Grand Unified HL2 Theory (the end of all Questions)

HL: Setting the scene.

HL2: Getting the player thinking, drawing the player in.

HL3: The revelation.

Esquire said:
The Benefactor Breen Administrator/Administration Gman Employers connection is a strange one.

Gman was granted permission by his Employers to employ Gordon.
Breen was the Administrator of Black Mesa RF.
Breen setup his Administration in The Citadel provided by "our benefactors"

So from the conversation between the scientist (Kliener?) and Gman at the start of HL1 we gather that Gman's employers must be the administration of BlackMesaRF. Or, should i be saying the administrator? I'm not to sure. But it has been confirmed that Breen was the administrator of BMRF so we'll say administrator.

BUT, then why would Gman say " employers.." when he's speaking about employing Gordon at the end of HL1? (cant remember if he says employers or employer actually. Can't find the HL script).

Now when we look at what Breen has said, "...our benefactors..", we can understand that he is either talking about himself and the citizens, or himself and some other people/person.

If he’s suggesting that these benefactors are belonging to the citizens along with himself, it kind of makes it sound as if he really isn’t in that much of a powerful position. As if he’s almost on par with the citizens. But that doesn’t make much sense since he’s put up on a big screen.

So lets assume he’s talking about himself and maybe other “administrators”. After all, he says “…my administration…”. Could take that to mean there are other administrations, thus other administrators. Also, the city is numbered ‘17’. So we can fairly assume there are more than or equal to 17 Cities on Earth, and therefore, possibly other administrators.


Gman: “….As for the suit, I think you've earned it. The borderworld, Xen, is in our control, for the time being, thanks to you. Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed…”
Gman: “That's why I'm here, Mr. Freeman. I have recommended your services to my errr.. employers and they have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitlesssss potential.”

There we go. “Employersss” More than one person in control. An organisation of some sort?

But wait! What is this, “…borderworld. Xen, is in our control, for the time being…”

This could wonderfully collaborate with my old theory that Gman has resurrected Gordon from where/whatever so that he can help to control the situation.

BUT!.. (Once again I must use the word ‘but’ in full capitals) ..Gman sure does look far too smug to result to enlisting an aid. You would get help for a situation if the situation were desperate. But from Gman’s expressions and words it looks like things are fine. I can say that he is happy about the situation the earth is in, and that Gordon has just been brought back into the world to execute yet another part of a plan, be it Gman’s, or Gman’s employers’.

So as my mind shifts topic once more, I’ll speak of Gman’s or Gman’s employers’ desires.

What could these bozos possibly want? First, they decide to push their experiment equipment past their limits probably to get better experiment results. THEN, they try to remove all evidence of the experiment happening by sending in marines to kill everything in the Research Facility. THEN, they nuke the whole Facility? IN the meantime, Gordon has brutally murdered Nihilanth, freeing up Xen, thus allowing Gman and co to take control of Xen for some amount of time.

Yes yes, HL1 stuff. But to predict the future we must first know and understand the past.

Ok I wrote a pile of text here but have deleted it since it was all HL1 stuff. I’m stumped. Cant think of a reason of why the Combine is related to Breen except for what Daemon said earlier about the Combine being the Benefactors.

Btw daemon, about the wrong and wronger thing, I’m starting to think whoever said that (was it Gabe?) was talking about the resistance.

Meaning that one type of City17 resistance is trying to break free using a means that is wrong, and another is using one that is even more wrong.

That would tie in with what some other Valve person (Gabe?) said about one of the rebel groups. They said that the mad-scientist group is planning to use something that could endanger humans aswell as the combine.

I’m done for now. Excuse spelling and grammar mistakes, it’s late night.
open your eyes and see, this is something good to speculate about ,bravo!
well ,do not remind me to that snark\garg shit , this is some nice stuff.
eber said:
open your eyes and see, this is something good to speculate about ,bravo!
well ,do not remind me to that snark\garg shit , this is some nice stuff.

Arrrgh, I almost disagreed with Esquire just because of your post eber. I think you should grow up and learn to respect other people's opinions if you want people to even read yours from now on.
Eejit said:
Arrrgh, I almost disagreed with Esquire just because of your post eber. I think you should grow up and learn to respect other people's opinions if you want people to even read yours from now on.
your as foolish as that worm you follow !
but why dont you accept the truth ,Eejit.all ur dumb theories are wrong and if a few ppl have some good ideas you just ruin everything for them , thats not fair !
you should think about yourself, shame on you !!!!!
Why hasn't eber been banned yet?

Or better yet, why hasn't God struck him with lightning for being a total prick?
Eber is a child, everyone knows children should be protected, the mods should set up a whole thread just for Eber so he can argue with himself without fear of people actually countering (if thats a word) him and upsetting his tempramental nature.
Absinthe said:
Why hasn't eber been banned yet?

Or better yet, why hasn't God struck him with lightning for being a total prick?

I don't think the admins visit this forum very often :-/. I still don't understand why people assume we think our posts are gospel, when they are in the SPECULATION section.
Nobody does think their opinions are gospel, but you do have to have a certain level of maturity when it comes to pushing a second, just as valid, point across without offending or just insulting people. Also you need to back-up your idea's, Eber hasnt really done that with any sort of substance so far.
oldagerocker said:
Eber is a child, everyone knows children should be protected, the mods should set up a whole thread just for Eber so he can argue with himself without fear of people actually countering (if thats a word) him and upsetting his tempramental nature.

It's a word.

Also: Agreed! :D
eber said:
i have but you guys cant accept the truth.

Oh be quiet eber. This is a SPECULATION forum, of course there are gonna be wacky theories, most of them based on pure speculation.
Are we still able to put people on "Ignore" after the forum rebuild a few months ago? I can't find the button anywhere...

The only moderator for this forum is Login_Here, and he never does his namesake. So I'm going to report eber to the moderators, as I don't think they come in here much at all.
eber said:
i have but you guys cant accept the truth.

Replace "truth" with "my opinion", and you'd be far closer to the mark.
Thank you, PiMuRho. You don't know where our lovely "Ignore" button went, do you?

More on topic, what kind of path through the game do you guys think we'll be taking? Obviously, we start in City 17, but at some point we leave it (Coastline and Ravensholme)... But I feel almost certain that the game is going to end in the Citadel... Your thoughts?
Great to see you PiMunRho, eber was just getting annoying....Thanks for that.

Answering to Brian Damage, I think it'll be something like - Train Station - Going thru Barricades with Barney to the Labs (Barricade) - Labs - and then after that..I'm realy confused.

But I agree, the end must be a final showdown agaisnt Breen.
or against one of breens evil machines, and the vautiguants should pwn it with u in your squad... that'd rule :)
I think that it'll go, Train -> Tunnels -> Scientists (Eli) -> Traptown/Docks -> Ravenholm -> Scientists (Kliener) -> secret area we havent seen -> Combine Citade
And probably more besides that. :D considering we've seen 30 minutes gameplay of a 30 hr game... theres LOADS we havent seen.
i think they will just do what we wont expect ! so i think they wont make the "combine citadel" being the final level, it will be something never seen before .
/me uses his imaginary ignore button

I think that the way to ravensholm is probably along that river/swamp we see in the e32k4 video since it doesn't really look coastal, from what little we see of it.
PiMuRho said:
Do you remember what I said yesterday?

Actually no. Why ? Is it your name again ? It looks right....

edit - OMG! PiMuRho!!!

I actually never seen that little missing "n"

Sorry, could you edit it out ?
(all this speculation teory things in making me crazy!)

I will say what I think that maybe hav some of sense

what has hapened in HL was a test, for what? I dont know a heck
that has keeping me intrigued since I played HL
that all that was a test
in my opinion there is something more big than the goverment behind all this
but in my opinion
make all that we see in black mesa for just a test?

second: THE GMAN
the Gman, that the most intriguing thing in Half-life story
who is he?
or what is he?

he is the one responsable of the "test"?
also there are much reason that say that he is not human
soo what is he?
looks like he has some of power or something like that
for example that he teleport gordon 10 years into the future
but if he is from the future
why he dont stop the black mesa incident?
a possible answer is that he just dont care about save the earth

in my opinion Gman is the most important thing in the Half-life story

and third: after all the black mesa incident what hapenned
there is a city were there is a human who looks like hav the rest of human as slaves
City 17, do this city hav that name cuz is the 17 city?
so maybe are more citys like this

(I will post the rest of what I am sayng later, cuz I must leave and I dont want to waste all what I writed)
Well, I certainly agree with you on the G-Man, at least to the extent that if we knew everything about him we'd be on firmer footing in the world of HL2...
Has anyone ever considered that the group that is spectacularly wrong is the group Gordon is working for, and that perhaps Barney's group or even the Combine have the "right" idea? Just playing devil's advocate with that one.

For those who don't bother to read interviews, so says Gabe:

We will never visit Black Mesa again. We will never visit Black Mesa again. We will never visit Black Mesa again. We will never visit Black Mesa again. We will never visit Black Mesa again. We will never visit Black Mesa again. We will never visit Black Mesa again.

So, sorry, you will not be time traveling back into the past to stop yourself from starting the resonnance cascade. You just won't. If you time travel at all, you will either go forward, you will go back after the BMRF incident, or you will go so far back as to stop teleportation experiments PERIOD. As in, presumably before Black Mesa is even BUILT. Throw that theory out.

Now, I know this is HL1 speculation, however HL1 speculation has relevance to HL2. First of all, I haven't played Decay yet, but if the locks were off then most likely it was either the G-Man or another of the administrator's men (remember the scientist saying BMRF was crawling with them on that day?), as they were the ones pushing the experiment to go through.
Second, there was some alien subterfuge involved; that sample crystal was deliberately placed in the path of the BMRF collection team in order to start the reverse-invasion: the Nihilanth's forces swarming through and killing off the people who kept coming into their dimension, to stop them from doing so.

One other thing to consider. I don't know how many of you have ever read something by Marc Laidlaw, but having just come off reading The 37th Mandala, let me say that Marc can pull some surprises you would never see coming. I like to pride myself in figuring things out, and more often than not I can piece together the hidden plot twists in video games and books and movies with ease, but Laidlaw will throw you some curves. Things you never thought possible, things that sound ludicrous or improbable he makes believable.
While The 37th Mandala deals with the occult, and Half-Life is more sci-fi, I'm expecting a lot of the same types of twists. People who have had past relations coming together later in the future, people who have seemingly no connection at first being connected, all things being tied together, people who are not who they seem, a person's unforseen destiny and the way certain things are inescapable...
If you haven't read the book, go order a copy (they're hard to find in stores, you'll likely have to have them order it), and read it. Then read it again, and realize all the little things, everything that once might have been "meaningless" to the story, realize how everything ties into something much bigger, both plotwise and characterwise.
Darkside55 , so you want me to erase the whole "time-travel" theory?
<RJMC> said:
(all this speculation teory things in making me crazy!)

I will say what I think that maybe hav some of sense

what has hapened in HL was a test, for what? I dont know a heck
that has keeping me intrigued since I played HL
that all that was a test
in my opinion there is something more big than the goverment behind all this
but in my opinion
make all that we see in black mesa for just a test?

The resonance cascade in BMRF was deliberately caused by the G-man and Breen, and probably a few others, in order to take control of Xen.

I don't understand what you mean with "a test?"

<RJMC> said:
second: THE GMAN
the Gman, that the most intriguing thing in Half-life story
who is he?
or what is he?

he is the one responsable of the "test"?
also there are much reason that say that he is not human
soo what is he?
looks like he has some of power or something like that
for example that he teleport gordon 10 years into the future
but if he is from the future
why he dont stop the black mesa incident?
a possible answer is that he just dont care about save the earth

One thing, he didn't teleported Gordon, he just placed him in stasis, that is, stopped time for him.

I really don't think he is from the future, but if that is confirmed I wouldn't be surprised. But he seems to deal with Breen and others (that planned the BRF incident) so, it looks like he's simply part of some sort of group of powerfull ppl. They could be alien, they could be human, who know. I have the impression it's something like the X-files, where aliens secretly cooperate with this Shadow Worlc Gov. (but to a greater extent)

<RJMC> said:
in my opinion Gman is the most important thing in the Half-life story

and third: after all the black mesa incident what hapenned
there is a city were there is a human who looks like hav the rest of human as slaves
City 17, do this city hav that name cuz is the 17 city?
so maybe are more citys like this

(I will post the rest of what I am sayng later, cuz I must leave and I dont want to waste all what I writed)

Well, after the BMRF it seems like the World was invaded by the Antlions and Xenians. The Combine technology seems to have been adquired by Breen and he's apparently trying to "assimilate" everyone.

I also say in my original GUT taht the reason why City 17 is called City 17 is possibly because after the invasion countries placed cities under military control, and Breen seems to have gained the control of this particular one (17)
Brian Damage said:
HL: Setting the scene.

HL2: Getting the player thinking, drawing the player in.

HL3: The revelation.

Has Valve confirmed that the story ends in HL3?
I think someone, somewhere, said that it would be a trilogy. So, yes.
NeLi said:
I think someone, somewhere, said that it would be a trilogy. So, yes.

[SARCASM]I think this is a reliable source then. [/SARCASM]
I'm fairly certain that they indicated they wanted to do something else after HL3, IIRC...
man i got a nice idea. what if breen invaded city 17 and took it under control without the european governments knowing . . . and later we see big fights , Combine vs European Military . would be soo cool !!! :D
eber said:
man i got a nice idea. what if breen invaded city 17 and took it under control without the european governments knowing . . . and later we see big fights , Combine vs European Military . would be soo cool !!! :D

no way. and it wont be cool.
where am i?

what in god's name happened to my theory of half life 2 bit....? I swear i left it somewhere round here? What was wrong with the bloody thing?
Sprafa said:
1/The resonance cascade in BMRF was deliberately caused by the G-man and Breen, and probably a few others, in order to take control of Xen.

2/I don't understand what you mean with "a test?"

3/One thing, he didn't teleported Gordon, he just placed him in stasis, that is, stopped time for him.

1/ The wierd thing about the cascade being deliberate, is that it would be stupid to build a facility to perform secret experiments without the scientists knowing, and then blow it up.

It would make more sense to build a secret facility where all the scientists know what's going on, because then you wouldn't have to destroy it, because everyone already knows what's going on.

2/ I got no idea what BMRF could have been a test for.

3/ My first thought was that Gordon has been teleported to Earth using a vortex that has a time stream that is slower than the portal Gman used to get to Earth. After all, Gman does say "i will see you, up ahead". I take this to mean that I am in front, where as you, Gordon, are behind me.

This would work, but i think i heard earlier that people in City17 will recognise you. So if you were in a portal where would they recognise you from? But then again, what if Gordon's face was portrayed throughout Earth as the man who stopped an alien invasion. If that was so, my theory of slow and fast portals could make sense.

Also, the idea of a 10yr stasis is also cancelled out by this people recognising you. But just like my slow/fast portal theory, it could be allowed if Gordon's face was portrayed throughout Earth as the man who stopped an alien invasion.
Esquire said:
1/ The wierd thing about the cascade being deliberate, is that it would be stupid to build a facility to perform secret experiments without the scientists knowing, and then blow it up.

It would make more sense to build a secret facility where all the scientists know what's going on, because then you wouldn't have to destroy it, because everyone already knows what's going on.

2/ I got no idea what BMRF could have been a test for.

3 - Also, the idea of a 10yr stasis is also cancelled out by this people recognising you. But just like my slow/fast portal theory, it could be allowed if Gordon's face was portrayed throughout Earth as the man who stopped an alien invasion.

1 - Well, they did it. It was all planned, in Decay & Blue Shift we learn that it couldn't have been an accident, and in OP4 we learn that the G-man trained the military weeks before, preparing for the Xen invasion. It all makes sense.

The G-man & his "employers" simply wanted to take control of Xen. The Nihilanth knows this, or at least suspects, so he makes an army (maybe he's also protecting himself agaisnt other races that want Xen too....). When the G-man and his comrades realize that the only way to take Xen would be by force, they concieve a complex plan. 1st, they order the experiment, shutting down all security procedures in order that a resonance cascade is inevitable. They want it to look like an acident, so the Nihilanth can't invade immediatelly and ruin the G-man's plans.

When the military arrive tho, they are unable to stop the flood of Xenians & the newly discovered Race-X.

So, everything goes wrong from here on. The Black Ops deployed as last resource to destroy the BMRF b4 the aliens also fail, being wasted by Freeman and not activating the nuke.

So the G-man single handledly blows it up..

3 - I don't see how.....If the Scientists displayed Gordon as a savior, then it's perfectly possible that some remember you while you're in stasis. Besides, I don't think they ever said all City 17 citizens know you, maybe it's just the old or maybe just the Scientists and the ones allied to them.