Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

OP4 had great gameplay, it was really fun. But what bogged it down was Race X, it was unneccesary and for me it really spoiled it, thats why i am hopign they arnt in hl2
Wouldn't you have been disapointed if there were no more enemies? Actually, I would have prefered OP4 to be much more of a straight-out battle between marines and aliens. The parts of Op4 that most stood out were leading my own squad of marines, and I wish I could have been part of a squad the whole way through...

Hell, a squad-based boss battle (against a better boss obviosuly) would have owned...
yes the last boss was rather crap, i had more trouble fighting the shock trooper. Oh look how nice that there is some rather handily placed laser turrets EXACTLY where i will be aiming......
One of my favourite parts of all three games was leading the marines up a beach against a Black Op's machine gun position and then holding it whilst they counter attacked. I went to greater length keeping my squad alive than I did with the Barneys.

We could do with some closure as to what Race X is because there has been no sign of them in HL2 screenshots. A lot of people say Race X was at war with ordinary Xen aliens, but I can only think of one example of this - shocktroopers shooting at the Gargantua on the dam.
i pretend Race X doesnt ixists in the hl storlyine...i even hate the name "race x"
Here;s my contribution to getting the thread back on topic:

I can't help but think that the resonance cascade and the combine and the alien invasion are all part of a plan to take over the world. But that's so 'same-old, same old'. What else could they possibly be a part of.

Maybe the combine have already been to Xen and didn't manage to conquer the planet, but did manage to lock Nihilanth up in his lair, and put other intelligent beings (Vortigaunts) in shackles. Possibly, remnants of the combine invasion of Xen are the Headcrabs/Gonarch. They seem strange to me, don't look very Xenish at all. Or maybe the invasion was successful, but the combine couldn't control NIhilanth, who prevented any further invasions and stopped the current invasion. Stopping the final combine movement to Xen or something like that. Stopping the combine from establishing full control over the borderworld, meaning they couldnt perform interdimensional travel.

When the resonance cascade occured, Gordon killed the primary controller - Nihilanth, and so Gman & co took over Xen. After a while, the combine find out they can travel to Xen again, and so combine troops come to Xen again. They conquer Xen this time, and realising the existence of Earth, they move onwards to conquer that too.

On this attempt to take over a planet, they use full force.. headcrabs.... and.. well, the other HL2 enemies we havent yet seen. They may even through in some of the Xen wildlife too to help beat back the human defences. Or maybe they just ended up there because no-one can really control the border world and teleportation.

At any rate, this dodgy theory could go hand-in-hand with the 'Combine soldiers = matured zombies' theory. I dont want to get into it too much though because i ended up getting lost last time i tried.

So the combine establishes a grounds on Earth by over whelming it with Xen creatures and headcrabs and ofcourse some other croonies that we havent seen yet. Headcrabs take over some humans and mature into the combine soldiers. Combined with the human mind the combine gets cleverer and builds a big tower. The tower is used to gain full control over Earth by regularly moving outwards from its base and, in a way, overwriting the Earth, (maybe even overwriting Earth to make it more hospitable for true combine people. the original combine maybe). But, to provide for such large movements or movements of large objects, 'The Combine' requires alot of resources. So either 'The Combine' or the combine people, harvest these resources.

As, 'The Combine' moves out over the world, it forces any unwanted beings (Xen life) into a smaller, contained area. Meaning they are much easier to deal with.

But, where would Gman and Co come into this? Well, lets just say Gman has awaken Gordon from whatever 10year stupor he has been in, with the sole aim of Gordon helping to find a way to remove the Combine from Earth.

But when i take that last paragraph into account, i find a major conflict between the theory and what we've seen of Hl2. If Gman and co really were in a situation as bad as what i have described, why would Gman be so cheerily sinister ("...wake up... and smell the ashes!!")?

btw, that "one group is wrong other is wronger" thing, i think Gabe? was saying that about the resistance groups NOT Breen and the resistance. After all, Breen seems to like the combine, and Alyx wants to get rid of the combine, which i can take to mean she would want to get rid of breen too. So if anything, the wrong and wronger groups would have to be the resistance the way i see it.

As i've said before, Barney resistance is wrong, but scientists are wronger. Think about it, if Barney and co destroy the combine citadel, the combine will be weakend, and then the humans and combine will have to contend with the Xen life.

And if the scientists use their method to remove the combine, it could also harm human life too, as someone from Valve has said. We've already seen what destruction scientist can cause with their crazy contraptions.

But will this work with the fact that Gordon will have to defeat Breen because he is the better scientist? I'm not sure.

The idea of Breen being the mad scientist sounds more pheasible as he seems to be in charge of the combine, and i find it highly likely that the combine aren't human in the same way Barney or Dr. Kliener are, ie,, they've been manufactured. The mad scientist Breen creates the combine as a means to protect Earth's few surviving cities from Xen beings and other new beings.

That's all for now. No actually that's all 'til we get some more info. I did say i wouldn't post anymore theories until we had some more info but looks like ive lied.
The resistance and the scientists are the same thing, the scientists are the resistance.
Anyway heres my theory.

I really think that when G - Man said "we have xen under control...for the time bieng" he is reffering to the portals, that the aliens cant teleport anymore due to the nihalinths defeat.

Then xen began another major invasion, portals opened all over and xen wildlife (ant lions, headcrabs etc) came pouring through in a bid to inhabit earth. they prevailed, they spread across the earth like a plague breeding and mutiplying.

Earth was near defeat, resources were low and the ocean was drying up. Then former administrator of the black mesa research facility had his own ideas about the invasion. he gathered to him some of surviving bm staff and created a human/machine hybrid soldier, producing them into an army.

He used combined xen technology and human technology to form the striders and gunships, thus ushering people into surviving cities and numbering them. Basically trying to keep people safe from the invasion...

The cities are guarded by the combine, people are opressed as a way of keeping order during this time of panic and the rest of the world is inhabited by xen aliens.

Then, Eli and Kliener knew what Breen was planning (whatever that may be), saw the significance of city 17 liek breen had and ensured they were transfered there.

Due to the oppression mass resistance broke out, headed by the scientists....who are trying to do whatever to stop whatever breen is trying to do...

its pretty crap....but its the best i can come up with. But i have a feeling that the combine arnt another alien race that harvest things..
Well i really like the theory. I like reading in these forums i fel safe here?.
ppl, let's get reasonable

1st - Nihilanth gets pissed of or scared that someone will invade him when the 1st humans start coming to Xen.

2nd - the Nihilanth builds an army, to protect himself agaisnt any outside threat.

3rd - Gordon kills the Nihilanth. the G-man and his "employers" take over Nihilanth's army and Xen.

4th - When the rumours that Xen is under Human control start going around the galaxy, several races take the opportunity and start going to Xen and fighting agaisnt the Army. Soon the Army falls, and so does the Humans.

5th - there are 2 chances for this point - either Xen fell into total anarchy, and teleportation became usual for many races, bringing the Xenians and a few more races to Earth (Antlions, Headcrabs, Vortigaunts....)
Whoever took control of Xen (I'm assuming a very developed race here) allowed and even incentivated the Xenians and other races to travel to Earth and end with Mankind.

6th - Breen manages to control the Combine technology and takes over City 17, one of the few remaining human cities under military control.

7th - Gordon comes along.....
But mr sprafa, why is Nihilanth in shackles!!!!? Why is he a slave along with the Vortigaunts!!? Something must have happened, something we didnt see in hl1. I wont believe Valve dressed him like that without reason. We're missing something here.
Esquire said:
But mr sprafa, why is Nihilanth in shackles!!!!? Why is he a slave along with the Vortigaunts!!? Something must have happened, something we didnt see in hl1. I wont believe Valve dressed him like that without reason. We're missing something here.
His shackles are different - different colour, no collar, one on 3rd arm.
Perhaps they were devices to 'control' the other collars.
Another explanation is that they might simply reproduce an equivalent of the shock charge from Vortigaunt collars - same type of technology anyway, maybe necessary for some of the 'weapons' he uses against Gordon.
We don't need to assume those cuffs make him a slave.
Good point about the "weapons"

I assume he was a slave too because he said "we are their slaves"
no he never said "we are their slaves" and he also never said "you man he not man for you he is waiting for you" !!!!! i checked it out, i just playt through half-life 1
,and nihilanth didnt say that.and if it wasnt in the PC version of half-life then it cant have happened.with other words its wrong !
eber said:
no he never said "we are their slaves" and he also never said "you man he not man for you he is waiting for you" !!!!! i checked it out, i just playt through half-life 1
,and nihilanth didnt say that.and if it wasnt in the PC version of half-life then it cant have happened.with other words its wrong !

There are some that weren't used, but are still in the sound folder.

Besides, doesn't he say those when he teleports you to different rooms in the final chapter?
Esquire said:
But mr sprafa, why is Nihilanth in shackles!!!!? Why is he a slave along with the Vortigaunts!!? Something must have happened, something we didnt see in hl1. I wont believe Valve dressed him like that without reason. We're missing something here.

MR ?? :rolling:

Anyways, that's a different question that I didn't cover in that little timeline. But you have a good point. So does Eejit.
1. combines are brainwashed humans
2. barney is an undercover agent
3. the whole world is full of these aliens and the combines are part of an anti-alien-army which is controlled by a crazy man who wants to take over the whole world. actually he is building his army with the inhabitans of this city.
:bounce: :E
it will end up that valve is looking at this thread and going "lol wtf are these speculations, man we should use some of these ideas"

thats my speculation ;p
heh they should use my theories and speculations for the game :naughty:
Sauerkraut said:
1. combines are brainwashed humans
2. barney is an undercover agent
3. the whole world is full of these aliens and the combines are part of an anti-alien-army which is controlled by a crazy man who wants to take over the whole world. actually he is building his army with the inhabitans of this city.
:bounce: :E

I definately agree with this 100%, it is in fact the same thing I've been thinking all along. Also:

Has anyone else noticed that the building with the pillars from the videos (where two striders attack you, and kill a few pillars) is almost a perfect replication of the Raichstag (sp) in Berlin? This has led me to believe that City 17 (and all the numbered cities) may actually be the evolution of normal cities, forming much larger SUPER CITIES (think Correscont). Thoughts?
Or maybe they just copied the Reichstag. A sterling piece of architecture after all...

heh they should use my theories and speculations for the game

Yes, they could make them gibberish spouted by the alien slaves as they attack.
Lol, the Reichstag, maybe its just a cheap map set-up so that Source DoD doesn't need as many new maps...
yes the combine are against the xen aliens, Breen is already in control of the world...kinda anyway. The cities are all over, 1,2,3,4 and all that. But the rest fo the world, I.E country side, ocean, desert is over run by aliens and breen has everyone contained in the cities for there own protection
The cities, City 1,2,3 etc. remind me strongly of the Final Fantasy movie, barrier cities where the human population have some defence from the aliens from space. Anyone sense a tiny bit of similarity here?
yeah, that's a good way to look at it. i agree, the cities are essentially 'barriers' between the people and the alien invasion. Just a safe haven, is all. But in final fantasy the people were a little less, uh, repressed and forced to work.
I hav a questions
what is exactly Xen?
another planet or another dimension?
if in HL1 the crystals are used to make the teleports, how the humans reach Xen if that crystal are only in Xen?
are another ways to go tho Xen?

I will post more questions later
<RJMC> said:
I hav a questions
what is exactly Xen?
another planet or another dimension?

I think it's another planet in another dimension
Xen i believe is another planet, hence how they sent over reinforcements via spacecraft, and god knows how the government got hold of the crystal, maybe they happened to find a hybrid crystal somewhere that worked the same way that the alien crystal did...
xen is just a bunch of rocks flying around with sweet creatures on it :imu: !

another dimension ? what does that mean ? does that mean that xen doesnt really exist in our world, that we never could reach xen by flying to it with spaceships ? well if thats the case . . . :eek:
i always thought of xen as being in another dimension... it must have been mentioned in the game somewhere, though i dont kno where.. sorry
Now I've read thru all the pages in #1's link. Are they just making those things up? Like what happend before the incident?
The_Monkey said:
Now I've read thru all the pages in #1's link. Are they just making those things up? Like what happend before the incident?

There are some things they make up, but most of it is certified by the games.
Personally I dont think that Gordon was ever put in any type of stasis. And the combine=biomechanoid? I believe the combine soldiers and police are completely organic, not robotic.
I just reckon that the Striders and other large "machines" are biomechs, not the soldiers...
I agree Damage.

I still think that the Combine soldiers aren't fully human (human like Barney, Dr. Kliener and etc.). I can't help but think there must be something shocking behind those masks. Something that sets the Combine soldiers apart (Biologically) from the everyday C17 civilian.

Since the first time i saw one of the combine cops or soldiers i've thought there's something strange about them.. it could just be the name, 'combine'. yeah, come to think of it, if they really are the military or police force of C17, why do they have such a mysteriously unusual name? I think it's to draw in our interest, make us intrigued, to make us suspicious of them... "what are they hiding?". They wouldn't be very interesting if they were just run-of-the-mill humans now would they. o wait i've said this before actually.
Combine can also stand for military and police forces combing in to one origination. Giving us the name Combine, I think they are all human but they just have mask that protect them from biological and chemical attacks from alien forces and they use these mask to communicate and to hind their true voices. That's way they sound like machines when they talk. How else would you sound if you have a mask on you face? I mean no one would understand what you are saying, so some guy make a high tech mask that has a built in communication devices. :borg:
I'm pretty sure it's just a built in throat mike radio pickup with an external speaker and some sort of voice modulator.
Brian Damage said:
I just reckon that the Striders and other large "machines" are biomechs, not the soldiers...
bbahahaa !! hmm "the Striders and other large machines" are pure mechanic, and they have nothing to do with organic lifeforms. well . . . .