gordon=the g-man

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It´s maby like this.
That Gordon´s long lost twin is the G-Man, and both of them is in love with alyx, then they find out there brothers and start to fight about alyx? But then she says that she is there sister!
Almost like it is Star Wars! :)
I asume that in the end of Half-Life 2 we will se the G-Man, Gordon and alyx have some fun in the bed and the camera fade to black... :)
lol ew g-man and gordon naked

one word for gordon firecrotch ok thats enough back to topic :bounce:
Originally posted by alb1221
lol ew g-man and gordon naked

one word for gordon firecrotch ok thats enough back to topic :bounce:

Eh? He's not redhead, he had brown hair.
Originally posted by alb1221
what race does alyx seem to you

's Wife =

:afro: They had a thing going on in Black Mesa.
heh, its possible that the G-Man is Gordon from the future come back to help prevent the world from being taken over. Kinda like in Terminator where the robots are sent back to kill the kid whos gonna end up being the only thing standing between the evhul robot company and the freedom of the human race etc.

Yeah but why didn't they just send the terminator back to blow up skynet BEFORE it took over?? Seems like the obvious way to end the catastrophe of the human race nearly being wiped out instead of placing it in the hands of a kid who doesn't know wtf he's doing.

Edit> Oh wait... I forgot the kid didn't know wtf he was doing even when he sent the terminator back... Stupid John Conner.
No, Gordon doesn't seem to be the G-man at all. And that would make no sense...
Hahaha stop the cokaine guys.
Gordon is not g-man.
The eyes are diferent and gordon is nt a killer like g-man which one who killed scientist.
gordon and gman WILL KUNG-FU FIGHT! Accually if that is so in HL2 I will shat myself, and never trust valve to make a innovative sp plot again. I mean, who wouldnt see that coming if you hadn't played hl1. They do NOT look alike, i dont see how you could get that.
Originally posted by ulukai
Hahaha stop the cokaine guys.
Gordon is not g-man.
The eyes are diferent and gordon is nt a killer like g-man which one who killed scientist.

You he doesn't kill for a hobby like G-man? Because Gordon kills a lot...
Originally posted by ulukai

Gordon is not g-man.
The eyes are diferent and gordon is nt a killer like g-man which one who killed scientist.

I dunno about YOUR Gordon, but the Gordon I played killed lots of scientist and Barneys :D
G-Man : "Gordon.....I am your father"

Gordon : " Noooooo *Gordon jumps into a convenient hole falling into a vent when he has fun sliding for a while then gets rescued by Kleiner & Co
G-man's skin looks paler...his eye brows are much thicker, his lips are to, and his forhead is different to...i dont believe it tbh
he kill people for defend him self you idiot or what lifthz ???
If someone shoot to you will let him do or kill him.
G-man is a clone, accelerated in growth through weird alien dna techniques. as he has gordons champion blood in him, he rebels against his alien programing and fulfils some sort of ancient profecy to save humans by training gordon to be a hero.
Or maybe its gordon of the future, captured by aliens and dna-weirded-up, reprogrammed, rebelled and gone back in time to save himself and the future of humanity. gotta be. its gordon's future self. yes.
:O omg you're right!!!!!!!!!
No, see, what's going to happen is they are going to make a giant timewarp to send to Gordan back in time to stop the Black Mesa facility from being destroyed and aliens starting to take over the Earth....

...but then we find out that it's the massive energy serge from sending back in time that causes the original experiment to go wrong! So Gordan returns to the future to try again, only they overshoot and send him back to Roswell, New Mexico....

....where he finds a young Army private that is the G-Man fighting off the original alien invasion! Telling this young G-Man his story [leading to the future G-Man always knowing where to be at just the right time] Gordan hopes to find a way to stop the Black Mesa project from ever being started. It works, and Gordan returns to the future.....

....to find that Earth has been nearly totally destroyed! It turns out that the destraction of Earth was what a race of kind, peaceful aliens needed to prevent their own destruction from the Combine forces in order to marshal their strength. Without Earth to destract them, the Combine destroyed the peaceful aliens without problem. When they found Earth some years later than the Black Mesa project originally allowed them to, they were able to attack in force and quickly wipe out all resistance. So Gordan must travel back in time one last time.....

.....to kill himself before getting the G-Man to stop the Black Mesa project but after causing the original invasion.

Trying to digest all this is what makes the G-Man seem a bit whacky.


Wasn't that simple?
if john was actually smart about sending the terminator back he would have sent him back another 40 years earler to kill the black guy that invented skynet. no inventor=no invention
timetravel scares me.
if u send someone back in time to kill someone, then the person will already be dead in the past, so in the future you wont need to have sent anyone back to kill them, becuse they are dead and never became what they were going to. this means that in the future no-one will have been sent back in time to kill them because they wont need to have. that menas in the future, at the point when they would have transported to the past to kill the person, they wont do, so the timelines would re-arrange to the bad future again.
either that or the universe would explode.
or implode.

you with me?
robots suck. unless theyre giant robots, in which case they rock
anything giant is cool.
giant killer tomatoes are cool, as are giant lizards and ginat gorrilas and giant moths, and giant (50ft!!!!) women.

50ft! imagine the legs on that!
Originally posted by ferd
G-man's skin looks paler...his eye brows are much thicker, his lips are to, and his forhead is different to...i dont believe it tbh

yeah, thats what happens when you get old
dont wanna grow old if it means looking like him.
he looks like the love child of george best and peter mandelson