Gravity Gun

You insulted everyone here in your first post. The quote is above.
Again, do you not understand that a "your hobby is destined to fail" comment might have angered people?
You called the entire forum newbs in your first post. Doy.

I'm not insulting you because your idea is stupid. Maybe you missed all of the other posts where I stated plainly and repeatedly that it is unfeasable except on the small scale.
It is a mod project. It is a mod project. What about that is incomprehensible?

And no, I am not the person you beat. I play by the name 'Free bullets for you' at all times. Sorry to disappoint.
And how would you even know if he read this thread? is a large forum, and if you think your thread is important enough that everyone has read it, I'll call you wrong right now. So as far as I can tell, you beat a random person you found on the internet.

I'll play against you at the same time as Badger. The 'witnesses' thing sounds dumb but, if that's what it takes to get you to play, just set the time.
Badger will be there, assumedly. It ought to be good fun.

Again, I choose the map 'Overwatch'.
ComradeBadger said:
Are you US or Euro?

I have a server we can use

Timewise is up to you.

Fight! Fight!


Ooh! A kitty.
daverince said:
Thank-you. I had no idea it had a minor, geeky history like that. I just assumed people couldn't type very well.

I think I'll stick to 'owned' for now though.

Cheers, my knowledgeable (and bored) comrade.
No problemo mi amigo.


@Pred (in a nice way) (but not gay)
The Grav gun is in the game, love it or hate it, but plz live with it.

Yes it probably would be nice to have an option to exclude it and other weapons like you can in UT2004, but there isn't. We take your point.

Does this really need to persist? :dozey:

Dont forget to demo it ComradeBadger. *rubs his hands with glee*

As Elvis once said "A little less conversation a little more action!"
Pred - If you don't like the Gravity Gun then don't use and learn to get out of the crosshair. I'll admit, it's not my favorite weapon but with alot of weaker weapons in HL2DM I think the Gravity Gun balances it more than unbalances it. You can't control it like you can in a Quake3\UT2004 match so I think it's giving everyone a fair chance in my opinion. It's a useful tool which you can frag with no problem unlike alot of the weapons in HL2DM and thus is needed\a good weapon for that.
Pred said:
By the way try reading my first few posts and tell me who insulted who first.SBD doesnt play HL 2 DM.They wanted to like it like i want to like it but they all went back to UT 2004.Its funny i praise the rest of this game except for not having the option to pick and choose your weapons ,and everyone gets defensive.If you think that calling the GG a joke is an insult to anyone on this forum you honestly need help dude.

I said many times the game was great, outside this one thing so my ideas are not correct and you insult me because i dont agree with you??So much for people who have different ideas then you huh??By the way get off the whole grammar thing its a coverup for you because you have nothing else to come back with other then this.

Im starting to think how your acting your the one i beat 30-2 so please come up with something better then this.Thing is i beat someone on this forum easily and it was one of you in this thread.Doesnt matter what you think i played someone in this thread and if they are not man enough to come forward and admitt they got dominated thats not my problem.

By the way speak my language with proper Grammar then tell me about proper grammer.Im not from US so now i guess people from other countries should leave the forum to now huh? By the way ill go get HL 2 again today ill play you on 1 condition.You can get atleast 4 other people from this forum to watch us.Only reason i say this is because after this i dont want to hear anymore whining about me not playing you.This way theres proof.Ill even give you a 15 kill head start to a race to 30 agreed??

Name the time and server ill be there anytime after today so tommorow if you want, but if there are not people there to witness i will not play because the last guy wont even confess to getting there asses handed to them

And you won't confess to not being high and snooty...

And it's not because you're from another country. It's not because you're native language isn't English. It's because you're acting like a cock.
I got really annoyed getting slammed by players using the gravity gun, until i learned to:
a) run away
b) get my own gg out and counter them
c) let them fire the object,dodge then jump in with the crowbar.

If pred spent as much time learning to use or counter the gg as he did on posting replies in the forum, he could be pretty adept with the gg
Haha I just read you'll give me a 15 kill head start..


Ok - my server awaits. Give me a time, and I'll see if I can make it. Like I said, I'll record and demo, take screenshots etc?

Map preference? - I'm a fan of dm_lockdown, dm_powerhouse and dm_lostvillage.
If I were a cheap fellow, I'd give him a 30-point lead and choose dm_swamp. :p
15 points probably won't be necessary though. I'll trade any point lead in for map pick, as I stated above: overwatch. Or maybe that ugly map that takes place in a huge brick warehouse with a network of tunnels and a 200-armour charger. I forget the name. There's plenty of items in there to sustain a grav-only strategy.

Also, Badger, since he apparently wants witnesses, we could have any non-coms work as photographers.
I could film your games, at least. I want ringside seats. :p