Graphics Card for HL2 - Poll - NEW!

ATI or nVidia?

  • ATI 256MB X800 Pro

    Votes: 201 68.4%
  • nVidia GeForce 256MB 6800 GT

    Votes: 93 31.6%

  • Total voters
I just remember Bf: 1942 and then shudder when people mention Battlefield 2
Just relax, ATI will be releasing there next series next month, or in December, can't remember. But basically from what I heard its just an XT PE with higher clock/mem speeds. Nothing new with technology.
Danimal said:
I just remember Bf: 1942 and then shudder when people mention Battlefield 2

Thats why its still one of the most popular PC games...along with DC. I guess people on this site hate anything that isn't CS or HL. :rolling:
- MSI Geforce 6800 128Mb nVIDIA Tvout DVI 8x DX9 @ 398.50 euro incl. BTW
- Asus ATI AX800 PRO 256Mb Tvout DVI retail incl webcam @ 561.66 euro incl. BTW
- Sapphire ATI X800 PRO 256Mb Tvout DVI 256Mb retail @ 525.76 euro incl. BTW
- Asus ATI AX800XT 256MB Tv-out, DVI,Retail Incl Webcam @ 709.47 euro incl. BTW
- Sapphire ATI X800XT Platinum VIVO, DVI, 256mb, Retail @ 642.78 euro incl.BTW
- Asus ATI EAX800XT/TD, 256MB DVI,ViVIO,2*VGA output, PCIX @ 765.78 euro
incl. BTW
- Sapphire ATI X800XT Atl PCI-X VIVO,2xDVI, 256mb, Retail @ 633.46 euro
incl. BTW

what do you think i should take ??
MSI Geforce 6800 128Mb nVIDIA Tvout DVI 8x DX9

Considering you don't have an X800 Pros that have VIVO.
oh and i would like to add that 6800 cards have serious problems in texture filtering. i'll post the screenshots if i can find them. definately go for x800
I like ATI better also. Better image quality, and made more for Half-Life 2 but it's almost a waste of money if you can just get a X800 Pro w/ Vivo and mod it to a X800 XT PE like I did and save at least $100.
That seems to be just the regular 6800.

By the way, those videocards are extremely overpriced. Here are the prices in US dollars:

D1990 said:
- MSI Geforce 6800 128Mb nVIDIA Tvout DVI 8x DX9 @ $ 494
- Asus ATI AX800 PRO 256Mb Tvout DVI retail incl webcam @ $ 696
- Sapphire ATI X800 PRO 256Mb Tvout DVI 256Mb retail @ $ 652
- Asus ATI AX800XT 256MB Tv-out, DVI,Retail Incl Webcam @ $ 880
- Sapphire ATI X800XT Platinum VIVO, DVI, 256mb, Retail @ $ 797
- Asus ATI EAX800XT/TD, 256MB DVI,ViVIO,2*VGA output, PCIX @ $ 950
incl. BTW
- Sapphire ATI X800XT Atl PCI-X VIVO,2xDVI, 256mb, Retail @ $ 785
I know that hardware prices are high in Europe, but this is ridiculous! :eek:
You should easily be able to find a store with cheaper prices.
btw most magazines say x800 is better as well.
ati rules
TheHitman5 said:
Thats why its still one of the most popular PC games...along with DC. I guess people on this site hate anything that isn't CS or HL. :rolling:

No I didnt hate bf: 1942 I just thought it could of done better, the game does pass the time though
It depends what youll use your card for
If only HL2 ATI is better
If other games as well get the ATI

MUHA yes i am an ATI fanboy (BOOYA)

one thing to note is that Nvidia wasnt involved in choosing what features DX9 would have - and as a result all of their cards have slightly more capabilities than the ATI equivalent, but in current games this actually slows them down when there are parts of the card being unused
This means as games get more features the Ati cards will get slower, while the Nvidia cards wont suffer as much - the reason i still would go with ati is that the DirectX standard doesnt have big changes often - by the time new features are properly implemented any card you buy today will need to be upgraded anyway

my 2 cents
If you disagree with what i say, your wrong
stress test :

104 fps 1600 * 1200 FSAA 0x Aniso 4x
86 fps 1600 * 1200 FSAA 4x Aniso 4x

6800 GT .

I voted 6800GT. HL2 will run absolutely fine on a 6800GT even though it's an ATI sponsored game. 6800GT > X800PRO in general.

(I've got an X800PRO btw)
ATI4EVER! said:
look, generally i like ATI better, it's just a thing that i have. But both cards will be awesome. Hell, 9600s will run any game awesome. Just keep this in mind. (looking at your sig, go for ATI....)

this is copied from a thread that i posted in (it's my post tho ;) )

I am the master at explaining how this stuff works. At least i think so. Peple normally write to me asking. So here: (I am so sick of posting this on so many threads)

Videocards opperate by Pipelines, much like your CPU. Videocard pipelines are very very deep and wide. The 9600xt features 4 of these pipelines, the 9800 features 8, the x800 12 and the 6800 16. Holy crap. That is a lot. Now you ask "so what?". Well when your videocard draws out something, it has to pass through the pipelines (the rule of thumb is more pipelines usually is faster) so if you have say 16 pipelines, it will do the work faster than if you have 4 pipelines. Now, these pipelines are beeing feeded by the CPU (your 1.2ghz athlon). If you have an 8 pipeline videocard with a crappy cpu, the cpu won't be able to issue enough instructions to the videocard. Pipelines are REQUIRED to be full at all costs, if they are not, all work that is currently in the pipeline will be tossed out and it has to start all over again, this results in lost clock cycles, you prbably loose some 40fps for 2 seconds. This could happen with the fastest CPU on the planet, and a 4 pipeline videocard, if the cpu messes up or something, it is very rare and it would only last 2 seconds. BUT.. if you have a 8 pipeline vodeocard with your cpu it will happen very very often.

Here is a little thing i made up myself to guide you.

4 pipeline: 1.8ghz P4 or AMD equivelent
8 pipeline: 2.4ghz P4 (w/HT) or AMD equivalent
12 pipeline: 3.0ghz P4 (w/HT) or an athlon 64 (any speed)
16 pipeline: 3.0ghz P4 (w/ HT Preferably extreme edition) or Athlon 64FX 51

Ram also matters, when i bought my 9600XT i had 256mb ram, it SUCKED. I upgraded and bought a stick of 512 mb, that helped alot.

generally you should always have at least 512 mb.

I hoped this helped.

SO really acording to that chart that i made, yopu aren't really supposed to go above a 9800XT, but if you must...than 12, but it can be risky. I myself would go with the 9800XT, so that i know that bad things wont happen, and anyways, it still rox big time!

What the hell?
You have posted the biggest load of crap I've ever seen.
FragBait0 said:
What the hell?
You have posted the biggest load of crap I've ever seen.

ummm....what? I don't thinki understood you. can u repeat plz?

P.S I am right. :P
Hey but about those 6800 gt cards, I read in a mag that with the nvidia 6800 series you also need to buy an extra powersuply or something wich costs an extra 100 euro's, is this true for the 6800 gt.
i prefer ATI, but in this example, nvidia win it, in the next unleashment (pci-e uber cards, not just the conversions of 9600's) ati will/do rock, dependoing on when you read this.

The X800 XT PE for example runs away from the competition on really high res. w/ a lot of AA and AF on on HL2
I love how people base their conclusions solely on the number of pipelines a card has. By that logic my old Voodoo 5500 should be everything here... it has 2 cores while almost ever other video card only has 1... therefore the 5500 wins!!!

Sorry, doesn't work like that :|
x800 Pro - 12 Pipelines - Pixel shader model 2.0 - 475MHz GPU Clock Speed - 256MB 900MHz GDDR3
6800GT - 16 pipelines - Pixel Shader model 3.0 - 350MHz GPU clock speed - 256MB 1000MHz high speed DDR3

So the x800 pro has slower memory, faster core clock speed, but only supports up to PS2.0, so not that futureproof.
6800GT has slightly faster memory, slower core clock speed but supports PS3.0 so is more futureproof. The extra 4 pipelines will also give it that extra boost when games using Unreal 3.0 technology come along.

Also benchies on other games show 6800GT does beat the x800 pro by a few fps on most games. So the x800 pros faster core doesnt save it to be honest. The 6800Gt is just the better card. And also if you follow nvidias driver releases, youll notice that after a major game has been released, theyll update the drivers for better performance. The nvidia cards drivers havnt been updated since july and ATI's were updated a few weeks ago.

Ive personally ordered a GT because im not as narrow minded and can see the GT doing better overall in gaming than the X800 pro.

I'd reccomend the 6800GT.
I'm saving my next two paychecks (Calm down, I barely get minumum wage) for an X800 pro. You do the same.

^ As for the guy who posted right above me: Good move. I hate fanboys.

The X800 pro is pretty much going to work on everything for the next few years, and the lack of PS 3.0 doesn't kill me. However, I have a lot of OpenGL games, so a 6800 would be better for me. But... the X800 is cheaper. I mean... I get minimum wage. I can't afford to be picky (literally).

Edit: Actually... it'll take me 3 paychecks to save enough for a 6800 Ultra OC... screw ATI. I'm going Nvidia :D

Further edit: Well, it appears that the GT is just as good as the Ultra. Actually, I'm not quite sure which way I'm going to go. I'm pretty sure it'll be Nvidia, but who knows?
Ve33iE said:
ATI will rock Geforce anyday :)

Typical nooby statment. I guess i'm used to computer forums, where people know what they're talking about. Oh well... :dozey:
Eon Blue said:
I'm saving my next two paychecks (Calm down, I barely get minumum wage) for an X800 pro. You do the same.

^ As for the guy who posted right above me: Good move. I hate fanboys.

The X800 pro is pretty much going to work on everything for the next few years, and the lack of PS 3.0 doesn't kill me. However, I have a lot of Nvidia games, so a 6800 would be better for me. But... the X800 is cheaper. I mean... I get minimum wage. I can't afford to be picky (literally).

Edit: Actually... it'll take me 3 paychecks to save enough for a 6800 Ultra OC... screw ATI. I'm going Nvidia :D

You can get a eVGA 6800 GT for 350$...Unless you plan on modding that x800, I would really consider the GT. You get a lot more for your money, and almost every card can OC past ultra speeds.
Oh yeah? Hmm. Well yeah, I have my current card OC'ed, and it performs well enough, but I'm trying to think ahead... I"m gonna get another .5 gig of memory sooner or later, but the card is first and foremost.

Care to go on AIM and teach more more about Nvidia?
SN is In Paroxysm
ATI4EVER! said:
ummm....what? I don't thinki understood you. can u repeat plz?

P.S I am right. :P
Yeah you sure as hell didn't understand me.

Completly misleading and incorrect explanation.
Clear it up some?
I did just buy the x800pro but i am not saying 6800 is not good or anything but i did always go for ati because cards are smaller and i dont have a good experience with nvidia cards.

p4 2,8
neovo 17inchtft

Flax said:
(x800 pro)
What does it mean that you "you may have to flash the bios"
Do you have to unlock the 4 other pipes??
Can the card come whit 4 pipes disabeld??
(kind of new to "hard ware")
Stupid questions fore some, not for me,
plz explain =P :thumbs:

To flash the bios you will need a different bios, and a flash utility.

search "x800 pro to x800 xt" and you will get detaile instructions on how to do it all ; ) hope that helped :cheers:
Grey Fox said:
Hey but about those 6800 gt cards, I read in a mag that with the nvidia 6800 series you also need to buy an extra powersuply or something wich costs an extra 100 euro's, is this true for the 6800 gt.

I recently bought a BFG 6800GT and it only has one power connection. It was also on sale for $380. Far Cry looks and plays great on my new pc! I just cannot wait to play HL2...just need to add another stick of RAM and I'll be in gamer nirvana.