Guild Wars: Guild Discussion

I'm going to play with the Elementalist for a while, just to see what's new. Maybe I'll make a monk as well. What is the best class to run to Drogna's forge? Warrior?

It's Droknar's. And the chances of you ever making it there on your own are extremely slim. But yes warrior, or I've seen plenty of rangers do it as well.
Thanks. And yes, I know it's very hard. Last time the whole party died except a warrior with some sort of special armor, he just didn't die. Then again, he wanted us to pay a fair amount for bringing us there hehe.

Love this game, I'm ready for it's glory all over again :cheers:
Well if you're actually planning on fighting to Droknar's rather than running, then any class will do. A balanced party can do it.

May I recommend bringing someone along who knows the way though. Navigating Dreadnaught's Drift and the Snake Dance in the snow won't be fun. And fighting for no reason other than being lost is not a good idea in the Southern Shiverpeaks.
Droknar's run isn't that bad. I dual run it with a friend of mine and after the first area i could do it alone. The first area right after beacons is a bitch and i just get hexed and froze to hell :p

After that its just sprinting all the way using balanced stance so you dont get knocked over. And yeah, the droks run usually costs people about 2-3K each, so if you can make it, its a good money maker. :)
Droknar's run isn't that bad. I dual run it with a friend of mine and after the first area i could do it alone. The first area right after beacons is a bitch and i just get hexed and froze to hell :p

After that its just sprinting all the way using balanced stance so you dont get knocked over. And yeah, the droks run usually costs people about 2-3K each, so if you can make it, its a good money maker. :)

I love watching noob runners get torn apart by the massive worms outside of Beacon's.. On that first slope.
I love watching noob runners get torn apart by the massive worms outside of Beacon's.. On that first slope.

I'm just guessing the reason I have no idea what you're saying is because it's in factions. Or if it is for people past lvl 14. :(
I'm just guessing the reason I have no idea what you're saying is because it's in factions. Or if it is for people past lvl 14. :(

No it's in Prophecies. Actually incredibly early on in Prophecies. However, you're not far at all. Haha.

I'll show you some time.
Here's a screen of every avatar a Dervish can become.

fighting to droks without droks armour is kinda tricky, and takes a long time...

I henchwayed it.

Took a W/Mo with hard res, IWAY and beat snot out of everything myself after the henchies died after 2 or 3 seconds...
I love watching noob runners get torn apart by the massive worms outside of Beacon's.. On that first slope.

Haha, i remember on my first runs to droks, that happened a lot. Then i stopped trying and actually went and got the skills i needed to run. Now i can get past that part pretty quickly :)
I haven't had much time to play this weekend, and when I have I've been doing PvE stuff unfortunately. I haven't gotten much faction for unlocks for the weekend. Oh well, I guess I'll do the unlocks at the Night Fall release.
you didn't miss much

Dervishes are horribly broken, and if released as is will rapidly overtake most other classes as nooblet fodder. PvP doesn't need it.

Paragon on the other hand look like a solid support class, shame that nobodies playing them cause they're all playing D/Mo...
Last night I started with a new character: Hein Bratwurst, W/Mo. I'm still pre-seering but intend to do as much quests as possible. I love the xunlai storage option, if I reach post-seering Ascalon I can grab all my cool weapons from my N/W 20 character.

My elementalist Yahzera Kalashnikov is doing well, also. Now lvl10 and going for Althea's ashes
Ug I hated that quest, when I last did it everyone quit bar me and a ranger, and we had to tiptoe round clearing a path.

Bumping this thread up cause I was wondering if anyone was going to partake in this PvE elite event.

For those who don't know Elite missions are 12 man missions in factions. Usually they're only attendable by access from the controlling clan, but this weekend they're going to be attendable by everyone with double rare drop rate.

The Guild I'm in is a small group of friends, and we'd never get enough players online for a team arena match, let alone a 12 man slog.

So I guess I'm kinda asking if any guilds or groups are planning on hitting out this weekend, if they have any spare slots they're looking to fill.
We (the HLR) are planning on doing a run to Urgoz on Friday, but we're still busy organizing who's going to come and such. I'll let you know if we need you, Raxxman. :thumbs:
Hey I really want to do the Elite missions, if you have need for a mesmer I'll fill that spot. I can deny, drain, hex and enchantment removal, or spiteful spirit.
Laena Malady is her name.
You know, I'd consider buying this game if it meant playing with some of you fine chaps.
Me (Tank) and my friend (Echo Nuker) wanna do some elite missions, could do with some help or we'd join your party. Let me know IGN: Beck D Shaw or xfire me :)

EDIT: Oh and we're on the european servers. Could meet up in international servers if some of you americans wanna help :)
I could help in an hour and a half, depends if you're still on at that time ;)
Is there still an HL2 Guild? If so, can I join?

Here's what I have right now:
Linnell Flansak: Level 13 Assassin/Mesmer
Daria Verr: Level 12 Ranger/Mesmer
Blood Myers: Level 8(I think; just forgot) Necromancer/Elementalist