Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

The G-Man sent Gordon Freeman in after being frozen to go and sort out the mess with the combine ect. thats why he is sent to the interigation room, he wasnt invited like the others where (I got a standard relocation cupon like everyone else)
if someone posts spoilers here ... grrrrrrrrr ! dont do it dont do it dont do it ! or i do something very very baad to you !!!!
But still contains spoilers...

Why did you read it, anyway, may I ask? Curiosity?
I dunno, i learned a tiny bit from the beta's audio files and couldnt piece it together, so i thought oh what the hell and read the script.

I was hoping it would be in order, however it isnt, its in sections (i.e the location) and then everyones speech crammed together(i.e if alyx was talking there would be a huge chunk of that)

And alot is missing
The point is that we still don't want to hear it.
The facts I have gathered for my speculation:

1) The Combine have two themes. The yellowish-orangish energy shooting Striders and Alien Gunships (and the as of yet unseen dropships [maybe cut]) and the black and white with sometimes yellow combine soldiers, black helicopters, and reflective black Combine Tanks that use more conventional ordinance.

1.1) The combine soldiers are humanoid but it is not entirely known if they are human or not. All (or most) websites with them listed have the idea that they're either aliens themselves or hybrid alien/tech - human. Whether this is their speculation or something they've gathered from a trustable source (press release, interviews) I do not know.

1.2) The Combine are responsible for alot of very bad things. Alyx says "this is the first time I've had any real chance of striking back at the Combine."

2) Eli is working on something that is related to teleportation.

2.5) Kliener is working on something that is related to something Eli is working on. Alyx says "we should have listened to my father and done it his way." Of course, Kleiner's lab could just be a form of tech demo and what is said there may not be directly related to the actual plot.

3) G-man works for the government (takes your weapons citing they are government property). G-man works for unknown "employers."

3.1) Gordon getting off the train is seemingly what happens right the G-man part of the intro mentioned in #4.

3.2) In HL, the G-man is completely invulnverable. Normally when a character is important, the game makes it so that killing them causes a "game over." They don't make them invincible.

3.3) G-mans machinations resulted in Gordon killing Nihilith, reportedly the ruler of Xen.

3.4) Those machinations involved sabotaging the experiment that caused the cascad.

4) G-man tells Gordon to "wake up" and Eli makes the claim that Gordon "hasn't changed one iota."

Speculation based upon above.

1) The Combine are an invading force from another world/dimension. They combine soldiers are most likely converted humans. They are given standard weaponry because it's what humans use. The Striders, Dropships, and Gunships are part of the technology they've acquired elsewhere. They attacked Earth. Which is why Alyx so desires to strike back at them.

2) I really can't speculate too much based on this. All I can speculate is that what Eli is working on will be significant to the story. And that Kliener is working on an alternate use for teleportation. I'd like to throw back to another theory posted here about what Kliener is working on may be something that could hurt the Combine directly but also endangers everyone else.

3) The G-man is an alien. A very humanoid alien. I want to say he's working for both the government AND his employers, most likely using the government as a cover, but the stripping of weapons citing government property encourages me to believe his role with the government is very serious. So, maybe he works for a shadow government. He is responsible for Gordon's arrival at City 17 and is placing him there because he... well, to be honest, it has to be more complicated than it would first appear. One would easily assume that G-man is sending Gordon there to fight against the Combine. But, this is not G-man's style according to HL1. So, he wants something else that is related. Very likely relating to the conflict between Breen and Gordon as that is the furthest into the game I have heard about (which I don't include evidence for because I have no source, it is based off what other's have said they heard). If my #1 is correct, then Breen is a tool. There's been speculation that Nihilith was, as well. Being a tool doesn't mean that Breen doesn't have some measure of power. Maybe he's what allows the combine to "turn" humans by some means.

In reality, it's very hard to guess at G-man's role. It would appear that what has happened so far is likely a result of what G-man has done. Which would imply that G-man wanted the Combine invasion of Earth. Lending more to the theory that he's alien. Having Gordon fighting Breen would appear to be a way to undo it. That's not the G-man I know. What's coming up is something far greater. Maybe it's the WAY he beats Breen. The fight between two scientists won't be with crowbars and Tau guns. It'll be with technology. Gordon builds something... or he activates it. That's what G-man wants.

4) Gordon has been in some form of stasis for the 10 years.
Breen is the human face of the Combine invasion, to calm down unrest, I expect.

Perhaps Eli or Kleiner are working on a way to teleport things back to their original point of beginning, and stop future teleporting?
Samon said:
Why must Gman be a bad guy?

I dunno... because he does bad things? If Gordon doesn't take the job, he has Gordon killed. He's responsible for the resonance cascade which took a ton of life, as well.
Gman didnt cause the cascade

No he doesnt do bad things, he quite simply was put into a position where he had to kill gordon
Yeeeeeaaah, he did cause it.

And he was never in a position where he had to kill Gordon. He had plenty of other choices. One of them being to simply... not kill Gordon.
Spartacus said:
Why do you beleive that? I highly doubt that the Gman caused it.

I believe it's been established in this thread already. From evidence presented in Half-life, OpFor, and Decay.
Trust me he never

He had to kill gordon, no other choice, after everything gordon had done and seen
Well done mr freeman you have just survived an alien invasion and stopped it, now run along home now.

No i dont think so
you have played the game? That doesn't happen, he says he will see you up ahead. He doesn't just send you home.
Samon, I don't trust you since you said you've read the script.

Can you stay out of this topic, please?
Samon said:
Well done mr freeman you have just survived an alien invasion and stopped it, now run along home now.

No i dont think so

What odd reasoning. That's akin to. Well done whomever, you have just watched me slaughter your family, now run along home.


Well done whomever, you have just eaten a chicken sandwich and not gotten food poisoning, now run along home now.

Doesn't matter. But, here's a tip... killing people because they know too much = bad guy thing. Especially since he let other people live. He didn't kill Adrian Sheperd did he?
Rupert it was sarcasm, i was merely taking the piss outta demonwraith who was saying he killed you if you chose not to work for him, so i was saying well if gordon said no he wasnt going ot send him home...did you even read the bit after?

No i dont think so, is what i said.

Its not a bad guy thing, sometimes people are forced to do things they may not want to. Plus his employers have control over him, like he says.

I am not dropping any spoilers anywhere am i? But yeah i will stay out if thats what you want, although i was getting a little annoyed at demonwraith for saying "Gman caused the cascade equels badguy"

When he doesnt actaully no, he is simply going around as if he knows it all.

Was gman in the test chamber that day? no he dam well wasnt, did he push the crystal into the beam? no he dam well didnt.

No he never killed shepard, but that was gearbox's expansion, not valves
Samon said:
Rupert it was sarcasm, i was merely taking the piss outta demonwraith who was saying he killed you if you chose not to work for him, so i was saying well if gordon said no he wasnt going ot send him home...did you even read the bit after?

No i dont think so, is what i said.

Its not a bad guy thing, sometimes people are forced to do things they may not want to. Plus his employers have control over him, like he says.

I am not dropping any spoilers anywhere am i? But yeah i will stay out if thats what you want, although i was getting a little annoyed at demonwraith for saying "Gman caused the cascade equels badguy"

When he doesnt actaully no, he is simply going around as if he knows it all.

Was gman in the test chamber that day? no he dam well wasnt, did he push the crystal into the beam? no he dam well didnt.

No he never killed shepard, but that was gearbox's expansion, not valves

Half-life shows why he did it.
OpFor shows he was planning for it.
Decay shows how he did it.

This has already been established in this thread.
Samon said:
How then, how? Come on then, show us how he planned it

He sabotaged the failsafes (which would have prevented such an occurance) and had them push the hardware beyond what they where supposed to. That's the short answer. I don't feel like giving any long answers.
Because you cant, and where is the evidence he sabotaged the failsafes?

Think about it, it was the crystal that caused the cascade, gordon pushed it into the beam, it was, quite frankly gordons fault
Samon said:
Because you cant, and where is the evidence he sabotaged the failsafes?

Think about it, it was the crystal that caused the cascade, gordon pushed it into the beam, it was, quite frankly gordons fault

Half-life Decay is where the evidence is.

Face it, the government is the bad guy in Half-life. G-man wanted it to happen so they could take over Xen. And let's not forget killing all witnesses = bad guy thing to do.
Decay was a crammed together by gearbox, as another way of coaxing those who had already played hl to buy the ps2 version.

There is no evidence in decay of what you say

And you know that gman works for the government do you? No you dont.
Samon said:
Decay was a crammed together by gearbox, as another way of coaxing those who had already played hl to buy the ps2 version.

There is no evidence in decay of what you say

And you know that gman works for the government do you? No you dont.

Yes, I do.
Also demon wraith your signature contradicts you, and no, you have no proof, so stfu
Has anyone ever suggested or thought that maybe this City 17 or City 16, 15 etc. is really not earth at all, only a city conjured up by the aliens to make it seem to all humans that they are home on earth, hence the generic names of the cities to confirm that as well. It may be at some other non-earth location. Has anyone seen the movie DARKCITY??? you'll know what I am talking about.
Spartacus said:
wtf? Thats not proof. You can't just say that it's true, have it be true.

I have proof, but I'm not presenting it to this guy. I've presented proof on other subjects, but he chooses to ignore it.
Demon Wraith said:
I have proof, but I'm not presenting it to this guy. I've presented proof on other subjects, but he chooses to ignore it.

.....Im not him. Why not show me the proof you have?
I have proof also, there is no proof of him working for the government, yo just dont want to be wrong, if you have proof then send it
Okay, one bit of "proof" is probably the "beta", and the other bit of "proof", ie: Samon's, is probably the script leak, yes?

If they are, could you both stop discussing them, perhaps?