Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

putting people on ignore-lists is so ummm ignorant :cheers:
Still not convinced that Gordon could in some way be the gman, no matter how hackneyed a plot twist it is-- but I won't ever say it again, I promise. :)
What does th "G" in G-man Stand for anyway ???? Gordon, Gabe, Groovie ????
I would think that combine soldiers are (combine)d species of some sort...
The answers we seek may lie in the semantics ...

but then again maybe not :/
1. Government-man
2. combine harvesters (humans)
I think combine us just there name, not related to anything.

Nah its no fun having you on the ignore list.
I come back after all this time and find that eber is still acting like a six year old brat. Some things never change, I see.
Eber, are you one of those boys who like other boys? :LOL:
Hyperion2010 said:
One quick question, I never made the connection about Breen being a BM administrator where did you discover this (just curious).

Doug Lombardi stated it :D

Hyperion...well...what can i say, i wonder now how long it took you to gather all that to you hmmm

But i dont think you get the whole picture
Dont worry about it Brian, I hope nobody else comes in here and reads that.

But i just pmed a mod, shouldnt be long now before its gone
It was Munro i pmed, all try another, unless hyperion you delete it yourself
Samon said:
It was Munro i pmed, all try another, unless hyperion you delete it yourself

Samon, his theory looks like mine.

does that means I got it right?

btw, if eber gets dumbassic again, just tell Munro, he's already watching him.
If you think a theory posted here is what really happens in the game don't go shouting about how it's true. It's just speculation produced from information available by a user that knows nothing of the storyline. The only person spoiling the storyline is the one shouting about how a theory is true and should be removed. If you spot a speculation that you know is true ignore it. If you think a user has purposely posted major spoilers on the forums report it to a moderator don’t reply spoiling the game for everyone. If a moderator ignores the report the post is valid.
Well i guess you have a point, but personally, i believe it wasnt put there just as a theory, it was there purposelly. Not because he thought that was what it may just be, i think thats pretty obvious.

I guess i overreacted abit, but i mean if someone had read that, come round to playing the game then it wouldnt have exactly been much of a suprise now would it?

Sorry for mouthing off abit, i guess i took too far in the end, what he gave was pretty much a basic premise, but if Valve have kept that secret then i take it as a spoiler.
If I did something wrong, sorry. I was simply posting my observations deduced from multiple sources (SS, interviews, movies etc.), and didnt mean to cause any trouble.
Well maybe its me who should be sorry, but its more the fact that your post was nigh on perfect from what i read, it was simply too right if you will, and i took that as if you had taken it straight from the script...or what you had seen on another forum...i mean there are numerous sites plagued with spoilers.

If you didnt well, sorry everyone...and if you did well...meh am lost for words...
Oh for the record, I only garnered strands of info from the beta leak and haven't seen the script leak. Its either I'm crap at looking or the beta leak is very overrated.
Fair enough. So:

Who thinks the G-Man is alien?

Who else thinks the Combine are in some way 'combine'd? Especially in the vehicle department?

I never though G-man was an alien and I still don't...there's something weird about him but I don't think just the fact that he caused 'the accident' makes him an alien. After all, it seems pretty obvious to me that he caused the accident on purpose, knowing that Nihilanth would use it to try and invade, giving him, in turn, a perfect excuse to invade and take over Xen.
The G-man could be anything. We have no evidence of anything about him. Therefore...speculating is a little light for's more like trying to guess.
10 000 views.

I am so very proud :p

(yes, the grammar error is purposeful)
Brian Damage said:
What grammar error?
"Sprafa" is misspelt. It should be written as "Sandwich".

All this just on pure speculation... Might as well just read the thread rather than buy the game. :p
I think the Combine are part of the same specieas as the Ant Lions. I think this because of the gas masks they wear. The alien pheromones effect the Ant Lions making them work for you. If the combine had this same weakness it may explain why they wear the gas masks. As no one else in city 17 seems to wear them I can't see any real need.

I'm refraining from speculating anymore..since I've...hmm....seen the script.
Well, would speculating be any fun after reading that thing? It'd just be a painful torture, a temptation...

I reckon, anyway. Can't be sure, haven't read it.