Guild Wars: Guild Discussion


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I am proud to call myself a member of the Half-Life Republic, this site's Guild Wars guild. It's been fun seeing some of you in game, and getting help with the occasional quest.

However, what our guild lacks is a little organization. Despite our above average number of members, I often find myself the only one online at my admittedly eccentric play hours (usually around midnight, US central time), and when I do see one of you, one of us is normally busy killing things in the instanced zones.

To (at least attempt to) remedy this problem, I thought it would be a good idea to create this thread in which we can organize ourselves. It could serve the following purposes:

1.) We could discuss where we are in the game, and what quests we need help with. This would then allow us to set up a time to all come online and form a group to help each other out.

2.) We could recruit more Guild Wars members from the site to join us. The original Guild Wars thread is cluttered and long gone by now, so some people here might not even know of the existence of our Guild. More members means more people online, and hopefully more of a feeling of community.

3.) We could link our names on this site to our ingame names. I still don't know who most of you are ingame even if I have talked to you ingame.

4.) I don't know about you, but I am soon approaching level 20 and when that time comes, I'll be looking towards a more serious PvP experience, namely Guild vs. Guild battles. As we all progress further in the game, we'll definitely need to coordinate here on the PvP game.

5.) I have an obsessive-compulsive photographer streak in me - thus, I'm obsessed with taking screenshots. It would be cool to post some of the interesting locales you have been to (using ctrl-shift-h to remove the interface and print screen to save the shot).

With said, let the discussion commence! If you're member of the Half-Life Republic, weigh in here with your ingame name and how far you've made it in the game.

I play as Logonitur Karn (and only him, for my alternate names are not really me, but someone... else). I'm a level 17 Elementalist/Necromancer who has made it to Druid's Overlook.
The only problem with arranging meeting times for me is that I'm in the UK, and I think most of you guys are in the US, so it might be hard. I've seen you online a few times though.

Ingame name: Stardog Championn
Level: 16
Class: E/Me
Where: I think I've just finished the mission that includes killing all these undead from a farm. I'm not sure I finished it though.

Speaking of screens, you reminded me of one that I took yesterday:

^ and my textures are only on medium.
There's two or three guys in the guild who haven't been on in 3 weeks or more. We need to set a limit on how long you can be inactive. In my mind, if your gone for a month, you need to be cut loose.

I play as Nul Chaos, level 14 Warrior/Monk, currently at Gates of Kryta, but trying to get bonus at Frost Gate.
Lethal8472 said:
There's two or three guys in the guild who haven't been on in 3 weeks or more. We need to set a limit on how long you can be inactive. In my mind, if your gone for a month, you need to be cut loose.
Why whatever are you talking about? I certainly wouldn't be the person to do something like that. :angel:
StardogChampion said:
The only problem with arranging meeting times for me is that I'm in the UK, and I think most of you guys are in the US, so it might be hard. I've seen you online a few times though.

Ingame name: Stardog Championn
Level: 16
Class: E/Me
Where: I think I've just finished the mission that includes killing all these undead from a farm. I'm not sure I finished it though.

Speaking of screens, you reminded me of one that I took yesterday:

^ and my textures are only on medium.

That looks really good, can you tell me a bit of what this games about?
Datrix said:
Why whatever are you talking about? I certainly wouldn't be the person to do something like that. :angel:
Last seen... 14 minutes ago? Hmmmm....
Heh, he hasnt got on for over 3 weeks, he gets on for probably 3 minutes and we try to talk to him with no response, then he gets off. That doesn't count as playing time, boy.
Lethal8472 said:
Heh, he hasnt got on for over 3 weeks, he gets on for probably 3 minutes and we try to talk to him with no response, then he gets off. That doesn't count as playing time, boy.
No, no, I wasn't trying to fool you, I really haven't played at all for the past month. I was just seeing who was still in the Guild. I see our creator has left us. :p

... and you tried talking to me? Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention. :p

Also, I noticed I'm still only level 10... that sucks. I thought I was atleast 13. :(
Im getting Guild Wars tomorrow after my Alevel Physics exam :) cant wait to join you guys
Hey guys! All of my friends have bought Wow but I played the Beta and a little of the full game and I didn't like it much but when I played the Beta of GW I found it great. Obviously I can only invest time in one game so what would you suggest? I guess they won't ask me to go to lan parties with them if I don't buy WoW but anyway... If I don't like it...

Is there some sort of guild I could join? Like you guys could teach me how this game works and all the little tricks.

I've bought this game last saturday and I'm officially hooked! I started out as a ranger/elementalist but now I play as a Necromancer/Warrior, awesome ranged spells/hexes and great melee combat.

I'm still low ranked (7 atm) cause I want to have a bit of skills before I go out of pre-seering Ascalon. great screenshot by the way, I can't wait to get back from work and play again until my head hurts :)

I want to join the guild but as Stardogchampion said, the time zone difference is a problem. I'm from Holland so that shouldn't be a problem with most european countries.
It would really be nice to have more active members in the guild. I've had a lot of fun adventuring with other members when they are online.

Ingame name: Triia Lostwind (Owain Gryffudd alt. is not me)
Level: 18
Class: R/E
Where: Quarrel Falls and Sanctum Cay

I would like to point out that if you are lower level, don't be afraid to message other members and ask for help. I know that I would always be happy to replay a quest or mission to help others move along.

In terms of membership, should we extend an invitation to those who aren't necessarily members of this website? There might be people who just visit the sight and would be interested in our guild.

I'm in the US Eastern time zone (-5 GMT). I'm usually on after 8pm, and sometimes if I'm lucky, I might be on in the early afternoon (1pm+).

Is there some sort of guild I could join? Like you guys could teach me how this game works and all the little tricks.
Well, it is called Guild Wars... ;) You could join our guild, Half Life Republic. Everyone I've met has been very helpful, although most of us can't do much for you in pre-Searing Ascalon.
I'm in a nice guild, and you all may allready do this, but if you don't then it's a nice tip.
See whe are very socialistic, so everytime we get loot ve salvage it and give it to one person who stores, and then when you need it you just ask him and he gives you when you need it for armor or weapon, the system works really well, becasue when you want to buy a new aremor you never have to wait long, and really makes gaming smooth. Anyway just a tip.
-kicks Ritz on her virtural ass- Be our leader again you Everquest n00b! :p
Anyone think we should shift around the leadership of the Guild a bit? "Last seen 3 weeks ago" is a bit shameful for a Guild Leader, don't you think? (No, that doesn't count, Datrix.) One leader must be present in each Guild vs. Guild battle, which could be a problem considering our... shortage of leaders.

I haven't been on the game in a while due to being generally busy and my inability to kick a growing obsession with Jade Empire, but I do have a few screenshots from my travels to share with you all...

In a match in the Competition Arenas, some poor guy decided to stand in the middle of the lava and yell at himself for doing so. Hilarity ensued, captured here in the chat window.

I'm king of the world!
Triumph from Divinity Coast...

The End of the Villany of Galrath
This shot is a souvenir of finally destroying the fearsome Villany of Galrath quest from which many enter, but few return. The shot is certainly more of a reward than the measly 500 xp (which was increased to 4000xp in a patch THE NEXT DAY!)

EDIT: Oh yeah, all of you guys that said you just got the game, post your in-game names so we can invite you.
My in game name is Raywen sky , don't bother to call me for the guild, but if you need tips or help on a mission you can always try to whisper me, and if I'm free I'll help
I might not been online for a week or longer... GTA: San Andreas just came out and all. :)
Can you lot invite me plz, im 'The Kez', only lvl 9 at the mo since ive only been in the run down city for like 2 days. Erm, you know, where you do that thing where you can't turn back. LOL thanks anyhow :)
Me too! Invite me aswell ;) i've only started like a few hours ago but my name is "Teh Airy Fairy"
`unreal said:
Can you lot invite me plz, im 'The Kez', only lvl 9 at the mo since ive only been in the run down city for like 2 days. Erm, you know, where you do that thing where you can't turn back. LOL thanks anyhow :)

I just sent you an invitation.

B-MAn said:
Me too! Invite me aswell ;) i've only started like a few hours ago but my name is "Teh Airy Fairy"

You to. Welcome to the guild guys! :thumbs:
Thanks alot man :) I have still got SO much more to do on this game
Just remember a few things, don't buy all skills, if you think you won't need one, don't buy it, cause later in the game you are going to have a hard time earning skillpoints, to buy or capture skills. And spend your attribute points always, casye every 250 xp you earn an attribute refund, so you can mess around a lot, cause your refund will quickly refill.
For those that know this don't feel insulted, I just see a lot of people on the GW messageboards complaining about this, or asking about this, so I though I should just give that piece of advice to the new players.
I've never bought a skill, i've earned all of mine in quests. I went to a skill merchant just to see what he had, and I had already earned all the skills he was selling.
you can't earn all skills, as far as I know, some of them you have to buy and some of them you will have to capture with a skill signet, you probably aren't that far yet.
Well, I finally decided to curb my Battlefield 2 addiction and log back on to Guild Wars, but I was punished dearly for it. My graphics card decided to go on a wild acid trip, as pretty colors flickered back and forth across the screen. I have never seen such texture corruption and artifacting on my computer, and I'm a little worried that I've done permanent damage to my card.

(Technically, a Radeon 9800 isn't compatible with my Dell Dimension 8200, but I decided to give it a try. It's worked fine up until now, but...)

So if I disappear from the Guild for awhile, just take solace in knowing that I'm enjoying a nice breakfast fried fresh on my graphics card.

Lethal, could you send an invite Kis Met? Thanks!
Who is this?

Senior Member
See, this is all karma, my graphics card fries right as I reach this pivotal milestone. :bounce:
Narcolepsy said:
Well, I finally decided to curb my Battlefield 2 addiction and log back on to Guild Wars, but I was punished dearly for it. My graphics card decided to go on a wild acid trip, as pretty colors flickered back and forth across the screen. I have never seen such texture corruption and artifacting on my computer, and I'm a little worried that I've done permanent damage to my card.

(Technically, a Radeon 9800 isn't compatible with my Dell Dimension 8200, but I decided to give it a try. It's worked fine up until now, but...)

So if I disappear from the Guild for awhile, just take solace in knowing that I'm enjoying a nice breakfast fried fresh on my graphics card.

Who is this?

Senior Member
See, this is all karma, my graphics card fries right as I reach this pivotal milestone. :bounce:
Happend to me alot in the beta, don't worry about your card it's fine, it's the game, you should put your agp acceleratrion from 8x to 4x, then it won't happen or very scarcly happen.
Hey if anyone wants to play with me I have a lvl 11 W/Mo Howling Monkey. Anyone care to invite me into a guild.
Somefool said:
Hey if anyone wants to play with me I have a lvl 11 W/Mo Howling Monkey. Anyone care to invite me into a guild.

Done. :thumbs:

Note to a certain someone: I seem to be doing a lot of the guild stuff lately....seeing how our LEADER hasn't been on in a week. :hmph:
Lethal8472 said:
Done. :thumbs:

Note to a certain someone: I seem to be doing a lot of the guild stuff lately....seeing how our LEADER hasn't been on in a week. :hmph:
Anyone think that Mr Mesmerer and Phantom Datrix should be demoted, seeing that they don't actually play the game anymore? I know that I would be happy to become one of the leaders, and I think that Triia Lostwind deserves it as well, having sold her soul to Guild Wars and all. :E

I think you were the one, after all, that mentioned the 4 week rule earlier in the thread.
Sorry I haven't been on much lately guys, I've had to take a small break from gaming due to increased efforts on my modding to meet some deadlines. The few hours I have to spare have been taken trying out the new BF2 demo.

How is everyone progressing though? Last time I checked I was the one furthest ahead, that's probably changed already though.

I'll log on quickly and demote/assign new leaders. Actually, would anyone want to take over as leader for me? I'd rather just be a member to tell the truth, maybe an officer if anything. I simply don't have enough time and energy to devote to leading the guild... I'm already leading two mod teams :X
Narcolepsy said:
I think that Triia Lostwind deserves it as well, having sold her soul to Guild Wars and all. :E
Noooo! It's not true I tell you, it's just not true!

*sniffle* There were never even any sacred sandwiches....

/me runs away sobbing
Rico said:
Actually, would anyone want to take over as leader for me? I'd rather just be a member to tell the truth, maybe an officer if anything. I simply don't have enough time and energy to devote to leading the guild... I'm already leading two mod teams :X

Wow, thanks! What position do you want to be in the guild, officer or regular member? Also, ive recently started a new job and school, so I wont be on as much as I have been, but I will definately be on at least once every 2 days or so.
Funny how I'm the only one that didn't completely get consumed by the Puddle of Destiny. Fun night, but got a little crazy near the end(mainly caused by me). Holy crap to those dragons, we need to get a party up there one day and kill them all.
Is that Dragons Gullet? You all must have gotten a lot farther than the party I took did...we got slaughtered by Hydras.