Got some strange letter from an american who dont like Europe and soccer..


May 17, 2003
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Got this weird letter from some moron, its good all americans dont act like this idiot..

**** EU, Europe

Last week in this column, I mentioned a sport European's call football. We
Americans like to call it soccer, when we talk about it at all. Which
fortunately, is not often. Usually, it's only to say things like, "I was
having trouble falling asleep last night, luckily ESPN2 was showing soccer."
Or, "How did it feel when that rabid badger bit you in the face? It was
about as enjoyable as soccer." Anyway, tons of annoying, European people
took the time to unhitch their oxen, and come in from the fields to "educate
me" about soccer.

"We call it football because we use our feet." They all whined. Yes, but
aren't you wearing socks on those feet? Socks? Soccer? I rest my case.

Like most Americans I have no use for Europe, especially since we built such
a swell version of it at Epcot, not to mention the one we built in Las
Vegas. Superior to actual Europe in terms of rides, as well as buffets,
both of these versions of Europe include things that appear to be kryptonite
to most real Europeans; manners, toothpaste, and deodorant.

Yes I said manners. Europeans are rude. They refuse to speak English. And
the ones who do speak English speak it poorly or with a funny accent. We
didn't save your pusillanimous asses from Hitler to put up with this kind of
piss poor attitude.

I understand that most Europeans hate Americans. Good. We hate you more.
You have nothing that we want. Legalized prostitution? We have it, not to
mention all of the slutty American girls giving it away for free. Crumbling
ruins? Look at our inner cities. People speaking foreign languages? Get
in a cab. Which brings me to another point.

If you all hate America so much, will you please stop coming? I don't think
they have patrol boats off the coast of Spain picking up flimsy rafts full
of Americans trying to sneak into Europe so they can start a better life.

When I walk through my estate it's like a tour of Europe. My butler is
English, my maids are French, and my gardeners all speak some kind of
gibberish so I assume they're from Europe, too. I would ask them, but like
I said they all speak gibberish. Not to mention the fact that like all of
my employees, any of them trying to speak directly to me will be taken away
and fed to the hounds. Anyway, my chauffer is German and my bodyguards are
all from Belgium. Belgians, are surprisingly resilient.

I guess there are some good things about Europe, like EuroDisney, and I hear
they've built a Hard Rock Cafe. But other than that I think it's pointless,
and much too far to be of any use to anyone.

I Love The Hate-ees

You think the people who send us hate mail are stupid? The UN weapons
inspectors have announced they found no evidence that the Iranians have a
secret nuclear weapons program. Really? Because you would think there
would be tons of evidence lying around if they had a secret nuclear weapons
program. Did they check under the bed?

Here's one in response to our new, improved instructions on how to remove
oneself from our mailing list.

----- Original Message -----
From: Elaine L.
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: T-Shirt Hell End of August Newsletter



(Editor's Note: Elaine, you are clearly an idiot, or a Nigerian, most likely
both. We did get your name from you. Did you suffer from another blackout?
Where did you wake up, and how many of your bad places were caked in blood
and semen this time? Please go back on your medication and stop sniffing
glue you dried up old douche bag. We will not remove you until your
education is complete!)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Whitney P." <playboychick69***@***.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 7:17 PM
Subject: racism

I was wondering if you hated black people or is that
just part of the humor. I mean I love you shirts and
all but I was jusy wondering. Well thanks

(Editor's Note: That's a good question Whitney. Let me think. Are you a
black person? Because I know I hate you. I pride myself on hating all
people as individuals. All of you as individuals are worthy of my endless
undying hatred, and scorn. To hate someone for belonging to a particular
group is just too easy. Unless we are talking about the EFUR. There's
nothing I hate more than an Estonian Philatelist. Those guys just suck.)
It does sound like someone taking the piss.

Anyone interested in the where the word "Soccer" comes from? It's short for "Association Football". Back in the olden days, Football had many different variants on its rules. The one in the south was called "Association Football". Now, people at Cambridge and Oxford had this annoying habit of shortening words and adding "er" to the end. Hence the time "brekker" for Breakfast and "Rugger" for Rugby (Which is sometimes called Rugby Football). They shorted "Association Football" to Soccer.

I don't blame him falling asleep whenever he sees Major League Soccer on the tele, I watched it a while back and it is so boring.
omg, idiot is not a strong enough word for this guy

I say we lynch him
I say that since he's obviously an idiot we not listen nor care about what he might say or think... Deserves nothing more.
He is far from an idiot, i found that email very funny. I don't think it was written to be taken seriously.
MLS is boring indeed, he did gave the Belgians a compliment.
Sounds like an idiot to me. Based on his reason why Football is otherwise known as 'Soccer', then it should be called Bootball or something..because you wear Boots over your socks. And saying that Europeans can't speak English? Oh and Americans can speak perfect English cant they!
Europeans are rude. They refuse to speak English.

Its nice that he is so general, considering English is *mandatory* to learn as second language in this bad little European nation known as Sweden.
Pff, oxen in the fields. Everyone knows you don't use oxen in fields anymore. Why, just this morning I was hitching it up ready for a cruise round town.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Pff, oxen in the fields. Everyone knows you don't use oxen in fields anymore. Why, just this morning I was hitching it up ready for a cruise round town.

how much mileage do you get per bale of hay? :p
dawdler, you're swedish? :O
I never knew :|

@ farrow: exactly! Bloody generalising americans! :(
lol, y do americans call football soccer?????? thats just so stupid....your rugby rip off (throw the ball forwards instead of backwards, and dont forget the over exagerated padding :E) should be called american football or american rugby. football = not american football. soccer = stupid american name for football (YTF DO U THINK ITS CALLED 'FOOT'BALL).

anyway, that letter is just taking the piss.
Refuse to speak english? Why should they have to learn your language and you should not have to learn theirs?

Bah, I get pissed when someone makes a complain like that.

Whoever sent that needs a major *** whoop if serius. If not he needs a lesson in humor.
Ha, burn in hell, yankee!!! :p

It's people like him that make europeans to hate the US.
i can't stand these arrogant people who hate folks just cause they're from a certain geographical location. even if this is a joke i didn't find it funny.
To hate someone for belonging to a particular
group is just too easy. Unless we are talking about the EFUR. There's
nothing I hate more than an Estonian Philatelist. Those guys just suck.

Wtf is this :D
I say we "liberate" america from this guy, he is clearly a dictator. Whos in my coallition!?
MaxiKana said:
I say we "liberate" america from this guy, he is clearly a dictator. Whos in my coallition!?

I'm full of piss and vinegar! I'll join!
Ignorant threads rule!!!

ignorant threads forever!!!!!!!!!!!
The sad part is half the people in this thread dont realise its a joke...... :eek:
h00dlum said:
Got this weird letter from some moron, its good all americans dont act like this idiot..

Thanks for realising that and not just bashing blatantly.

Cool Swedish People:1
Jackass: 0
Varg|Hund said:
dawdler, you're swedish? :O
I never knew :|

@ farrow: exactly! Bloody generalising americans! :(

You are generalising by saying all americans generalise.
I wonder why American Football is called "Football"

1: You hardly use your feet

2: It's not even a damn ball, it's a freakin egg!

I'd call it Pussy Rugby, but that's another matter :p
Waffles said:
You are generalising by saying all americans generalise.
Hey! That's generalising his opinion, I'm sure its deeper than that! :p
h00dlum said:
Yes I said manners. Europeans are rude. They refuse to speak English. And
the ones who do speak English speak it poorly or with a funny accent. We
didn't save your pusillanimous asses from Hitler to put up with this kind of
piss poor attitude.

Okay, I do admit Europeans can be rude.

Middle-Eastern and Asian people, although ask a lot of questions, are the politest people.
Okay, I do admit Europeans can be rude, Middle-Eastern and Asian people, although ask a lot of questions, are the politest people
That's cause they'll chop your head off if you're not polite!!!

Ha!!! Generalising rules... I wonder if saying Americans look like monkies is wrong? I mean, firstly the President represent America and well... That's obvious. Secondly its not even a wrong claim. Generalising? Or speaking the truth? Oh the mindboggling dilemma... :rolling:
This email reads like it was written by Dave Barry, who is a humor columist, and writes some really funny pieces actually.

Regardless, the article is obviously a satire piece, not to be taken seriously. I am surprised that hardly anyone caught on to this. Either nobody read it, or they are too arrogant or prejudice themselves to see the guy isn't even serious... they just can't get past "American" in the back of their minds to see "satire".

Anyway, I don't want to rain on anyones parade. Go ahead and think this guy was serious and arrogant. You probably don't really want to know that person is actually you.
PvtRyan said:
I wonder why American Football is called "Football"

1: You hardly use your feet

2: It's not even a damn ball, it's a freakin egg!

I'd call it Pussy Rugby, but that's another matter :p


soz, but how can 'american' be a language??????? its american ffs!!! they're a way.

yeah we wouldnt be english speaking if it werent for the americans (ww2 and them helping blah blah blah...oh look, america praised for 2 seconds of fighting), but, america wouldnt be there if it werent for the british!! ha!

soz but i had to say that lol.
its true

not like its a thing to be ashamed of or anything,
just remember, you 'mericans used to be tea-sipping do-gooders a few hundred years ago :p
Pureball said:

sigh, its a joke. You don't get it.

Very low brow, to quote CptStern of anyone who makes fun of the french... but wants to lynch Americans that make fun of their own perceptions.

I think your comment says more about you than the author of this piece.