Gravity Gun



Are there actually any servers that disable the furniture tossing??While ill admitt it was fun at first,i dont think anyone whos played alot of online fps games will take this game seriously and the deathmatch will never catch on like conterstrike has.Its a shame i enjoy all aspects of DM except picking up toilets and getting them thrown at me.It just seems ridiculous after a while.Its cool they did something different but this is something they didnt have to add.
I have played a lot of online FPS for a number of years. And I love GG. Taking it out will make it much less interesting. Even in official mathces.
its deathmatch - hl2 deathmatch
what you are asking is to take out the key unique feature in the game
are you mad?
No im not mad at all.If the DM was mediocre at best it might be a good way to hide the flaws it has to put something in like the gravity gun,but IMO the game is almost a flawless online DM game that was ruined because of this.I dont have a problem with people who like it i just wish there was a way to disable it.Plus i have played alot of fps competition matches seriously and this would never fly in a serious comp.
Who gives a **** about a serious competition? Use or or don't use it. It's a fun computer game that people play after work or school.

The GG is quite different and original. It vastly changes the gameplay (you don't even need to use it as a weapon - it's also a tool to protect yourself, set traps, make barriers, trigger mines...)

Most people playing now don't use it that much (well, not as much as they used to), but I'd never take it out - it's part of what makes HL and HLDM so unique in the first place.

And my opinion is fact. Fact.
W/o the GG HLDM would be shite! I think they should take out all weapons except GG.
I too thought that the GG was pants, but now I have been playing a few weeks I have very much changed my view.

Theres nothing quite like a game of catch with a filing cabinet, whilst trying to flatten your advesary, or firing a grenade back at the thrower or grabbing a pulse orb out of the air and hammering it back at the original firer, and getting more kills with it than he did. :)

It's different thats for sure, but it's the difference or originality in a game that keeps ppl interested. Most FPS MP's have something individual to offer. The GG is HL2's.

There is still plenty of scope for competitive play, but only if the GG is mastered. Its not just an offensive weapon it can also save your neck, and turn a fatal situation into an attacking opportunity.
Pred said:
No im not mad at all.If the DM was mediocre at best it might be a good way to hide the flaws it has to put something in like the gravity gun,but IMO the game is almost a flawless online DM game that was ruined because of this.I dont have a problem with people who like it i just wish there was a way to disable it.Plus i have played alot of fps competition matches seriously and this would never fly in a serious comp.
Well. I have played lots of matches both fw and official, and it works very well with GG. Maybe it's just not for you ;) IMO, and I'm sure lots of others agree, it's a great adition to the genre.
That will be a bit hard, Dr. Todd. Just get out the GG and pwn em with it
The thing rocks.

I hated dm_resistance until I realised its potential with the GG. So much crap lying around waiting to be used. It makes the game much funnier too.
daverince said:
Who gives a **** about a serious competition? Use or or don't use it. It's a fun computer game that people play after work or school.

The GG is quite different and original. It vastly changes the gameplay (you don't even need to use it as a weapon - it's also a tool to protect yourself, set traps, make barriers, trigger mines...)

Most people playing now don't use it that much (well, not as much as they used to), but I'd never take it out - it's part of what makes HL and HLDM so unique in the first place.

And my opinion is fact. Fact.

I never downed anyone who liked it.All im saying is Counterstrike has always been a competetive game.Now they have a DM game that IMO should have the option to be put into a comp formatt.If you like the GG good for you and im not asking anyone to take it out, all i would hope for is that they maybe give us a patch which will exclude the GG for players who want to play competetive games.

There are 2 types of online gamers ,the ones who want to just have fun and the other who wants to be competetive and have fun.I mean how hard would it be to make a patch that could give you the option to keep it out??UT 2004 has these options to keep certain weapons out of the games and i hope we can get the same with this.

There are still times id play the GG just for kicks with my friends, but then theres serious time when id like to get away from the GG.
Actually, people who are competitive at Deathmatch perhaps enjoy the presence of the Gravity Gun. This game's a lot more dull, less fun, and even less competitive in some ways.
The gravgun is not just some novelty item.
It's one of the most versatile weapons in the game, and takes much skill to both use and avoid. It's at least equal in power to a bullet-less SMG full of grenades.

I'm not sure exactly what your complaint is. I doesn't seem to be that it's not powerful or too powerful or anything like that. You just don't like the concept because it too 'ridiculous' for deathmatch?

Compared to how many games there are with the weapon pickups spinning in the air, some sort of three-shot spread-fire rocket launcher, and quad damage glowing skull pickups that make you glow red and somehow that affects your guns?

I do take your point. And having severs that don't use the GG is fine. However, I didn't like your point that 'serious' players wouldn't play a competition with it.

Refer to the post above by Mechagodzilla for the rest of the argument...
Pred said:
I never downed anyone who liked it.All im saying is Counterstrike has always been a competetive game.Now they have a DM game that IMO should have the option to be put into a comp formatt.If you like the GG good for you and im not asking anyone to take it out, all i would hope for is that they maybe give us a patch which will exclude the GG for players who want to play competetive games.

There are 2 types of online gamers ,the ones who want to just have fun and the other who wants to be competetive and have fun.I mean how hard would it be to make a patch that could give you the option to keep it out??UT 2004 has these options to keep certain weapons out of the games and i hope we can get the same with this.

There are still times id play the GG just for kicks with my friends, but then theres serious time when id like to get away from the GG.
I'm a competitive gamer, and I must say: leave the gravity gun the hell alone.

1. It's used for movement: hoverboarding, jumping, flying and just plain boosting
2. It's the only bloody decent counter to the pulse ball
3. It can be used to catch and fling away enemy grenades
4. It adds a whole new dimension to gameplay, meaning that newly spawned players can actually do some damage to opponants, up to 100/200's worth of damage... leading to new tactics and strategies..

Well to end all arguments and make everyone happy even in the HL community HAHA, just have Valve have the option to let you choose what weapons are to be used when starting a server or .cfg like most games out there, after all Valve is for the community right?
If you want your server to have no gravgun, just run only maps without physics objects. Easy as that.

If the community wanted gravgun-less deathmatch, it would be there. There's just no demand for it.
competative DM gamers use the grav gun more than anyone so i have no idea where you get this idea that most DM players shirk away from the grav gun.

maybe you just have your keys inefficiently mapped so that pulling out the grav gun for you is a bother. For me, the grav gun toggle is my middle mouse button. Since pulling it out is instant, it will save your ass is tricky situations, but only if you can whip it out fast enough

i'd rather get rid of rockets before i ever get rid of the grav gun
Mechagodzilla said:
If you want your server to have no gravgun, just run only maps without physics objects. Easy as that.

If the community wanted gravgun-less deathmatch, it would be there. There's just no demand for it.

Theres no demand for it??Why do you suppose theres so few people who actually play it compared to any other DM game out there??Because its ridiculous to throw a couch and a pulse ball and kill everyone in the room.

Every single person other then the people who are still playing HL 2 DM thinks this concept is ridiculous.By the way i do know alot of players who quit after a few days because having a couch in the middle of a street throwing it back and forth is a joke.ithink the pulse ball is for people with no skillz.I could see using furniture for defense ,but hiding behind it not by picking it up.I mean HL 2 is known for its physics realistic setting but this just ruins it period.

It was dumb of me i guess to try to explain my case to the few people who actually like the game the way it is.For the last time i didnt say to take that out i said there needs to be an option to pick and choose what weapons end up in your games.Every other DM game has it that ive played why not hl 2?
Flyingdebris said:
competative DM gamers use the grav gun more than anyone so i have no idea where you get this idea that most DM players shirk away from the grav gun.

maybe you just have your keys inefficiently mapped so that pulling out the grav gun for you is a bother. For me, the grav gun toggle is my middle mouse button. Since pulling it out is instant, it will save your ass is tricky situations, but only if you can whip it out fast enough

i'd rather get rid of rockets before i ever get rid of the grav gun

You just answered your own question.Sounds like to me your mixed up between a competetive player and a player who uses the GG all the time and wins.Point is theres no skill in using this just toss it across at a room full of people and you get mega kills like this easily.ofcourse you only win dm games using GG its to over powering.If this is what they want they should have taken all the guns out of the game because they become absolutley useless other then the cross bow
and like i said before, letting the server admins have a choice of turning it off and on will make all happy. bottom line.
Does anyone know if there's a mod that disables all weapons, only leaving the grav gun? You'd think someone would have made something like that by now, as I doubt that I'm the only one who would like to see a gravgun-only deathmatch mod.
Bastion said:
and like i said before, letting the server admins have a choice of turning it off and on will make all happy. bottom line.

exactly its a simple fix really
Pred said:
You just answered your own question.Sounds like to me your mixed up between a competetive player and a player who uses the GG all the time and wins.Point is theres no skill in using this just toss it across at a room full of people and you get mega kills like this easily.ofcourse you only win dm games using GG its to over powering.If this is what they want they should have taken all the guns out of the game because they become absolutley useless other then the cross bow
Wait, who plays competive FFA? It's all about the team skills and using the gravgun to support/spearhead team assualts.

I've played in AG and HLDM/Op4DM competitive games - so you can drop the high and mighty attitude right here.
ComradeBadger said:
Wait, who plays competive FFA? It's all about the team skills and using the gravgun to support/spearhead team assualts.

I've played in AG and HLDM/Op4DM competitive games - so you can drop the high and mighty attitude right here.

Im talking a spam DM match not Team DM.Im sorry dude but nothing you will say will ever change my mind that furniture throwing belongs in comp play.Ive won a DM with doing nothing but tossing crap makes it entirley to easy.thats what made me say this was a joke and went back to playing CSS.

If this thing with not having the option to take the GG out of games doesnt happen.IT will be the death of HL 2 DM.Theres a reason HL 2 DM isnt getting any CSS players is the fact its to fake those players want realism and realism is not being able to throw a toilet 200 ft down the road lol.

A simple option to put in a game like this will build the numbers of players to atleast double i guarentee it.Thing is im not downing the game i actually think this game has potential to be the best comp DM out there now but they need to give us the option to have alittle more realism and less GG and shock balls.

It has nothing to do with an allmighty attitude. i just want the realism that HL 2 has the ability to deliver but doesnt.It delivers it in CSS i just wish they could deliver it to the DM side of things.

Alot of people play comp FFA to answer your question.By the way ill play any of you 1 vs 1 and ill use nothing but GG and shock ball and you can use the guns and will see how much i dominate you:) then maybe you will see my point
Most people that hate the grav gun suck at using the weapon itself, which is why they will never get any better at HL2DM.
thorvale the red said:
Most people that hate the grav gun suck at using the weapon itself, which is why they will never get any better at HL2DM.

Gimme a break man i just got done telling you it makes it to easy i like a challenge.I had 100 kills and 9 deaths using nothing but the GG.You act like it takes skill to use it how does it take skill to pick up a barrel and throw it into a bunch of people??

I just challenged anyone 1 vs 1 so if you wanna say i suck come get some.dont talk the talk put up or shutup.
I'd say the GravGun does take a certain degree of skill to use it, especially from long distances. It's very satisfying bonking someone in the head with a cinder block from 50 feet away. :D
It looks to me that Pred has been spawned entirely to knock the G-gun.

In anycase it would be like taking away... uh... what the hell distiguished Halo? ...

The G-Gun is just another weapon. Sure it's great to use but it's also great to counter - catch the item aimed at your forehead, fling it back. Repeat until someone sneaks up behind you and crowbars you/disintegrates you/pins you to the wall/fills you full of lead/explodes you.

Still, there should be more diverse weapons.
Jintor said:
It looks to me that Pred has been spawned entirely to knock the G-gun.

In anycase it would be like taking away... uh... what the hell distiguished Halo? ...

The G-Gun is just another weapon. Sure it's great to use but it's also great to counter - catch the item aimed at your forehead, fling it back. Repeat until someone sneaks up behind you and crowbars you/disintegrates you/pins you to the wall/fills you full of lead/explodes you.

Still, there should be more diverse weapons.

I am not knocking it for the last time.Does anyone read my posts??I said its fun to play with friends what have you but it is not good for comp play.I like the GG when i just want to mess around with some friends.All i am saying is it would be cool to see an option to have it taken out of a server whats so wrong with this??I know alot of people that would come back to playing DM if you could pick and choose weapons you wanted in your server.

Not having options like this is why the DM aspect of this will never grow as big as it should.I happen to love what the HL 2 DM brings to the table but this 1 aspect.UT 2004 is a prime example there are things in that game as well that is not aloud in official comp play like the redeemer weapon for one.

If they ever made official comp play for HL DM i guarentee you they wouldnt let you use the shock ball or the GG.When i say the GG and shock ball is a joke i mean it would be a joke to use it in comp play.I doubt if they would even allow the cross bow.None of this is a knock on the game as ill be the first to admitt the GG does bring something different to the table it just wouldnt fly in comp play.Just like the Redeemer doesnt fly in comp play for UT 2004.
DM isn't CSS.. and I'm not sure what your vision of 'comp play' is.. removing the crossbow.. haha.

Oh, and that 1 on1 thing? I'm down. Come find me sometime, my clan has a server we can use.
Yeah, you two have a 1on1, and say the score here :D

Hl2dm isnt a team game, you dont spawn as a team so its hard for it to be.

Think about having a counter-strike match, where you spawned in random places. It would take out the team skill and would be boring. If Hl2dm didnt have the gravity gun, there would be MUCH less skill involved. Imo, the Machine gun (mp5 is it?) should be taken out, or at least have its damage increased.

Without the gravity gun the game would be the same as all other games (UT/Halo etc.) just running around clicking on people.

If you dont like the gravity gun, maybe your not using your imagination enough.
Pred said:
Im talking a spam DM match not Team DM.Im sorry dude but nothing you will say will ever change my mind that furniture throwing belongs in comp play.Ive won a DM with doing nothing but tossing crap makes it entirley to easy.thats what made me say this was a joke and went back to playing CSS.

If this thing with not having the option to take the GG out of games doesnt happen.IT will be the death of HL 2 DM.Theres a reason HL 2 DM isnt getting any CSS players is the fact its to fake those players want realism and realism is not being able to throw a toilet 200 ft down the road lol.

A simple option to put in a game like this will build the numbers of players to atleast double i guarentee it.Thing is im not downing the game i actually think this game has potential to be the best comp DM out there now but they need to give us the option to have alittle more realism and less GG and shock balls.

It has nothing to do with an allmighty attitude. i just want the realism that HL 2 has the ability to deliver but doesnt.It delivers it in CSS i just wish they could deliver it to the DM side of things.

Alot of people play comp FFA to answer your question.By the way ill play any of you 1 vs 1 and ill use nothing but GG and shock ball and you can use the guns and will see how much i dominate you:) then maybe you will see my point
Something tells me you haven't played vs. very skilled players if you have won a game by using only GG. Sure you will tell me now that you have, but I seriously doubt it. Try playing an ESL or a CB game vs. some of the players that aren't at the bottom of the ladders and then win by doing only that.

And what about those who wants a realistic game? Let them play CS:S then or whatever game they want. HL2DM isn't a realistic game, and neither was HLDM, so why change it into something it's not? If you're so eager to make it realistic, play CS:S or make a HL2DM mod that makes it realistic.
CSS isn't really much more realistic than Mario 64 anyways.

The only big thing that makes it more 'real' than DM is that all the guns look like real-world guns, instead of only half of them.

"Science fiction game has science fiction weapons?? Waht were they thinking??/"
I think Pred needs a nice can of STFU.

You've offered no rationale or figures to support your assertion that competitive players think the grav gun is ridiculous. As a fairly good HL2DM player myself, I can tell you that most people tend to moderate their use of the grav gun as well as their other weapons, because relying too much or too little on it can get you killed. How the grav gun can be seen as ridiculous is beyond me, seeing as how it allows you to utilize your environment for offensive/defensive purposes and allows you to turn the tide of a battle when facing grenades or anti-matter pulse blasts.

But that's besides the point, really. There is no demand for removing the grav gun from competitive games. If there was, we'd know about it. And removing it from an HL2DM game is like removing the rocket launcher from a Quake match. So you can either deal with the fact that grav gun will always be an integral part of HL2DM, or you can go play CSS to satiate your refined and "mature" tastes. Your existence or lack thereof in the HL2DM community isn't going to matter to any of us.
Absinthe said:
But that's besides the point, really. There is no demand for removing the grav gun from competitive games. If there was, we'd know about it.
That's what I tried to get across earlier.
The concept of supply and demand states that if there is a strong enough desire for something, a product will appear to fill that void.

And, so far, it has worked in DM. People wanted Capture the Flag, and now there's Several CTF maps and a full-fledged CTF mod coming out.
People wanted gravgun-only games, and now there are also tons of Gravgun-exclusive maps, involving nothing BUT the gravgun. Soccer, dodgeball, a map full of sawblades.

However, there is not a single DM mod or map out there that seeks to remove the gravgun from the game. Even though the entire process of creating such a mod would be a single day, tops.

There is absolutely no real demand for what Pred wants.

It's also like he has no idea what 'comp play' means.
It's not comp play unless there's guns I can vaguely understand. Fiction scares me.

Edit: Oh, and 1v1 sounds fun. Find a good pvp server and I'm in. :D
Also, if the gravgun is insta-win for you, I guess I should compensate for my inefficiencies by picking the map.
Let's see how it'll fly in DM_Overwatch.
personally i think theres nothing wrong with the gravity gun, it depends on the map. in closed up, close quarters maps with loads of phys objects (like dm_lockdown) the grav gun is king, but maps which are more open, other weapons are more advantageuous. That being said, i would really like it if valve added the option when creating a server to determine which weapons are included, ala Unreal Tournament.
omg you ppl are killing me. This is not about the GG being unfair or lame or competition or anything else, its not about I cant kill with it, its about why cant we pick and choose what weapons we want to use on our servers bottom line!!!!!!!! I may want to just put the shot gun only on the server or just make everyone have the GG { that sounds fun}. Thats what drives me nuts about this forum is someone has a idea and ppl say stuff like STFU, you sux, you cant play is why you hate it or out of the what 100,00 players I know what everyone of them wants. If you ppl think that this forum has the heartbeat of what the communities likes and dislikes then your just showing your age. letting the server admins have a choice of the weapons they want to run on there server they pay for is not a horrid idea or will kill the community. All im saying is think about it before you start slamming someone because its easy to do on a forum.