gordon wearing HEV helmet?



hi all!

something that intrigued me:

in every artwork, we see gordon wearing the HEV suit without the helmet (we know from models that it has a helmet too). this is probably just to show off gordons "looks" so people know who they are playing.

but know my question (since you never see the helmet in the game):

is he wearing the helmet too? i think he is because of the following:

1. he has an oxygen-meter in the suit.
2. headshots don't kill him instantly.
3. he can zoom (OMG TEH CYPERNETIC IMPLANTTZ!!!!!111)
4. when a headcrab jumps at him it bounces off instead of clinging to his head...and humping it...with it's...."beak"... you get the point
5. the screen goes red when you die, indicating blood splattering on the helmets screen (ok i pulled this one out of my...head)

so what do you think?

helmet or no helmet?
I, too, have wondered about this.

Maybe he just has magic glasses.
He doesnt have a helmet.

Zooming is just a gameplay feature, if you wanted to find some higher purpose its probably something todo with the suit jacking into the body.

As for the headcrabs - again, gameplay.
I would agree with your speculations Klyka. He would appear to have a helmet, otherwise, he probably couldn't survive the highly toxic areas. As for why he's wearing a helmet... well, gameplay of course.
its an invisible magical techno-helmet.

it runs on the power of love.
you see the helmet in hl1 multiplayer.. you can choose it as a skin for your player... But yeah i agree with azzOr, he doesn't wear the helmet in the game. :farmer:
He must wear it in-game, right? It makes no sense otherwise, not even a computer game can be excused such a blatant logical error as wearing a radiation hazard suit without the headpiece on!
he does wear a helemt


when you get the hev suit, all of the sudden you can see your health and suit , as well as when there are toxins or any other shit like that

that is on the helmet,

YOU ARE WEARING THE HELMET, if not, i guess the numbers are just floating in the air?
I'd go with the idea that he's wearing one. The shots with him not wearing it are just for the recognition factor. Y'know, so people can say, "Wow, this guy is heroic and really geeky-looking at the same time!"...

Beside's, there's an old bit of artwork depicting him both holding and wearing the thing for the old HL1 MKIV suit.
I think he wears a helmet but takes it off for photo opportunities.
azz0r said:
He doesnt have a helmet.

Zooming is just a gameplay feature, if you wanted to find some higher purpose its probably something todo with the suit jacking into the body.

As for the headcrabs - again, gameplay.

You can't zoom unless you're in the HEV suit though
There is not a helmet on the suit - at best the suit probably plugins into the spine or something to send signals all over the body.
The short-cut key sheet that comes with the game, clearly states that the zoom feature is the "HEV Suit Zoom"

When you're swimming, the HUD pops up that AUX Power is engaged, administering a limited supply of oxygen.

The simple fact that you -have- a HUD display...

All of these lead me to believe the HEV suit -does- in fact have a helmet...

All this makes me talk just made me realize... the game has no mirrors.
lord dubu said:
The short-cut key sheet that comes with the game, clearly states that the zoom feature is the "HEV Suit Zoom"

When you're swimming, the HUD pops up that AUX Power is engaged, administering a limited supply of oxygen.

The simple fact that you -have- a HUD display...

All of these lead me to believe the HEV suit -does- in fact have a helmet...

All this makes me talk just made me realize... the game has no mirrors.
Yeah, I'd noticed that a lot

I think its part of the whole "you are freeman" thing, if you saw him in game you wouldn't be able to identify as well
emCee-ig said:
he does wear a helemt


when you get the hev suit, all of the sudden you can see your health and suit , as well as when there are toxins or any other shit like that

that is on the helmet,

YOU ARE WEARING THE HELMET, if not, i guess the numbers are just floating in the air?

They could come from those fabulous glasses he is always wearing. Though them's some pretty fancy glasses he has. I'd like a pair of them.

Ultimately, he has to have a helmet. A radiation suit like that would have to protect the most important part of your body, your brain. If your brain is damaged, game over. You have a chance to survive body shots, but a single head shot will end your game for sure.

Thems my two cents.

:thumbs: :bounce:

Of course he has a frickin helmet!

For one, water could (depending) get into the suit when he's underwater, and he's walking around in toxic sludge. WTF good is a fancy suit gonna do you when you face is exposed/breathing the stuff! Sheesh, people.
a cold morning wake up and fight some combine then u find out ur helmet and glasses are all fogged up while in a battle
Oxygen doesn't mean anything. Most games have an indication of how long you can be underwater, why would this game be any different?
I think it works automagically without a helmet. Otherwise... all the NPCs would be laughing at you.
When he was in XEN in HL1 he had the helmet because normal people can't breath in XENs atmosphere (except G-man, but i dont know you could call him normal). And I think it would be most logical if he has the helmet in HL2.
WTF? Ofcourse he has a helmet! Plenty of good points that indicate to that have been given in this thread, whereas nobody has been able to give any reasons why would he not have a helmet.
Except for some "No!1 he cant have a helmet cuz that woulnt be tEh cOol and he's suprhero with l337 glasses and stuff" Gimme a break here. :D
Well he does not have a HEV Suit at last, just his arms are covered! Why should he have a helmet then? ;)
Adrian_shepherd said:
When he was in XEN in HL1 he had the helmet because normal people can't breath in XENs atmosphere (except G-man, but i dont know you could call him normal). And I think it would be most logical if he has the helmet in HL2.

barney calhoun had no mask or anything when visiting xen
plus vorts and other xen creatures have no trouble with earth's atmosphere
superjuanchango said:
Oxygen doesn't mean anything. Most games have an indication of how long you can be underwater, why would this game be any different?

Because it says "Auxillary Power". It's not an oxygen meter, it's the suits battery, just like with the flashlight. You'll note that there is a delay in when the Aux limit has been reached and when you start to take dammage from being underwater.
It's a game.


There was no HEVsuit when he picked it up in the beginning of the game, the HUD is there so you'll know if you're about to die or are at the peak of your health.

Perhaps the HUD indicator thingies are on the part of the HEVsuit surrounding his head, look at the gamebox and you'll see what I mean. Besides, Gordon's too sexy to hide in a fugly spacehelmet.
Wearing a helmet makes sense. As emCee-ig and others stated, the HUD shows health, ammunition, etc. That is not visible in the game before donning the suit. This is true in both HL and HL2. The hollow sounding female voice that detects pressure, toxins, etc. and informs you what the suit is doing sounds like a headset more than, say, a speaker on the front of the uniform. This also makes sense to supply oxygen, and the zoom feature--complete with crosshairs even though you cannot shoot anything--resembles a HUD in a suit (or jet, etc.). As JimmehH said, you just see photos of Gordon without the helmet because he takes it off at all photo ops. :)

Of course, if you play a Rebel in HL2DM or HL2TDM, you still get the display even though you are not wearing a suit or helmet of any type, so this is one aspect of the game that is not consistent.
Kingreaper said:
I think its part of the whole "you are freeman" thing, if you saw him in game you wouldn't be able to identify as well
but if we, as the player, truly are supposed to be gordon freemen, showing him with the helmet on at all times would be an opportunity to project our face onto the hero.
There is no helmet in the Mark V suit. You can see it in Kleiner's lab.
Sieni said:
There is no helmet in the Mark V suit. You can see it in Kleiner's lab.
I know. That one bothers me. I wish they had shown it with the helmet by the side or sumthin'
AJ Rimmer said:
I know. That one bothers me. I wish they had shown it with the helmet by the side or sumthin'

The helmet is stored inside the suit's torso. That's my explanation anyways, and I'm sticking to it!

But yeah, the only proof that Gordon doesn't have a helmet is that that's how he looks in Op4 and BS. But that's mostly considered a continuity error made by Gearbox.

The only way we'll know for sure is if we see Gordon in his suit during the next valve-made expansion.
So just wait a year or two. :p
Deathmatch just borrows elements from the game, it has no storyline, and does not need to be consistant.

As for the suit, I've always wondered since the first game. It seems a bit pointless wearing it if you aren't going to protect your head, especially when you go diving in nuclear waste or low pH acid.
I would say the helmet is on, due to the HUD.

The fact you see pictures of Gordon or sometimes in game in BS and Op4 is just something to make him look cool, more human, and no mistake that he is allied to the combine or something. Games where you have one load people vs. another don't appeal to me that much as the ordinary humans vs. the evil suitted up baddys.

If all his art was with his helmet on, it'd look rubbish, and gordon's face is more symbolic than anything (of what, I can't be bothered to analyse).

Anyway I lost my train of thought on this.

As a lot of people have been saying, it's just a game! Don't think too much about these minor inconsistancys. I'm sure Valve didn't spend as much time thinking about them as you have.
If you type the thirdperson command in the console it shows you playing as Gordon with no helmet....

...well, actually I think it shows you playing as whatever model you picked in HL Multiplayer setup.
He has no helmet :borg: you dont see it in the lab wheh you get it, so there cant be one, the reason there is a HUD(like in every other fps) is becasue if there wasnt, you would probably be dead within the first 10 minutes- unless you are L337 :cheers: -, aslo the reason you dont get humped by a headcrab, is becasue if you couldnt get it off...... you would die straight away too :| its oatso simple :farmer:
I think that the helmet is connected to the "collarbone" of the suit via an unknown attachment at the back. Therefore, with a flick of the wrist: Presto! Helmet for Gordon!

pwned. :cheers:
CrazyHarij said:
It's a game.


There was no HEVsuit when he picked it up in the beginning of the game, the HUD is there so you'll know if you're about to die or are at the peak of your health.

there was no HUD when there was no HEV suit
just sayin'