're pretty dull, guy.

Calerules123 said:
Amazing that Half-Life has such a great fanbase.

Doesn't, it just has the kind of fan base that cares enough about this kind of poll to cheat the voting system (i'm looking at you, 4 Chan).

Zelda and Mario fans are out having sex with girls whilst Gordon bummers want him to win a stupid poll.
hey kazsymonds

get the **** out
lol unpopular kid

Not really.
I've just been hearing about these shitty contests for weeks now. You get sick of them after a while.

also snake should have won
When Gordon went up against Bomberman, I thought he could win easily. So he did. Then he went up against Yoshi, who I thought would crush him. To my surprise Gordon crushed him. Then Snake, I just knew he had to lose there because Snake's incredibly popular. But no. Then Ryu, who he ate alive. Now Link, one of THE most popular video game characters of all time and he's barely beating him. Amazing that Half-Life has such a great fanbase.

We trust in The Freeman.


The G-Man has more plans for Mr Freeman
I cant bear to watch anymore. One minute hes up 400, the next hes down 100.
What does it matter? Freeman is by far superior to Snake, Link, etc.
It's ridiculous he's even put in this sort of competition.
It's not a new art. They just took arms from GOTY edition's box, and pasted it on hl2's box.
And then bloomed it to hell and back. Christ.