Gothic peeps

What do YOU think about gothic people, or 'goths'?

  • I am Teh EVIL Gothic YEAH! WE OWNZ Y000

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • Hmm let them be, they're good people

    Votes: 31 54.4%
  • Kill 'em! BURN THEM!!! GERRRRR

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Gothic....? who? what..?!!? dont be smart with me!!

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters
I concour with Zerimski and Farrow..... becuase I said it first, but probably spelt it wrong :p.

The concluding statement?

Don't deny yourself the pleasure of meeting someone nice, just because they are 'goth' or whatever.... and theres nuttin wrong with writing poetry :p
No, i dont really dtreat anyone else outside of the Goth culutre as different, really i only get annoyed with people who fall into the stereotypes of the groups....

Really, i'm not really a stereotypical goth, I am quite happy, my life good at the moment and I dnt really hate anyone..although it was bad in the past, but still i get classified as a goth, always have done and i geuss its just stuck in my mind that i have one, really i'd like to believe i'm my self, but everyone is influenced by something else...

True originality, either looks stupid (cos its original) or is almost impossible to come by....

EDIT: and i'm not saying because they are goths that they are kind, they just are the most loverable and kind people in world, whether they were goths or not wudnt and doesnt matter
Sorry if anyone felt their freidns or them self being smashed.. The reason i feel like classifying the ones i know(since, thats all i can judge from right?) are well, too ordinary to be able to call them self "goths" them not worthy(ok maybe a bit over the top)...Let me tell you why:
They preach about they are their own kind, and they believe in the devil, and love the number 66 and so on, but if they are so unique, well.... theyre just ordniary..too ordinary... really the clothes doesnt bother's more the attitude that comes with it.

I really feel sorry if it looked as if I classified, tham as a race or some wierd tribe, I am sorry, I just think they do it them self.
Originally posted by Nostradamus

They preach about they are their own kind, and they believe in the devil, and love the number 666 and so on

thats devil worshiping isnt it, and thats illegal, not all goths are like that, don't worry... I aint i'm an athesist :x go figure ?!?
mrBadger W***er is not an offensive word, it can be heard in the simpsons episode with U2 and that show is rated pg-13.

FLS-EDIT: It depends on where you are from doesnt it? I know where im from, people dont go around calling each other it without wanting to insult them.
Originally posted by Stone
thats devil worshiping isnt it, and thats illegal, not all goths are like that, don't worry... I aint i'm an athesist :x go figure ?!?

Lol devil worship is not illegal.

Thats like saying being a practicing Catholic is illegal.
I dislike all goths, just as I dislike other misc. groups of people, drug dealers, gangsters, pedophiles, rapists, people who like sports, people who only wear black (yes I mean only, i don't care if you wear it, just not only it)... personally I like wearing white, not only does it make me seem a nicer person but also i get bad dandruff in the winter, rofl. aside I'm pale from my computer delving so I wear white for contrast. I hate people who wear faded jeans too, not real faded jeans who can't afford clothes but those pompous asses who buy them like that. And what the f*ck is up with people naming themselves or generalizing themselves after architectural designs jesus its annoying shit, industrialists, gothics, etc. I think goths are funny who believe in magic and shit, and its funny how ignorant bastards or some religious people will be scared of them cause they are too simple to even deny the possibility to themselves that it exists, thats the only reason I could possibly like goths is cause they give me something to laugh about how foolish they all are, they say shit like expressing your opinions and then you say an opinion against them and they get pissy, they say stuff about expressing individuality and then all dress in black and generalize themselves, they say oxymornic random shit that doesn't even make sense that must of came to them as some sort of apifiny while they were high on cocaine or whatever other various stuff they do. the magical ones are funniest though, no magic with a 'C' isn't real but magic with a "K" is real. roflmgdfao, oh my god they are funny.
-of course I allow them to have their opinions, and I just smile and nod when they express them tho, i'm not openly mean to people you know, ahh people are great, they remind me of lemmings.
Well, first of all, I'm not going to vote because I don't like any of the choices.

Some people would place me in the "goth" category, but I generally look down on people who call themselves gothic. Most of the time, the people that refer to themselves as goths have no idea what they are talking about, and think that Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, and Korn are "gothic" bands.

I'm not goth because I don't want to be placed in a category with a bunch of idiots. I dress sort of goth/glam (not as extreme anymore) but only because I like having style. I'm not talking about the stupid baggy black pants and shitty band t-shirts, either, like most of the "goths" you'll see moping around your school. I listen to a lot of music, but only some of it is considered gothic. I'm pretty much a nerd in fancy clothes, to put it simply :D

Here is a recent picture of me (few days old):

Over a year ago:

edit: I'm agnostic, by the way.
Saying you dislike "goths" is like saying you dislike black people, or people with one arm, or people wearing white socks.
Damn straight I hate the white sox, baseball is the sux!. rofl hehe! Look how your comments slide off of my impenetrable armor of miscomprehension!
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
I. I hate people who wear faded jeans too, not real faded jeans who can't afford clothes but those pompous asses who buy them like that.

:eek: faded jeans 0wn!

or people wearing white socks

sorry but if you see anyone wearing white socks with black trousers/full suit or other formal dress/black shoes it is a written commandment that you must kill them......unless thats all they can scrape by with, but if you know they live in a nice detachted house with 2 cars, let 'em have it for a lack of style
Rich people must die :) At least until I will be rich :)
Oh to be rich.

You know, a lot people probably wouldnt agree with this. But most of the problems we face could easily be solved by a large sack of money.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Lol devil worship is not illegal.

Thats like saying being a practicing Catholic is illegal.

I'll think you'll find that Devil Worshipping is infact illegal...

one thing you've got to remember is most of law is based on the bible's ten commandments.....

and I only own 1 pair of baggies, only ever have i ever owned 1 pair of baggies...and I only own a pir, because i have a complex about my wait (I'm 7 1/2 stone last time i checked, at 17 and at just over 6 foot, thats way too little amount, athough i'm not anerexic, i've just got a high motabolism.

Really what i find annoying is that all aleteranative dressing is in style, which is a bitch... I keep seeing the people who used to attack me ont he way home from school everyday, because i was a goth, dressed exactly how i used to... ironic really when u think of it :(
Funny, there were very few goths at my high school. I think it may be cause i live in Florida and wearing all black is very uncomfortable here most of the time. The few goths i knew just sort of dressed wierd and were really into the invader zim show and Johnny the homicidal maniac comics. Personally i don't think i'd be able to stand the attitude of a stereotypical goth. I'd probably get along fine with lots of goth but not the stereotypical types.

Then again in real life most of us wouldn't be able to stand each other, so what the hell am i babbling about?

Most of us probably couldn't stand each other's attitudes in real life. The anonimity and seperation of the internet is what keeps us talking to each other in a way. Of course this also leads to trolls, but they don't count as they are retarded.

Lets look at it from another perspective shall we?

A large percentage of us are guilty of at least some of the following
-having little or no social skills (guilty)
-having pasty white skin due to being indoors 24/7 (guilty)
-obsessed with games (guilty)
-obsessed with computer (guilty)
-would die without the internet (guilty)
-are overweight
-use or at least understand 1337 (guilty)
-collect some sort of something that qualifies as geeky
-smell bad
-still play cs
-use the terms "(insert name of n00b weapon) F4get!!!111" "OMG (insert name of cheat)!!!!1111" or "w00t w00t" (guilty)

Upon self reflection I see than with the proper stereotypes anything looks really bad, especially us.
Originally posted by symptom

Here is a recent picture of me (few days old):

Over a year ago:

edit: I'm agnostic, by the way.

Oh Wow.

/me faints

Youre ****ing beautiful. :bounce: :eek:

I would so do you.
are you being sarcastic, gay, or are you a girl?

(BTW Hazza Joey rocks as does his hair!)
Originally posted by =Coy0te=
are you being sarcastic, gay, or are you a girl?

(BTW Hazza Joey rocks as does his hair!)

No, I really think hes hot.
Originally posted by FireBall
Excuse me but what is a townie?
To answer your question, we must delve deep into the culture of hip hop, garage music and other styles of music of which there seem to be hundreds but to me all sound the same (excluding hip hop).
A townie is some-one who listens to this kind of music, general wears white, some jewellery, some have their trowsers tucked into their socks and pretty much everything they wear has an Adidas logo on. Well, that's the stereotype anyway. Also, they may hang around with or be a boy racer.

Also, I am glad to say that I am only guilty of one of flyingdebris' list of things and that is being overweight, but I am begining to rectify this and the only reason I spend so much time on the internet is because I have been ill (I don't really want to go into what was wrong), but I will be starting my college course this September, which I am determined to go to and as I will meet people through the course, my boredom will once again be gone.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
No, I really think hes hot.

He is certainly prettyful :thumbs: and his hair is cool...... I was trying to grow mine like that.... but I got it cut off..... and now my hairs short :)

It's funny, round my area we call townies Chavs... :p.... and some girls I've been with are slightly like that.... but it's cool, as long as they don't annoy me intensely :p.... chavs do on the other hand
No, I didn't go out with 'proper' chavs.... they happened to dress like 'em slightly.... and were into their kinda music, but funnily they liked my (at the time) grunger image.... I don't really dress like any particular group of people... which I like, cos no-one I know wears orange blazers :)
Sorry symptom you are indeed hot.
*joins in with the chasing*
Originally posted by Alanity
Sorry symptom you are indeed hot.
*joins in with the chasing*

All we need now is the Benny Hill theme tune.

Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
What course are you taking?

Didn't you originally post what are you taking, bevause I thought you were refering to drugs.
Anway, I'm taking a National Diploma in Media.
Originally posted by Hazza
Didn't you originally post what are you taking, bevause I thought you were refering to drugs.
Anway, I'm taking a National Diploma in Media.

You should be flattered. You have your very own fanboys... (unless magnet is a fangirl...)
Originally posted by Alanity
You should be flattered. You have your very own fanboys... (unless magnet is a fangirl...)

