Graw Pc Demo Tonight?

any screenshot ? performance issues ? ...etc please post it...
Gorgon said:
any screenshot ? performance issues ? ...etc please post it...

People are posting their performance results there. Seems like certain cards handle it well and others don;t. An X850 XT is supposedly good enough to run it on fairly high settings at a good resolution. Nvidia cards seem to be all over the place, possibly due to driver issues.
brink's said:
I'm guessing 37or 38, you said you were born before the first moon landing.

good memory but I'm not saying anything :)

I like being somewhat mysterious

I'm actually 54 but look like I'm 24, I have video games to thank for my youthful appearance ..if you're reading this you're far too nosey, get out!
CptStern said:
good memory but I'm not saying anything :)

I like being somewhat mysterious

I'm actually 54 but look like I'm 24, I have video games to thank for my youthful appearance ..if you're reading this you're far too nosey, get out!
LOL at Stern for being an old geezer :p
54?:O You're joking right?xD
You're a year younger than my dad was, unless you become 55 this year, which makes you equal of age to what he was..
You ARE joking right.. RIGHT?xD
just played it, maxed everything but textures for me, only able to go to medium it seems, i dunno but i found the view very weird, like it was too zoomed in or sumit, didnt feel like proper 1st person? anyway of fixing this? i've had this kinda thing with other console games brought to pc. The graphics were a bit average i thought, nothing special, was i watching the same vids? maybe i should my res a bit more or something, was at 1152x564 or watever. played till i got killed which was quick :p
Gargantou said:
54?:O You're joking right?xD
You're a year younger than my dad was, unless you become 55 this year, which makes you equal of age to what he was..
You ARE joking right.. RIGHT?xD

maybe ....I did learn something from George Bush: push out as much disinformation as information ...that way no one knows what's true and what isnt :)

oh and I'm not 54, not even close
Runs fine on X800XL @ 1024x768 - Medium Textures - Most other things medium/high at AF 4X. I just did auto-detect.

The graphics aren't even as nice as BF2's.

The game itself is pretty decent. It almost a mix of BF2 and SWAT4, except the commands don't work as well as SWAT4's. They wait a while before following you and sometimes they don't move exactly where you want them to.

jimbo118 said:
i found the view very weird, like it was too zoomed in
Yeah, it seems a bit too zoomed in to me too.
graphics on Mediam, I have two 7800GTX sli and yet its on medium ?

hmmm my first impression:

1-hard to control (needs at least 2 hours to get used to the controls)
2-the physiX driver crashed my pc twice, because I m running 64bit os, I had to disable it
3-I have high end PC and can't turn on the high texture, or maybe its not included in the demo ?
Played a bit and mostly not good
Apart from the fact that it runs awful on my computer on low and is honestly unplayable even at 800*600 :( the following annoyed me
- No screenshot button
- Long black screens between loading
- Definitely not as pretty as contemporary games
- Mexico City is very bland and boxy
- The M8 has horrific accuracy, at ~50m I was not able to land a single hit on a hostile while prone and using ironsights D:
- Feels very clunky and slow
- The cross com doesnt make sense or just plain doesnt work properly :(
- it forces you to install PhysX despite the fact that 99% of gamers dont have it!
I thought it was quite good actually, im sure it's much better if playing through all the missions in CO-OP. An damn, it ran fine with the highest graphic settings except textures which only allowed Low or Medium.

adapter = "NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX "
driver = "nv4_disp.dll"
resolution = "1280 1024"
windowed = "false"
refresh_rate = "75"
<variable name="aspect_ratio" value="0"/>
<variable name="brightness" value="1"/>
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<variable name="effect_quality" value="high"/>
<variable name="max_anisotropy" value="8"/>
<variable name="post_effect_quality" value="high"/>
<variable name="shadow_quality" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_backdrop" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_buildings" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_buildings_low" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_characters" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_default" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_effects" value="false"/>
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<variable name="texture_managed_no_lod" value="false"/>
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<variable name="texture_managed_props" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_props_bump" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_props_high" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_silhouettes" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_sky" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_vehicles" value="true"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_weapons" value="true"/>
<variable name="texture_managed_weapons_third" value="false"/>
<variable name="texture_quality" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_backdrop" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_buildings" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_buildings_low" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_characters" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_default" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_effects" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_ground" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_lightmaps" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_no_lod" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_plants" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_player_vehicles" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_props" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_props_bump" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_props_high" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_silhouettes" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_sky" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_vehicles" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_weapons" value="high"/>
<variable name="texture_quality_weapons_third" value="high"/>

I hacked it, you can now set it to high, I had 10 fps lose at this tweak,

have fun,

you can tweak renderer_settings inside data setting folder,

edit: no idea what the other settings do, try it yourself
john3571000 said:
Played a bit and mostly not good
Apart from the fact that it runs awful on my computer on low and is honestly unplayable even at 800*600 :( the following annoyed me
- No screenshot button
- Long black screens between loading
- Definitely not as pretty as contemporary games
- Mexico City is very bland and boxy
- The M8 has horrific accuracy, at ~50m I was not able to land a single hit on a hostile while prone and using ironsights D:
- Feels very clunky and slow
- The cross com doesnt make sense or just plain doesnt work properly :(
- it forces you to install PhysX despite the fact that 99% of gamers dont have it!
i agree with alot of that, mexico city in particular is very bland looking, the only thing on the streets seem to be a few cars.
The graphics are poor, lighting is really dodgy.. hl2 looks better.
Whats with the sights moving diagonally?
When youre prone on a slope (or a curb) it makes you aim into the air....
The game runs perfectly smooth at highest possible settings on my ancient computer (although it freezes for a few seconds sometimes because of my slow hd and lack of ram). Shame they chose not to take advantage of new hardware.
Ai is poor, team mates stand facing walls, enemies try to run through concrete etc...
It loads then shows a black screen for ages for some reason.
No quicksave :(
edit: oh yeah and anti aliasing doesnt work in this game
Will my comp (see sig) handle this game @ medium settings, 1024x768 (no AA or AF)?
ok my pro's:
nice destruction capabilities and physics, lamposts, cars, bus stops. Shoot them up!
weapons sound good.
nice nade explsion effects.
seems to run well so far for most people across a range of rigs
a few routes through the city to your objective

black screen after load
no loading completion bar.
dodgy AI both hostile and enemy.
graphics look pretty shiite tbh, this is next gen?
odd lighting when going into dark areas, all of a sudden they just light up, is that supposed to be realistic?
your character is a bit too slow imho
wtf is up with the gameview?
Przemek said:
Will my comp (see sig) handle this game @ medium settings, 1024x768 (no AA or AF)?
maybe, your video card and ram are good enough but your cpu might not be.. try it and see.
Well my P4 3.0Ghz, ATI 9700 128mb with 512mb RAM struggled and thats quite close to Przemek's system - the game was unplayable really on all low at 800*600. I could load the game and play but I had far too much FPS lag to compete. Maybe a lack of RAM but I should have been able to play comfortably on low - the graphics and effects are no great shakes. Try it yourself and see...
i have an axp 3200+, 512mb ram and 9800xt and it runs smoothly @ 1024 and highest ingame settings (16xaf, high effects etc) apart from occassional short freezes..
Pretty damn cool, the sound is excellent as the music. The music really kicks in once you’re starting a big shootout between you and rebels, you can almost feel the adrenaline.
The weapons are very good, although I've only tried two weapons (which I totally forgot the names on) they felt very solid and accurate. The sounds, like I said, are truly magnificent, especially on a 5.1 sound system. Blend the music, gun firing and the background sounds and it feels like a true war zone in my opinion.

On the graphics side, it's pretty good there too. Nothing groundbreaking (I expect it looks much better on the X360 though, at least comparing to my computer) but good nonetheless.
It's really cool to call up Brown (the black guy with the M249 machine gun) and see him just going crazy with his weapon, especially when he shoots past or on the leaves on a tree and you can see how they move while the bullets zip right through, looks very cool.

Now over to the major grip I have on the game so far... yes, the artificial intelligence.
Seriously, this is the kind of AI we had 5 years ago, isn't this the next generation gaming? Then why the hell are you still needed to ****ing baby-sit your team mates through a street or two?
Like, for an example, I give an order to a team mate to stand behind a wall because of hostiles that’s incoming. Well, what he does is to not just ignore my order, but also run past the wall and stand IN FRONT of it instead of BEHIND. This happens occasionally, often even more than that.
Raven Shield even had better AI for Christ sake, and they at least followed your order instead of behaving like an overgrown baby.

It’s not just the AI that’s a problem for me though, also the fact that it runs pretty crappy. I got a Pentium 4 3,4 GHz, 1024 DDR-RAM and a Geforce 6800 256MB and running at medium to low at 1280x1024. In games like GRAW you need to be able to really aim carefully, and it’s not that easy when the framerate occasionally drops to 10.
I've got a P4 3.4GHz, X800XT, and 2GB RAM
Played at 1024x768 with almost everyhting at high except textures and AA and the framerate was really smooth. Dunno the FPS, but it was easily 40-50.

I had a f*cking blast with this game. I tried playing it very tactically at first ann ended up getting killed. Started playing it more like a regular FPS with just having my guys following me and I started kicking ass. It may not be the original GR, but it's fun as hell. You can easily play more like GR though and set up tactics, which can be extraordinarily useful, especially against an emplaced machine gun. Anyway, don't expect a perfect copy of GR, but if you're willing to have a bit more of an action feel to the game then you;ll definitely enjoy it.

Oh, and the sound.... HOLY F*CK! The weapons sound f*cking mean, especially the .50 Barrett sniper rifle. I cringed when I heard it the first time. And everything sounds very realistic. My X-Fi card is really coming in handy now.
Reaktor4 said:
i have an axp 3200+, 512mb ram and 9800xt and it runs smoothly @ 1024 and highest ingame settings (16xaf, high effects etc) apart from occassional short freezes..
really? :(
My setup isnt a million miles from yours and I struggled on all low - whiskey tango foxtrot :(
Why the massive performance difference?
Icarusintel said:
I've got a P4 3.4GHz, X800XT, and 2GB RAM
Played at 1024x768 with almost everyhting at high except textures and AA and the framerate was really smooth. Dunno the FPS, but it was easily 40-50.

I had a f*cking blast with this game. I tried playing it very tactically at first ann ended up getting killed. Started playing it more like a regular FPS with just having my guys following me and I started kicking ass. It may not be the original GR, but it's fun as hell. You can easily play more like GR though and set up tactics, which can be extraordinarily useful, especially against an emplaced machine gun. Anyway, don't expect a perfect copy of GR, but if you're willing to have a bit more of an action feel to the game then you;ll definitely enjoy it.

Oh, and the sound.... HOLY F*CK! The weapons sound f*cking mean, especially the .50 Barrett sniper rifle. I cringed when I heard it the first time. And everything sounds very realistic. My X-Fi card is really coming in handy now.

I loved the weapons and the squad characters, great graphics and sound. But the environment and the enemies were like one generation behind if you compare to the GR squad. The sounds are great, but the weapon sounds feel kind of weak, i'd love to have some more power in the sounds.

Great game, but difficult!
john3571000 said:
really? :(
My setup isnt a million miles from yours and I struggled on all low - whiskey tango foxtrot :(
Why the massive performance difference?
your graphics card maybe? is your 9700 a 128mb graphics card? maybe reaktor has a 256mb?
There is nothing better than doing the "back slide" (sprint + crouch) while shooting. Close combat just got a whole lot more interesting.
DLing at 700k/s, should have it in 10 mins or so :)

Hope it doesn't let me down
tripleplay369 said:
There is nothing better than doing the "back slide" (sprint + crouch) while shooting. Close combat just got a whole lot more interesting.
true, i wish i knew how to do the dive though, since i've mastered the slide now

i love how dirt gets kicked up onto the screen when you do it
The little PhysX demo thing is fun, but I've never hit a box in mid-air :sleep:
athlon XP 2600, gig of ram, 128mb 9800pro, ran pretty well on all settings high, except for resolution at 800x600, trilinear filtering.

The game is just too slow paced, I found it pretty boring. :|
torso boy said:
athlon XP 2600, gig of ram, 128mb 9800pro, ran pretty well on all settings high, except for resolution at 800x600, trilinear filtering.

The game is just too slow paced, I found it pretty boring. :|
Obviously you weren;t playing it like a straight-up FPS then :sniper:
just hop on IRC and get the full game. its pretty good, the ai isnt great. different from the 360 version though.
bizzy420 said:
just hop on IRC and get the full game. its pretty good, the ai isnt great. different from the 360 version though.
well damn, that was fast... the game just started shipping the other day
F********CK. Got to first in line, clicked to download, and got an error. Repeatedly. Now I need to go through the whole process again >_<

First I've heard/cared about this game. 20 mins to go.