Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

Well, we know that Barney is in the resistance, and he has maybe spread the word of Gordon's survival in Black Mesa. After 10 years of storytelling the tale has become bigger and bigger and i think he become legend to common people - man who alone fought aliens, and maybe destroy them ( well, i know that him didnt destroy them , nuclear bomb is, but who of them knows who started the bomb?)
Sprafa said:
1 - Well, they did it. It was all planned, in Decay & Blue Shift we learn that it couldn't have been an accident, and in OP4 we learn that the G-man trained the military weeks before, preparing for the Xen invasion. It all makes sense.

The G-man & his "employers" simply wanted to take control of Xen. The Nihilanth knows this, or at least suspects, so he makes an army (maybe he's also protecting himself agaisnt other races that want Xen too....). When the G-man and his comrades realize that the only way to take Xen would be by force, they concieve a complex plan. 1st, they order the experiment, shutting down all security procedures in order that a resonance cascade is inevitable. They want it to look like an acident, so the Nihilanth can't invade immediatelly and ruin the G-man's plans.

When the military arrive tho, they are unable to stop the flood of Xenians & the newly discovered Race-X.

So, everything goes wrong from here on. The Black Ops deployed as last resource to destroy the BMRF b4 the aliens also fail, being wasted by Freeman and not activating the nuke.

So the G-man single handledly blows it up..

3 - I don't see how.....If the Scientists displayed Gordon as a savior, then it's perfectly possible that some remember you while you're in stasis. Besides, I don't think they ever said all City 17 citizens know you, maybe it's just the old or maybe just the Scientists and the ones allied to them.

Here's my theory

BMRF was a facility built for the sole purpose of developing teleportation technology. During the early stages of the teleportation experiments, they discovered Xen, and the importance of its location involved with teleportation. Thus making Xen a central "hub" or "stop" before teleporting into another dimension or world. This would explain why Gman wants Xen. With Xen in control the G-man can teleport armies across space and time in the blink of an eye, thus giving them the element of surprise and the ability to quickly overwhelm any opposing/defending force.

After this has been discovered, G-man/His employers set out to destroy the current occupants of Xen (Nihilanth and co) and take it for themselves. Now that Xen is in the control of Gman/His employers there is nothing stopping them from conquering, pretty much everything and anything.

Now my theory about the combine is that whilst Xen was being overrun by Earth's forces, Gman discovered/found the technology fused into Nihilanth (at the bottom of him) and they research it and fuse it with their own forces. Creating the Combine.
Sprafa said:
3 - I don't see how.....If the Scientists displayed Gordon as a savior, then it's perfectly possible that some remember you while you're in stasis. Besides, I don't think they ever said all City 17 citizens know you, maybe it's just the old or maybe just the Scientists and the ones allied to them.

I heard that some citizens will say stuff like "don't I know you from somewhere".

It sounds as if Gordon has been around in the world for these 10yrs but cant remember it for whatever reason. I'll look into this.
Esquire said:
I heard that some citizens will say stuff like "don't I know you from somewhere".

It sounds as if Gordon has been around in the world for these 10yrs but cant remember it for whatever reason. I'll look into this.
no it sounds like someone told them about gordon ,maybe he is a folkhero.
eber said:
no it sounds like someone told them about gordon, maybe he is a folkhero.

If that was so they wouldn't recognise him. Unless the person that told them about Gordon also showed them pictures of Gordon.

Just remember, "i will see you up ahead"
I think that the storyline in "resistance" ( found in the fan fiction section on this forum)
from TheOtherGuy might just be the storyline for hl2 :)

eli vance and alyx are leaders of resistance against combine.
The alien slaves are your friend, because the combine also invaded their planet, and we are against the combine also.
The citadel it growing, and eating it's way trough city 17.
Barney is leading the resistance operations against the combine

I think that might as well be the truth
just one thing, scientist resistance and barney's resistance are two different groups.

one of them is bad, the other is verrryyy bad - by gabe newel (...or something like that)
The problem is that Gordon has just landed in a heavily policed city wearing a hazard suit, where everyone else is in regulation overalls. Anyone who survived Black Mesa thought Freeman was killed (except the G-Man and possibly Dr. Breen.) Barney saw him dragged away by soldiers discussing how they were going to kill him. Shepherd is the only survivor who saw Freeman go to Xen, but he is in prison.

There is a poster in the E3 2004 striders clip with Freeman's face in the background, but this might just be decoration (the ATI mascot/girl is also on it.) If the Combine has made him out to be a Goldstein sort of enemy, it would be unwise to have him strolling through the streets. I can't think of a plausible way for the citizens to know who Freeman is/was. The citizens saying "don't I know you?" may be a way of getting you back in to the Half-Life world, just as in the first game the scientists said, "Hello, Gordon Freeman!" Possibly the citizens don't want to be seen associating with anyone, so little remarks like that are to try and get you to move on before they get a baton smack in the face.
My mistake, I thought the G-Man had let him keep it and so you would start HL2 wearing it.
That's what I always thought, too, but according to the previews and that bit from the newer E3 vids, Gordon starts without it...
Yep, I like to think Gordon gets a Mk.5 HEV since Kleiner was involved in testing the prototype(s).
Well yeah he's got to start without it otherwise the metrocops and everybody else would be like "check this guy out going on like he suttin!"
I want to say
that when you try to understand the HL histori
you screeam "what the heck is going on in the HL storyline"

the HL story is one of the most confussing ever
Damn right.

Surely we already know there is time travel in HL2? If you count Gordon being 'absent' for ten years time travel, that is. It would be cool if he was on that same train from the end of HL, and it pulls into City-17 station...

What a pity. Instead of being 'the end of all questions' this thread seems to have opened up even more.
no!!!!! not time travel please.

Gordon has probs been in cryo freeze for 10 years..
Time travel from his point of view. But if others have been watching you sat there like a popsicle it's not really time travel to them.
Esquire, you mentioned the importance of the G-Man saying "up ahead." Do you think he knew something about the Combine even then? He says "for the time being" as if they will have to fight to hold Xen. This is assuming the Combine is from another world to both Xen and Earth, although I think the Combine was pioneered by Earth humans.
I don't know if he knew about the Combine back then. My emphasis of "up ahead" was to suggest that Gman had put Gordon in a portal to Earth that moves slower than the portal Gman would take, meaning that Gman would be ahead of Gordon, so they would meet each other later because Gordon would have to catch up.

"For the time being" - yeah i think Gman definately knew that there would be a struggle to maintain control over the borderworld. He must of to say "for the time being". It tells us that there are others that have the power to overthrow Gman and his employers.

Indeed, the question now is "who?". I too think that the Combine soldiers and metrocops are of Earth origin.

My only problem with the Combine being from Earth is that if they are they'll probably be the result of some plot to create the supreme soldier. They don't appear to have any amazing attributes though, so that moves me away from the super soldier idea.

It is possible that after Gman's employers lost control of Xen, the alien invasion occured, and so Gman's employers created an army of drones (combine soldiers) to defeat the aliens.

Can't wait for this game to come out, so many questions need answering now. I'll be back later to try to make up some other theories.
Sulkdodds said:
Damn right.

Surely we already know there is time travel in HL2? If you count Gordon being 'absent' for ten years time travel, that is. It would be cool if he was on that same train from the end of HL, and it pulls into City-17 station...

What a pity. Instead of being 'the end of all questions' this thread seems to have opened up even more.
wow yea thats a cool idea i already had this theory, but the more information i get the less i believe it.
One question:

Who gave Gordon the HEV suit in HL2?

G-man? Scientist? Resistance? Father Gregory? Breen!?
DieH@rd said:
One question:

Who gave Gordon the HEV suit in HL2?

G-man? Scientist? Resistance? Father Gregory? Breen!?

in the end of hl1 gman says something along the lines of "i think you deserve to keep that suit, youve earned it" or something
DieH@rd said:
One question:

Who gave Gordon the HEV suit in HL2?

G-man? Scientist? Resistance? Father Gregory? Breen!?

Out of all them, Breen, since he was the administrator of BMRF. Gordon put on the HEV before the experiment that caused the resonance cascade.
Esquire said:
Out of all them, Breen, since he was the administrator of BMRF. Gordon put on the HEV before the experiment that caused the resonance cascade.

But that was in hl1... As i know (maybe i'm wrong) but in hl2 video Gordon arives in city-17 without suit. So, somebody must have gave him suiy later on...
Yes, IIRC, the previews describe being suitless in the beginning as well... I mean, heck, if you went waltzing around a militarily occupied train station in a suit of power armour, you'd get some weird looks, and probably a few bullets, thrown your way...
What do you think. Will the people of City-17 survive hl2? Or they gonna be killed by:
1. Combine guns
2. Xen
3. resistance's "wrong" plan for freedom
4. Scientist "very wrong" plan for freedom
5. they gonna kill themself when they see how gordon is stupid-lookin' in that yellow suit... :) ignore this last thing
I See him Waking Up on that train. Thats It... The Portal Sent Him To City 17(or the train at least) -just my little starting thoery
DieH@rd said:
But that was in hl1... As i know (maybe i'm wrong) but in hl2 video Gordon arives in city-17 without suit. So, somebody must have gave him suiy later on...

oops. Thought you said HL1.
As I've written before I think it's quite likely that you get the suit from Kleiner, since he was involved in testing the suits in HL1, and returns in HL2.
The whole 10 years things was "stasis". it's not cryo, and I don't think it was like Esquire puts it, a "time wormhole".

I think the G-man simply adquired the technology necessary to simply "stop" the time for an object, in this case, Freeman. Freeman just "stood" in a time limbo, for 10 years, for him, it was nothing.
I'm against the 'Stasis' theory because it doesn't explain why some citizens seem to know you (still trying to find evidence of this. I heard it somewhere!!!). Just like my 'Time-Dilation Portal" theory.

It's apparent experiments of some sorts have been performed on Gordon. These experiments could very well have been aimed at decreasing Gordon's tendancy for fear.

O fluff! Yet another contradiction:

Eli says something about Gordon not aging, and yet we're told that people in the city recognise Gordon from somewhere. If he hasnt aged then it's likely he would have been in some sort of 'stasis' as Sprafa is talking about. BUt if he was in this stasus people wouldnt know Gordon because they wouldnt have seen him.

Can't find any info on the thought that citizens in City17 recognise Gordon. I'm making a thread about it.
Esquire said:
It's apparent experiments of some sorts have been performed on Gordon. These experiments could very well have been aimed at decreasing Gordon's tendancy for fear.

Also, these experiments where to do with Gordon's brain so they may have affected his memory.

Hold on, what's this...
There was a thread about the Psyche.exe video which is a must read.
Check out kaf11's post.

I prefer the idea of a coma to Gordon being put in 'stasis'. Although, as with all these theories, it doesn't explain why people recognise Gordon.

imo, Simple answer to why people recognise him would be that alot of the people from City17 are from Black Mesa.
Oh, damn.

Nevermind this post.

But the G-man could have also "spread" the rumors about Gordon, as he might have some interest in that.
if any of you have played the original half life, you'll remember what the g-man said. "i've taken all you're weapons, they were after all gov't property. as for that suit... i think you've earned it"

AND... gordon is sort of forced to take the G-Man's job offer. So, chances are he'll start with a suit, or recieve one from the G-man pretty early on. who knows.
Gordon starts on the train to City 17 though. Surely if he was to be walking around the City in a HEV he'd attract a large amount of attention to himself.

More likely that he will receive it later on as you have said. But whether or not it'll be from Gman is a different question.

If Valve keeps on with the style of HL1, we wont be getting to close to Gman to recieve anything until towards the end of the game. But since he's your employer now, things could be different i guess.
noobman5000 said:
if any of you have played the original half life, you'll remember what the g-man said. "i've taken all you're weapons, they were after all gov't property. as for that suit... i think you've earned it"

AND... gordon is sort of forced to take the G-Man's job offer. So, chances are he'll start with a suit, or recieve one from the G-man pretty early on. who knows.

He doesn't seem to start with one, that's the odd thing. I think that we should just regard him as having earned the right to wear one while in the G-Man's employ, or something like that...
Maybe the G-man is a little smarter than sending him into City 17 with the HEV suit. The Combine would probably think - *suspicious*

He must get one from the scientists or the G-man teleports it to him

or maybe it's a Combine prototype mecho-armor that he steals..... maybe not
Brian Damage said:
Nah, 's definately an HEV suit. What with the lambda symbol and all...

Well, the Combine seem to be fond of weird symbolism. And the Lambda can just be an "homage" to the original Creator.