Greatest Simpson Moment

In the episode where all the kids are trapped in the school during a snow strorm, willie gets angry at principal skinner. He then says:

"Thats the last time you'll slap your willie around!"

the worst simpsons, that ended me whatching it, was whn homer kissed a gay man, i stopped right there
love the line where marge picks up the phone, and its mr burns. homer has been ditching his work again.

marge: 'homey that was mr burns. he says if you dont come in today then dont bother coming in on monday'.

homer: 'wohoo!!! 3 day weekend!!!'
Gajdycz said:
the worst simpsons, that ended me whatching it, was whn homer kissed a gay man, i stopped right there

Oh jesus don't tell me you stopped watching a cartoon because you're a homophobe?
When Homer was on a diet in an episode in the second season.
Also funny was the drinking bird moment "YES, YES, YES, YES" :D
Two of the strangest/funniest moments on the Simpsons:

Homer: Well, here we are at the Brad Goodman lecture.
Lisa: We know, Dad.
Homer: I just thought I'd remind everybody. After all, we did agree to
attend this self-help seminar.
Bart: What an odd thing to say...

I don't know why I laughed so hard at that one...

Marge: Why don't we do something to take our minds off the storm?
[looks through a box]
Oooh, a Rubik's Cube! Let's all work it together.
Lisa: Okay, start with diagonal colors.
[Marge turns the cube]
Homer: Use your main finger on the yellow side and your other finger on
the orange side and turn it.
Marge: My main finger?
[the family begins to start all talking at the same time]
Bart: [simultaneously] Orange to orange!...
Lisa: [simultaneously] Now you have to turn it back, Mom...
Homer: [simultaneously] You gotta start backwards!
Bart: [simultaneously] Mom, Mom!
Lisa: [simultaneously] No, not so fast! No, ignore the red!
Bart: [simultaneously] No, no, no!
Homer: [simultaneously] Alternate corners!
Marge: One at a time!
Bart: Spin the middle side topwise. Topwise!
Marge: Now I remember why I put this down here in the first place!

The way everyone shuts up and Bart takes control of the situation, telling Marge to spin the "middle side topwise"... priceless.
Pureball said:
marge: 'homey that was mr burns. he says if you dont come in today then dont bother coming in on monday'.

homer: 'wohoo!!! 3 day weekend!!!'

burnzie said:
Homer: There's your giraffe, little girl.
Ralph Wiggum: I'm a boy.
Homer: That's the spirit. Never give up.

Haha, these two made me laugh soo much.
Murray_H said:
Oh jesus don't tell me you stopped watching a cartoon because you're a homophobe?

I'd guess its probably to do with 'The Simpsons' being about a dysfunctional family having 'wacky adventures' these days, rather than its original (and better) premise of the 'Average American' being shitted upon every way he turns.

The Simpsons stopped being funny about the time it stopped being controversial.
Homer: "No TV and no beer make Homer something something..."
Marge: "'Go Crazy'?"
Homer: "DON'T MIND IF I DO!" [Does so]
Another good is the X-files episode.

Scully: "This is a lie-detocer. It detects if you lie. Do yoo understand?"
Homer: "Yes"

The mashine explodes.

Abe: I'm a stonecutter
Homer: What?
Abe: Ehh?
Homer: How?
Abe: Ehh?
Bart: Your a member of the stonecutters Grandpa
Abe: Yes sure. (Opens wallet full of business and calling cards) Lets see...I'm an Elk, a Mason, a Communist, I'm a member of the Gay and Lesbian alliance for some reason...Ahh here it is, the STONECUTTERS
Homer: This is it, they have to let me in if my fathers a member...I'll take this communism one too (Snatches card of Abe)!!
(Homer sobs in bed remembering an old memory)
Marge: Kids can be so cruel
Bart: (Passing bedroom) We can, thanks mum!!
Lisa: Ohh, cut it out Bart!!
Bart: Hehehee
bart is taking some saftey-quiz-thing in a cabin using a talking smokey the bear statue

smokey: only WHO can pervent forest fires?
bart presses "you"
smokey: you pressed you referring to me, the correct answer is "you"

i laughed so hard
The episode when the Simpsons go to Brazil to find the missing orphan:

Orphan [talking on the video]: The money you have sent got me a pair of dancing shoes, which will last for a thousand sambas. [dances] Bam, bambambam, bambambam... [stops dancing] We also got a door for our orphanage, so now the monkeys cannot bite me. Oh no, here they come! [runs in the orphanage and shuts the door, monkeys scratching it all over] I am like sugar to them!

And on the airplane, when Bart finishes listening to the Spanish tapes.

Bart: Ahh, all done. Now I know all of the Spanish language.
Lisa: Bart, in Brazil they speak Portuguese.
Bart: Ay caramba! Mio noques qui spiero!
Homer: Boy, I want you to forget every word of that language.
Marge: But Homer, that could come in really useful --
Homer: I said forget it!
Bart: [pulls down the phone from the ceiling and hits himself in the head with it] All gone.

Then again, my "moments" so far have a tendency to go completely unnoticed. Oh well.

[edit] Just remembered a great one. The ep where the police are trying to figure out who murdered Burns, and Moe is on the lie detector.

Eddie: Okay, chief, he checks out.
Moe: Good, can I get out of this thing? I've got a hot date tonight.
Okay, a regular date.
Okay, dinner for two.
Dinner for one.
Fine, I'm going home to watch TV.
Watch porn.
All right! I'm going to ogle the models in the Victoria's Secret catalogue!
..... Sears Catalog.
Now can you take me off this machine? I don't deserve this!
Homer: Right, everybody into the pool
Armish Farmer: Ahh, its a fine barn, but its no pool, English (Smiles)
Homer: D'oh!
el Chi said:
"Why are you talking like that?"
"MmmmI had a ssstrooooooooooke"

He's one of the best characters ever.

:D You think so to.
Homer: Right, everybody into the pool
Armish Farmer: Ahh, its a fine barn, but its no pool, English (Smiles)
Homer: D'oh!

Get it right :p
Scratch that, some of the simpsons episodes I have are .ogg and some have multi-track audios, and I don't know how to work that rip it out and such.

Oh well, it was a dream.
Would be more interesting to see how you would circumvent the copyright laws...
the one where lisa and nelson are running for school president

Lisa justs finishes singing a song for the speech thing and the crowd's carrying her away

Nelson: Hey! I got a song too! I am ironma... Ah screw it. :LOL:
Okay this one is the absolute best Simpson's moment ever.

[Homer is getting shipped off to some tropical island to be a preacher, and just finds out]

I'm going to preach? But I don't know anything about Jebus!

[As the plane flies away]

Save me Jebus!!
Parrot of doom said:
Would be more interesting to see how you would circumvent the copyright laws...

Hey, Season 5-15 are fair game..they haven't been released on DVD yet.
LittleB said:
[Homer is getting shipped off to some tropical island to be a preacher, and just finds out]

I'm going to preach? But I don't even believe in Jebus!

[As the plane flies away]

Save me Jebus!!

Corrected to make the funny part funny. :)

I think my favorite was with Bart and the megaphones, where he lines them all up and says "testing" blowing out all the glass in springfield, sending all the parrots crazy. I cracked up laughing when I first saw that bit.
Prolly from one of the Holloween episodes where Homer was dressed up like a hobo and started singing about Marge taking the batteries out of the remote.
hahahahaha that part was hilarious!!

"Momma took those batterrrieeeeesssss!!"

*doooo doooo dooo* (harmonica sounds)
Disco Stu!!!!!

Table five, table five, oh, oh, oh, oh table fiiiiiiiivveee
Dalamari said:
Prolly from one of the Holloween episodes where Homer was dressed up like a hobo and started singing about Marge taking the batteries out of the remote.
Can't say I remember that one.. I think a few of those specials I've missed.

I liked the homer3 story though, that was fun spotting where they got each bit from. Music was suitably creepy too.
DreamThrall said:
Disco Stu!!!!!

Table five, table five, oh, oh, oh, oh table fiiiiiiiivveee

At the garage sale, Homer has a "Disco Stu" jacket

Random: Hey Stu, you should get that jacket!

Disco Stu: Disco Stu doesn't advertise.


Disco Stu: Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continue... EEAAY!! Puts his feet up on the table showing dead fish in his platform shoes

Homer: Um, your fish are dead.

Disco Stu: Yeah, I know, I...can't get them out of there.
Brian Damage said:
Lisa: "Here, bunny, bunny, bunny..."
Wiggum: "Here Esquilax."

Had forgotton about that one haha

Ooh the episode where Homer goes to work for that mad genius, Scorpio i think he was called. That was a funny episode.
The Dark Elf said:

Had forgotton about that one haha

Ooh the episode where Homer goes to work for that mad genius, Scorpio i think he was called. That was a funny episode.

The whole bit when he introduces himself is hilarious. He just talked so quickly and spontaneously. :D

Scorpio: Hey! Look at my feet!
Homer: OK
Scorpio: You like those moccasins? Look in your closet, there's a pair for you. Don't like 'em? Then neither do I! [Throws moccasins out door] Get the hell out of here! Ever see a guy say goodbye to a shoe?
Homer: [Chuckles] Yes, once.

"On your way out, if you want to kill somebody, it would help me a lot" -Scorpio
The Dark Elf said:
Ooh the episode where Homer goes to work for that mad genius, Scorpio i think he was called. That was a funny episode.
Yes, that's my favorite episode.

Homer: Hey, Hank. Any suger around here?
Scorpio: Yeah sure. Reaches into pockets and hands Homer some sugar. Sorry it's not in packages. Want any cream?
Homer: Err..... no....

Scorpio: Hey Homer, what's you least favorite country; Italy or France?
Homer: France.
Scorpio: Heh, no-one ever says Italy. Presses some buttons on a console, a rocket in the background changes position.

Homer tackels Mr Bont to the ground
Scorpio: Boy, Homer! Am i proud of you, when you go home tonight there'll be another story on your house.
That episode rules.

UN guy one: My God, the Fourth street bridge!
UN guy two: Maybe it just colapsed on its own...
UN guy one: We can't take that chance!
UN guy two: You always say that! I want to take a chance!
My faveorite momnet has to be the one where homer wakes up to to the house being on fire, sings his song and passes out. Flanders rushes in and gets forced upstairs with him, chucks a mattress out, and throws homer after it. The way homer goes mmmmmMMMMMMmmmmm as he bouces on it and straight back into the front room had me in hysterics. I actually had to wait untill it was aired again to find out what happened after that as I was laughing so hard I missed the rest. :D
Homer, in a gas-powered ski shack: "Oh Lord, please bless this Rocket House and all who dwell within the Rocket House!"