Guild Wars 2

What about the Necromancer though? Plus the one to be revealed, might even be a Mesmer.
Necromancer is the second coolest they have listed, but the rest is full of relatively typical classes that are okay, those of which you have likely played a million times in other games. Then all of the sudden you have this super awesome steam punk demolitions guy who apparently has a number of special weapons and abilities at his disposal. Maybe it's just me, but it makes all the other classes look boring as hell.
I definitely agree with you, but I have been waiting for them to reveal a class just like the Engineer. I plan on playing an Asura.
God, this looks fun. I hadn't even thought about "picking" a class since, as a rule, I don't get excited about MMOs any more, but engineer looks swank as heck.
I'm still liking the Guardian so far, but if the last is something like the Mesmer, I may have a hard choice ahead of me. :P
I'll have multiple characters to start out with to see what each profession is like. Probably will have at least the following: Human Elementalist, Norn or Sylvari Ranger, and Charr Engineer. My main character will probably be the Human Elementalist because it's what I've been playing on and off all these years in Guild Wars.
Yeah I'll have multiple characters to start with too. Just to try out the different character creations, reserve some names and check out the starting areas and most of all see which class I may enjoy the most!

My main will probably be the Warrior.

I know I said I didn't think I liked the Engineer in my last post... But it's kinda grew on me overnight as I've thought about it. One think I don't like is the "beeping" and red lights on the mines. Needs more steam punk!
If you can make the Asura race look old and ugly in the character creator, I will definitely use an Asura for my Engineer build.

Like an Ugnaught from Cloud City or some ugly puppet from the Labyrinth. Helll yeah.
Not sure if anyone is going to the Eurogamer Expo this year but there has just been a surprise announcement that Guild Wars 2 will be shown there!

I did not expect this at all since ArenaNet have already announced their schedule for the trade shows and such and Eurogamer was nowhere to be seen.

I cannot wait to give this game a try this September :D
Anyone interested in organizing some co-op for Guild Wars 1?
Kristen Perry reveals the redesign of the Sylvari race:

I wasn't sure how well the redesign would work out but this is absolutely perfect. I love it and the feel to it is awesome!
Stay tuned for more Sylvari info this week!
Guild Wars 2 doesn't have top priority anymore as I've found out that the game is still instanced like the first (which I feel is it's biggest problem)
You are right and wrong. Guild Wars 2 will still have instances but they will be few and far between.

The world is dynamic and persistent and so most content will be open just like in other mmo's.
The instanced areas are limited to small parts of the home towns, (1/6th of the main human city is an instance) dungeons, and parts of the storyline. Everything in the open world is persistent.
Quixoticism is right.

The locations are split into zones, so there are loading screens, but all those zones are fully persistent.
Are you sure? I did not read that. As long as it isn't set up like Guild Wars 1.

Honestly, I don't know how anyone loves these games without having at least 3 friends to grind with each time you play. Playing solo in GW is one of the most watered down RPG/MMO experiences ever. The game seems impossible to enjoy without real life friends tagging along. I have no idea how some of my friends (and people on this forum) have dumped a bazillion hours into the game and it's expansions.
Yeah, I'm sure. The zones are the same as in GW1 (split by portals) but if you see someone enter a zone through a portal, and you follow them through the portal, you will see them on the other side, along with anyone else in that zone.
New trailer

Some new information that has come out recently (Some of it is copied from Guild Wars 2 Guru)


• Skills no longer cost energy.
• Energy potions have gone away.
• The old energy potion button has been replaced with a Dodging button.
• Dodging still requires energy, but that energy regenerates over time.
• You can now bind Dodge to a single keystroke. (You are still free to use the old double-tap system, as well.)
• You dodge in whichever direction you are moving. If you’re not moving, you automatically dodge backwards.


• Weapon skills are now learned by fighting with a weapon.
• You will no longer have to visit a skill trainer to learn weapon skills.
• The rest of your bar will be unlocked by a collection mechanic similar to what is used in Guild Wars.
• Trait acquisition, attribute spending and skill tiers have also changed, but those changes are not yet public.


• Giant bosses have been improved through better camera angles and new things they can do with their skills.
• Defeating a boss feels more epic.
• New surprise giant events in the higher level areas of the demo.

First PvP map revealed:

Capture points
Both teams will fight to control the 3 capture points:
The Windmill in the north
The Clocktower in the middle
The Mansion in the south
Every two seconds, each team will be awarded one point for every capture point under their control. By keeping control of these areas—and preventing your opponents from taking them—you will increase your score while denying the other team points. The game will end when a team reaches 500 points.

Now there are some pretty big changes to the game there. Namely skills no longer require energy to use. At first I was like "wtf", but after some thought they've just made it so you don't have to wait around after every fight or whatever for your energy to recharge. Sure it might take away some of the skill from the game (E.g. those who had good energy management would beat someone who didn't). but it'll mean you can just play to have fun and not have to wait around after every fight. It's not like people wait around once they've killed someone in BF BC2. We'll see how it turns out though.

Also the skill acquisitions should mean players learn how to use their weapons rather than just go to the skill dealer and just click buy on everything. I prefer it that way I think.

What are your thoughts on all of this?
I really like the change to the skills. Before hand people who played were saying that the skills didn't use enough energy to require management anyways so I think this was a natural outcome. I also like learning the main skills through play. It sounds like it would be something akin to Morrowind where you just get better by doing that thing.
PvP will probably be lots of fun. Right now I'm still most excited for the PvE and all the crazy awesome dynamic events that are going to happen. That flesh reaver in the trailer looks frighteningly cool.
I just want to stalk you with my Sylvari ranger in The Mists.

Also, I'd be up for all of us getting together in Guild Wars to farm titles or whatever for the Hall of Monuments. I suppose I shouldn't have deleted a few of you when I cleaned up my Steam friends list yesterday. Oh well. [Re]add me again and we shall play!
Added, but I don't play too much GW anymore. Mostly do Jade Quarry, farming for the Zhaishen title (3 points)
Wish there was a release date already :(

Anyways, I shall add you Atomic.
Kristen Perry reveals the redesign of the Sylvari race:

I wasn't sure how well the redesign would work out but this is absolutely perfect. I love it and the feel to it is awesome!
Stay tuned for more Sylvari info this week!

Very cool design choice. Glad they didn't go with the typical Elf role. I was a little worried that everyone would be a Charr because they are the coolest looking (and most people don't want to be the dopey dwarf things) race. Now that they've made the Syl plantlike I think these might balance the race choices.
probably going to start with a Sylvari Ranger myself
That trailer was amazing. Trying really hard not to get pumped as **** for this.
Glad to see you're back in ZT, after you said you weren't getting it since the world wasn't persistent enough :D

Yeah those videos are great. I love love LOVE the Asuran animations! I can't get enough of them. I was really worried that they weren't going to be any good and I didn't like the Asura because of this. But ANet has done a great job with them! I'm really stuck at which race to create first. It was going to be a Human Warrior, but I can't decide now! >_<

The environments are so beautiful too.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate the Asura, I seem to have an intense hatred of all asura/gnome type races in MMOs, yet most MMOs seem to have at least one of them.

To be honest I kind of preferred the GW1 art style a bit more. I hope there more variety in armor/gear though. We'll see, its still a buy for me, but I'm unsure of their direction since I haven't been following along very closely.

2 parts, great quality, worth watching
I just hope this doesn't come out around the same time as D3 :/
If you guys are going to get together for some GW1 action you can add me. My main is Gwendolyn Vae. Just message me on steam and we can get something going.

Also, I have been gone most of the weekend but I'm catching up on watching the videos now and I'm very impressed. Guild Wars 2 is my most anticipated release in the foreseeable future.