Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

Sprafa said:
I think I'll ask Abom to clean this up if you guys keep spamming around here.....

Which guys? Who's spamming?

Relax man.
Sulkdodds said:
They're to do with Hl2, aren't they?

What was this small debate about...well, I think it was about you thinking I said I though Alyx was Gina. But no, I think Gina is Alyx's mother. Not her, her uncle or anyone else.

EDIT: Agh, everybody posting too fast...can't keep up...

But that would mean Gina died! The first of the player characters to do so! :(

I've decided I won't believe it. :)
Esquire said:
City17 is actually a City on another planet. Some humans have been stolen from Earth using Xen (which Gman&co has lost control of) as an express access. The humans are abducted from Earth and taken back to the Combine world (a name in progress). Once there, the humans are stored until it is time for them to be assimilated by the Combine. Once the Combine forces are strong enough, the Combine will attack Earth and rape it of it's resources.

And that's where Gordon comes in. He is purposely abducted by the Combine so that he is taken to Combieee Worrrrllld!!!

Remember Gman, "The right MAN (human, Gordon) in the wrong place (Combie World) can make all the difference in the WORLD (Earth saved by Gordon causing trouble on Combie World)"

So Gordon's there on Combie World kickin ass. He defeats the Combine, Gman appears and tell's Gordon that the Aliens don't need killing as they pose no threat to Earth, Gordon and other humans teleport back to Earth.

And Gman & Co perform experiments on Combie World, dissecting Ant Lions and such.[/SPOILER]

NO. No, I'm being serious I have not played the stolen version of Hl2. All that is there is pure speculation.

This kind of retarded bullshit is exactly why I don't hold this thread in high regard. People could at least speculate based on information instead of ludicrous fantasies.
Cybernoid said:
This kind of retarded bullshit is exactly why I don't hold this thread in high regard. People could at least speculate based on information instead of ludicrous fantasies.

Haha, o dear Cybernoid. I'm shocked that you would believe that what I said in that post was what I thought the HL2 storyline was.


Sprafa was talking about getting the thread back on-topic, but since there isnt any new information on HL2 to help with speculation, I just made up some "ludicrous fantasies". Something i regret since quite a few people can't see that i wasn't being serious.

My bad. Never realised I sounded so sincere in the post.
Esquire said:
Sprafa was talking about getting the thread back on-topic, but since there isnt any new information on HL2 to help with speculation, I just made up some "ludicrous fantasies". Something i regret since quite a few people can't see that i wasn't being serious.

I liked it.

But I was actually talking about the 2 pages of pure spam about Gina being Alyx's mother and the HEV suit.
Sprafa said:
I liked it.

But I was actually talking about the 2 pages of pure spam about Gina being Alyx's mother and the HEV suit.
wtf? That wasn't spam. You don't think discussing where the HEV suit comes from has any relelvance to HL2? Meh...
Look Fellas the "Combine" Is an Human/Alien Race that Gabe has confirmd i read that somwhere dont remeber now though.

Btw This is my first post :p
Ghoetic said:
Look Fellas the "Combine" Is an Human/Alien Race that Gabe has confirmd i read that somwhere dont remeber now though.

Btw This is my first post :p

Indeed the Striders are thought to be fully aliens produced with alien technology. But they are produced by us.
Also, (Everyone's agreed that the Assassin is part of the Combine right?), The Combine Assassin appears to be a cyclops. Humans don't have one eye. Therefore, she is either a modified, or completely alien.

Combine could consist of different levels though. Like humans = metrocops, mod humans = others.

Edit: Welcome to the forums Ghoetic.
Brian Damage said:
Or she could just have a monocular vision system in her helmet...

that could be hard-plugged to her brain (IMO)
you guys are all wrong you are so ****ing spectacularly wrong . . . sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong !!!!!

just remember:

the truth . . . you can never know the truth !! nahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaa i know something you dont know but i didnt do anything against the law :LOL:
You (eber) sound like one of those mad hoboe people.

I'm giving the speculating a rest now. It's too difficult because of lack of knowledge, so unless we get some more media, I am done.

But yeah, the answers to our questions and ponderings, "We shall see soon, hopefully..."
well you guys are really really wrong with all of your theories, its something totally diffrent . . . it will shock you so much . . . . but its really really good ,much better than you can imagine . . it goes far beyond your horizon !
but im not allowed to tell you anything until the game comes out :p !!!
eber said:
well you guys are really really wrong with all of your theories, its something totally diffrent . . . it will shock you so much . . . . but its really really good ,much better than you can imagine . . it goes far beyond your horizon !
but im not allowed to tell you anything until the game comes out :p !!!

well then shuttuppa ur face!!

And to Brian for if you really don't know how; iirc, click on the person to be ignored so that there information/profile comes up, then iirc to the right of the screen there should be a "add to ignore list"
I just added eber to my ignore list.

Cool, his messages don't even show up.
It was supposed to be a sort of threat...

[EDIT]: Aw, Sprafa enticed me with his speak of an eberless forum...

Hey, cool, it's like he doesn't exist at all... or he's being "bleeped"...
i dont even care if some fools add me on their ignorelists , you guys are really ignorant and foolish !
Can you believe that I actually thought eber was apologizing in the post above?...

well, good for me, it teaches me not to remove him from the ignore list anymore.
Of course we are, dearie. Whatever. I haven't put you on ignore yet, don't you worry. Of course I find it all very amusing. Ha. Ha. Ha.....
Dear Eber,

Consider yourself muted,

Love, Kangy.
This message is hidden because eber is on your ignore list.


well, this thread is just back on to the good ol' days.....
Missing Post

Stupid question... did my other post get modded? If so, why? I was sure to put all spoilers in the highlight brackets, what gives? Anyway, if someone could tell me where I went wrong it'd be appreciated.
man u got nuked quite a while back.

anywho, if your spoiler contained stuff from the stolen version of HL2 then your post probably got removed because of that.

Whoa! I got nuked?? Dang! Maybe I should have read that TOS :) Alright then, I don't feel so bad.

To say it again, I really admire the work being done on this thread, its great fun to read and speculate while at "work", and keeps my interest for HL2 peaked.

Thought: Does anyone else think the combine are merely cyborg humans, and are not invaders? I still think they are in C17 to keep the peace and protect people, even if they do grossly abuse their power. Of course, as always, we'll have to wait till September to see. :sniper:
Green Goo said:
Thought: Does anyone else think the combine are merely cyborg humans, and are not invaders? I still think they are in C17 to keep the peace and protect people, even if they do grossly abuse their power. Of course, as always, we'll have to wait till September to see. :sniper:

That's the general feeling yes. Breen enforces control of City 17 with the Combine forces, that he produces thanks to the Combine technology that we think he might have got from the Nihilanth.
Yeah, I believe the Combine are a newly formed Earth-based government with a 'if you can't beat them, meld with them' attitude to subdueing the alien invasion. I mean their vehicles and technologgy by the way, not their actual troops. Then again...
Listen dude, if you've got "illegal" proof of a theory (I'm assuming you mean beta info), don't even say so. 'k?

I want some closure (or maybe even more openure) on what happened to Shepherd...

I think they should make him a speaking character like they did with Barney; after all, Barney Calhoun from Blue Shift and HL2 is the distillation and concentration of all the "Barney" Secrurity guards in HL, as well as being a character in his own right.

Shepherd seems to be the same thing for the marines, so if they've made Barney a speaking character, they should do the same for Shepherd (Maybe make him some sort of gung-ho hothead, or something)...

Oh, yeah, amen on the topic of eber...
"die . . . you will all die . . . you will all die . . . you will all die !"
I like Shepard.

But I think the G-man might store him for as late as HL3....

316 posts....this is by far the longest thread I've ever done. And it's a Sticky ! :bounce:
Some like him, some hate him. I'm with the former camp, though I imagine that some fans' dislike of him may cause VALVe to make him an expansion character again... That way, the people who (for some unfathomable reason) hate him don't have to get anywhere near him. Sure, they'd miss part of the storyline, but in my experience the Shepherd-haters like to discount OP4 as being "something those idiots at Gearbox made up", anyway.