Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

eber said:
loads on "why the Combine is human"...

Present a different theory, as me & several others are absolutely convinced that the Combine are biomechanoids.

History will prove us wrong or right, but so far I won't change my position regarding the Combies.
i think you just saw too many star trek and star wars movies :\
I am not saying that the combine are human or not. Just don't tell everyone that your opinion is right and is the best because you don't know. And if they turn out to be human, you still can't say "I told you so..." because not one of us knew a thing about them except that they are the bad guys. People have their opinions, let them believe what they want to believe. We'll all find out wtf is going on when the game comes out... or will we? :dork:
As I've said before, I reckon the Metrocops and Soldiers are human, but the reference to the "Alien Combine" leads me to believe that the actual Combine themselves, whatever they are, are alien in origin...
yea but it sounds like star trek ,this is half-life i think they wouldnt add such a shit
sorry but thats what im thinking
same, alien enemies and more alien enemies... couldnt it be just the russians in special suits? c'mon, we dont want this game to get too cliched with all these aliens running around, here there and everywhere!
I almost totally agree with these theories. The only points I disagree on are:

1. The Resonance Cascade was caused deliberately.

I disagree. Black Mesa was just too unprepared for the consequences of the cascade. If the RC was planned, why was BMRF filled with jumpy scientists and trigger-happy rent-a-cops? Why send in the military and black ops if the government knows whats going on? Why nuke the place immediately after? It just doesn't add up.

2. Xen is nessecary for teleportation and a very important planet.

Xen was conquered by a geek in a battery-powered jumper. Need I say more?

I just think that Xen would have been more heavily defended if it was that important. Xen seemed to me that it was just a home planet for a variety of usually peaceful species, not a great big military installation.

This is just me speculating wildly as usual. :cheese: I have my doubts about Xen, I can't really say which ideas I believe. I just like adding a different viewpoint... I do belive that the Resonance Cascade was accidental though, most of the scientists at BMRF seemed knowledgeable enough to spot any obvious attempt at sabotage. The whole situation at Black Mesa just seemed to out-of-control to be of any gain to anyone (of course it was in the end, but I think that was just coincidental).

I look forward to hearing new theories! :cheers:
jabberwock sounds like he knows allot, almost too much....
He's Marc Laidlaw!!! get him!!
Alternatively, comment on my following post : Yes, very good points, The RC did seem like an accident and the G-man i so mysterious, was he helping you, or tryin to kill you throughout?
jabberwock95 said:
1. The Resonance Cascade was caused deliberately.

I disagree. Black Mesa was just too unprepared for the consequences of the cascade. If the RC was planned, why was BMRF filled with jumpy scientists and trigger-happy rent-a-cops? Why send in the military and black ops if the government knows whats going on? Why nuke the place immediately after? It just doesn't add up.

Well, the scientists were jumpy because they did think a resonance cascade was possible. Just pretty unlikely.

The cascade was made inevitable by the fact that the dampening locks (or coils, I don't remember clearly) failed to engage. In Decay, Dr. Rosenberg says the only possible way they could fail was because of sabotage, since the alarm that normally warns of dampening lock failure was also switched off.

The security guards are there because Black Mesa is a base with several level of clearance, with what could very well be the most important technology in the US in the highest levels.

At the lowest security levels, there are public-relations tours and visitors. Even low-level scientists like Gordon are excluded from most areas. The barneys are there to keep everyone in thier proper place.

Also, only very high-level soldiers knew of Black Mesa, and started training for indoor combat over two months in advance, but they were left out all the details except the name of the place.

The main thing is that the Government itself wasn't responsible for the accident. it appears to have been the G-man and/or Breen. Someone working independent from most channels of power.
Everyone else was just as clueless as Gordon.
dont you heard that is something called SABOTAGE?
<RJMC> said:
dont you heard that is something called SABOTAGE?
In Decay, Dr. Rosenberg says the only possible way they could fail was because of sabotage, since the alarm that normally warns of dampening lock failure was also switched off.
See? :p
It was quite obviously fixed - although the only people who knew what was goign to happen was the G-Man and his employers (who are, in ym opinion, the US 'shadow government'). If he'd sent the military on before the resonanc cascade, wouldn't people be a little more suspicious? Especially since afterwards they would eb able to work out that it had been fixed.
Also, on the subject of Xen not being important, they certainly seem to require it for use in teleportation if what Dr. Mossman says in the E3 2004 vid is anything to go by...
oldagerocker said:
same, alien enemies and more alien enemies... couldnt it be just the russians in special suits? c'mon, we dont want this game to get too cliched with all these aliens running around, here there and everywhere!
Hehe, and "Russians are our enemies!!!eleven" isn't cliched at all - after being used in countless films, books and games?

Brian Damage: I've always wondered why no-ones made a comparison between the Brainsuckers/Micronoids from X-Com and Headcrabs before. :0
Well, Brian, in the E3'04 vids she also seems to be talking about a way to go around Xen, not necessarly passing thru it.

so that might mean that Xen is nearly obsolete......

And check your PMs Brian.
maybe someone in the shadow government rebelled and sabotaged whatever
!_! dassbaba
sooo the black mesa "accident" is not a acident
I knew it
also that can be proof it whit the fact that gman dont looks whit fear when he is walking in a underground facility whit dangerous aliens everywere!
Sprafa said:
Well, Brian, in the E3'04 vids she also seems to be talking about a way to go around Xen, not necessarly passing thru it.

so that might mean that Xen is nearly obsolete......

And check your PMs Brian.

They say they use Xen as a dimensional slingshot. Sounds to me like they rely on it.
but why do they want to teleport anywhere ? do they want the war ? doesnt seem like they want to explore anything . .
Who, eber? The scientists? For them, teleportation mught be the best way of launching surprise attacks.

The Combine? Teleportation might be the best way for them to spread from world to world, or something...
Brian Damage said:
They say they use Xen as a dimensional slingshot. Sounds to me like they rely on it.

Well, what I meant was they already managed to stop needing to go thru it, so from there to absolutely not needing it at all mustn't take long.

Any chance you can get on MSN, Brian ?
Erm... It's always been my experience that a projectile goes through a slingshot...

I dunno, dude. Maybe. I'm basically only connected here while I'm downloading study materials from another site...
i think they dont mean this kind of slingshot:

i always thought they meant this kind of slingshot:
Yeah, that's what I thought as well, at first. Then I realised... I was thinking too three-dimensionally. So I'm still thinking of the rubber-band slingshot. It feels like the term "Slingshot" refers to a method of gathering momentum/changing your direction on your way to somewhere else, to me. Why go around something that's mostly empty space?

It's because it seems to me that they mean that they pass through Xen on the way to somewhere else, as Xen is the "Borderworld". How the heck else would they use it? Still puts Xen right in the middle... And essential.
i mean why was the g-man after to teleport anywhere ?

Not really sure what you mean.

If you're asking, "Why does the G-Man teleport everywhere (After what we've seen in HL and OP4, this seems almost certainly to be the case)", I'd have to say: Because he can. We're just not sure how he does it.

If you're asking, "Why is the G-Man interested in being able to teleport anyone anywhere"...


Imagine you're an agent of a mysterious shadowy organisation/the government...

One day you hear about something that will allow you to travel absolutely anywhere, something that could allow you to, say, drop troops directly into the middle of an enemy stronghold. Something that, once you're in control of it, no one else can use (That's the bit I think we're most unsure about). Something that you think you can gain control over. What would you do?
I agree with Brian, but I'd say the G-Man's employers were behind the teleportation experiments from the beginning, which is why he has complete control over portals. It is also necessary for the story for him to move around as he pleases.

The one thing I can't work out is why they needed to capture Xen. Unless they feared Nihilanth's grunts were an invasion army, I can't see any benefit of controlling it (Rosenberg says that they had developed better ways of aiming the teleporter than the Xen crystals.) Perhaps the scientists thought the only way to clear up the situation was to kill Nihilanth, and when Freeman did so he also captured Xen for the G-Man.
dæmon said:
The one thing I can't work out is why they needed to capture Xen. Unless they feared Nihilanth's grunts were an invasion army, I can't see any benefit of controlling it (Rosenberg says that they had developed better ways of aiming the teleporter than the Xen crystals.) Perhaps the scientists thought the only way to clear up the situation was to kill Nihilanth, and when Freeman did so he inadvertantly captured Xen for the G-Man.

The Nihilanth started killing everyone that tried to use Xen, and even made an army to stop anyone from trying to challenge him.
We've got some more information (minor spoilers imo) thanks to Incoming

there are two (maybe more) rebel groups in HL2. The Barney Calhoun Collective (we're part of this one at the start) and The Crazy-Scientist Crew.

It's my belief that the latter group is the one that is using Zen/The Border World as a interdimensional slingshot. So that would mean that Mossman, Eli, Vautigaunts and Alyx are part of this group.

I would also think that Dr Kleiner plays a part in this group since he seems to be creating something in his lab (Kliener's Lab Bink), maybe something to participate in the utilisation of Zen as a slingshot.

BUT, since the two groups will have a different method of creating a solution to the problem, the idea of Dr. Kliener being part of the group with Eli may contradict since Alyx says "...I can't help but think we should have done it my father's way..." (or something similar).

Since he is the only one we know of with his own lab, I think that it is Kliener that is
planning to get rid of the aliens in a way that endangers people as well as the aliens

From a different point of view, i think that all the scientists have stuck together to form a resistance against the Combine and Aliens using their scientific methods, and the other part of the resistance just goes out and tries to destroy Combine facilities and such.
hmm nice theory.

Now what I was thinking is that this bring that quote from gabe, "one group is wrong, the other one is spectacularly wrong..." into a new light.

What if he's talking about Eli's & the Combine's way, and the 3rd group is right?

Since we know now that there are 3 ways !
Sprafa said:
on what exactly ?

On what I said to eber. Think I'm right? Wrong? Insane? God?

Oh, and I just think that the wrong ones are Eli and co., and the REALLY wrong ones are Breen and his pals. Possibly because Breen's trusting the Combine, whatever the hell they are. Where's there a third group? I think Breen's the "Mad scientist"...
Here's something that'll surely be dispelled quickly by everyone...

Maybe the Combine are modified clones of headcrab victims (zombies) in their earliest stages. So like the mind of the victim has been overwritten that they cannot have independant thought any longer or some shit like that.

OK that really is bull.
Esquire said:
Here's something that'll surely be dispelled quickly by everyone...

Maybe the Combine are modified clones of headcrab victims (zombies) in their earliest stages. So like the mind of the victim has been overwritten that they cannot have independant thought any longer or some shit like that.

OK that really is bull.

actually I had the same theory, but then the evidences piled up that the Combine are biomech, so I left it
Brian Damage said:
I think Breen's the "Mad scientist"...

Yeah that thought crossed my mind also, but i think the rebel groups are trying to repel the Combine AND the aliens.

Sprafa said:
actually I had the same theory, but then the evidences piled up that the Combine are biomech, so I left it

What are these evidences?