Gravity Gun

Bastion said:
letting the server admins have a choice of the weapons they want to run on there server they pay for is not a horrid idea or will kill the community.

And I've already told you that it's entirely possible to nullify the gravgun, or pretty much any weapon, with two-minute modifications to each map in the server. Just like how lockdown has no slams.
You could even remove the gravgun entirely with a blindingly simple modification if you want to.

But no, no-one's actually going to do this, because people in this thread have already pointed out how it's hardly worth the effort.
If it was worth the effort, someone would be at least planning to do it by now. But not even Pred is going to make his own no-gravgun server.
Instead, it's just complaining that the game is 'broken' in some abstract way, and asking valve to 'fix' it - forgetting that it would take some big modifications to automatically reverse-engineer bsp's at the admin's whim.

What if someone set it to "no rockets" in runoff? It would blow. If such an option existed there'd be all sorts of issues and bugs that would arise, making this something that shouldn't be widely implemented.

In the meantime, Valve should be working on projects people actually care about, like fixing the bugs and exploits.
They shouldn't spend time making a large project that will please two or three people while making everyone else say "Why don't I have a gravgun? This sux" before they disconnect from the server.
Especially when that project can be done on the small scale, by the people who actually want it, in a fraction of the time.

So sorry if it sounds harsh, but the idea simply isn't good.
If you like the idea, make it yourself and see how successful it is.
There's nothing stopping you.
yeah I just didnt want to alter the maps. The group of guys I work with play in my server and wanted to know why didnt they let you choose the weapons you wanted, they just got into gaming like some of the other games they tryed. its really a mute point at this time with alot of new games coming out. thanks though.
i don't know how flinging objects around is cheap?

you say that people can run around throwing furniture and totally own. I have played a lot of death match. A lot.

and i can easily say that the gg is not overpowered at all. It is just as useful as any other weapon. Personally i prefer using the shotgun, crossbow, and pusle rifle.

Also what you say about the plasma orbs shows little understanding of game balance. the orbs were put there as a counter against people hopped up on armor.

Me, i use the gg mainly to hide cleverly placed slams, to block doorways, catch orbs, and to protect myself from gunfire. Its not overpowered in anyway. You just need to dodge better.

Plus you should see the insane shit people that play hl2 TDM do. Imagine an entire team working together to build barriers agains tthe other team. i.e. blocking doorways in runoff, stacking cars in c17 highway, building choke points.

I do think there should be a utility to replace a weapon or remove it entirely from a map. But i don't think any significant amount of people want to remove the grav gun.

but getting rid of the gg would cut out the heart and soul of hl2 DM.

There are times when the GG does seem a bit over powered. After all, it's an instakill weapon which doesn't take too much skill to use.

However, the GG is _THE_ weapon of hl2dm. Without it, you'd be left with a bunch of no skill hitscan weapons (nevermind the xbow) and boring gameplay.

If valve ever fixes the hitbox errors the game will go through significant changes anway. It's not that hard to get a 50+ hit percentage with the rail gun in q3/cpma, and the magnum is way easier to use due to slower movement speeds in hl2dm. Expect magnum owning big style once you actually hit what you aim at.
The magnum is less powerful than the railgun if you don't hit the right parts. When you do, it way more powerful. I agree that it's easier to hit with. Not because of speed, cause fights in Q3 isn't very fast when it comes to movement. They're pretty much just strafeing and trying to move erratic. Hitting someone who is going at great speed isn't really very hard either. But for some reason the magnum is easier to hit with. Maybe the bullets hitbox is bigger than the slugs like crossbow bolts vs. magnum bullets.
I've given a little thought to this, and i guess there are numerous reasons why its easier to hit with the magnum.

The cpma rail (which I'm coming from..haven't played vq3 in a while) is actually pretty similar to the magnum. Magnum deals a base damage of 75, cpma rail 80. Reload times seem pretty similar as well (1200ms in cpma, don't know the exact number for hl2dm).

anyhow, here my thoughts:

-movement speed
I agree that in general it isn't harder to hit someone who is moving at great speed, but due to increased speed, the time your opponent is open, and therefor the timeframe in which you can score a hit, is a lot smaller than in hl2dm (think flick shots).

- Trying to avoid being hit by strafing, moving erradic:
90% of the time you'll be up against a rocket launcher (in cpma), which requires a totally different approach when it comes to avoid being hit. If you're up against hit scan weapons, you just try to move around in a random pattern. If you're up against a rocket launcher, you have to (or at least should ;)) actively watch where the rockets are going and time your movement accordingly; in a way counter-predict your opponents shots. It's a lot harder to do that AND keep your crosshair on your opponent than it is to simply move in a random pattern, which happens pretty much unconsciously.

Knockback plays a hugh role, i think. You have to compensate for both the knockback you deal to your opponent as well as the knockback you receive by being hit. That's something that's not present in hl2dm and makes things quite a bit easier.

All those factors add up and explain why it's easier to hit with the magnum. Once all hitbox problems are sorted out and people get more skilled, it will definately be the uber weapon. If gaming history has tought us one thing it's that people get insane skills with high powered hit scan weapons (which is why cpma reduced rail damage from 100 to 80).
Pred said:
I am not knocking it for the last time.Does anyone read my posts??I said its fun to play with friends what have you but it is not good for comp play.I like the GG when i just want to mess around with some friends.All i am saying is it would be cool to see an option to have it taken out of a server whats so wrong with this??I know alot of people that would come back to playing DM if you could pick and choose weapons you wanted in your server.

Not having options like this is why the DM aspect of this will never grow as big as it should.I happen to love what the HL 2 DM brings to the table but this 1 aspect.UT 2004 is a prime example there are things in that game as well that is not aloud in official comp play like the redeemer weapon for one.

If they ever made official comp play for HL DM i guarentee you they wouldnt let you use the shock ball or the GG.When i say the GG and shock ball is a joke i mean it would be a joke to use it in comp play.I doubt if they would even allow the cross bow.None of this is a knock on the game as ill be the first to admitt the GG does bring something different to the table it just wouldnt fly in comp play.Just like the Redeemer doesnt fly in comp play for UT 2004.

I read your posts, but they're unreadable. Fix up your punctuation. Acting high and mighty, superior, better-than-thou does nothing to help you, either.

And it WOULD fly in comp play. Especially when you're camping with the rocket on top of overwatch and then a small brick impacts viciously with your skull...
.syL said:
I've given a little thought to this, and i guess there are numerous reasons why its easier to hit with the magnum.

The cpma rail (which I'm coming from..haven't played vq3 in a while) is actually pretty similar to the magnum. Magnum deals a base damage of 75, cpma rail 80. Reload times seem pretty similar as well (1200ms in cpma, don't know the exact number for hl2dm).

anyhow, here my thoughts:

-movement speed
I agree that in general it isn't harder to hit someone who is moving at great speed, but due to increased speed, the time your opponent is open, and therefor the timeframe in which you can score a hit, is a lot smaller than in hl2dm (think flick shots).

- Trying to avoid being hit by strafing, moving erradic:
90% of the time you'll be up against a rocket launcher (in cpma), which requires a totally different approach when it comes to avoid being hit. If you're up against hit scan weapons, you just try to move around in a random pattern. If you're up against a rocket launcher, you have to (or at least should ;)) actively watch where the rockets are going and time your movement accordingly; in a way counter-predict your opponents shots. It's a lot harder to do that AND keep your crosshair on your opponent than it is to simply move in a random pattern, which happens pretty much unconsciously.

Knockback plays a hugh role, i think. You have to compensate for both the knockback you deal to your opponent as well as the knockback you receive by being hit. That's something that's not present in hl2dm and makes things quite a bit easier.

All those factors add up and explain why it's easier to hit with the magnum. Once all hitbox problems are sorted out and people get more skilled, it will definately be the uber weapon. If gaming history has tought us one thing it's that people get insane skills with high powered hit scan weapons (which is why cpma reduced rail damage from 100 to 80).
Just look at [1]Hydro tbh... him + magnum = hell for everyone else ;(

Skilled bastage!

I find the xbow much easier to use the magnum for some reason... :O
Pred said:
I just challenged anyone 1 vs 1 so if you wanna say i suck come get some.dont talk the talk put up or shutup.

I'll have a bash. Server waiting.

Edit: I never said you sucked btw :p
While the gravity gun is powerful, you must be very skilled to use it and not get killed. while you are using it you are very vonerable. I think valve has created the perfect balance with the pros and cons.
What isn't so balanced is RPG and Combine Balls though. Combine Balls can be grabbed with GG of course. But if you fire them faster (switch to GG and fire primary right after a ball i fired with Pulse-Rifle), then it's way harder to capture it. And that they aim for people doesn't help any. And if you don't get hit, you're kinda stuck if you want to avoid the balls cause you can't just move freely around while they bounce all over, so either you're dead or your locked in (or out).

And in HLDM a RPG like this was ok, but here you can't move nearly as fast and you don't have jump-pack to get away fast, so if you're targeted, you're history usually if the shooter has any skill.

Now matches can be all who spams the most RPG and Combine Balls instead of weapons you actually need some skill to really be effective with.
I have to totally agree with that - Lockdown is ruined by combine balls IMO. I have the reactions to switch to GG when one is fired, but there is no way to be sure of grabbing it. You have to hammer secondary fire in hope of grabbing it, but if it hits you too fast it's almost impossible to grab it. Ironically, the RPG is one of the least effective weapons in Lockdown, and is rarely used.
I find Overwatch to be flawless - the best map in any FPS deathmatch. Combine balls are only really effective on the first 2 floors of the building, but there are so many objects etc scattered about that they can be avoided. The RPG can be a bit of a dominating weapon in the right hands, but an unskilled player will not last long with it at all.
I am also perplexed as to why there are no SLAM's in Lockdown? They would have been of more use in Lockdown than Overwatch?
RPG might not be so efficient on ld as balls, but it's very dangerous in the right hands, but it is that on just about any map in the right hands ;) And then it wouldn't matter if you have the jump-pack or not really, so ok to that.

I'm very glad there aren't any SLAMs on ld, cause I want a fast game, and my monitor is really tired and has lots of lines going all over the display, so I really have to look carefully to see the SLAMs when they're set as tripmines, cause the laser has the same color as the lines across my screen :/ I like them on ow though. Even the best of players keep forgetting where they put them in duels it seems, so since I never go on top I don't have to worry about walking into them so much =) but they keep blowing them selves up. It's really a laugh ;)
AfternoonLemon said:
I am also perplexed as to why there are no SLAM's in Lockdown? They would have been of more use in Lockdown than Overwatch?
I was wondering about that too, but after some thought the decision makes sense. SLAMs would slow Lockdown's speed too much. It would be a lot worse if there weren't the ability to run away from the balls without worrying about tripping an explosion.
One of the best parts about lockdown is also that everyone develops a specific 'course' around the map that they stick to most of the time. SLAMs would disrupt that groove too.

So, basically, the sudden introduction of slams into that currently superfast map would mean each slam placed would practically become an insta-kill.
Overwatch had the same effect, to a degree, in the one area that's equally as fast-paced. Place five SLAMs well enough in the rocket stairwell, and you'll probably get five easy kills from all the people rushing up as fast as they can.

I agree that the combine balls might be too good, but only slightly so.
They might be excellent at short range or in crowded tight spaces, but they suck at medium and long ranges, especially against single targets.
Every game needs a "most powerful weapon" and considering that well over half of the weapons are mostly insta-kill, the best weapon would have to be the multi-target disintegrator thing
They also deter against a lot of negative gameplay elements.
Blind rushes, excessive camping, weapon and armour whoring.
The combine balls force you to always keep your guard up and to evaluate your situation.
They reward players who keep avenues of escape open, make use of cover and attack from longer ranges.

They're also pretty much the anti-RPG, since RPG works best at long ranges against targets out in open spaces, and sucks against more random close-range players.
something to keep in mind, if someone is running at you pulse rifle in hand, and ISN't shooting wildly, anticipate the worst and whip out the gg, cause in 1.5 seconds, you will be roasted
I usually only use the ghey balls against groups of people fighting. But if you do catch the ball, dont launch it right back at them cos they will imitate you. Run as close to them as you can and bounce it at them.

Lockdown is much better than overwatch imo. OW=Campfest. Either on the roof or down below. I use that map to practice my magnum for half an hour, then play lockdown properly.

Magnum is hard btw.
I pwn with the gravity gun, :D, you can really get weapon whores knickers in a twist if you pwn them all the time with it.

some uptight players are all like ' fookin gravity hore' lol, *sighs* ah so much fun.
Mechagodzilla said:
I agree that the combine balls might be too good, but only slightly so.
They might be excellent at short range or in crowded tight spaces, but they suck at medium and long ranges, especially against single targets.
Remember that balls aims for targets and that you can fire them faster than default simply busy switching to the Gravity Gun and fire it's primary fire to speed it up.
Yeah, but only on repeated rebounds, and the gg trick is so rare it barely factors in.
Mechagodzilla said:
Yeah, but only on repeated rebounds, and the gg trick is so rare it barely factors in.
Pretty much every game I play in, the ball gets speeded up straight away, either that or they get caught straight out of the Irifle, then fired from the gg.. slightly slower method but same effect.
Mechagodzilla said:
Yeah, but only on repeated rebounds, and the gg trick is so rare it barely factors in.
They aim after first bounce of something. And in matches as CB says, pretty much every ball is going fast. At least agains good opponents who also know how to shoot them the best.
Jintor said:
I read your posts, but they're unreadable. Fix up your punctuation. Acting high and mighty, superior, better-than-thou does nothing to help you, either.

And it WOULD fly in comp play. Especially when you're camping with the rocket on top of overwatch and then a small brick impacts viciously with your skull...

Why dont you come up with something original??Fix up my punctuation??LOL had no clue this was an english class.By the way i played someone that said they were from this forum named extreme sniper.I won 30-2 using nothing but GG.Maybe hes not to skilled i dunno about all that.I ended up playing through the sp campaign then sold the game on Ebay.

I havent a clue why people are saying im acting high and mighty well to those of you saying this grow the hell up.I started off trying to have an intelligent conversation and i get told to STFU.Tell you the truth that doesnt bother me much, as now i know outside a few of you this game attracts 12 year old kids who seem to think there tough on forums.

You people act like picking and choosing what weapons you have on your server is a major sin.I guess knowone here wants a game that has alittle more versitility.Thats fine though thats why this game will die out, is because of this.

By the way go to SBD clan forum and ill show you hundreds of people that want this option in all there DM games.I know even when i play UT 2004, it gets boring playing with the same weapons all the time .this is why its good to mix it up but none of you with the exception of a few understand this.

worst thing i did which i admitt was childish was telling everyone id take them on 1 vs 1 but i never insulted anyone.So for those of you who insulted me think about what you post you look like fools.
Why dont you come up with something original[?] Fix up my punctuation[? Ha ha, I] had no clue [that] this was an english class[. By the way, I played [against] someone [named extreme sniper who] said [that] they were from this forum. I won 30-2 using nothing but [the gravity gun]. Maybe [he's] not [too] skilled. [I don't know] about that. I ended up playing through the [single player] campaign[,] then sold the game on Ebay.

I [haven't got] a clue why people are saying [I'm] acting high and mighty[. Well,] to those of you saying this[:] grow the hell up. I started off trying to have an intelligent conversation and [then I] get told to [shut the **** up.] [To] tell you the truth[,] that doesnt bother me much, as [I now] know that [(outside a few of you)] this game attracts 12 year old kids who seem to think [they are] tough on [the] forums.

You people act like picking and choosing [which] weapons you have on your server is a major sin[. I] guess [no one] here wants a game that has [a little] more [versatility]. [That's] fine though. [That's] why this game will die out[. It] is because of this.

By the way[,] go to SBD clan forum and [I'll] show you hundreds of people that want this option in all [their] [deathmatch] games. I know [that,] even when play [Unreal Tournament] 2004, it gets boring playing with the same weapons all the time[. That] is why [it's] good to mix it up[. But] but none of you [(with the exception of a few) will] understand this.

[The] worst thing did[,] which admitt was childish[,] was telling everyone [I'd] take them on 1 vs 1[. But I] never insulted anyone[. So,] for those of you who insulted me[,] think about what you post[. You] look like fools.

Fixed for grammar.
It might not be an english class, but it hurts your argument when you are unintelligible.

So you aren't actually going to show us how game-breakingly good you are with the gravgun? You've really let a lot of us down.

I find it surprising that the hundreds of enterprising minds in SBD clan (who, I am sure, are proud to have you as a member) haven't been able to put together the simple modification needed to make their singular dream a reality.

Maybe, while you were busy being mature and avoiding english classes, you may have missed the fact that saying:
dont think [that] anyone [who has] played [a lot] of online [first-person shooter] games will take this game seriously[. The] deathmatch will never catch on like [counterstrike] has.
...might insult people here in the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Forum.
"I didn't insult you or act elitist, I just called you inexperienced fools who play a game that is inferior to Counter-Strike."

So you won two games and then sold your steam account on E-Bay. A legacy to be proud of.
So much for Counter-Strike though, I guess. Also so much for the challenge we all knew you wouldn't stand up for. How convenient it is that your game is now gone forever.
At least you beat a random person on the internet. You still have that.

So I think that everyone here (without the exception of a few) would agree that you will not be missed.

Also, am I the only one who noted the cringing heaps of irony in our friend's post? Just re-read his accusations and make note of everything that is either outright incorrect, misguided or applicable to himself. It's comedy!
Take out the ggun you are left with a slightly faster, buggy as **** version of countershite.

Go play CS if thats the game you want to play, personally I'd rather drink petrol and eat lit ciggarettes.
WySiWyG said:
Take out the ggun you are left with a slightly faster, buggy as **** version of countershite.

Go play CS if thats the game you want to play
WySiWyG said:
personally I'd rather drink petrol and eat lit ciggarettes.
I'd pay good money to see that. :cheers:
Pred said:
I havent a clue why people are saying im acting high and mighty well to those of you saying this grow the hell up.I started off trying to have an intelligent conversation and i get told to STFU.Tell you the truth that doesnt bother me much, as now i know outside a few of you this game attracts 12 year old kids who seem to think there tough on forums.

This entire paragraph is one of the most hypocritical things i've ever seen.

(PS i am a 13 year old kid who seems to think i'm tough on forums. Get it right)

(PPS Thank you Mechagodzilla.)
Two things;

- I never noticed that if you fire the GG at a triggered SLAM it sends a faint white pulse out before the SLAM explodes a second later.

- What is all this 'pwn' stuff? I've been on these forums for some time, I've been playing games for about 15 years and I still don't get it. I can understand 'own' just not 'pwn'.

- and a special bonus point: work sucks today, but I just got a pay rise of £6000.
daverince said:
Two things;

- I never noticed that if you fire the GG at a triggered SLAM it sends a faint white pulse out before the SLAM explodes a second later.

- What is all this 'pwn' stuff? I've been on these forums for some time, I've been playing games for about 15 years and I still don't get it. I can understand 'own' just not 'pwn'.

- and a special bonus point: work sucks today, but I just got a pay rise of £6000.

A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."

Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."

It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.

I must be bored to go look that up.

Congrats on the pay rise.
Thank-you. I had no idea it had a minor, geeky history like that. I just assumed people couldn't type very well.

I think I'll stick to 'owned' for now though.

Cheers, my knowledgeable (and bored) comrade.
Mechagodzilla said:
Fixed for grammar.
It might not be an english class, but it hurts your argument when you are unintelligible.

So you aren't actually going to show us how game-breakingly good you are with the gravgun? You've really let a lot of us down.

I find it surprising that the hundreds of enterprising minds in SBD clan (who, I am sure, are proud to have you as a member) haven't been able to put together the simple modification needed to make their singular dream a reality.

Maybe, while you were busy being mature and avoiding english classes, you may have missed the fact that saying:...might insult people here in the Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Forum.
"I didn't insult you or act elitist, I just called you inexperienced fools who play a game that is inferior to Counter-Strike."

So you won two games and then sold your steam account on E-Bay. A legacy to be proud of.
So much for Counter-Strike though, I guess. Also so much for the challenge we all knew you wouldn't stand up for. How convenient it is that your game is now gone forever.
At least you beat a random person on the internet. You still have that.

So I think that everyone here (without the exception of a few) would agree that you will not be missed.

Also, am I the only one who noted the cringing heaps of irony in our friend's post? Just re-read his accusations and make note of everything that is either outright incorrect, misguided or applicable to himself. It's comedy!

By the way try reading my first few posts and tell me who insulted who first.SBD doesnt play HL 2 DM.They wanted to like it like i want to like it but they all went back to UT 2004.Its funny i praise the rest of this game except for not having the option to pick and choose your weapons ,and everyone gets defensive.If you think that calling the GG a joke is an insult to anyone on this forum you honestly need help dude.

I said many times the game was great, outside this one thing so my ideas are not correct and you insult me because i dont agree with you??So much for people who have different ideas then you huh??By the way get off the whole grammar thing its a coverup for you because you have nothing else to come back with other then this.

Im starting to think how your acting your the one i beat 30-2 so please come up with something better then this.Thing is i beat someone on this forum easily and it was one of you in this thread.Doesnt matter what you think i played someone in this thread and if they are not man enough to come forward and admitt they got dominated thats not my problem.

By the way speak my language with proper Grammar then tell me about proper grammer.Im not from US so now i guess people from other countries should leave the forum to now huh? By the way ill go get HL 2 again today ill play you on 1 condition.You can get atleast 4 other people from this forum to watch us.Only reason i say this is because after this i dont want to hear anymore whining about me not playing you.This way theres proof.Ill even give you a 15 kill head start to a race to 30 agreed??

Name the time and server ill be there anytime after today so tommorow if you want, but if there are not people there to witness i will not play because the last guy wont even confess to getting there asses handed to them
I'll play with myself. I'll even record on webcam.

No, wait. I won't.
Are you US or Euro?

I have a server we can use

Timewise is up to you.
Now, I think I might start opening bets...

Can we turn this into a Half Life
to bad source tv doesn't work with hl2dm, or does it? :)