Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

i think the black mesa scientists are originally on the same side, Eli tries something it goes wrong... very wrong. So its down to Freeman/Kliener to try something else. Breen just controls the combine and is in league with the aliens bosses or race X (or something) at large (unless they atttack him, such as the Ant-lion control.
Esquire said:
What are these evidences?


1st - Striders look organic, but shoot bullets from their belly. Which forces them to have some sort of biomech connection.
2nd - Gunships look mechanical, but hold several organical signs.

From there, I messed in my mind - What if the infantry is also biomech? and then I realized that the masks, perfect for hiding their biomech nature and more, to improve their all-time battleready status. And, if Barney can go through as one of them, they mustn't be alien. But they can't be human either, they seem too robotic and mindless. The Combine look like the SW Clone Army, better than droids but still naturally unrebellious and quick development.

So, I'm absolutely convinced that they are biomech.

I'll add that the mechanical parts of the strider or gunship could just be like a clip on. That is, that in the same way a horse wears a saddle, the strider could be an animal that is just wearing that cannon and machine gun thing.

But then that would raise the question, "how will the animal know how to use the weapon?/how will the animal use the weapon?"

No, i'll stick with yours and others biomech theory. But when we say biomech are we meaning, an animal with mechanical adaptations, or a machine with biological elements?

It would be useful for the strider to be an animal with biomechanical adaptations because it would have the ingenuity and awareness to hunt down the rebels and decide the best move to make to destroy them.

But, I don't think the Combine are biomech. Doesn't seem like there's is a need for them to be. But then again..

forget it. It's so difficult to think up reasons and theories since we know so little!

Actually, about the striders (spoiler) Incoming's thread
it is said that the strider was made for travelling in seas/rivers/waters (or something like that). So that may mean that the Strider is a fully mechanical organism. But stiill it could be a manufactured biomech.
I've read that thread, and the new info on it.

I remember that in War of the Worlds the alien transports have a battle in a seabed, quite efficiently. (WoW is the novel in which the concept of the Striders is based on, tall, 3-legged giants)

And by Biomech I think something like Borg assimilation for Humans, and in the case of the Striders & Gunships I think they were totally genetically made or alien life forms embedded with mechanical weapons/tools.
Its more likely that the G-man for some reason would betray YOU instead of Gordon betraying the G-Man
Oh yeah, I forgot.

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (I think it was MechaGodzilla that mentioned it) has a reference to the Combine, that the character believes his nurse is a "combine", iif I remember corretly he said she was a cyborg or biomechanoid. Of course, he's nuts and he's on a mental institution...
So if we're right Laidlaw also inspired himself from there....
I hav made a litle teory that maybe is interesting
I am bassed in things that I know if something in my teory is wrong please correct me

my teory is

we supose that the Black Mesa administrator is Bree, the same Admin of City 17
and the fact is
Gman's job was in Black Mesa?
if is true
maybe Gman is against his own boss, cuz if the Admin of black mesa is the boss of all the facility, and is Breen....
sooo maybe Gman is using gordon to eliminate Breen
also the fact that Gman activate the nuke to destroy Black mesa
maybe Gman is responsable of the accident
also in one tread appear that everibody has be analizing the sounds files of a part when Gman and a scientific talk but heard numble
but in they analize are one part that the scientific say something like "why you want deactive the security sistem?.." or something like that
sooo maybe Gman is against Breen

and other teory relationated to this first

dont you see that nihilant hav Human carateristics?
also hav aliens carateristics
and mechanicals caracteristics
so plus all that caracteristic and the result is something that we know... Human+alien+litle of mechanical= COMBINE
soo maybe nihilant is a combine?!
also he said "we are they slaves" and the combines are like the "servers" of Breen right?
that the importan part of my alternative teory, but aniway I will post my complete teory
soo maybe nihilant was the first combine and was ordened to take control of Xen
or maybe of that specific race
Gman made the sabotage and accident happens
and we see in HL1 that Gman looks like be guiding freeman to some placego, maybeguidw freeman to go to Xen and kill nihilant
and Gman hire freeman to the next phase of his plan and take control of Xen
cuz maybe Gman also want the control of Xen and maybe anothers worlds
but Bree still hav tecnology and maybe aliens in his power
maybe from anothers worlds appart of Xen

in my opinion my theory is very good

but you all say what you think
I like your part about how Nihilanth could have been part of the Combine, i think it works. Maybe he was just a branch of the combine, controlling the world of Xen. the reason you saw none of the HL2 combine enemys was because they are modified human technology.

This is nice, a lot of stuff that works that nobody has come up with.
my theory is really nice?
I think everibody will say "this fool is crazy!"
Esquire said:
We've got some more information (minor spoilers imo) thanks to Incoming

there are two (maybe more) rebel groups in HL2. The Barney Calhoun Collective (we're part of this one at the start) and The Crazy-Scientist Crew.

It's my belief that the latter group is the one that is using Zen/The Border World as a interdimensional slingshot. So that would mean that Mossman, Eli, Vautigaunts and Alyx are part of this group.

I would also think that Dr Kleiner plays a part in this group since he seems to be creating something in his lab (Kliener's Lab Bink), maybe something to participate in the utilisation of Zen as a slingshot.

BUT, since the two groups will have a different method of creating a solution to the problem, the idea of Dr. Kliener being part of the group with Eli may contradict since Alyx says "...I can't help but think we should have done it my father's way..." (or something similar).

Since he is the only one we know of with his own lab, I think that it is Kliener that is
planning to get rid of the aliens in a way that endangers people as well as the aliens

From a different point of view, i think that all the scientists have stuck together to form a resistance against the Combine and Aliens using their scientific methods, and the other part of the resistance just goes out and tries to destroy Combine facilities and such.

I believe Kleiner is working on the Manipulator...
I do not know if this has been discussed before (I have gone through just about every post) but I was htinking it over.

Zen had been previously occupied by the Humans. It became obvious when you step into the "Alien bewing factory". This is the part on Zen where the Aliens are tame, not attacking you and seem to be loading keg type objects onto conveyer belts.

Previous imformation of the Aliens shows that they were unintelligent, so it would seem unpheasbale for this uninteligant race to setup an inudstrial type enviroment. Also what they were collecting is a mstery. Pherhaps they knew that they were going to need more resources for their upcoming fights against the alien race/combine/who ever is left. The only available planet to draw reosources from was Zen.

The Aliens were obviously enslaved because they were not attacking you. So this could confirm that they were indeed tools and easily manipulated.
Coolhead2100 said:
I do not know if this has been discussed before (I have gone through just about every post) but I was htinking it over.

Zen had been previously occupied by the Humans. It became obvious when you step into the "Alien bewing factory". This is the part on Zen where the Aliens are tame, not attacking you and seem to be loading keg type objects onto conveyer belts.

Previous imformation of the Aliens shows that they were unintelligent, so it would seem unpheasbale for this uninteligant race to setup an inudstrial type enviroment. Also what they were collecting is a mstery. Pherhaps they knew that they were going to need more resources for their upcoming fights against the alien race/combine/who ever is left. The only available planet to draw reosources from was Zen.

The Aliens were obviously enslaved because they were not attacking you. So this could confirm that they were indeed tools and easily manipulated.

Well 1st you say - Xen was occupied by humans b4...

then you give us evidence that there must be someone intelligent commanding Xen, kase they are all slaves to soem sort of higher power. Well that's the Nihilanth and the controllers.

So I really don't get were did the Human fit into all just present evidence that the Xenians are enslaved and that they don't attack who they don't want to. The Slaves were better off leaving your path open to make a mess agaisnt their enslavers.

Anyways, that's HL storyline, and this is not to discuss HL storyline.
<RJMC> said:
I hav made a litle teory that maybe is interesting
I am bassed in things that I know if something in my teory is wrong please correct me

my theory is

we supose that the Black Mesa administrator is Bree, the same Admin of City 17
and the fact is
Gman's job was in Black Mesa?
if is true
maybe Gman is against his own boss, cuz if the Admin of black mesa is the boss of all the facility, and is Breen....
sooo maybe Gman is using gordon to eliminate Breen
also the fact that Gman activate the nuke to destroy Black mesa
maybe Gman is responsable of the accident
also in one tread appear that everibody has be analizing the sounds files of a part when Gman and a scientific talk but heard numble
but in they analize are one part that the scientific say something like "why you want deactive the security sistem?.." or something like that
sooo maybe Gman is against Breen

that's HL storyline.....even tho I do mention that Breen was the BMRF Admin. and that he & the G-man worked together on the Incident, just to stop this kinda thing.....please read my GUT (in the 3rd oage, ver 2.0) b4 you post.

<RJMC> said:
dont you see that nihilant hav Human carateristics?
also hav aliens carateristics
and mechanicals caracteristics
so plus all that caracteristic and the result is something that we know... Human+alien+litle of mechanical= COMBINE
soo maybe nihilant is a combine?!
also he said "we are they slaves" and the combines are like the "servers" of Breen right?
that the importan part of my alternative teory, but aniway I will post my complete teory
soo maybe nihilant was the first combine and was ordened to take control of Xen
or maybe of that specific race
Gman made the sabotage and accident happens
and we see in HL1 that Gman looks like be guiding freeman to some placego, maybeguidw freeman to go to Xen and kill nihilant
and Gman hire freeman to the next phase of his plan and take control of Xen
cuz maybe Gman also want the control of Xen and maybe anothers worlds
but Bree still hav tecnology and maybe aliens in his power
maybe from anothers worlds appart of Xen
Again, you mention a lot of HL storyline..... just klik here

But I agree with one thing, the Nihilanth certainly seems to be a Combine representative. As I said, the Combine race must have given the technology to Breen....or maybe...OMG!....What if Breen simply analyzed the Nihilanth, and got the technology out of his remains? What if the Nihilanth is the only Combine ?

btw, how about writing everything in spanish and then using to translate it? It would certainly help us all.
Your theory about the nilihanth sounds very waterproof, I'd not be surprised if that is part of the storyline.
To clarify the bits about the biomechanical nature of the Striders and the Gunship:

A biomechanical creature is a fully biological creature that happens to have naturally-grown bodyparts that more closely resemble some sort of machine, Ie: A creature with naturally grown wheels. Belive it or not, the Xenomorphs from the Aliens series were intended to be biomechanical.

By contrast, creatures that have had mechanical additions made to them later on, like the Borg from Star Trek or the Cybermen from Doctor Who, are Cyborgs.

It seems to me that the Striders are biomechs, as they seem quite biological in nature, yet have mechanical features. Though they could also be partially cybernetic, because, as several people have pointed out, the guns look quite artificial.
Biomechanical "creatures" outfitted with weaponry.
omg omg omg omg !!!!!
let me assure you ,the striders and gunships (alien or not) are no creatures.
they are some kind of futuristic vehicles.yea they look and move like real creatures, but you guys always choose the hard way to explain things .
well its so easy,:these thingies are perfect made of not-organic material .which lets them so genuinly work are their movements,they have simply machanical joints,created after the image of the nature to make this possible. their inventors just used samples from the nature.
you got that? and dont say good theory eber, or nice work . . . .
this standing above is a fact !!!! :angry:

Sprafa recomend me to translate all my theory?
but he dont say that I am wrong on something?
Surely the G-Man (Gordon man) is Gordon Freeman? Freeman has returned through time to advise himself.

They even look the same 'cept the G-Man looks older and more tired, which fits.
thats real torture to me , please stop it !!!!!

do you have the courage to imagine a world without drunken fools ?
<RJMC> said:

Sprafa recomend me to translate all my theory?
but he dont say that I am wrong on something?

No, I recommend you do that next time, since you obviously have some difficulties in English grammar/spelling. (so do I, but in your case it may interfere with the comprehension of your post).

notice these particular parts of my post :

Sprafa said:
that's HL storyline.....even tho I do mention that Breen was the BMRF Admin. and that he & the G-man worked together on the Incident, just to stop this kinda thing.....please read my GUT (in the 3rd oage, ver 2.0) b4 you post.

Sprafa said:
Again, you mention a lot of HL storyline..... just klik here

But I agree with one thing, the Nihilanth certainly seems to be a Combine representative. As I said, the Combine race must have given the technology to Breen....or maybe...OMG!....What if Breen simply analyzed the Nihilanth, and got the technology out of his remains? What if the Nihilanth is the only Combine ?
Chadda said:
Surely the G-Man (Gordon man) is Gordon Freeman? Freeman has returned through time to advise himself.

They even look the same 'cept the G-Man looks older and more tired, which fits.

Noway man, that's crazy man, am having none of that shit man.

I think G-Man is just a government man with a strange way of speaking. But then that would be a bit boring wouldn't it.

But time travel! i'll never believe.
<RJMC> said:

Sprafa recomend me to translate all my theory?
but he dont say that I am wrong on something?

No, I recommend you do that nest time, since you obviously have some difficulties in English grammar/spelling. (so do I, but in your case it may interfere with the comprehension of your post).

notice these particular parts of my post :

Sprafa said:
that's HL storyline.....even tho I do mention that Breen was the BMRF Admin. and that he & the G-man worked together on the Incident, just to stop this kinda thing.....please read my GUT (in the 3rd oage, ver 2.0) b4 you post.

Sprafa said:
Again, you mention a lot of HL storyline..... just klik here

But I agree with one thing, the Nihilanth certainly seems to be a Combine representative. As I said, the Combine race must have given the technology to Breen....or maybe...OMG!....What if Breen simply analyzed the Nihilanth, and got the technology out of his remains? What if the Nihilanth is the only Combine ?
I doubt Gordon Freeman is the G-Man. However, there is obviously a fairly deep connection between the two, or at least similarities.

Remember the end of OpFor? Didn't the G-Man say that he had a fascination with those that had the ability to adapt and survive, and that they reminded him of himself?
One of my teachers have said that i reminded them of themself! That certainly does not mean that i am them or they are me! (or atleast i hope not!).

That would be such a awful plot, gman is gordon/gordon is gman.

i'm having none of it.
Samon said:
feelings mutual brian


I take it you're trying to be spiteful?

If it's the latter: have you actually seen eber's posts? And what exactly did I do to you?
I'd like to point out that there is a hint of time-travel in Opposing Force and even the original Half-Life.

In Opposing Force there is a section where Adrian Sheperd catches Gordon Freeman jumping into the portal to Xen. If you're fast enough to jump into the portal after Gordon before it closes, then the game will end with a paragraph similar to what happens when you kill an important scientist, except instead of saying

"Subject failed to blah blah blah"

it will say

"Subject attempted to create a temporal paradox"

Now if anybody knows what that means, it hints that if Adrian were to travel into the portal with gordon and actually kill him, before he takes out Nihilanth, then resonance cascade wouldn't have happened. Which means Gordon wouldn't have travelled to Xen to kill Nihilanth which means....oh heck man i'm f*cking confused now

But yeah, if Gordon DID travel back in time to before the RC , happened to kill Nihilanth, that means that somehow, the scientist's at the BMRF were able to develop some time travel device through the teleporting technology, or maybe Xen's timeline is at a different state or i've lost the plot. I know i was talking about something that was supposed to be to do with HL2.........f*ck it.

Edit: Oh yeah, maybe the time travel device comes into play in the storyline for HL2. Maybe its what Dr. Kliener is working on and his plan is to alter the past in C-17 to affect the present but it results in disaster somehow... Pure speculation of course
Esquire said:
One of my teachers have said that i reminded them of themself! That certainly does not mean that i am them or they are me! (or atleast i hope not!).

That's in real life. And let's face it. Real life is full of so many trivial and irrelevant things. In a game, the words have to have a certain amount of weight to them. And I'm not talking about a scientist asking who ate all the donuts or some mundane thing like that. I'm talking about Adrian Shepard reaching the end of the game and being left on a plane after G-Man gives his parting words.

The guy isn't going to say "BOOOM NUKEY WENT OFF" or "HAY DUDE NICE GAS MASK". At the denoument of both HL and OpFor, the G-Man's words are quite important, but you just don't know why.

That would be such a awful plot, gman is gordon/gordon is gman.

i'm having none of it.

I'm not saying that's the case. However, I'm willing to bet money that there's a deeper connection between the G-Man and the player.
well right ,absinthe ! but it doesnt mean that gordon is the g-man . its already confirmed that g-man stands for "Government-man" !
i think a "temporal paradox" is a self-contradiction of this world or a self-contradiction limited by/related to time.

whatever the hell that means.

[qoute=absynthe]I'm not saying that's the case. However, I'm willing to bet money that there's a deeper connection between the G-Man and the player.[/qoute]

That is fair enough. I can believe that. and the bit i haven't qouted you saying about words having more deeper meanings in stories than life.

Newho, back onto the HL2 theory
I think it's quite interesting that quite a few of the cast from BlackMesa are situated in City17; Barney, Vance, Kliener and ofcourse Gordon. Now ofcourse, they would be somewhere close to Gordon in the game since this is a sequel and it wouldn't be good for example, Barney to be in City30 and therefore we never see him in HL2. But we know that people get relocated to the City, but we just don't know the reasons why. From what we've seen, not much goes on in that City. Just the people getting bullied by the metrocops.

i wonder if the citizens actually know of the Zen aliens on Earth? Cos if the Combine were really put in place to protect the citizens from the aliens, surely the citizens would have been informed. So lets pretend Barney knows that outside of City17 there are zombies and other crazy critters. Why would he want to break out of City17?

Possibly, he knows and has seen that the Combine are also a threat to himself and the other citizens. They don't want to stay in the City because they feel at risk there. After all, in the E32k4 vid a someone does say something about less people arriving in the City or was it that more people go away than comeback?

So in conclusion of that, it is my belief that the rebels know of the aliens outside of the City, but are more afraid of the Combine than the aliens/feel that the Combine will do harm to them while they're in City17.

orrr they might just want freedom.

damn, it really is difficult to think up a theory noone else has already stated when we know so little!
Esquire said:
i wonder if the citizens actually know of the Zen aliens on Earth? Cos if the Combine were really put in place to protect the citizens from the aliens, surely the citizens would have been informed. So lets pretend Barney knows that outside of City17 there are zombies and other crazy critters. Why would he want to break out of City17?

I think they do because Breen says "Welcome to City 17, it's safer here." Looking at what has happened to Ravenholm, I'm sure the citizens know the planet is under siege, though they may not have been told where the aliens originated.

The paradox could be that the humans are forced to retreat within Combine cities to survive, yet they must fight their "benefactors" to retain any independence. Perhaps this is why Breen is part of the "spectacularly wrong" group because he is trying to modify the species.
eber, if you're not going to contribute with some sort of new theories, please don't post at all.
dæmon said:
The paradox could be that the humans are forced to retreat within Combine cities to survive, yet they must fight their "benefactors" to retain any independence. Perhaps this is why Breen is part of the "spectacularly wrong" group because he is trying to modify the species.

The Benefactor Breen Administrator/Administration Gman Employers connection is a strange one.

Gman was granted permission by his Employers to employ Gordon.
Breen was the Administrator of Black Mesa RF.
Breen setup his Administration in The Citadel provided by "our benefactors"

So from the conversation between the scientist (Kliener?) and Gman at the start of HL1 we gather that Gman's employers must be the administration of BlackMesaRF. Or, should i be saying the administrator? I'm not to sure. But it has been confirmed that Breen was the administrator of BMRF so we'll say administrator.

BUT, then why would Gman say " employers.." when he's speaking about employing Gordon at the end of HL1? (cant remember if he says employers or employer actually. Can't find the HL script).

Now when we look at what Breen has said, "...our benefactors..", we can understand that he is either talking about himself and the citizens, or himself and some other people/person.

If he’s suggesting that these benefactors are belonging to the citizens along with himself, it kind of makes it sound as if he really isn’t in that much of a powerful position. As if he’s almost on par with the citizens. But that doesn’t make much sense since he’s put up on a big screen.

So lets assume he’s talking about himself and maybe other “administrators”. After all, he says “…my administration…”. Could take that to mean there are other administrations, thus other administrators. Also, the city is numbered ‘17’. So we can fairly assume there are more than or equal to 17 Cities on Earth, and therefore, possibly other administrators.


Gman: “….As for the suit, I think you've earned it. The borderworld, Xen, is in our control, for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed…”
Gman: “That's why I'm here, Mr. Freeman. I have recommended your services to my errr.. employers and they have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitlesssss potential.”

There we go. “Employersss” More than one person in control. An organisation of some sort?

But wait! What is this, “…borderworld. Xen, is in our control, for the time being…”

This could wonderfully collaborate with my old theory that Gman has resurrected Gordon from where/whatever so that he can help to control the situation.

BUT!.. (Once again I must use the word ‘but’ in full capitals) ..Gman sure does look far too smug to result to enlisting an aid. You would get help for a situation if the situation were desperate. But from Gman’s expressions and words it looks like things are fine. I can say that he is happy about the situation the earth is in, and that Gordon has just been brought back into the world to execute yet another part of a plan, be it Gman’s, or Gman’s employers’.

So as my mind shifts topic once more, I’ll speak of Gman’s or Gman’s employers’ desires.

What could these bozos possibly want? First, they decide to push their experiment equipment past their limits probably to get better experiment results. THEN, they try to remove all evidence of the experiment happening by sending in marines to kill everything in the Research Facility. THEN, they nuke the whole Facility? IN the meantime, Gordon has brutally murdered Nihilanth, freeing up Xen, thus allowing Gman and co to take control of Xen for some amount of time.

Yes yes, HL1 stuff. But to predict the future we must first know and understand the past.

Ok I wrote a pile of text here but have deleted it since it was all HL1 stuff. I’m stumped. Cant think of a reason of why the Combine is related to Breen except for what Daemon said earlier about the Combine being the Benefactors.

Btw daemon, about the wrong and wronger thing, I’m starting to think whoever said that (was it Gabe?) was talking about the resistance.

Meaning that one type of City17 resistance is trying to break free using a means that is wrong, and another is using one that is even more wrong.

That would tie in with what some other Valve person (Gabe?) said about one of the rebel groups. They said that the mad-scientist group is planning to use something that could endanger humans aswell as the combine.

I’m done for now. Excuse spelling and grammar mistakes, it’s late night.
dont you see Gman say " my errr.. employers....?
that not mean that he was thinking something to say?
maybe that is lie
(if this is very stupid I apologize)
He does seem to hesitate... Maybe "Employers" isn't exactly the right word for them?

Overlords, mentors, contractors...?

Either the relationship could be slightly deeper than employer-employee, or he's not sure how to refer to them. Or I could be barking up the wrong tree... (No, it wasn't stupid, <RJMC>)

Also, I personally think that Breen was one of the G-Man's "Employers"... If there were other, similar facilities around the world, then the G-Man might not necessarily have been tied to Black Mesa specifically... Maybe he was under the command of Breen while in Black Mesa, but only because Breen was the local representative of whatever controlled the project...?

Last paragraph was pure speculation... I dunno, it just seemed like an interesting idea when it popped up in my head...
yeah i agree with both of you on (RJMC, Brian) that. The hesitation sure does convey that Gman was looking for the best word to describe whoever was in control of him.

It's starting to look like HL2 will turn into some sort of detective/murder mystery game. There are so many unanswered questions.