Gothic peeps

What do YOU think about gothic people, or 'goths'?

  • I am Teh EVIL Gothic YEAH! WE OWNZ Y000

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • Hmm let them be, they're good people

    Votes: 31 54.4%
  • Kill 'em! BURN THEM!!! GERRRRR

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Gothic....? who? what..?!!? dont be smart with me!!

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Well thought I'd take the discussion from on, and well see what ya'll think when it's down to the deep dirty facts :cheese:


What do you think about People who state them self as "gothic"?

Personally I think it's plain BS.
If you want to tell the world youre feeling the blues, and you are mean and evil and are hating everybody(or pretend to be), then why dont you just go and tell the world, instead of running around like ****ing morons, looking like zombies dressed up in costumes that could have been made by lars ulrich or someone else who's totaly brain washed :flame:

Half the time they're just ordinary persons who just want attention.

Oh well..just needed to get that out...Let the smashing begin.and well let's throw in a poll with that shall we?
Well, hi, I just fort I'd let you know you've just insulted you're goth ;)

thanks, and i don't hate everyone, I've had great pain in my life and goths are people who understand that and help, and I like the clothing....and goth girls are sooo damn fine..

EDIT : and really i'm no attention whore, i really dnt like attention at all, i'm a very shy person
I know a couple of people who are really into the whole goth thing, one of em believes in black magic. Even so neither of them are real attention whores and they're really down to earth ppl. Then there's this other guy david... attention whore goth dumbass :p He just likes the clothes really.
Originally posted by Stone
Well, hi, I just fort I'd let you know you've just insulted you're goth ;)

could you please rephrase that? i didn't quite get it, sorry :)

oh and sry if i offended anyone, just my point of view! :)
it's ok, its just I don't like people mixing up, people who pretend to be goth cos it looks cool, and the people who find their only comfort with goths, true goths IMO
Originally posted by Stone
it's ok, its just I don't like people mixing up, people who pretend to be goth cos it looks cool, and the people who find their only comfort with goths, true goths IMO
sounds fair to me :cheers:

a little story from the real life, about the two girls... loking really mad and shit.. and well they start talking abou this girl, that she's so stupid because she's got blond ..made no sense :)
THIS is why gothics suck.
here is a quote from that page
"I propose that we build a giant cannon, gather up all the gothics, pack them into the cannon, and launch them into a brick wall. SLAM. No more gothics. Maybe then they'd have a reason to be depressed. That is, if any of them lived. They're all so pale and weak that a mere launch into a brick wall might finish them off. " Hahahah roflmfao the bottom line is funniest though. "Gothics have threatened to cast spells on me because of this page." haaha
and here is furthermore on why they suck complete with lame ass goths trying to defend their opinions, its hilarious.
here is another quote

"I bet you don't even know any Goths because if you did you would know that most of us are the most intelligent, unique, intresting and creative poeople you will ever met.

Many goths seem to adhere to this mentality. That they are some how MORE unique and intelligent than the rest of us. Not only is this insulting, but blatantly false; testimony to this fact being all the poorly written email I receive from "goths." Ironically, since most goths (and by "goths," I refer to their "culture" or "subculture" as they've defined it) seem to think that they are somehow more intelligent, interesting and/or creative than the rest of us, this alludes to another character trait entirely, or namely, arrogance. Boring, arrogant, uninteresting, un-innovative gothics. I believe this issue has been exhausted. "
theres nothing rong with them most of them are just normal people and the ones i kno are very nice and profiling is bad
I don't care what you call yourself, what social group you claim to belong to, what idea of "cool" you like to conform to. In the long run, none of that matters. If you piss me off, I wont like you. If you don't piss me off I'll like you. Simple.
LOL this poll is just flamebait, but fortunatelly we don't have any goths on this forum so I guess it doesn't offend anybody.

Personally I think goths are midly annoying, but it doesn't go beyond that.
I'd prefer to meet a bunch of goths than a bunch of townies.

Here's a joke :D
Why did the townie cross the road?
To punch someone in the face for no reason.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
LOL this poll is just flamebait, but fortunatelly we don't have any goths on this forum so I guess it doesn't offend anybody.

Personally I think goths are midly annoying, but it doesn't go beyond that.

It offends me. I am not a goth myself, but I got some friend who are into it. I don’t support their life style, but I still manage to share some similar interests. I hate ignorant people, plus you can’t judge everyone of them by some god damn website. Imagine people judging America by how Bush acts… oh man (some people do actually).
In my high school there used to be quite a few goths. So a couple of my friends decided to join them and for like 2 years straight they didn't even want to talk to me. They would just listen to death metal, do drugs, whatever Goths do. They came back to normal right before they went to college, but we aren't really friends anymore.
Wtf is up with classifications anyway, can't someone just be a generic homosapian for once!?
Well sorry Lone you had such bad experience with them. Goths I know are not into drugs.

nw909, I agree, in the end, we are all humans and we all will die someday :)
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Well sorry Lone you had such bad experience with them. Goths I know are not into drugs.

nw909, I agree, in the end, we are all humans and we all will die someday :)

Yeah, sorry if I said anything offensive. I just came back from playing CS with a 13/28 score and just felt like insulting everyone and everything. ;(
a bad score in cs mine is usaly like 0/50 cause cs is shit
Hmm, Im not a goth, but I love the color black, I wear lots of black clothes, and usually UFO's. Ya know those pants with straps hangin outta the cargo pockets. But I like death. I love murder and shit like that. I love horror movies. I listen to horror rap. SHit you all never heard of.

I dont have an opinion on this, cuz its bullshit anyway...
I know a couple goths, I dont find anythin wrong wit em, people jus like everyone else, jus express themselves differently. an like dex, i aint a goth either, but everythin in my room is black, an i dyed my hair black, and i wear dark clothes.
I love to wear black clothes, but I don't paint my face white and praise satan or any shit like that, hell I don't even have a religion,

But I have tasted the flesh of fallen angels, lol.
I'm not a goth, I am however an industrialist.

Very similar but Indutrialists lack the ponceyness.

I dont own any cloths that arnt black.
I'm glad there hasn't been too much flaming. Erm, IMO, everyone can be pretty much who they want to be, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else. I have mates who are 'gothic' and also mates who pretend that they are homies... but as long as they don't annoy me, then it's all good. I really don't know how to classify myself... cos I'm into bands as diverse as The Specials and NOFX... ah well :p
The only thing I don't like about goths is that they try to be the anti-jock. Jocks go round feeling superior and pushing people around for no reason. Goths do that alot too :|

Like when I went to a party, that david guy I mentioned spent the whole night singling me out and making fun of my clothing :| It's like "we refuse to conform to the norm, we're goths," but really thats just another stupid trend. Be who you are, as much as it sounds like the school counseller, you ARE who you are already, why try to be something else??? ARGH stupid people.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
nw909, I agree, in the end, we are all humans and we all will die someday :)

Well if you have an Alex Chiu Immortality Device you wont be dying anytime soon....... ;)
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
The only thing I don't like about goths is that they try to be the anti-jock. Jocks go round feeling superior and pushing people around for no reason. Goths do that alot too :|

Like when I went to a party, that david guy I mentioned spent the whole night singling me out and making fun of my clothing :| It's like "we refuse to conform to the norm, we're goths," but really thats just another stupid trend. Be who you are, as much as it sounds like the school counseller, you ARE who you are already, why try to be something else??? ARGH stupid people.

Its also funny that they complain about not being accepted yet they spend all their time bitching about peoples life styles.
"gothic" is such a huge catagory, I have a friend who always dresses in victorian/edwardian dresses and writes poetry but she listens to nu-metal, another who wears typical gothic clothes and practices wicca, and I don't worry about my appearance or write poetry or anything but I listen to gothic music and have the same mindset as goths. Then of course you have "posers" and people who enjoy looking like a vampire...
You really can't say you like or dislike all goths.
Originally posted by mrBadger
I'm glad there hasn't been too much flaming. Erm, IMO, everyone can be pretty much who they want to be, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else. I have mates who are 'gothic' and also mates who pretend that they are homies... but as long as they don't annoy me, then it's all good. I really don't know how to classify myself... cos I'm into bands as diverse as The Specials and NOFX... ah well :p


And if I were to classify you on that piece of information, I'd say a skatepunk who knows and appreciates how music evolves.
Well, I live on the Isle of Wight where there aren't really enough people to have different groups based on that sort of stuff.
I personally wear black trousers - infact these trousers (which they've just started selling in the local kids store, but in pink! Grrr)
I also have long hair, which I used to die black and I will again once I've finished growing it, although I'll have red streaks ala Joey Jordison because I've just finished school and they won't stop me form doing it at college, infact I'll have them done at college.
Anyway, back on topic. I am also a Marilyn Manson fan and own a MM t-shirt, which to alot of people qualifies me as a goth. However, I act nothing like goths are supposed to act and my interst into the culture goes as far as the music.
I hang around with alot of people who are into completely different things to me, but it doesn't make them bad people. Some of them are extreme townies and ride around with boy racers listening to garage music, but I still like them and I think that if anyone lets this sort of thing get in the way of who they are friends with, then they are missing out on talking to some-one who they could really like if they just gave it a chance.
There are some people (a few girls in particular) who judge me because of what I wear, but those people actually stand out of most of the people I know because of it and they are trying so hard to fit in that they isolate themselves and kid themselves that their better than everyone else.
But I know that most of these people will end up with crap lives due to being wrapped up in themselves and caring about whats cool more than getting on with what they should be doing. I also know that people I care about will end up like this too, but that's their decision and I won't judge them for it.
On the subject of clothes:

I wear sometimes baggy jeans, sometimes not so baggy, I wear mostly green and biege t-shirts... and a boonie hat ^_^

but I also have a pink and purple striped shirt that I wear when going out :)
Goths eh? Kind of annoying when you think about it. Running in, trying to take over, then running away again. Then when they run into some trouble. They ask to be taken in and given sanctuary. Just because they got scared of a few men on hor....We are thinking of the same Goths right? The ones that lived in late roman times?


Oh....those Goths. Right.


Basically, ditto to Zerimski's first comment.

Although, a lot of Gothic people i know are into weird stuff. Like black magic, which is just plain wrong.
Originally posted by Alanity
"gothic" is such a huge catagory, I have a friend who always dresses in victorian/edwardian dresses and writes poetry but she listens to nu-metal, another who wears typical gothic clothes and practices wicca, and I don't worry about my appearance or write poetry or anything but I listen to gothic music and have the same mindset as goths. Then of course you have "posers" and people who enjoy looking like a vampire...
You really can't say you like or dislike all goths.

Yes, alot of the goths I know are practicing Wiccas.
I like to write 2, although not poetry but dark fantasy, which is another common trait...

and to all the people who say that goths throw there wait around, i'm geussing your american, cos the ones oover here are the kindest and most loverable people in the world...
I don't really understand why some-one would want to be a full-on goth, but my lack of understanding makes me intrigued, unlike alot of closed minded people, for whom lack of understanding just beings fear and hate. I would like to know more about the gothic culture and why some-one would want to be a part of it. I have quite a bad image of goths in my mind, which as put their by TV and films, but I would like some-one to replace it with a better one. Tell me more.
Originally posted by Stone
Yes, alot of the goths I know are practicing Wiccas.
I like to write 2, although not poetry but dark fantasy, which is another common trait...

and to all the people who say that goths throw there wait around, i'm geussing your american, cos the ones oover here are the kindest and most loverable people in the world...

Although I try to stay away from social classifications (as I said earlier, in the long run it doesn't matter), I will however have to correct that generalisation ;) I don't doubt that the people you know are the kindest most lovable people in the world, but would they not be that without being "goth"? The simple fact is, a persons social classification does not necessarily denote how nice a person they are. I have plenty of friends who claim to be "goth" and I have plenty of friends who to look at you would assume they were "townies", I also have plenty of "hippy" friends, "punk" friends, and miscellaneous friends as well. They are all fantastic people in my eyes, otherwise they wouldn't be my friends. I myself listen to a lot of heavy rock, industrial, punk, acoustic rock, indie etc and I usually wear baggy jeans and a baggy black tshirt. This isn't because I'm trying to be "punk" or "goth", it's because that is what I am comfortable wearing, and that's what suits me best (I'm not the smallest of people, so black looks good, and for the same reason, baggy clothes look good too).

I'm rambling slightly, but the point I'm trying to make is that a person isn't a good person just because they belong to a specific social group. A person is a good person because of their actions, and their views. I've seen plenty of cases where a group of townies attack someone for no apparent reason, but I've also seen plenty of cases of so-called "goths" doing exactly the same.

The truth of the matter is that each group is as bad as the other. It shouldn't matter which class you believe yourself to be in, or what class other people try to put you in. As long as you're a nice person to be around, that's all that matters.
Originally posted by Stone
Yes, alot of the goths I know are practicing Wiccas.
I like to write 2, although not poetry but dark fantasy, which is another common trait...

and to all the people who say that goths throw there wait around, i'm geussing your american, cos the ones oover here are the kindest and most loverable people in the world...

British here and I know plenty of goths who are pretensious **** tards.
Originally posted by Zerimski
Although I try to stay away from social classifications (as I said earlier, in the long run it doesn't matter), I will however have to correct that generalisation ;) I don't doubt that the people you know are the kindest most lovable people in the world, but would they not be that without being "goth"? The simple fact is, a persons social classification does not necessarily denote how nice a person they are. I have plenty of friends who claim to be "goth" and I have plenty of friends who to look at you would assume they were "townies", I also have plenty of "hippy" friends, "punk" friends, and miscellaneous friends as well. They are all fantastic people in my eyes, otherwise they wouldn't be my friends. I myself listen to a lot of heavy rock, industrial, punk, acoustic rock, indie etc and I usually wear baggy jeans and a baggy black tshirt. This isn't because I'm trying to be "punk" or "goth", it's because that is what I am comfortable wearing, and that's what suits me best (I'm not the smallest of people, so black looks good, and for the same reason, baggy clothes look good too).

I'm rambling slightly, but the point I'm trying to make is that a person isn't a good person just because they belong to a specific social group. A person is a good person because of their actions, and their views. I've seen plenty of cases where a group of townies attack someone for no apparent reason, but I've also seen plenty of cases of so-called "goths" doing exactly the same.

The truth of the matter is that each group is as bad as the other. It shouldn't matter which class you believe yourself to be in, or what class other people try to put you in. As long as you're a nice person to be around, that's all that matters.

Wow. You're probably the first person ive ever met to share that view.
I would just like to say I agree with Zerimski, who cares about what group you fit into anyway? As long as you don't become a stereotype of that group and cover up who you really are just to fit in with them.